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    Wednesday, July 4, 2018

    Home Networking I want to try to run a Cat6 through a 10 mm conduit inside my home walls. What type of cable should I get?

    Home Networking I want to try to run a Cat6 through a 10 mm conduit inside my home walls. What type of cable should I get?

    I want to try to run a Cat6 through a 10 mm conduit inside my home walls. What type of cable should I get?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:44 PM PDT

    I recently upgraded my internet connection to 1 Gbps and, as per the title, I would like to try and run a Cat6 through an old 10 mm diameter conduit that is currently used only by a single twisted pair (an old telephone line that doesn't exist anymore and that will be removed). It's probably 7 metres long.

    As far as I know, a single Cat6 should theoretically fit in there (because they are close to 6 mm in diameter), but since it's a 45+ year old conduit I fear there might be many hidden surprises (debris, bends, cracks, etc) so my hopes are low.

    Nonetheless, I'd like to try. (If it fails, I will run it along the walls, but that will lengthen the route considerably and it will look uglier)

    Since I am a newbie: what type of Cat6 cable should I get, to maximise my chances? (Stranded or solid? Unshielded? What else?)

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/giact
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    Advice on Building a NAS/File Server

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:57 PM PDT

    I recently salvaged an old desktop PC that I'd like to turn into network storage.

    I'm currently debating between FreeNAS or just installing Ubuntu Server and running a file server.

    I initially was planning on going with FreeNAS but since I only have 8GB of non-ECC RAM I'm concerned about stability issues.

    What would you guys recommend? FreeNAS or just a Linux distro?

    submitted by /u/muwaahid
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    Forcing all Traffic through a Specific TCP or UDP Port

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:39 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I run two VPN servers on my home network. One uses UDP and the other uses TCP. Sometimes, when I am traveling and I want to make use of my servers, I find that the WiFi that I am connected to blocks traffic on the ports that I have them configured on, and I therefore cannot access them. Obviously if I know about this ahead of time, and I know what ports are open for me to use, I can work around this, but this is typically not the case. Is there anything I can do to make my connection through a port that is open and then forward that request to the correct port on my network, or is this not possible? If it is not (and I am reasonably sure that it's not), what can I do about this? I've considered writing a program that would use UPnP to open ports temporarily, and if a connection is made to them, the traffic would be redirected to my VPN server. I am not sure if this is a good idea though.

    submitted by /u/DavidB-TPW
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    Asus Lyra mesh

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:53 AM PDT

    Hello does the asus Lyra support vlans with multiple ssids?

    submitted by /u/arrago
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    Cat 6 maxing out at 100mbps

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:29 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I recently ran some Ethernet to a few locations in my house monoprice cat 6 terminated it into a cat 6 patch panel got it hooked into my ubiquiti switch and everything is running full 1000mbps speeds except one port. I reterminated each end ( keystone jack end and patch panel end) it definitely isn't too long of a run since I have three other cables going the same distance and they handle full speeds just fine and I feel totally at a loss. Anything I could be missing or something I'm doing wrong ? Happy to clarity anything as well. Thanks !

    submitted by /u/0934201408
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    Ethernet installation through ceiling?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:42 PM PDT

    How do you guys get large bundles of Ethernet drops through the drywall ceiling and keep the hotter than balls attic air out?

    submitted by /u/dcgrove
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    Need help properly setting up Apple Airport Extreme (6th gen) with my Arris BGW210-700 (ATT Uverse modem)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:38 PM PDT

    I have an Arris BGW210-700 and recently connected an airport extreme to it . I was only getting 25 down on a 50 uverse plan with the arris, noticed a higher 45 down with airport connected .

    I have disabled the wifi 2.4 and 5 ghz via the configuration address for the modem. Is there anything else I need to do?

    The only thorough explanation on what to do properly was this excerpt I found on another help forum:

    Modify the settings on the BGW210-700:

    • Access the router by typing into a browser ""

    • Disable wireless of the router by selecting Home Network > Wi-Fi (enter access code) > select "Off" under Wifi operation for both 2.4 and 5 GHz.

