Python for Network Engineers free course starts Nov 6 Networking |
- Python for Network Engineers free course starts Nov 6
- Ever wanted to run Linux/python/perl apps on network switches? You can do it on Cisco 3Ks and 9Ks already
- IBM to buy Red Hat for $34B!
- Medium size network
- Unimus vs Solarwinds NCM for cofinguration management
- 3-pair Ethernet
- Netmiko - handle different brand
- CUCM 10.5 on ESXi - Migrating off UCS 220?
- New VPN solution
- Interesting issue with Palo Alto firewall and Cisco wireless controller.
- Configuring DSCP on HP Procurve Switch for Cisco IP Phone
- Reputable Low Voltage Vendor in Kona, Hawaii
- 2000 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation Data Set
- Weird etherchannel issue, port members not behaving properly
- VPN authenticating to another network
- Encrypted USB drives for networking devices.
- Networking specific AWS training
- Stuck on Setting up SSL VPN on Sophos XGS [Advice]
- Network Gear Pricing.... What's really the deal.
- GPON ISP for an Apartment Building
- Looking for suggestions on good but affordable voice gateways.
- Do I Really Need HA Firepower Management Centers (FMC4500s)?
- Blackhole traffic on Palo Alto
Python for Network Engineers free course starts Nov 6 Posted: 29 Oct 2018 11:46 AM PDT I run a free course on Python for Network Engineers about once a quarter. This course is aimed at Network Engineers that want to learn Python. It covers Python fundamentals, but using exercises and examples that are more relevant to network engineers. That being said it is definitely a course oriented towards beginners (from a Python programming perspective). The course consists of eight lessons. The lessons are delivered via email and consist of videos, exercises, and additional content. The course schedule is as follows:
Weeks number 6 and 7 are a bit more about directly applying Python to a couple of common network engineering use cases and less about Python fundamentals. The course is in Python3 (though generally in a manner that is pretty easily compatible with Python2). Sign-up is available here: [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 10:13 AM PDT I had to go through exercise of figuring out how to run Ansible and DHCP on Cisco 9Ks and I figured I'd share my experiences in case somebody else needs to do the same. Quick summary is below and a little more detailed info you can find here: First of all, you want to do most of the work from guestshell - CenOS container that you need to first enable - "guestshell enable" and then connect to it with simply "guestshell". How to run DHCP - great guide here: How to run python/Ansible - pip install whichever package you want. If you don't have internet access from the switch, you can first download packages on the switch with internet access to the folder with " pip download f5-sdk -d packages/ ", copy them over to the switch and then install them from directory with " pip install f5-sdk --no-index --find-links file:packages/ ". Then you can just run your scripts normally, including all your Ansible playbooks. Perl should work in a similar fashion, but unfortunately I don't have any experience with it. It's nothing fancy, certainly not something I am comfortable constantly running in production, but can be useful in a pinch. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2018 05:19 PM PDT |
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 03:54 PM PDT Hi, first am a newbie in networking. I have a responsibility / will to provide a good network to a college I studied. Basically a office network plus a hostel network for students which would translate to 400 lan connection and about the same wireless simultaneously. What hardware set up would be appropriate and budget friendly to handle such load reliably. Bandwidth per customer is not high, 1-5 mbps would be great. Thank you. Any ideas would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Unimus vs Solarwinds NCM for cofinguration management Posted: 29 Oct 2018 11:52 AM PDT The organization I work for is evaluating network configuration management tools with the intent of spending money on one. The contenders have been narrowed down to Unimus and Solarwinds NCM. I have past experience with Solarwinds NCM, so feel like I have a good handle on what to expect from it. Recently, I've also had the opportunity to evaluate Unimus and it seems like a pretty good option. Do any of you out there have real world experience using either in your network that you are willing to share about? What was great? What gotchas did you run in to that maybe were not obvious until you had been using the software for a while? I guess I'm particularly curious about Unimus since I've used Solarwinds NCM in production in the past. For reference, our network has about 1200 nodes (and growing) that we back up, push changes to, etc. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 01:46 PM PDT Information on this seems sketchy all over the internet, but I've got a series of 8 telephone points with 3-pair twisted telephone cable to each. From what I can tell, 100mbps Ethernet via 2-pairs is a viable option (although I may have interference/cross-talk issues). Is this the only option available to me? Any options to use the third pair to somehow get to Gigabit speeds? [link] [comments] |
