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    Sunday, September 2, 2018

    PC Bluescreens when left on idle and when updating certain games. Tech Support

    PC Bluescreens when left on idle and when updating certain games. Tech Support

    PC Bluescreens when left on idle and when updating certain games.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:02 PM PDT

    This issue started about 2 months ago when my PC started blue screening for the first time. Since then it blue screens almost daily and sometimes multiple times a day and after it blue screens it says there is no boot device installed instead of booting back up.

    For whatever reason my PC also seems to blue screen when im updating Fortnite. It usually takes about 2-4 blue screens before my PC lasts long enough to download and install everything. There are times aswell where I leave to go downstairs and come back 10-15 minutes later to see the same BIOS error message that there is no boot drive when i hadn't done anything.

    I tried running /sfc scannow and that fixed some of the random crashes and made me think i had isolated the problem to only Epic Games Launcher but recently the random BSOD's have returned.

    In the event viewer all crashes show as Event ID 41 (System-Power) even though they aren't power issues at all, some of the blue screen error messages that come with them are:





    - 0x1A MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (This happened only once and after that i did the windows memory diagnostic and it didn't show anything wrong.)

    submitted by /u/PoisoNtbh
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    Windows 10 not allowing installation of software on 1TB HDD because SSD doesn't have enough space.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:42 PM PDT

    So I am trying to install a bit of software (Hitfilm 4) onto my pc, but whenever I try to install it on my HDD it claims I don't have enough space on my SSD. This also isn't the only program to do this also, with others installed via their own launchers having this same issue.

    I have already tried clearing the appdata and registry of anything left behind by previous installations, but still having the issue.

    submitted by /u/Nestromo
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    USB ports all died except for 1 on motherboard

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:37 AM PDT

    Hey guys, this is for a computer I built with an Asus ROG strix z370-E. (I can provide more details as asked) A few days ago upon restarting my desktop, all the USB port except for the one right below the wifi part all stopped being able to transfer data. I can plug in anything in for power such as a light or my keyboard's lighting cable, but none of them actually have any power to actually work. I've tried a lot of the basic things already like Device Manager uninstall and restart, attempting to update drivers through Device Manager. I also ran that long long test that I forgot the name of. I opened it up and checked all cable connections to the motherboard and they seem to be good. Any further investigation tips? This desktop is only 2 months old :(
    Edit: Under Device Manager USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller does have a yellow warning next to I'm not sure how to get rid of it. I'm hoping it's something fixable in software but it may be a hardware issue?

    submitted by /u/PirateIsh
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    My Apple TV will constantly pause the content I'm streaming locally from my router-attached hard drive... Occurs on ethernet, across multiple apps

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:01 AM PDT

    I'm completely out of ideas for what could be causing this.

    I've tried resetting the Apple TV, unplugging the portable hard drive, resetting the router...

    It seems to just randomly to become unable to play certain files. Last night watching silicon valley in Infuse it paused about 22 minutes in with the loading icon. I waited five minutes and nothing happened. If I go back and then open the file again from the same point, it takes a while to load but eventually plays for about 5-30 seconds before pausing again. Closing the Infuse app doesn't change anything, and using VLC instead has the same issues.

    Tried watching Westworld tonight, had issues from the start. It paused 2 minutes in, and did what SV did last night. Strangely, that episode of SV I gave up on last night now works fine.

    What could possibly be causing this? It may be worth noting I also have issues with my internet at the moment too, though they are caused by my ISP (or at least some part of it definitely is and should be resolved soon)

    submitted by /u/noodlesfordaddy
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    I uninstalled an antivirus but it still left some files in the manifests folder. Will it interfere with anything?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:33 PM PDT

    So I've recently uninstalled my current antivirus (avast) and switched to windows defender. The thing is, windows defender shuts itself off when it detects another antivirus. But I have now noticed that there are still some files of avast left in WinSxs in the manifests folder. Will these files interfere with WD or will they do nothing and I shouldn't worry?

    submitted by /u/Azizinator22
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    I searched it up alot, but I couldn't get it working. how do I get my laptop's Bluetooth working?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:05 AM PDT

    There's nothing that says Bluetooth in Device Manager, these are the only options in that menu in the pic, this shows up on the Bluetooth settings, and what really confused me was that it said I don't have Bluetooth, despite the fact that I was using it a few months ago(maybe last year? i don't remember. but it was the same PC, i'm sure). Was there a Windows 10 Update or something that removed Bluetooth from my PC for some reason?