    • Go to Firewall > Packet Filter > disable Packet Filters

    • Go to Firewall > IP Passthrough > Select Allocation Mode as "Passthrough" > Select Passthrough Mode as "DHCPS-fixed" > Choose your TC from Device List or enter manually the MAC address in the blank field > select Save.

    • Go back to the first screen Device\Status to confirm that the Wi-Fi is off for both bands, then select Restart Device.

    Modify the settings on TimeCapsule (TC):

    • Make sure Internet setting is using connection type DHCP.

    • Go to Network > select Router Mode as "DHCP and NAT"

    • Go to Disks > make sure that check boxes are checked for Enable file sharing and Sharing disks over WAN. The update the TC by selecting the Update button at the bottom.

    The only thing I did was disable the wireless router via the home network setting. I haven't messed with the firewall or anything else .Should I also config the other settings?

    submitted by /u/had0ukenn
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    Would like to remedy a couple dead spots, what’s my best option?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:22 PM PDT

    I spent $90 on a new router not long ago, so dumping it for a new system isn't preferred. We have a dead spot in one bedroom, and I'd like to have connectivity on our porch. They'd be in the same "connection bubble" so if one has a signal, the other will too.

    What's my best option to make this happen? This area is at the other end of my house from where the modem and router are located. We have Spectrum cable.

    submitted by /u/Dave-CPA
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    recommendations for good budget access point/bridge?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:29 PM PDT

    It will be for a homelab I want to start. I plan to connect a switch. House isnt that big, but because of my situation wireless is my best option. Not my house and im not going to try to route ethernet, modem is on other side of house... Not sure what are good standard APs for a wireless bridge. Any recommendations? Ill be using it with windows, linux, mac.

    submitted by /u/brenton393
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    Wired Router Upgrade?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:35 AM PDT

    I am wondering if there is value to upgrading my home wired router to a newer device.

    Currently have an ASUS RT-N10P router with Tomato Shibby as a wired-only router for my condo's 50/50 Mbs connection. I'm using an Apple Airport Extreme (6th generation) as my AP. Basic setup with wired desktop and media hardware, and wireless for phones/laptops. Not using QOS or anything special. I really only access the router's stats for checking bandwidth occasionally, which gets lost with any power cycling or reboot.

    Everything is working fine and stable, but I noticed a recent deal on a T-Mobile Cell Spot that can be converted to an ASUS RT-AC68U (I've done this before 2 years ago for my parents) at $60.

    I've looked into Ubuiqiti Edge Router X and Mikrotik wired routers, but while I feel I can figure them out, I'm not sure my needs require the customization those wired routers provide.

    Is the performance similar for a RT-AC68U to the ERX and Mikrotik? The hardware appears similar in CPU/RAM. Current router is 300Mhz single core.

    Are there any security issues with the tomato shibby firmware as updates haven't happened in a long time.

    I know that if they ever turned our connection speed up I would be limited due to the 100Mbs switch in the RT-N10P, which would be a good reason to upgrade but that may or may not happen for a year or more. We have a fiber connection but I don't think the community will push our provider for those speeds.

    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/dex75
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    Moca filter

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:21 PM PDT

    I recently started using a Moca system for my internet in my house and was going to install a Moca filter. When I checked the coax cable it had something that looked similar to my MOCA filter and it said "do not remove. Filter required for DVR." This is a MOCA filter and I don't need to install my own, right?

    submitted by /u/CaboseTheMoose
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    Building a new house, no utilities to neighborhood (yet) . 4g hotspot vs. satellite internet pros/con

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:19 PM PDT

    Not in new home yet, but got the Hotspot (c-spire) with 50gig before throttle.... and I tested it. Throttled 4g is not 4g, so it is very limited after 50gig.

    I hear satellite is the same?

    On PS4 connection test, the hotspot was type 2 until I hit 50gig, then went to "type 3". What does that mean?