Netmiko - handle different brand Posted: 29 Oct 2018 12:57 PM PDT Hi, I'm trying to get my way of having Netmiko handeling in a single script multiple network brand ( Cisco / HP / Brocade ) so far I have 3 differents scripts to handle the above, the current script will ssh to the switch and do a show version, based on the result - this will load a specific file, I'd like to keep the same way howerver I cannot get my way out of the issue, while netmiko ssh the switch, if it's not the right model, netmiko will be stuck - any suggestion on how to run it in a singel file? my current working script for IOS for example below: looking forward to read from the community thanks, [link] [comments] |
CUCM 10.5 on ESXi - Migrating off UCS 220? Posted: 29 Oct 2018 03:28 PM PDT I recently inherited a Cisco CUCM system which according to documentation I have is a BE6K. It looks like an ESXi (free) host running on a Cisco UCS 220. There is also (unrelated) at this site a pair of Dell servers running vsphere 6.0. I wanted to migrate the CUCM to these two vSphere Dell hosts since then i'd get a little resiliency and remove the UCS 220 thus reducing physical server count. I was told the CCIE Voice/collab that installed the system said they could not do this because the minimum spec for CUCM 10.5 is for a 2.4GHz processor and these dells are slower than that. Even though they have a higher core count they don't meet the spec and therefore Cisco could blame any issue we have in future on not meeting the spec. Is this reasonable for Cisco or was the CCIE just being cautious in this case? Were they just looking to make more sales by selling the UCS 220? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Oct 2018 08:52 AM PDT I am in the middle of getting some quotes together for a new remote access VPN solution. Who here has dealt with CheckPoint and can speak to their hardware? What are your thoughts on the devices? What issues did you run into if any getting these in your environment? [link] [comments] |
Interesting issue with Palo Alto firewall and Cisco wireless controller. Posted: 29 Oct 2018 02:08 PM PDT All, I know networking advice isn't cheap so I will try to be as succinct as possible. I have a PA-820 with a very simple setup that includes a vlan object and a virtual router with a DHCP server. My LAN is, subnet, gateway In theory my DHCP server is, and when I connect devices, I receive leases as expected from the above IP. However, when I hooked up a Cisco 2504 WLC and configured it, I pointed the gateway to, left the DHCP server to 'undefined' so it acts as a pass-through, but I can't get any Cisco 3802i APs to connect to save my life. I'm not a network engineer by trade, and didn't have a serial port accessory available, but whether I used a DHCP proxy, pass-through, or internal to the WLC, the AP would not connect. My setup is: Fiber -> PA-820 -> Cisco 3850 -> 2504 & 3802. Is this anything to do with my PA firewall blocking the capwap requests? [link] [comments] |
Configuring DSCP on HP Procurve Switch for Cisco IP Phone Posted: 29 Oct 2018 12:25 PM PDT I have been tasked with configuring DSCP on HP Procurve switches for our Cisco IP Phones. Has anyone done this or have any tips or best practice they can advise? Thanks in advance [link] [comments] |
Reputable Low Voltage Vendor in Kona, Hawaii Posted: 29 Oct 2018 11:50 AM PDT I am looking for a reputable low-voltage company in Kona, Hawaii for an estate. Although this is an estate, the equipment and quality of work is of that of an enterprise office. I would compare it more to a hospitality business more than a residential estate. While this project was going on, it was incredibly difficult to find vendors who were did good, reputable work that were local. I am asking here because I am not local to Hawaii, and am used to a completely different mindset/attitude in my vendors than I have seen. I need two drops ran from an IDF, and depending on the work they do, might be booked for future work. Anyone have a recommendation? Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
2000 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation Data Set Posted: 29 Oct 2018 11:16 AM PDT I urgently need this dataset for a college project where I am trying to implement a really old research paper which works fine on this dataset. I am unable to download it from MIT's site because it works for local FTP but I would be really grateful if someone could somehow share it. [link] [comments] |
