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    Sunday, September 23, 2018

    Linux If I buy a separate SSD for Linux, is that still considered dual booting and could I face the same issues as if I had installed 2 OSes on one SSD?

    Linux If I buy a separate SSD for Linux, is that still considered dual booting and could I face the same issues as if I had installed 2 OSes on one SSD?

    If I buy a separate SSD for Linux, is that still considered dual booting and could I face the same issues as if I had installed 2 OSes on one SSD?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 12:39 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I would like to give Linux (specifically Manjaro KDE and maybe Kubuntu if I don't like Manjaro) a try. However, I've seen that some people have problems with dual booting, but as far as I see, they typically tend to have 2 different OSes installed on one hard drive. If I buy an additional SSD for Linux, could I face similar issues or is that considered perfectly "safe"? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Hogron555
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    Simple network management system

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 12:06 PM PDT

    Hi, Looking for a simple nms system. I just need something to ping a host and graph packet loss.

    submitted by /u/MaximumGrip
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    RX560X underperforming in Acer Nitro 5

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 07:24 AM PDT

    Hello all! Just wanted to ask a question related to my hardware. I bought an Acer Nitro 5 (AN515-42-R5GT) about two months ago, and had nothing but trouble with it on Linux, specifically Solus OS, initially. With the release of their 3.9999 ISO refresh, I decided to give it another try and almost everything now works like it's supposed to! I am however still running into one big problem. While the Vega 8 APU side of things is performing marvelously, the dedicated grahpics card is underperforming by a wide margin. While it's not the best show of performance, I did a framerate uncapped test of glxgears from terminal on both GPUs. The Vega 8 was running consistently around ~6000 FPS, while the RX560X was running around 3000 FPS.

    This is overall a very new GPU, so I understand that results and troubleshooting are scarce. My previous requests for help are some of the top results for the card's performance on Linux. Another person I saw also was having issues on Fedora 28 a few days ago on unix.stackexchange.com, but they haven't been answered yet. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/470351/rx-560x-slower-than-integrated-vega-gpu-on-fedora-28

    While it does relieve me somewhat that it's not a problem specifically with my laptop, it does make me concerned that it is happening across multiple distros. What do we do for this card to make it perform like it's supposed to? Is there something software side that might be throttling it down? It is recognized under lspci, but as a Display controller rather than a VGA compatible controller. I'm unsure what the difference is to be honest.

    For my setup here's all the information I know should be pertinent:

    BIOS has been updated to the most recent version (1.08)

    Linux kernel 4.18-5

    Mesa 18.1.6

    LLVM 6.0.1

    xorg-driver-video-amdgpu is installed by default

    I'm going to be aware for a few hours, but any help would be much appreciated, and I'll respond as quick as I can.

    submitted by /u/HustlinTom
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    Linux distro for ancient laptops?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 09:43 PM PDT

    I'd like to install linux on a Dell Latitude CP M233XT. It only has 512-KB 32MB RAM and a Pentium I running at "133, 166 or 233MHz", whatever that means.

    I went into the bios and changed the boot sequence to start with the CD drive. I downloaded the 32 bit version of puppy linux, burned the xenialpup-7.5-uefi.iso to a CD and tried booting from that, but the computer says "no bootable device found".

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/NowAcceptingBitcoin
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    Why Google Chrome thinks that it is harmful to download .DEB files?! Just why!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 05:48 AM PDT

    I get this warning whenever I download a .DEB file for my Linux system. (Do you wanna keep the file or remove it) I get the warning for most of the trusted applications I've been downloading, what's wrong with chrome!

    submitted by /u/Soul_Predator
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    xev does not recognize mute button

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 11:50 AM PDT

    My mute button hasn't been working and when I try running xev I get this:

    FocusOut event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x2c00001, mode NotifyGrab, detail NotifyAncestor FocusOut event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x2c00001, mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyPointer FocusIn event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x2c00001, mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor KeymapNotify event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x0, keys: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 

    Whereas I would expect it to say something like XF86AudioMute.