    Will a signal booster speed up my internet for after 50gig to make more useable?

    Satellite internet companies claim to have high download speeds, but can anyone please confirm in real life how fast on average satellite internet at dinner time peak hours? I don't care how it is at 2am, I wanna know if I can use it after work when everyone is online.


    submitted by /u/hammerhead001
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    I want to run network cable to an out building in my backyard. Can I run it in the same conduit as the electric?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:18 PM PDT

    I want to put a hardwired networking connection in a shed in my backyard for a number of reasons, including some security cameras and so I can have a quiet place to work outside of my house.

    I'm assuming running cat6 in the same conduit, or even same trench as 240v AC is going to give me issues?

    Is my only other option to run fiber?

    submitted by /u/MediocreFisherman
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    D-Link DIR-826L router not connecting to the internet after reset - connectivity light is orange

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:12 PM PDT

    Hiya, recently I've reset my DLink DIR826L router after changing a setting broke the internet connection. It gave me a notice that I need a network security code that I couldn't figure out (it wasn't our normal one). I went through the Setup Wizard and All devices can "connect" to the network but there is no internet connection. The connectivity light on the router is orange (not connected). I dont believe I have a modem. The router connects directly into the wall via an ethernet cable. I dont really know what to do from here. I've tried tons of messing around with the settings on the router and sifted through options on other forums but nothing has worked yet. If I need my ISPs gateway and subnet mask, how do I get that without internet?

    I'm trying to fix this before having to call the ISP but I may just have to.

    PS the router is ISP installed.

    submitted by /u/StaticCode
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    Need to return T-Mobile AC-1900, looking for a replacement, lost in the amount of choice.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:11 AM PDT

    I have a T-Mobile AC-1900, but due to some account changes, it needs to be returned. I'm now looking for a replacement, but am getting a little lost in the amount of choice. There seem to be a lot of complaints about newer routers on the market, as well as some caution about the amount of marketing that goes along with them (reviews on smallnetbuilder).

    The AC-1900 has worked really well -- zero issues or instability -- but there are a couple of rooms with weak coverage. I'm not sure how easy it might be to fix those, one is three rooms (two bathrooms in between) away from the router, the other is upstairs and with a couple concrete stanchions in the way. It would be nice to improve coverage with the replacement. Apartment has no ethernet wiring and will need to stay that way.

    Connection is Fios Gigabit. Two devices are wired (Raspberry Pi and another small server; port forwarding and static IPs are a must), everything else is WiFi. I was getting ~650Mbps on WiFi speed tests in the room with the AC-1900, ~250 directly upstairs. It'd be nice to keep that kind of speed.

    When traveling abroad I sometimes connect through a Raspberry Pi for SOCKS proxy, it would be nice to have this or comparable functionality in the router. Are there any routers that also have reliable server-ish functionality (Linux, SSH)? I'd like to get rid of another device.

    We have about ten active devices at peak. Evenings there's usually _a lot_ of content being streamed by others in the house. I often need to log in to remote machines from home; vice-versa frequently need to move Gb sized files from/to the server when I'm on the move. Sometimes use X11 forwarding (though could get around to setting up VNC).

    I was looking at the Turris Omnia, but there seem to be complaints about WiFi range / quality. Looked at some DD-WRT and OpenWRT Routers, but quite a few seem to have very negative reviews. The Ubiquiti stuff seems to be highly praised, but it's expensive, it's more boxes, and I'm worried about others in the house being able to debug it if anything goes wrong. Looked at the Netgear Orbi, too, but it looks like the power consumption numbers are really high.

    Bottom line is that I would be happy with an equivalent router (in performance and reliability, basic feature set), but it would be nice to fix some of the other small issues. Is that possible?

    submitted by /u/dwrz
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    Improving WiFi coverage and throughput in old house

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:53 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I'm currently living in a large house with a bunch of roommates. The house was originally a duplex, but was converted into a larger single family home. This means that the interior layout is somewhat complex, with a ton of rooms and walls in strange places.