Weird etherchannel issue, port members not behaving properly Posted: 29 Oct 2018 10:14 AM PDT I've run into a weird etherchannel issue where I'm using a Cisco 3560-12D and a port-channel with 2 10gig members. The first port member shows packets being transmitted and received but the second port member is only receiving packets. The 3560-12D is running Universal IOS version with an ipservices license level. [link] [comments] |
VPN authenticating to another network Posted: 29 Oct 2018 10:07 AM PDT So I have a weird issue I have an internal network at my company, $Bob cannot connect to the VPN. In my troubleshooting, I find I can ping every IP in that address range above from $Bob's end even if he is not connected to the VPN. When he tries to reach my authentication server, it's going to that network and not mine. I thought the class C address range was private and not supposed to be public? Can anyone offer an explanation on what might be going on? We tried calling the ISP and didn't have any luck. I thought, maybe it would be the DNS, but I changed it to Cloudflare and Google and still had the same issue. [link] [comments] |
Encrypted USB drives for networking devices. Posted: 29 Oct 2018 08:39 AM PDT So a common way to get an image on a device is using a USB drive, and of course most encrypted drives like an Iron Key won't work. Has anyone tried the kind of encrypted drives that take a pin right on the drive? Since it's all right on the drive, can you still mount the drive after keying in pin on the drive? [link] [comments] |
Networking specific AWS training Posted: 29 Oct 2018 08:11 AM PDT We are beginning an initiative to move our DR site (or as much as we can) to the "cloud". Work wants me to get as much training as possible no the networking portion of this project (my job is basically only networking). We are planning on deploying Palo Alto VM-series FW's as well. I already get the very basics of AWS networking after free videos and tinkering around with a test VPC and now I want to do a deeper dive. I know Amazon has their certification paths which includes "Advanced Networking". Their in-house training courses conveniently omit training for this specific specialty path. I also should mention that I have no intention of becoming certified - just want to learn as much as possible, hopefully with good real world examples of stuff like VPC peering and using your own firewall and whatnot. So asking for any courses you have taken, free or paid, or any you have seen that look decent. [link] [comments] |
Stuck on Setting up SSL VPN on Sophos XGS [Advice] Posted: 29 Oct 2018 08:07 AM PDT I haven't tried this in Sophos' CLI I was tasked with setting up a VPN connection between our satellite office to our main office. The goal is to create SSL VPN accounts for satellite office users on an as needed basis. Depending on who they are, they get access to different internal servers. Easy, right? However, I seem to be butting heads against Sophos XGS' GUI. I followed this video: I've set up plenty of VPN connections before, but my prior experience with my previous employer is Cisco Meraki. When I set the IPV4 lease range of (for example) -, I get this error message: Here's the LAN DHCP server - Here's my current SSL VPN scope that I want to change to -, but can't - My gut tells me I need to change the end IP on the LAN DHCP server, and give the addresses outside of the DHCP scope to the SSL VPN range, but my boss says I shouldn't have to do that. In Cisco Meraki you could do this, but here I can't. Please let me know if I'm on the right path, or If I'm completely wrong. Tl;dr -- I'm an IT Junior that doesn't want to break his work's network. [link] [comments] |
Network Gear Pricing.... What's really the deal. Posted: 29 Oct 2018 07:09 AM PDT So I've read all kinds of posts and even some older ones on here and something just doesn't add up... I'm looking at needing 4 switches (let's just say Cisco 9300 48port model with Network Advantage)... My work has me get competing quotes for everything so I go to our VARs that we work with and they are telling me that it will be about $10K/switch. I haven't seen the quotes from either of them yet so I'm working with what I've been told. My understanding is also that would include the DNA that is required on the purchase of the new 9000 line switches. Now... I'll just fast forward this about two weeks when it lands on someone's desk for approval and they go out to amazon or google and search the same model number and find the switch for $4,300/switch and do not require DNA being purchased with them either. These are sold as "new" with "clean serial numbers". We have worked in the past with grey market vendors that do their own "refurbing" of switches and honestly we had great success with them, the