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    Tuesday, October 30, 2018

    Linux Linux Mint 19.1 'Tessa' coming this Christmas

    Linux Linux Mint 19.1 'Tessa' coming this Christmas

    Linux Mint 19.1 'Tessa' coming this Christmas

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 08:20 AM PDT

    How Do I Add a Repo in Debian

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 01:28 PM PDT

    I am trying to add the backports repo in Debian. I have tried following this: https://backports.debian.org/Instructions/, but just get deb command not found. I just need to add this as a huge amount of packages are overwhelmingly and grossly outdated in the Stretch repo, to the point where many don't really work for me at all. This is my first time using Debian, however I have used Mint and know how to add a PPA on that. I am very confused and just want to have up to date software. Please help.

    submitted by /u/FOSSilized_Daemon
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    Looking for alternative of Banshee

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 01:12 PM PDT

    Hi there !

    I use this music player for almost 7 years on linux and I haven't found a more modern / lightweight alternative to handle my music collection.

    I already tried Amarok, Clementine, Audacious and CMUS and was not totally happy with them (poor functionality or interface).

    Do you know some alternative ?

    submitted by /u/blackrosae
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    Just installed Manjaro (MATE), and packages are installing fine EXCEPT from AUR. Anyway to fix this? Thanks for any help.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 01:04 PM PDT

    Problem with _Groff on Fedora

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    Groff doesn't work for me on Fedora, but It works fine on Ubuntu.

    Groff is installed on both distros, but when I compile my .ms document, using "groff -ms file.ms -T pdf > file.pdf" on fedora, I get these errors: "groff: Can't find DESC file" and "Groff fatal error: invalid device pdf".

    submitted by /u/Spiritedsir
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    Difficulty figuring out why this php script will not run in browser as intended

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    I have set up a LAMP server on my ubuntu mate system, and I've been following tutorials to try and play around with php scripts and html on my localhost. In /var/www/html/mySite.com/public_html I have two files, index.php and welcome.php. In index.php, there is a form with a text input for name and a button whose action is welcome.php. welcome.php is simply a php script that $_GETs the "name" variable from the post method on the other page. However, the script does not run and display the name in the browser as intended, after clicking the button. It just opens the script in a text editor. *EDIT: sorry, this is no longer true. i forgot that i solved this problem. the problem now is that $_GET is just outputting blanks as the variables input into the form inputs

    So far, I have tried adding a handler to the .htaccess both where php is located on my system, and also the directory where these files are, on the advice of other forums. I also edited some .conf file to AddType or something i think in the apache2 directory, but i forget what exactly I did. I also have modified the permissions of all relevant files to 777. Nothing seems to be having my intended result. Does anyone know what I might try next to get these pages communicating with one another?

    submitted by /u/_psilocyborg_
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    I just made my first program from source (Debian)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    Wanted to dive deeper into linux, so I've been messing with a minimal net install of Debian for the past few days. It's definitely been a learning experience, I've been using and configuring i3wm (which I'm really enjoying), and after quite a bit of googling, fear, and confusion I've managed to compile my first program from the source!

    Fun times.

    Edit: is compiling the right term? Did I compile or make the program, or is that interchangeable? Either way w00t

    submitted by /u/Conarthebarbarian
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    Playonlinux python error

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 06:48 AM PDT

    Hi there, i have problem with playonlinux . im using parrotsec 4.2.2 when I try to open playonlinux nothing happens and when i run it on the terminal : Please install python before trying to run this program Knowing that i already have Python installed what i can do?

    submitted by /u/WorldChaos2
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    Issues with KVM

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 01:22 PM PDT

    Put Lubuntu on an old Laptop that only got 500MB RAM and a one core Intel Pentium 1.8GHz, did a full disk encryption. It runs pretty bad (especially firefox and system updates). Thoughts? Better not using FDE? Smaller Distro?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 02:25 AM PDT

    maybe the fde was a stupid decision but I would prefer it of course.

    I know 500MB is even for lubuntu most likely not enough RAM... maybe I should go with something even less resource hungry? puppy-linux? knoppix? debian LXDE?

    I hoped to convert this old HP Compaq with WindowsXP to a low-end 'modern' desktop just for email checking and text writing. :D maybe my expectations were set too high for this crappy device..lol

    probably shouldn't run firefox quantum on it but better use lynx/w3m and sylpheed - but thatwould mean no email checking on sites like tutanota or ProtonMail.

    edit: installed qupzilla which is called Falkon browser these days. Definitely less resource Hungry than firefox quantum.

    Also installed mps-youtube (youtube commandline browser) and using it with MPV.even 720p plays okay!