    If I toggle mute with the GUI, the little light in my mute button turns on. Not sure if that matters.

    Is anyone familiar with what this means, and how I might fix it?

    submitted by /u/Kaiapuni
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    Looking for a new Distro for my 9 year old Netbook

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 02:46 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a Distro/Desktop Environment for my 9 year old netbook. I'm currently using Lubuntu, but I'm finding it far too sluggish for my outdated system (and a newly developed keyboard problem is forcing my hand in finding a replacement).

    It's a 32-bit Compaq Mini (NF280EA#ABU) with an Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 and 2GB of memory.

    I've used Bohdi, Puppy Linux, and either Anti-X, or Absolute, or Alpine (I can't remember which one).

    I'm ideally looking for a Distro that's the best for:

    • Playing video and streaming (at a good frame rate)
    • Can run LibreOffice and Dropbox.
    • and is still being updated/maintained.

    Apt is also preferable (but not a necessity).

    Any recommendations/advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/themanfromoctober
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    Monitor settings change after using KVM

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 06:31 AM PDT

    I'm a relatively new Linux user, and as such am still learning where things are in Linux. I have a 2 computer, 4 monitor KVM hooked up with my work computer and personal desktop computer. I've noticed this issue both with plain vanilla Ubuntu and more recently when I installed Kubuntu. My work computer is a Windows machine, while my personal desktop is Linux. When I switch from the Windows machine to the Linux machine, my display settings are almost always screwed up, though not the resolution. It's more the monitor configuration.
    This is what it looks like when I switch from the Windows machine:

    Bad Monitor Configuration

    And this is what it should look like:

    Good Monitor Configuration

    Any idea how I can get this to stop?


    submitted by /u/hmsiegel
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    Python Module... Out of Date?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 07:54 AM PDT

    This is a comment that I had made, I apologize for the lack of coherency in my original post. It's been a long and challenging time trying to figure out this issue.

    I am writing a program, this program will allow you to display meta data from an id3 tag mainly for displaying lyrics, but all meta data will be able to be displayed. After looking around for awhile I found a module called eyed3. I go to a school where they help you learn to code, there they run windows, so I originally first tried this module on a windows machine. When it installed on the windows machine it had all the attributes for the module. I then went home and installed the module to my machine which runs Linux as that is the type of OS I run, over half of the attributes are missing. I tried installing it many ways including the following:

    pip install eyed3

    Installing it from the repository for my distribution which would be the Arch repo

    installing it from the official GitHub page

    Building it from the source code

    All the methods return the same result, missing attributes. To help, here are the main missing attributes main as in the ones I need the most so far: id3 mp3

    No doubt I will likely want to use all of them, but to help others see what I am missing those are two to note. I am sorry that my post was the best, I am starting my very first programing project after learning my very first programming language, Python. Please, if anyone can help me figure this out, even if in the end it turns out the developer of this module is just not making the current version available for Linux/BSD systems I just need help and am very new to all of this. Again, I am sorry my first post wasn't well made.

    submitted by /u/FOSSilized_Daemon
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    Understanding /home partition

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 01:46 PM PDT

    So currently my primary workstation is a Windows 10 machine, and I'm getting ready to install Linux Mint alongside it. I've been learning about setting up /home on its own partition, and I like that idea-- because it's similar to what I've been doing with my Windows configuration. I have three hard drives:

    SSD: Windows OS and some program files (nothing I don't mind losing / not having access to in Linux)

    HDD 1: All my personal data files (i.e., everything I care about keeping, no programs or anything OS-specific)

    HDD 2: A current, zipped backup of the contents of HDD 1

    So my question is this: If I install Mint alongside Windows on my SSD, is there a way to make HDD 1 my /home directory and keep all its current files in place? Or will doing so necessarily replace the contents of that partition?

    submitted by /u/Renaissance8905
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    Not able to run sudo commands

