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    Sunday, September 23, 2018

    Hotel Wi-Fi shenanigans part 2. Tech Support

    Hotel Wi-Fi shenanigans part 2. Tech Support

    Hotel Wi-Fi shenanigans part 2.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    You can read part 1 here.

    The fifth owner didn't want to pay for any maintenance or monitoring so we did our best to train the front desk manager on how to use all the equipment. Since it was a simple unifi/edgerouter setup we did the best we could and left them to it. I had recommended that the new owner show up to the training but he refused.

    About two months after the install the front desk of the hotel called us asking for help. It was a new employee as the old front desk manager had quit due to disagreements with the new owner. The internet was out and they had been getting multiple DMCA notices. After the last interactions I had with the owner I was surprised they were calling us at all. I asked the new front desk person if they had gotten permissions from the new owner before calling us and they said "the owner just said to f***ing take care of it and I found your card pinned to the wall".

    I almost turned them down but the guy sounded desperate and said the owner was out of town and I wouldn't have to deal with him. We had already blocked P2P traffic in the edgerouter during setup so figured it should be fairly simple to figure out.

    I arrive on site and have them fill out and sign a work order before I touch anything. I get the signature and notice first off that the Edgerouter equipment was unplugged and that an old Netgear router was in its place. The local network is still functioning, everything can print and get valid internal addresses. Internet is really down for the entire building, cable modem will not work even directly plugged into my laptop. Since the cable TV is also out I let them know it has to be an issue on the ISP end of things.

    Of course no one on site is authorized to talk to the ISP support so the new guy calls the owner, owner is still out of town and is boiling mad when he finds out that they called me to fix this issue. I can hear him yelling at his employee and eventually the employee hands me the phone.

    New owner starts yelling at me and I cut him off and tell him I'll happily leave and won't charge for the call out even with the authorized signature but his entire internet is down and none of his employees or customers can get on the internet. He keeps yelling and I hang up.

    I let the employee know that they should call someone else and that the new owner and I clearly will never get along and to please not call my company in the future. Guy looks defeated but is totally understanding. I feel bad for the guy because I remember what its like having a nightmare boss and explain a little bit of how the network works and that he should plug back in the edgerouter to stop the DMCA notices and show him where the passwords and stuff are. I start packing up my tools and get ready to leave.

    Owner calls the front desk right before I leave and asks me to take care of this issue and apologies for yelling at me. He tells me the bills and account numbers passcodes are on his office computer and he gives me the password. I sit down and call the ISP but the very first thing I notice without going into detail (because of posting rules) is that he is probably the source of all the DMCA notices.

    The ISP gets on the line and I start asking about the DMCA notices when they inform me that the internet is down due to non payment. The account is 4 months behind and internet and cable TV can be restored as soon as payment is made.

    Front desk guy is completely floored and asks me to tell the owner. I get on the phone and let him know that his problems are because he didn't pay his bills and that the DMCA notices may be from guests but are also most partly his issues and I ask him why he removed the router. He starts getting embarrassed and pissed and lets me know he removed our "crappy equipment" because it was blocking some of his internet usage.

    I try to explain why its in place and tried to educate him, but before I can finish he starts yelling at me that he won't pay us for just checking on the bill and that I'm just trying to get more money out of him. I inform him that no one from my company will ever come back and that in the almost 20 years we have been open he is only the fourth person to be blacklisted (this means fired as a customer). I hang up again and tell the front desk guy that I'm done and wish him well.

    I haven't heard from them for about 5 days, but two night ago I happened to be in the neighborhood and none of the access points are broadcasting around the hotel.

    Wish this one had a more satisfying ending but figured people would want to hear part 2.

    Edit - tl;dr

    Hotel owner causes his own issues and doesn't pay his internet/cable bill. Gets fired as a customer for being abusive on the phone, loses only employee that knows how to manage equipment and the site Wi-Fi appears to be completely dead.

    submitted by /u/Skirrak
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    Really, really I told you!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 10:55 PM PDT

    So I do sales for Managed Services. I'm about 4 weeks in I'm learning incredibly quickly and on a steep learning curve, as I'm not from IT sales I'm from hospitality sales. But let's be real 4 weeks ago I didn't know the difference between a switch and a server.

    I've been using an old laptop that was kicking around for a while when I started as mine was caught up on the list of things to be ordered/shipped. As happens when you're in a small business people wear lots of hats.

    Everyone is aware that I'm an idiot for this stuff but a polite idiot who makes cookies for bribery as needed and will unashamedly bribe a tech with said cookies if it politely will get me my fix.

    (Tip for all people everywhere ever, bribe your IT people with food and be nice and they will fix almost anything you can fuck up if they have time.)

    Yey new laptop arrives our T1 tech deploys it for me, at the end of my work day. Pops it on my desk ready to go for me. Perfectly ready to go yey. Idiot me is very, very happy to abandon my dinosaur back to the storage room.

    Only thing left to do is swap my dual monitors, wireless keyboard/mouse and power supply from old dock to new dock. This should literally just be plug and play good to go.

    I'm being a good little non IT person, put them right next to each other and match up the little pictures, swap one cable at a time. Make sure everything is on and plugged in. Press magic power button and wtf? Not working. My mountain of data entry to do means I'm going to want to be spoiled and want those dual monitors.

    Cue smiles and waiting for a different tech to be off the phone. Hey T2 tech, I swapped this over myself. It's not working assume I screwed it up somehow. When you get a second can you get it back up for me?

    Yep no problem, checks all the cables are in properly power bar on. Installs something, let me know when that's done if it's still not working.