    I would like to buy some new hardware to make our WiFi work better around the house. Currently, we are using an old Asus RT-N65R wireless router. It's a 2.4 Ghz/5 Ghz 802.11N router, and it doesn't work particularly well.

    Due to the layout of the house, I cannot run an ethernet cord to my room, so I'm using one of those powerline ethernet adapters, connecting to a cheap router in my room. My computer and phone then connect to that router. This works surprisingly well for gaming, but download speeds are slow at best. (About 3MBPS from Steam)

    The router is located nearly at the center of the house already, about 6 feet above the ground.

    I would like to upgrade the router to a newer 802.11AC based model. I found this article (https://www.smallnetbuilder.com/basics/wireless-basics/33177-how-to-buy-a-wireless-router-2018-edition) that explains quite a bit about the current wifi landscape, which was very helpful, but a little abstract.

    Would an upgraded router increase the speed I get through the powerline adapter? I have no idea, and I can't find any info on that. Should I perhaps buy a new powerline adapter, or try to focus on a router than could deliver throughput even through the many walls and kitchen appliances between the router and my room?

    Before I drop anywhere from $60 to $300 on new equipment, I thought I'd ask if anyone here has some advice for my situation.

    To summarize:

    • I would like to upgrade the WiFi in my home.
    • Currently using an old 802.11N router, want to upgrade to AC.
    • Lots of walls and devices between router and most rooms.
    • Large amount of devices connected concurrently

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Sabelas
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    Sharednetwork - I can connect to it, but not get Internet access...?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:42 AM PDT

    I have a shared network on my laptop, and I can connect to it from my desktop and I put the right password in but it won't give me access to internet.

    On my laptop I have right-clicked the adaptor and clicked on the sharing box, and went to the command prompt and started the hostednetwork. Then I saw that the ipconfig was saying as the deafult gateway, so I put these settings into my desktop.

    The DNS I made and alternative.

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/Ian_SAfc
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    Connecting 3 buildings to the same internet

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:12 PM PDT

    So a little backstory. Currently at my place I have 3 separate buildings that all share the same internet. Each building is about 200 or so feet away.

    In the middle building I have a router that broadcasts wifi to the other 2 buildings and the signal gets picked up by wireless repeaters in the other 2 buildings but the internet connection in those buildings is very very poor. The only strong connection is that middle building.

    I would like to upgrade to maybe using wired internet to those other 2 buildings as well as the router in the middle building which is a 2012 era wireless N.

    What is the best way to go about doing this?

    Alternatively is there just an extremely powerful router that could broadcast a signal that far and then upgrade the repeaters too rather then do the wired way?

    Also is it possible to name the internet in each building as "building A, B, C"?


    submitted by /u/lightedge
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    Desktop periodically wrecks LAN

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I have a weird one for you:

    Periodically my desktop goes totally unresponsive. When it does, it brings all LAN traffic to a standstill, but not WLAN... wireless traffic appears totally unimpaired. When this occurs, my desktop is entirely unresponsive: no mouse movement, no control+alt+delete, the screen is frozen displaying whatever was on screen at the instant it froze (which as of 20 minutes ago when it happened last was an attempt at writing this post... how appropriate). In order to get it to snap out of it I have to do a hard shut down (unplugging the Ethernet cable restores the rest of my network, but my desktop remains unresponsive) .

    Things I have checked/tried/observed:

    At first I thought it might be a bad router, but Verizon replaced it and it is still happening... woops.

    Event Viewer on my desktop (nothing out of the ordinary that I can see)

    The router's logs (nothing interesting there either)

    It does not appear related to what I am doing. It has happened while I am using it, and while it is idle

    Random things that might be relevant:

    My desktop is ~6 years old or so (I built it myself and it has been very reliable up until this point). I can't hardly remember any of the components, but the motherboard is an Asus P8Z77-V (I think...).