    Also, I'm pretty sure those aren't the only things I tried but they're the only ones I remember right now.

    Sorry for the probably frequently asked question, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere else

    EDIT: don't have model number

    submitted by /u/KingAbsol
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    Stuttery low fps on DOOM 2016 despite decent hardware

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:43 AM PDT

    Hey guys, i've recently bought DOOM on PC, but unfortuantely when attempting to play it i've ran into FPS problems. The game seems to quickly jump from very low 5-20 fps all the way to 150 FPS. My specs:

    Ryzen 5 1400 (4cores 8 threads) overclocked at 3.8 Ghz at 1.25 V

    Aorus Radeon RX 580 4GB

    MSI B350 PC MATE motherboard

    2 x 4GB 2133 Mhz Hyperx Fury RAM

    Corsair CX550 power supply

    1TB HHD Western Digital

    120GB SSD A400 Kingston

    I've turned Vsync Off. Performance is the same regardless of the graphics quality (Ultra or Low). I've updated all my drivers to the latest version after uninstalling them with DDU. I've tested CPU and GPU speeds and usage and both remain about 40 degrees celsius (104 Fahrenheit) while running the start of the campaign of DOOM. CPU usage hovers around 60 to 70%, however oddly GPU usage jumps to 100 to 0% extremely fast which may be the reason for the spikes, but i don't see how that can be the case as numerous benchmarking results indicate that the 580 is more than capable to handle DOO especiallyM on low settings. My cpu should be on par with the i7-3770 which is the recommended cpu for DOOM especially with overclocking. Any ideas?

    ​I also use Vulkan instead of OpenGL.

    submitted by /u/Dapper_Dan77
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    Internet Connection Randomly disconnects only on my computer

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:04 PM PDT

    Now this problem has been bothering me for quite a while now and I have tried everything I can. I first thought that it was my ethernet cable but when I use the exact same cable with other devices such as my Console on the same router, it works fine. I have tried everything such as disabling my Firewall, messing with my drivers and changing the sleep mode but it does not work. The internet connection drops for a split second every 10 minutes or so and ruins my gaming experience. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/AhadAlpha
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    Help with removing the "ytmp3.cc" virus?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:18 PM PDT

    Hi, I did something dumb and now I keep getting notifications from "ytmp3.css (via Microsoft Edge)". I have searched for help but the guides all seem confusing and pretty sketchy themselves, so I'm not sure what I should do.
    Does anyone know how to remove this? I know I can turn off notifications, but I want to remove the actual thing from my computer. I'm not sure if it is something that was installed? I have deleted the files associated with the website (eg. the mp3s I had downloaded), so I am not sure where else this virus is "hiding". I am using Windows 10.
    I am freaking out cause I have always been super careful with my computer and I am worried my passwords and everything will be compromised. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

    Edit: To clarify, I went on this website earlier, now I see it as an option in my notification settings that I can toggle on/off but I'd like to know how can "find it" on my computer and destroy it :<

    Edit 2: It seems to be connected to Edge somehow? I have cleared my browser history and even cleared all my website permissions (ytmp3.cc was indeed on that list as approved to send notifications but I have cleared it now). However, the option still remains when I go into my settings (under notification). What can I do now? T-T

    submitted by /u/leagueofderpends
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    Can a GeForce card display HDR movies/games?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:46 PM PDT

    Some posters from early 2017 have said that 10-bit color is only displayed by Quadro cards (and some others but not GeForce). So how can GeForce cards display HDR content if it won't output 10-bit color?

    Really trying to understand HDR and 10-bit color and whether I should spring for a HDR monitor that should last many years.

    submitted by /u/Joechue
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    I have a LG Smart Tv: 47LM7600-ua

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:38 PM PDT

    I have had the tv for 5 years and it has worked alright for about four years. For the past year, it has gotten progressively slower till now when it doesn't work very well, for anything but Netflix. I dont think it is the wifi because the rest of my devices work just fine. Other than Netflix we usually try to access amazon prime which currently takes a few minutes to load to use the home screen in order to select a movie. Could it be Amazon prime? Could it be just that the tv is too old? I have updated the software. If I can't it out figure I might get a chrome cast but I dont know if that would help. We also have an old apple tv wich loads alright but the audio cuts out every few seconds. Thanks for any help you can give.

    submitted by /u/kpsamn
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    How to recover a corrupt Samsung SD card? [Windows]

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:14 AM PDT

    I've noticed that my old SD card is corrupt, because my old phone was unmounting/mounting and looking for errors the whole time (and the phone shut off when I played downloaded songs on Spotify).

