• Breaking News


    Saturday, July 28, 2018

    [DEV] Telegram CCCAM - turns your old android phone into a CCTV Camera Android Apps

    [DEV] Telegram CCCAM - turns your old android phone into a CCTV Camera Android Apps

    [DEV] Telegram CCCAM - turns your old android phone into a CCTV Camera

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 08:15 AM PDT

    I created this app which allows you to control rear and front camera of your android phone from anywhere via a Telegram bot. You can command your Android phone to take picture or record video from either cameras.

    Available on: Google Play!

    It is a free app with no ad for me to add to my resume and for you to enjoy.

    I personally started this app to keep an eye on my cat when alone and that's why the theme is pet-ty!

    I very much enjoy reading your feedback.

    Thank you guys.

    submitted by /u/Mrhisname
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    [DEV] Anti-Theft Security - Take the control of your stolen device

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 03:45 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I created Anti-Theft Security for Android. This app contains 22 features to help you find your lost or stolen android device. I would really appreciate if you can give it a try and provide feedback 😊. I'm also giving away 50 promotion code to unlock Pro version for free.

    Available here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mosi.antitheftsecurity

    Key features :

    • 5 translations : French, English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish
    • 22 features including gps, ring, selfie, contact, lock, wipedata, siren, video… but also disable On/Off button, detect new sim card inserted, take selfies in case of wrong passwords entered, disable status bar… and even charger and motion detector
    • Downloads : 150,000+ | Rating : 4,4 | size : 5.4 MB
    • User friendly
    • Beautiful design
    • 100 promotion code you can find below. Please edit the file and mark the code as "TAKEN"

    I'd love to have your feedback guys.

    EDIT : I just added an extra hundred code, PLEASE MARK THE CODE AS TAKEN ;-)

    Thanks and enjoy 😉

    submitted by /u/AndroidAppSecurity
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    Looking for lightweight live wallpaper apps

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:11 AM PDT

    I have used Hexshaders & Forest live wallpaper and loved them. Searching for other such options

    submitted by /u/HostileSage
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    Email client with feature to push-notify based on sender

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 06:47 AM PDT

    Hope my title isn't unintelligible. Was hoping Inbox could do it but I'm not finding anything in the settings

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_FRIENDO
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    [DEV] VibePlayer: Audio/Video Player. Feel The Music/Sound Physically In Vibrations *Updated*

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:06 AM PDT

    VibePlayer is an audio/video player that enables you to feel the music/sound physically in vibrations (in audio/video), by allowing you to create/use vibration data. This provides accurate results as opposed to using the limited audio processing automated mode which yields inaccurate data/unenjoyable experience.


    App/More Info:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sensationsoft.vibeplayerfree&hl=en

    Preview and features: https://youtu.be/52Adl8tnPRY


    Note: If you're an old user and VibePlayer shows as deprecated on the store, please uninstall that version and get the newest one (as I have changed the package name).


    Vibration Technology

    Imagine listening to heartbeats, and feeling every beat. How about feeling the musical notes in a song. Those are small examples of what the technology offers. Visit the store to learn how to share vibration data. Once we reach a reasonable amount of users, a site will be available for vibration data sharing.


    Special Features  

    ★ Simple interface (no cluttering).  

    ★ Search the tabs, without leaving into a new screen.  

    ★ In multiple selection mode, you can preview the tracks. You can also perform a search, in this mode, and select tracks from the results.  

    ★ Create a custom theme and colorize most elements of the app (unlike any other app): https://youtu.be/vMVpx7BH9Oo

    ★ Small app size (one of the smallest in the store). You can explore the rest of the features.



    Contact me using the support email (on the store). Rate the app if you like it, please. If you make a cool theme and want to see it on the app, or want to localize the app in your language, please contact me. I would also like to hear why you like your current player and how I can convince you to migrate to mine. You can reply here or use this anonymous survey to let me know what you think (only 7 questions): https://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/t4Dm9CEA



    Major visual and performance improvements. No more restrictions. Themes and the ability to create a custom theme. Uninterrupted playback. For the changelog:


    submitted by /u/samehb
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    Anyone know of an EPUB reader that can work (and syncs progress) across devices?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 08:09 PM PDT

    I'm looking for an app that can sync my books across my laptop (Windows) and my phone. My highlights, bookmarks, current progress, everything.

    I read a lot on my phone and take notes on my notebook, but it'd be really nice to view it on my laptop when I take notes.

    submitted by /u/destinydgzmn
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    Need expert network specialist help-NETSHARE- app!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 05:20 AM PDT

    I didn't know this was even possible, but you can wifi tether your internet from wifi to another phone, via wifi!. NOT using cellular signal..