only issues we have had to date is that PoE on ports being used for IP cameras have gone bad after storms. The cameras themselves don't seem to take a direct hit (we would easily be able to see) but somehow something keeps killing PoE ports. I have also had one switch die on me entirely after a storm so I've had great luck. I have been asked to justify paying double for what appears on the surface as the exact same product. They are aware that we do not get software updates and have no official support from Cisco. For the price they are fine with buying a couple of extras to keep on hand in case something happens that we cannot solve. As far as software is concerned, the thought there is that the software on these out of the box is far newer and more secure than the software in the ones we are replacing (don't ask how old... it's a LONG story). So outside of that what is the justification? Also I just don't get it... if it's REQUIRED to have DNA on a new switch sale then how does anyone on Amazon (and by the way we went directly to the company behind the listing on Amazon and they are selling them this way) or even Newegg sell these switches without DNA, with the Network Advantage license level? Lastly my reference to having read on here about similar topics and the comments always say "a good VAR will beat that pricing you find on Amazon" and how you get all this added stuff... I don't buy that. I can't be the only one out there that reads that and thinks that the ones saying that are buying LOTS of product and that's how you end up getting these prices. Someone buying 4 switches and they are telling me will be $10K/switch... no way they will come close to $5K even on the price. I also saw others saying "have them throw in learning credits too"... the only time I have had anything extra being given to us was when we purchased our HP 3PAR and it just happened to be the end of the quarter, we were also buying a StoreOnce and the HP rep really wanted that sale to hit so we ended up having to push the purchase through faster to get training thrown in for free (I believe they were going to sell us the training for $3K). Someone shoot me the name of a VAR that I can go to that is better/different. [link] [comments] |
GPON ISP for an Apartment Building Posted: 28 Oct 2018 08:45 PM PDT No sure if this is the right sub, I'm looking for some direction. I have an opportunity to become an ISP for a new 100 unit apartment complex and looking for some advice/suggestions. Is GPON the best option for a setup like this? What are your fiber installation costs per apartment in a large US metro area? Do you use any of the rapid fiber installation technology? [link] [comments] |
Looking for suggestions on good but affordable voice gateways. Posted: 28 Oct 2018 04:25 PM PDT I've recently went from a fairly large telco company to a small but fast growing ISP. At the new company we are preparing to launch voice and I'm trying to help select a good voice gateway but one that doesn't break the bank. At the old gig we used Adtran 6355's and occasionally Adtran 908e's. Good devices but a bit pricey. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Do I Really Need HA Firepower Management Centers (FMC4500s)? Posted: 28 Oct 2018 05:30 PM PDT Presently have a pair of FMC4500s in HA configuration running 6.2.2 code. Our SOC team is telling us we need to upgrade to 6.2.3(.6) to address various bug and vulnerability issues. Any time I have ever had to upgrade or fail over these FMCs it has always been a complete and utter s*** show. Either the upgrades do not fully install (requiring a reimage) or there is some SQL database issue (requiring a reimage) or we (somehow) lose the licensing synchronization between the two HA units (requiring us to re-license every sensor back to the acting primary FMC). With all of the hassles we've had with these, I was starting to wonder, why even bother? Why not just have one (crappy but stable-ish) FMC and just make sure that it is backed up regularly and if it tanks, then reimage or RMA it and be back up in less than a day? Hoping for some insight from people who are not associated with my Cisco SE and account team as we have been very unhappy with them lately. Sorry for the rant and thank you all in advance for the advice or comments. edit: grammar [link] [comments] |
Blackhole traffic on Palo Alto Posted: 29 Oct 2018 01:27 AM PDT I have a firewall that has a bunch of static routes with the next hop of things in the 1.1.1.x/24 range (it's a different public IP, but I'm not telling what it is). I need a way to say on the palo alto that if a route does not exist for an IP in that range (e.g then drop the traffic. How do I do this? Essentially I need the equivalent Palo Alto command of the Cisco command below: ip route null0 [link] [comments] |
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