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    Thursday, August 30, 2018

    Samsung Just switched from iPhone X

    Samsung Just switched from iPhone X

    Just switched from iPhone X

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:37 AM PDT

    Should I trade in S7 Edge for $500 Credit Towards Note 9?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:42 AM PDT

    My S7 Edge just had the touch screen stop working. T-Mobile worked something out for me where they added insurance. I am paying only $5 to have it replaced with a refurbished S7 Edge.

    I am unsure if I should stick with that for $5, or is the promotion too good to pass up, then trading my refurbished phone for $500 credit toward the $1000 Note 9?

    I do not do a lot on my phone; mostly texting, email, Facebook, and a few apps like Reddit, Tinder, ESPN, Googlemaps, and a few others. I do not really game or anything like that. Sometimes will watch videos on Youtube. I feel like the S7 Edge already has far more than I will ever need, but the trade in seems like a great deal.

    submitted by /u/joenorwood77
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    My bixby experience, moments ago

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:13 AM PDT

    holds Bixby button

    Enable all alarms.

    Sure, let's just pick which one.


    holds Bixby button

    Enable all alarms.

    Okay, I turned them off


    holds down Bixby button

    Enable all alarms.

    Oh, I didn't quite catch that

    god fucking damn it

    submitted by /u/CheapThaRipper
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    Back up/restore Good Lock 2018 & Routines?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:11 AM PDT

    Ordered a Note 9 and that's on the way, and while I'm waiting for that I sold off my S8+. I did a backup to Samsung Cloud and Google Drive (automatically thru Google Play Services). First question is, did I backup my Good Lock 2018 settings (including Routines and LockStar) correctly? Second question is (assuming that I backed everything up right), how do I restore it? I assume through Samsung Cloud/Backup & Restore?

    Anyone else run into this sort of scenario?

    submitted by /u/cs281509
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    I still love you samsung ��

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:05 AM PDT

    Burn in on S7 Edge after 2 years of use

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:15 PM PDT

    Already have a burn in at the top, where notification bar is, a whole straight line of it. It's not very visible. Been using the phone for about 2 years and as much as I remember I didn't do anything that would cause a burn in. It looks like Samsung let me down and I may just try another brand. Although the phone shows great performance and can take a lot of abuse. Maybe the burn in had more chances because of the broken pixels on the screen, which were caused by a small drop on the screen.

    submitted by /u/Vaflioras
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    Samsung Notes export to PDF feature creates blurry PDFs

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 05:31 AM PDT

    As the title says, when I export my Samsung notes on my tab s3 to PDF they appear quite blurry, whereas when I export to PDF from the S Note app (not available on the play or galaxy store) there is no issue. Is this a known issue? I would prefer to use S Note from now on since it also has more features but I can't seem to find a way to import my Samsung Notes files into S Note, beyond importing the shitty exported PDF.

    submitted by /u/EatFapSleepFap
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    Samsung EPP hookups available again!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:20 PM PDT

    If you guys are interested in Samsung EPP store access, please contact me at samsungepphookup@gmail.com. I will make a new account for you.

    The service is free, however, donations are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/theusernameforEPP
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    I am wondering if I should switch from IOS to the note

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:54 AM PDT

    I have been a IOS user for my whole life and am looking for some insight into android

    submitted by /u/getwreckedm8te
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    Galaxy S8 won't charge

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:01 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 that I've had for around a year. I've never had any problems with it up till now. Around an hour ago, I tried charging my phone, and the fast charging didn't work. I checked the settings and my fast charging was on, so I restarted my phone. It didn't work so I tried different cables, fast chargers, and outlets around my house. None of these fixed my problem. Around 10-15 minutes ago, the slow charging stopped working, so now it wont charge. The fast charging worked fine earlier today, so I don't know what is causing this issue. Hope someone can help.

    EDIT: It charges when I use a portable charger, and the portable charger cable is one of the cables I tried using with the wall charger.

    submitted by /u/rkumar344
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    iPhone user looking for a possible change to Samsung

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:49 AM PDT

    So I've been an iPhone user ever since I got my first smart phone 10 years ago. I'm currently on a 6 plus and looking to buy a new phone. I've narrowed down my choices to iPhone X (maybe the new one that's gonna get announced soon) and Samsung Note 9.
    Normally I'd just stick with the iPhone since all my music, photos, etc are synced with the cloud and Apple Music but I'm kinda getting tired of the OS and what Apple has to offer. I've had like 4 or 5 iPhones and they're basically the same bar some upgrades. I feel like I want something fresh.
    Note 9 seems to be a great phone all around based on the reviews but my one concern is the track record Samsung phones have had. I remember I had a friend who had a Galaxy 7 and kept complaining about how much it lagged. My brother had a Galaxy 5 way back then as well and he got a lot of lags and had to change to iPhone 7.
    Do Samsung phones usually lag a lot after like half a year? I know Note 9 came out a few weeks ago but what about those with a Note 8 or 7? Do they lag after a long time? If I'm spending all that money on the phone I don't want it to be laggy and unusable after half a year or a year since I'll be paying for it for 2-3 years in monthly installments.

    submitted by /u/dntowns
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    Happy to have switched from apple... BUT I might switch back if Samsung Cloud cannot be disabled

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:03 AM PDT

    I disabled Samsung Cloud Sync and removed all sync options like calendar, fotos and phone and still, my phone sends a notification twice a day, that an action is required regarding full Samsung Cloud. I dont find the option to purge the cloud and since it is 15GB it always triggers the notification.