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 07:24 AM PDT

    sudo: unable to change to root gid: Operation not permitted sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin 

    Getting the above two errors if I try running

    sudo apt install gparted 


    sudo killall nautilus 

    submitted by /u/PRAJWALGMPP
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    echo outputs the wrong value

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 12:44 PM PDT

    I was given a homework which contained a task to recursively count symbols in all files ending with 4 and store it in file. I ran this

    echo ls -R *4 | wc -c > ~/lab0/tmp/word_count 

    But the value returned from solely running

    ls -R *4 | wc -c 

    is different. echo return 45 while command returns 209.

    What am i doing wrong?

    (and if you don't mind please help me with other tasks)

    submitted by /u/Barnoul
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    Literal expansion of environment variable

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 12:34 PM PDT

    Consider the following Makefile:

    push: docker login --username ${DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME} --password ${DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD} \ && docker push org/test:latest 

    The problem I have is that DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD contains $, for example: hello$You

    So the login fails because the password turns out as helloou

    This is run in a CI pipeline. If I put the code directly in the pipeline so to speak, it works.

    How can I keep it literal? I've tried double quotes and single quotes to no avail.


    submitted by /u/TheRealBeyondEvil
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    Can't find calcurse-caldav sample config

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    I am trying to set up calcurse-caldav. On the website it says that I need to create a config file ~/.calcurse/caldav/config and that a sample config file is available in the directory contrib/caldav/config.sample in the calcurse source tree. (https://www.calcurse.org/files/calcurse-caldav.html)

    I installed calcurse using a package manager and did not compile it myself but in order to get that sample config I downloaded the source code from here https://calcurse.org/downloads/ and went into the directory contrib/caldav/. However, the only files there are

    • calcurse-caldav
    • calcurse-caldav.py
    • Makefile.am
    • Makefile.in

    I am not really sure what to write in the config file and I though that having the sample would make it a bit clearer. Does anyone know where I can find the sample config or how I can find out what I need to write in the file?

    (calcurse 4.3.0, Fedora 28)

    submitted by /u/CH_SWB
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    Istalling ubuntu from usb - uncrompression error - system halted

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 08:41 AM PDT

    Hi guys , this is my first time that i try to use ubuntu ^^

    laptop : Asus Eee PC 1215T

    Ubuntu iso : ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64

    Program : rufus 3.3 /// Pen USB : lexar 64GB usb 3.0

    1. I mount the iso image on the pen usb with rufus .
    2. I set the bios priority on my pen usb
    3. I insert the usb pen and I turn on the laptop .
    4. I see just the first image of ubuntu installer ,
    5. without press any key , the system crush and write this " uncrompession error - system halted " .

    what can I do?

    I think that maybe my laptop has got a 64bit processor and a 32 bit UEFI bios .


    I tried to mount the same iso with the same pen usb with the program " Etcher " but it tells me that there was an error :(

    submitted by /u/Nantukos86
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    Where do I set the rdns for my server? Is it actually on the server?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 07:29 PM PDT

    With most of my servers, the rdns entry is set up on the control panel for the server farm where the web server is. But my new client's web server is in-house, and emails aren't being received. So I'm just trying to confirm -- it's not a setting on the web server itself but on the dns server that serves it, right?

    submitted by /u/dc_joker
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    Weird behavior of notification are on Manjaro KDE

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 06:02 AM PDT

    Hi guys ,

    i've been using linux for 2 months now (not all the time), and manjaro kde is the distro i been using most of the time, and notification area bother me a lot , because it stops working out of the blue, some icons disappear(going into services on configuration solve that for a period of time), and sometimes it just stops the volume control , when i click the volume button , expand to all notifications.
    I'm sure that something is wrong , but i dont know if its manjaro or kde itself, i already removed one package called sni-qt that blocks other apps like steam or discord to appear on notification area, but there some final ajustment or package install/unistall that can solve my problem?