    Using a card reader, I ran as administrator "chkdsk" over my SD card. When I saw the notification "unrecoverable error over folder" and they asked to "Convert folder to file? Y/N", I said No. For the rest, I also read messages like "Bad clusters removed from folder" and "Removing trailing folder".

    Then I tried to recover with Minitool Power Recovery, but apparently I can't do that with the free trial version :/. Thereafter, I used Recuva, but it was hanging at having scanned a certain amount of files, and it was also hanging when I tried to recover the files that were scanned already.

    I have synced the most important pictures and videos to the clouds already, but it would be nice if I could also retrieve some app data.

    So do you have any other suggestions how I can recover my SD card with free/trial software or some Windows trick?

    submitted by /u/Cantuccini
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    Having trouble booting from WIN10 Recovery USB

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:09 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    my PC recently froze up and after that refused to boot. I never got past the rotating dots at the logo screen. I ran UEFI diagnostics and they came back without issues on my hardware.

    So I tried making a recovery USB using Microsofts Media Creation Tool. However, when I try to boot from the USB while the HDD was still plugged in the same problem occurred. With the HDD unplugged I can boot from the USB just fine.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/NoSkillNoProblem
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    I'm trying to install Win 10 Pro but the installer is saying that it'll download Win 10 Home

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:05 AM PDT

    I bought a key to install Windows 10 Pro for a laptop I got recently. It has Windows 8 and I prefer Windows 10. I bought a Windows 10 Pro key from ebay and then received an email with the key and some helpful links, such as the link to download the Windows 10 installer (r/https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10ISO)

    After downloading it and starting the program I was never asked for my key, which I found odd. I've reached the part right before installation begins and it says:

    *Install Windows 10 Home

    *Keep Nothing

    Should I just continue and I will be asked for my key later? That doesn't make sense to me, but I'm not sure.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Magnificent-Moe
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    What is wrong with my drivers? (Very high DPC Latency)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:00 AM PDT

    Here are my drivers when latency is high: https://imgur.com/a/vNELMGm

    Here are my drivers when latency is low: https://imgur.com/a/bawy8bd

    These are the drivers which I think are causing MASSIVE DPC Latency spikes on my PC. My latency can reach a maximum of 31000, sometimes even worse. I've had this problem for so long now, and I've never been able to fix it.

    What am I supposed to do? I've tried reinstalling different drivers ex. for Geforce and USB port drivers but no avail. Am I supposed to just uninstall them all?


    Intel Core i7 930 @ 2.80GHz, 2794 4 cores

    GeForce GTX 950

    12GB ram


    submitted by /u/mm2woodDOTmid
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    Gross family infested my pc

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 08:00 AM PDT

    Before I moved in with my gf I lived with my family. To be blunt they were disgusting savages and while the rest of the home was infested with roaches my room was bug free..

    Well while living with my gf I left my pc there and requested they kept my room alone because I know they would get it all bugged up. Month or two later I swing by to pack my stuff and looks like they didn't follow my wishes. And now I'm stuck with a 1500$ pc I built a few months ago and Idk how to de-roach it without doing damage.

    I thought of putting it in a container and setting WW2 levels of fogger and bug poisons and letting it sit locked in the garage for a few weeks.

    Please I need help I do not want to make all that hard earned money go to waste.

    Thanks -Chulk

    submitted by /u/Chulk904
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    R9 290 black screens either on startup or after a few minutes.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:31 AM PDT

    I got a good deal on a r9 290 on an auction, so I popped it in and updated drivers and gpu bios but after a reboot the black screens started to pop up. I use an older 550 watt corsair psu for this and my guess is that it's to weak to handle the 290, I somewhat confirmed this by lowering the power limit to -50 but after a longer while it happened again. Guru 3D stated in their r9 290 review that if you have a weak psu then similar problems can occur. They also stated that it could under perform in 3d apps which I confirmed with the gpu.userbenchmark. So is the psu the problem or something else?

    submitted by /u/DaviDEWL
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    My pc slowly dying in sudden summer storms.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:30 AM PDT

    Last week during a storm I lost my onboard microphone controller, just now during another storm my System SSD died.