    And no love still won't work, by this time T1 is in and is like that machine was ready. Here I'll come do it quick before I head out on a call. Super quick, Checks cables again, asks me who set it up again, he knows he didn't told him I did. He checks the install thing and is confused. No reason it shouldn't be working. Has to go on site to a client, tells me to use my normal cable no duals for me and to suck it up until this afternoon. No problem I'll rearrange my day and leave data entry until later.

    Cue T3, very confused this shouldn't be an issue, also really really likes cookies and will fix anything for me if it will get him any form of baked goods. Asks me who set up the dock? Told him me and what I did. He asks did the others know that? Yep. And while it's off proceeds to unplug everything from the dock. Plugs it all in the right spots, which was almost identical except for one plug, the power kind of important. Magic it all works.

    T3 proceeds to tell me, "it's you, why would they think you did it right? You make good cookies, not this, now don't touch this again please."

    75 minutes later, functioning everything and despite forewarning of the Id10T error being most likely sweet naive techs didn't believe this was possibly something I could fuck up. And yes I'm now making cookies this weekend for Monday. Just believe me next time I tell you I fucked it up odds are I did.

    submitted by /u/Danigirl_03
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    Expectations for us IT people are endless

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 11:17 AM PDT

    Few weeks ago I'm chilling out after a long day, half asleep watching a movie.

    Knock on the door

    WTF? It's 9pm at night, I'm not expecting anyone, and my house sits 500 feet back from the road.

    I look out and it's my 65 year old neighbor lady.

    I open the door and say Hi Betty, what's up?

    "Oh, I'm in trouble with this old phone of mine, it tells me I'm out of space (not FROM outer space), and my phone might not work right"

    ME> Um... let's see. Come on in. Take a look. Open settings, etc, find out it's a 16gb old Android , and sure enough, with a zillion pix, vids, 200 apps, etc, she's near the end.

    Um, your best bet is to take it to the Verizon store and have them put a micro SD in it and help you move your files

    Her> Can't you help me with it now, I have to go on a trip?

    ME> No, see Betty, we need a very specific memory card to install in your phone to do that.

    Not to mention I am not dealing with end user support, and haven't for many years, even for friends, which often surprises them. Why wouldn't I just help out? But that's another rant.

    Her> But I'm worried about my trip!

    Me> You go see the nice guys at Verizon, the'll fix you right up.

    FInally she resigns herself to the fact that the magical computer guy down the road who knows EVERYTHING about cars, computers, and all things IT doesn't have an SD card, and won't sit right down and spend 3 hours helping her move the grand kid pictures and cat videos.

    TL:DR> Computer/phone/network support is a job. I don't expect my dentist to offer free advice on his doorstep, but IT pros ought to do that for nothing even at 9pm with no notice

    submitted by /u/jkarovskaya
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    It's the part that looks like a Televsion

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 09:30 AM PDT

    End user calls into Help desk, and says, nothing works, blah, blah.

    Tech> Have you tried turning it on and off again?

    End user, several times, I just don't get anything but a blue screen with wierd white letters & numberes

    Ok, background, this young lady was the most clueless about computer/tech people in the known multiverse.

    Knowing this, I heard the tech say to her, "please let us know which device you are restarting, is it the computer box on the floor, or is it the monitor

    End user> what's a monitor?

    Tech> Ok, that's the uh. TV PART, the part that looks like a television

    End user> YOU ARE INSULTING ME, I know what a TV is! I'm really insulted by this!

    Tech> sorry, the monitor is the part that shows you the picture, have you been turning that off an on, or the box on the floor?

    End user> hangs up.

    Yes, she was restarting her monitor every time.

    And she called HR to complain that IT was making her look stupid, and she's insulted.

    Yes, HR had a visit to smooth her ruffled feathers, and they came to IT to explain that techs must understand that people have different ways of learning

    submitted by /u/jkarovskaya
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    Please help me but I don’t want to read anything you tell me to do

    Posted: 22 Sep 2018 04:29 AM PDT

    Hello TFTS! Long time lurker, first time poster (finally)

    I work tech support for a very big gaming company, and we provide email as well as chat services. I provide support for Spanish and English, and my chat is routed from the Spanish web store so people can ask questions in (you guessed it) Spanish.

    - $blggr = yours truly
    - $ObliviousCM (OCM) = customer trying to get help
    When the chat alarm goes off, I open it and start with the usual pleasantries.

    • $blggr (In spanish): "Hola, and thank you for contacting $gamingcompany, how can I help you?

    • $OCM (in English): "I want to buy this item on the store but it won't ship to my country. REFERENCE NUMBER 183919/9(716-6193$."

    I answer him in English advising him that we offer support in Spanish, and $OCM just replies saying

    • $OCM: (still in english) I need to find this product asap" inserts reference number again

    So I try to look for that reference number and nothing comes up. I try telling the customer that I would like to know what product is he trying to buy and he just keeps going in circles sending me the REF number and asking why I'm not helping.

    After telling him a couple more times that I spoke spanish I gave up on it and tried to ask him from what store was he buying from (we have a specific store for each country we sell to, and you can't send products from that store to other countries)

    Instead of giving me an answer, he goes:

    • $OCM (still in English): sorry I take too long, I need to use google translate

    Cue facepalm.

    I told him IN SPANISH that we can continue talking in Spanish and he finally acknowledges what I sent him and just goes:

    • $OCM (SPA): "oh, I didn't know you could speak spanish!"

    And a second after that


    submitted by /u/bloggerstomper
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