    Damn even teeworlds worked pretty smooth now. :D this laptop doesn't even got a GPU!

    submitted by /u/linux2question
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    Computer keeps freezing with fan on full speed

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 03:51 AM PDT

    This is literally everything I know. I was doing a system upgrade on Manjaro and the computer froze. After reboot it soon froze again. After that, it would freeze during boot. It freezes when I start a live USB with Manjaro KDE and Solus Budgie as well, so I a clueless. Please help.

    submitted by /u/ImANintendoSwitch
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    Manjaro freezes when shutting down

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 07:06 AM PDT

    I installed Manjaro i3 a week or so ago, and everything has been great aside from 2 issues. First, any time I try to shut down my laptop (sudo shutdown) it freezes. Secondly, if my laptop sits idle for 10 minutes or so, the screen becomes really blurry, as if it is trying to go to sleep, but can't be woken up. Has anyone else had these issues before?

    submitted by /u/TheCelloLife
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    Fedora 29 Linux distribution now available for download

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 10:48 AM PDT

    MATE indicator applet not transparent in Arc Theme

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 10:44 AM PDT

    How to keep the laptop screen off while playing a video music?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 10:20 AM PDT

    For audio players, I can use xset dpms force off to turn off the screen while playing the music.

    But while playing a video file, the screen automatically turns on itself after several seconds.

    Is there any way ?

    submitted by /u/trmdi
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    Enterprise migration to Ubuntu. Need advice.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 08:46 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    My firm is currently looking into migrating from Windows 7 to Ubuntu with me leading this transition in the frontlines.

    I have been tasked to find a tool (possibly open source) to selectively allow website access on the nodes, something like, restrict all websites except ones we specify.

    It would be really helpful if this tool could also maintain logs for all internet activity on the Ubuntu machine. (for mis-use prevention)

    I will, by default, disable sudo to all users, disable USB access but I need this last thing sorted out.

    This is a pilot batch and if it proves to be a success, more will follow.

    I am open to suggestions and improvements regarding this. :)

    submitted by /u/shanmukhateja94
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    [GNOME] Brightness change by itself

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 04:49 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I've a bug on Fedora Gnome. When I increase a little the brigthness of my laptop with FN + Brightness UP, it will set itself the brightness to the maximum after some secondes. Same thing: if I decrease the brightness by pressing FN + Brightness DOWN it will set itself the brightness to the minimum after some time.

    I had this problem on the same computer when I was running Ubuntu Gnome. I noticed this problem come some hours of use after the install of the OS. Not immediatly.

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/ATechFan
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    Linux tools to speed up learning

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 02:32 AM PDT

    I am using termius with snippets


    What are the other tools out there ?

    submitted by /u/rifaterdemsahin
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    What distro would u recomend for headless server?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 02:01 AM PDT

    .deb distro for power user?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2018 03:42 PM PDT

    I've been getting more into "expert" distros, ones that are highly functional but also have very up-to-date software and features. Mainly I've tried Fedora and OpenSUSE.

    However, I'm interested in seeing if I can find a good .deb based distro with the following features:
    - apparmor support

    - "expert" partitioner during install (including at least using btrfs root on LVM on encrypted PV)

    - up-to-date software, equivalent to at least Ubuntu (which is downstream from Debian Testing)

    - integrates well with Gnome and/or Cinnamon

    I tried out using Debian Testing yesterday, but found it to be kind of a confusing mess honestly, not really something I'd like to run day-to-day.

    Ubuntu is of course an option, though I'd be stuck either doing their "vanilla" crypto-lvm install and then messing around with everything by hand, or installing w/ Ubuntu Server and then installing Gnome (which I haven't had the best luck with tbh)

    Am I being dumb here? Are all "power user" distros based on either RPM or Pacman or am I just missing something?


    submitted by /u/MuricanWaffle
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    Algorithm for learning linux?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2018 12:51 AM PDT

    I feel like I'm not learning linux like I should be. A recent example was installing vte-ng so I could use termite, and I had no bloody clue how to install it on debian--in fact, I didn't even have to install it, I had to "build" it first, but I needed a load of dependencies that I had no inkling of. If it weren't for this post, I probably would've stuck with xterm. What's your order of operations for figuring this sort of stuff out?

    submitted by /u/NaturalTeacher3
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    I need help! Manjaro doesn't want to install over fedora and i have 0 idea about creating partitions

    Posted: 29 Oct 2018 06:10 PM PDT

    Ubuntu 18.10 - Rebind key at a deeper level

    Posted: 29 Oct 2018 07:19 PM PDT

    So, I want to remap ctrl to caps lock. Doing it through setxkbmap or through Gnome Tweak Tool works fine for 99% of applications, except for game streaming. I'm imagining this is because while game streaming, it still sends the caps lock input to my desktop, which doesn't have any rebinding going on.

    Is there any way to rebind the keys such that caps lock actually sends the ctrl keybind, rather than the DM just grabbing the caps lock input and converting ti to ctrl?

    submitted by /u/Nestramutat-
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