    What should I do now and could you recommend me a PSU which withstands power fluctuations?

    submitted by /u/fineri
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    Deleted photos

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 06:45 PM PDT

    So theres this one folder that I misdeleted (permanently shift + delete) in my old laptop. Now I'm trying to get it back AFTER I've already reset the laptop to its factory mode. It was previously windows 8 so there was the express option and this is what I've chosen. Is there a software that I could do to bring that folder photo back? Thanks I've tried looking up softwares but I dont know which one are capable of retrieving a reformatted deleted photo.

    submitted by /u/check9802
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    Can i overclock my GPU?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2018 07:40 PM PDT

    HI i want to overclock my gpu is this a bad idea?

    Gtx 1060 3g

    450W power supply

    i5 8400

    Generally gets up to <80. is that bad? can i just turn down the temp limit and power limit on afterburner?

    submitted by /u/FadeRaider
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    My wifi speeds dropped severely in the past week.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:38 AM PDT

    My wifi speeds have dropped severely in the last week, going from around 40Mb/s to merely 50-100 Kb/s. I don't know if it's a router problem or if it's a isp problem but I am at my wits end with these slow speeds.

    submitted by /u/ToxicMango360
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    Cable detached from macbook pro

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:24 AM PDT

    I was changing the thermal paste on my laptop and the cable seen in the images became dislodged. Is it possible to reattach it? Maybe with glue?


    submitted by /u/getalobeofthis
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    Connecting new gaming PC to my sound system?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:21 AM PDT

    Hey so I'm hoping someone can help me with my problem.

    I've recently built a gaming PC and I have a HDMI cable to plug it into my TV and I get audio and video from the TV just fine. I however have a surround sound system with a pretty old yamaha amp that my dad gave to me. The amp has no HDMI plugs on it so I was told I needed an audio RCA cable to plug it from the PC audio out into the AUX on the back of the AMP. However when I plug it in I get no sound through the AMP. But I'm pretty sure the cable works because I get feedback through the speakers when I plug/ unplug the cable from the line out on the back of the PC.

    I spoke to someone on the Nvidia live chat because I thought maybe it was something to do with the graphics card because that's what I was plugging the RCA cable into. The guy on there told me that with my current set up it was impossible because the connection needs to go from PC to AMP then to TV all via HDMI but because there are no HDMI plugs on the AMP I can't use it with my PC. The Nvidia guy said that I can't have the audio and video via 2 different connections but that's the exact setup I have with my PS4 and the AMP (audio via optical cable to the AMP and video via HDMI to the TV)

    Hopefully someone can help me, if I can't get the PC to work with my sound system my GF might make me get rid of it because "she hate's the big speakers taking up her lounge room" :(

    Let me know if you need any more info.

    Thanks in advanced.

    submitted by /u/Reality-in-a-bag
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    icloud doesn’t show log in history?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:16 AM PDT

    Looks like they only tell you what devices you are currently signed in from. And nothing about previous log ins? That sucks. Google and Microsoft have this :(

    submitted by /u/Funstill
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    Need to fix a bricked Lenovo Ideapad A10 (android). (Dead for 2 years now). Please read.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:29 AM PDT

    Hey, I have an Ideapad A10 which I have tried to fix on and off for around 3 years now. I couldn't find what I need and don't really know what to do anymore. This device is very old (2013) and I need it for word processing for college. I bricked it when I was trying to root it.

    Here are what files I have seen:

    Ideapad A10 opensource (idk what this is and have no idea how to use it.) -


    Some guy installed linux on this ideapad and if possible I'd like to do it -



    I have tried a lot of thing and I don't even remember anymore. Even tried to install winxp for some software. Please help.

    If this is not the right sub i'm sorry but please guide me to a sub which could help me. Thank you. Will give details from what you ask as I don't even know what all to say.

    Edit: it's in bootloop. Edit: welp. Doesn't look like i'll be able to get this up and running. Thanks for your responses!

    submitted by /u/shlock2000
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