    I have Verizon Fios internet with one of their G1100 routers. That is my only router.

    We have one switch, but that is not connected to my desktop, and I'm like 98% sure there are no loops in our network (but network topology confuses me, so what do I know)

    I am at a loss. My best guess is the network card on my motherboard is bored and finds it amusing to scream at the other devices on my network, drowning out all other requests. Do any of you have any ideas what this might be caused by, and how I might fix it?

    submitted by /u/Blueblazer8
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    How to position antennas?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:39 AM PDT

    I have a router with, from what I understand is omnidirectional 4g antennas, but angle and direction their flat side is facing clearly affects the signal strength. So, if I know where the 4g base station is, how should I position antennas? Should the flat side or a tip be directed at the base station? Or a bit of both (put it in the 45 degree angle)? What about the second antenna? Same direction or 90/180 degree offset with a different angle?

    Here's the picture of a router.

    submitted by /u/renox92
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    Is my security NVR secure?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:45 AM PDT

    I have an Amcrest NV4108E NVR connected to 4 PoE cameras. It all came together as a bundle. When I access the NVR directly I noticed the camera have IP addresses but they are different from my network (10. instead of 192.) I believe the cameras have the default passwords. I don't have a PoE injector to try and connect them directly to my router. Could they even be hacked into though? I know I can't access them by typing their IP address in my browser on my desktop.

    As for the NVR, the "default" user account has all access disabled, perhaps I should try to delete that login. The admin account has a good password, but maybe I can change "admin" to something else. To access it from my phone I used their app and scanned a QR code. Don't know what it does behind the scenes but it works. Something about P2P, and a bunch of ports get forwarded under UPNP on my router.

    I'm planning on setting up a pfSense box next week and have been trying to learn more about networking. I read many people saying to put security cameras on a diiferent VLAN than the rest of their network but not entirely sure why. Maybe that's for cameras directly connected to a network and not through an NVR since the NVR creates it's own network? I'm a little all over the place, anyways thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/the_phillip
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    Should I use 40 or 80mhz frequency for a 5ghz wifi?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2018 10:22 PM PDT

    Title. Default is 80mhz. Also should I have my WiFi channel set to auto or should I manually choose one? Thank you

    submitted by /u/ItsBlinkzz
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    Need help picking out a router

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:56 PM PDT

    My roomate and I have been having internet issues. We should be pushing 200mb, but instead get around 60 or so. The guy from Spectrum said to get a new router after doing some testing. He recommended the netgear nighthawk and the google web.

    After reading reviews, I am not sure if either of them are worth it. Then I came here and read through some recommendations, and I just don't know what to think anymore. Too many options.

    Upwards of 12 devices. 3 laptops, 3 cell phones, 2 tablets, xbox, amazon alexa are regulars.

    1200 sq foot apartment (we had some issues connecting through walls)

    don't have too many guests.

    Modem puts out over 200mb

    Don't want to spend more than $200, and cheaper is always nice.

    Currently using a netgear n600.

    I appreciate your help! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/joobtastic
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    Wirelessly connect a switch?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:44 PM PDT

    So Im an I.T. student wanting to experiment with a homelab. Modem is on other side of house so im going to go wireless for now. Id like to use a switch, but since I need to go wireless I need a wireless solution. So If its usually modem>router>switch, Id need to go modem>router>wifi>switch I guess. The solution would also need to work with linux.

    looking at something like the Linksys RE650 which has 4 ethernet ports or something that would connect to a switch. New to this so bare with me.

    submitted by /u/brenton393
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    How do I get internet on 2 floors?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:42 PM PDT

    I'll start off by saying that I'm not sure if this is the right place, as well as I am not particularly great with tech.

    So here goes. I'm moving soon, to an apartment right above my parents (who own the building, it's a duplex). Now, in order to save some money, I wanted to know how and if it is possible to get internet from the downstairs apartment to the upstairs apartment. I should also say that I would prefer hard wired connection upstairs.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/MerDeNoms24
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