    I've come to the point where I'm really annoyed with my phone.

    submitted by /u/AutobahnTim
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    Anyone ordered an ATT Galaxy Note 9 directly from Samsung?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 01:46 AM PDT

    Did anyone order the Note 9 ATT in past few days? If you did, would you mind sharing what the shipping status is regards to the order email.

    submitted by /u/gonjoonim
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    Questions about switching from a Pixel to a Note9

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:04 PM PDT

    I've always loved stock Google, and I've gone from the Galaxy Nexus to the Nexus 6 to the 6p to the Pixel XL and now the XL2. This last year year has been insanely rough though. I'm on my fourth XL2 after having to RMA the first 3 - two screen issues and then an unresponsive touch issue - and this one is experiencing some devastatingly bad lag that comes and goes at random. I've missed important calls because of this lag when it refuses to respond to my swipe to answer, and the last straw for me was missing a Social Security office callback that I waited 3 days for.

    I've loved everything about the Pixels but the 2XL has really soured me. I was always planning on getting the 3XL but after the notch reveal and the constant issues I've had with the 2, this past week I've been ready to toss this out a window. I was very close to pulling the trigger on the Note9, but I keep worrying about missing out on some unleaked or unannounced feature of the 3XL.

    I finally gave up last week and pre-ordered the Note9 but I was way too late - it won't be delivered until November (?!). A local Verizon store has some in stock, so I can go in and do it this weekend, but the price keeps freaking me out (even though I do the phone leases). I'm also concerned about the light leakage I've been reading about. Anyone have any comforting words for me?

    I was looking at cases and screen protectors as well and it seems Amazon is absolutely flooded with garbage screen protectors that have ~800+ 5-star reviews, which is extremely suspect. If I end up getting this, is there any particular protector that someone would recommend? Thanks in advance! (I made a similar post in the Pixel subreddit and was downvoted into oblivion, please be kind <3)

    submitted by /u/greycobalt
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    I think this could be the Galaxy S10. What do you say?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:25 AM PDT

    Note 9 - Are gesture controls similar to motorola possible?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:13 AM PDT

    Just got a note 9 after using a moto z force for a couple of years. Wondering if it's possible to find in settings or download an app that allows the use of motion gestures like moto? For example with a moto phone you can twist twice to open camera app, "karate chop" to turn on flashlight, etc. Super useful and hard to live without once you're used to it.

    submitted by /u/Luckftw
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    I think I am going to go from the iPhone 7 Plus to the Note 9 at the end of September but had a few questions:

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 03:07 PM PDT

    1. I can't afford to buy it outright so will getting the carrier version (Verizon) be any different besides bloatware and no Samsung cloud?
    2. What's the best way to avoid burn in?
    3. What is the best package disabler available?
    4. What is the best platform for movies and tv shows. The main thing I am looking for is being able to download all my shows on my phone like I did with iTunes on the iPhone (I know my shows will not transfer I only bought two seasons of sponge bob and one episode of Dr. Who on ITunes so I am not to worried about needing to repurchase those. Though I did like how it downloaded everything so I could watch wherever)
    5. Can you make where data from certain apps go to a micro so card while others don't? (I plan on getting the 512GB version but I am fairly sure I will fill that up as I filled up my 256GB iPhone in less than a year as I take tons of videos and pictures)
    6. How do you get a dark theme set for the default apps?
    7. Is there a way to use the keyboard like a cursor on the Note 9 like you can do with 3D Touch on the iPhone 7 Plus?
    8. For my iPhone is there anything I need to do to it besides turning off find iPhone and IMessage?
    9. Does the iris scanner give you a headache after multiple uses?

    Thanks in advance for the help, I got a chance to test the Note 9 in store and to say the least I was impressed.

    Edit: added 9 to the questions

    submitted by /u/verzion101
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    So I tried here maps today

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:48 PM PDT

    How do people use that atrocity of a program? The voice almost made me want to throw my phone out the window! We had a 10 year old garmin that sounded better.

    submitted by /u/misanthropedroid
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    Should I fully charge Note 9 before using?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:05 PM PDT

    I know this is asked 100s of times but I just like to be sure, does it matter or is there no effect on using phone for the first time before fully charging it.

    submitted by /u/Wulfsimmer
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    Any goood music apps besides spotify?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:51 PM PDT

    [Help!] Glass Misaligned

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:31 PM PDT

    So I recently bought an S9. I've just received it, set it up etc and am just noticing that the front glass or the frame seems to be slightly misaligned to the right so that when I grip it, my fingers seem to feel a slight ridge ln the left side. Its barely visible but definitely noticeable when you're holding it as I can feel it with my fingers.

    Is this all S9s or just mine? Do I send it back?

    tl;dr, either glass misaligned or frame sticks out on the left which you can feel with the tips of your fingers when gripping right handed.

    Do I send it back? Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/OliverGrey
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    Resolution change

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:05 PM PDT

    Anyway to change the resolution of the screen that is in between 1080p and 2k

    Cuz 2k makes the s9+ lag

    1080p makes the s9+ look bad

    Anyway to go in the middle ?

    submitted by /u/Pottiland9
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    Why is inscreen finger print such a big deal?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:48 PM PDT

    Having the s8 and various phones with it on the back has been no issue to me at all, and naturally my finger is in that area too when I pick it up, why are people all up on in finger display? I'd honostly would be more excited about the folding screen or something like that

    submitted by /u/69hailsatan
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