    What this means is you dont need hotspot using your cellular signal, now you can join a wifi spot and just share that to your other phone/tablet..

    Normally you have to use your cellular signal to hotspot to your other devices.

    Anyway, who knows another app like this?

    Surely there must be a free one or I will just pay for this one.

    You guys know other apps like this?

    The only other thing I have found is drony, and nobody knows how the heck to use that.

    I have a Samsung Galaxy S9+ with a VPN on.. I use airplane mode on and then join wifi, turn on my VPN, then I start Netshare, which shares the signal using wifi only, not cellular, to my tablet.

    However it appears my tablet can only use the browser with internet and not the apps.. so I probably need to research more into it because I know there is a way with other apps to force the apps on my tablet to use the netshare connection and not just the browser.

    I know this is possible but I need your guys expertise to figure it out.
    I think this is where an app like drony comes Into play, but nobody knows how to use drony.

    When using netshare, the other device can only use the browser with Internet, (i guess because of how it uses proxy) but ofcourse I need the apps to work using netshare..


    Anybody understand how to use drony?

    Hopefully that makes sense.


    submitted by /u/GrapeJelly33
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    How to turn off sounds in Simple for Facebook?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    I want to turn off sounds that come up when liking a post. Is there anyway to do that?

    submitted by /u/varys_lord
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    [DEV] A financial coaching app that utilizes machine learning to suggest financial tips to you

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    Hey reddit users!

    I am an AI student of the Radboud University in Nijmegen and created a silly finance app. The app tries to find personalized financial tips for it's users. In order to find tips that interest you, the app uses reinforcement learning and learns through interaction.

    Right now I am trying to see if the algorithm works. For that I need some people to test the app. The app is available at the play store.


    If you would like to help me out, just install the app and go through the built in tutorial - It should only take 5-10 minutes.

    Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/AmazingMuffin
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    An App like Netflix

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 10:16 AM PDT

    Since people have started sharing Netflix accounts amongst family members . I was hoping to find other apps which have tv shows like Netflix or Netflix shows . Like an All in One App , free to use though.

    submitted by /u/iamnotkiddingbro
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    [DEV] A party game to make people socialize

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 09:39 AM PDT

    Hi! I made a small little app named "Lia". It's a game that tries to give you fun challenges, games and conversation topics for situations where you're between a lot of new people.

    The idea was to make an app that helps you open up to people, do things outside of your comfort zone, but in a good way. I study psychology in Germany, so I used a lot of what I learned to make it a pleasant social experience. And Lia is quite nice too, she is like a virtual wingman :D

    Anyway, it was just a fun little project for me, it's free, can't give away any data (in fact, doesn't need any permissions), there are no ads - it was just a little project for me.


    Maybe some people will check it out and provide some feedback (: Hope you guys have a good one!

    submitted by /u/Portiwabohu
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    [DEV] HideTheNotch Wallpapers

    Posted: 28 Jul 2018 07:34 AM PDT

    Hide the notch of your phone with HideTheNotch wallpapers!

    - All wallpapers are made for devices with a notch.
    - Ad-free (only on paid version).
    - Wallpapers all in 1500*3000 resolution.
    - Each wallpaper design in 5 colors (3 in free version).
    - Updated frequently.
    - Can save lots of battery on AMOLED devices.
    - Download wallpapers (only on paid version).
    - All original wallpapers.
    - Material Design dashboard.
    - Available in many different languages.
    - Apply on lockscreen/homescreen (Android 7+ only).
    - Muzei support.
    - Simplistic wallpapers with shapes and gradients mostly.

    HideTheNotch (Free version) on Google Play Store

    HideTheNotch+ (Donate version) on Google Play Store

    submitted by /u/AlienCreature7
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    (request) app that actually encrypts \ decrypts photos

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 08:09 PM PDT

    As the title says.

    Something better than a .nomedia file

    Should be done on device.

    submitted by /u/E_x_Lnc
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    Control Volume of different apps?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 12:41 PM PDT

    Hello, I am looking for an app that allows me to mute certain apps. For example I may want to watch something on Twitch or YouTube while having music or a podcast in the background. As of now I can only play my music over Twitch.

    submitted by /u/Opyure
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    Best audio monitoring app for Android?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2018 04:58 PM PDT

    Would be using it for singing practice and voice acting.

    Thanks! :]

    submitted by /u/keakz
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