    submitted by /u/FZelling
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    Help setting HDD Permissions

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 10:52 AM PDT

    On my PC I have 2 HDDs and an SSD. My install of Ubuntu 18.04 is on the NVME SSD, and I have a 3TB HDD mounted at /home/3TB . I have permissions to do things inside of all my drives, but for some reasons programs do not. For example, I cannot save files directly to the 3TB drive from my browser, I have to copy them from /home/Downloads to the HDD manually. I cannot install things through wine on the drive, every program gives me some form of "Access Denied" error. How do I fix thix?

    submitted by /u/chowder3907
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    Please help ASAP.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 10:22 AM PDT

    Hello I'm new here, I only just installed linux mint 19 cinnamon aand I'm kinda stuck on scanning disk for index files in a dos command line. I can't figure out how to load it. To get there i click exit in grub 2 to load windows, then from the windows boot lisy I choose UNetbootin then I boot into grub again, then exit again, then press esc and load mint.

    EDIT: My problem is kind of different now, I decided not to use UNetbootin and I'm trying to figure out how to use rEFInd but I can't, anyway yeah.

    submitted by /u/blake4445
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    Installing Linux on Cache SSD?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2018 02:57 AM PDT

    Hello there! I'm thinking to gradually switch from Windows 10 to Linux for several reasions, mostly regarding performance, hardware usage and speed. My laptop specs (HP Envy 15) are the following:

    • Intel Core i5-4200M 2.50 GHz
    • 8 GB ram
    • 1 TB HDD + 22 GB SSD used as cache with Intel Rapid Store Technology

    Now, to speed up performances, I use IRST, but I have a feeling that this put my laptop under a lot of stress. Sometimes I don't have any software or application open, still I can hear my fan going crazy for cpu/ram usage. Obviously I checked for virus and so on, but nothing. I also recently did a clean install of Windows 10. So basically that's why I wanted to try Linux. I'm getting familiar with it using distros on USB. By far I've used Ubuntu 18.04 (I didn't really liked it), now I'd like to try Linux Mint (not sure which DE). I have tried to use virtual box, but Ubuntu was laggy and sluggish, impossible to use.
    Next step would be to dual boot. TBH, I don't even use windows for gaming, it's just to do the change step by step, I don't want to erase windows completely and then regret it. Here's where I'd like some help. From what I understand, performing a dual boot on the same HDD could be troublesome, especially if you want to undo the operation. At the moment, my disk management in Windows doesn't see the SSD. If I disable the cache acceleration in IRST, it should come up. Would you think would be doable to install Linux on the SSD? My concerns regard space requirements and boot compatibility. For the first, I could use some small distro like Lubuntu, but the second really worry me, as they cross my basic IT knowledge.

    submitted by /u/ThomYorke7
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    How can I find the names of commands run by clicking on the panel?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 11:06 PM PDT

    I'm trying to wean myself off of full desktop environments and transition over to i3, but I still like being able to access the menu, network manager and the power manager. The result is a sort of absurd set up that has both the panel and i3bar taking up real estate and displaying mostly redundant information. Is there a straightforward way to find which terminal commands are run by GUI elements so that I can give them key bindings?

    submitted by /u/Kaiapuni
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    Newotk mirrors not working during Debian 9 installation

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 07:43 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I keep getting this message while trying to Install Debian 9. "An error has been detected while trying to use the specified Debian archive mirrror. Possible reasons for thr error are: incorrect mirror specified, mirror not available(possibly due to an unreliable network connection), mirror is broken, mirror does not support the correct Debian version.

    I also got this error during network configuration. " our Network is probably not using the DHCP protocol.Alternatively, the dhcp server may be slow or some network hardware is not working properly."

    Internet is working just fine on my desktop, phone and TV.

    what should I do in this case? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Slayriah
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    Choose Linux distribution for Intel core duo 1.83GHz and 2GB of ram (2006)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 12:51 PM PDT

    So that's it, thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Daneldel
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