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    Friday, June 1, 2018

    Home Networking Cabling a cat6 wall socket

    Home Networking Cabling a cat6 wall socket

    Cabling a cat6 wall socket

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:30 AM PDT

    So I'm redoing my office, and I bought a wall socket. But I have no clue as to where to put the cables.


    Is how it looks, and it leaves me confused. Any tips on how to do this would be appreciated. Should I put blue across from blue/white and so on, or is there another way?

    submitted by /u/PaintingViking
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    Home builder says no, I say yes!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:47 PM PDT

    TL;DR How do I make the best of a not ideal situation?

    Started process of building a new home and learned today that the building company does not allow me to hire my own low voltage electrician to run Cat6 before drywall. Single builder for new neighborhood. Options are pay $125 per drop (um, no) or $250 for basement to attic conduit and DIY after closing.

    I wondered if a third option of running my own drops over a weekend would be possible. I have never wired a home before, so I would be learning as I went + under a time crunch. Could the builder rip it all out when they notice it? Could the rogue act void new construction warranty?

    Basement will be unfinished and will have network closet. First floor will be a mix of rooms not really needing drops (kitchen, dining, sunroom) and others that would (office, living room, guest bedroom). Second floor will have four bedrooms + media room (essentially clone of living room below). My hope was to have two jacks per room and four in living, office and media rooms. ~30 runs

    Is it actually not so bad to fish wire from attic down to second floor rooms and basement up to first? Are flooring systems between levels hard/easy to drill through?

    Thanks for any guidance!

    submitted by /u/willimac
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    Multiple AP vs Mesh?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:57 PM PDT

    It's been a while since the mesh network came out, but I'm still confused. I currently have 2 Unifi UAPs set up in my house, they are hardwired to my main router (another ubnt product) and a UniFi cloud key. So what would a mesh network (like linksys velop) provide that my current network can't? In other words, if i hardwire mesh "APs" together, how does it differ from regular APs? Like does it automatically balance loads between nodes?

    thanks :)

    submitted by /u/A_Flying_Panda
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    Best way to watch a 4K movie on a smart TV via home network?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:25 PM PDT


    My router is TP-Link WR841N

    My TV is Smasung MU7000.

    I just got it not long ago and tried to watch a 4K movie on it.

    The movie is a file on my computer.

    Those are the few options I know and tried to use:

    1. Using the app PLEX on my computer, I shared the movie file, and connected to it using the PLEX app on the TV. Result: Movie works but sometimes it stutters and shows wierd colors. Note: My computer is connected to the router via LAN cable, and same thing goes for my TV.

    2. Connected a USB drive with the movie on it and played it directly from the TV. No apps needed. Works great. But less convinient (Need to transfer the file to the HDD and then connect to TV, every time I want to watch)

    What am I missing? Shouldn't my home network be able to stream (Not on WIFI, but on cables) a 4K movie to the TV?

    What other options are there? I mean I wouldn't mind using my HDD, but I just want to know my options.

    Thanks you !

    Edit: PC Specs https://image.prntscr.com/image/Ni6AO4hOTW62-fZ0GP_rfQ.png

    submitted by /u/IdanTs
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    tips on how to run an ethernet cable?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:59 PM PDT

    Hello all! I am living in an apartment that only has one coax connection - it's in the kitchen on the opposite side of where I have my gaming setup. I can not drill into the walls so I will have to run wire on the outside of the wall. I'm looking for tips or products that can help with do this without it being too noticable that I have 30 feet of wire going down my hallway. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Rebeljah
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    Using the switch functionality of both ISP's all-in-one and a second all-in-one behind it.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:57 PM PDT

    I don't want to use the ISP's all-in-one as anything other than a modem and switch so I plan to put it in bridge mode but I still want to be able to use it as a switch. Basically I don't want waste the ports on my ISP's device and have to buy a switch.

    This sounds stupid but can I connect the router back to the one of the ISP's device's ports and then use it as a switch that way?

    submitted by /u/clone162
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    Recommend a POE powered 8 port Gig switch?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 01:10 PM PDT

    I have a Ubiquity Edgerouter.
    I wish their switches weren't so expensive.
    Can any of you vouch for a POE powered switch?
    Metal would be nice, 8+ ports.

    submitted by /u/piedpipernyc
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    CAT6A wiring, looking for opinion

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:08 PM PDT

    I moved into a new house not too long ago and started wiring the house with CAT6a thinking that i'd be future proofing for 10G, but I'm getting all sorts of issues.

    I bought the following wiring gear;

    Micro Connectors, Inc. 100-Meter Augmented Cat 6A UTP 10GbE Bulk Cable - Blue (TR4-536T)


    Monoprice 116099 Cat6A UTP 19" 1U Patch Panel, 24-Port, Black


    Monoprice 115966 Cat6A RJ-45 FTP Tool Less 180-Degree Die Cast Shielded Keystone, Silver


    CableCreation Cat 6A RJ45 Modular Plug (three-piece suit), Shielded FTP Network connector For Solid Wire and Standard Cable


    From the patch panel I have 3 wires, 2 terminating in RJ-45 to APs. One works perfectly fine, the other will sometime randomly go down to 100mpbs if I happen to breath around the patch panel. The slight touch will make it disconnect. I repatched it 5 or 6 times using 2 different slots on the panel and it doesn't seem to make any difference.

    The 3rd wire is to a keystone jack that will just never test correctly. I'm using 568B on all terminations. I've redone both ends about 5-6 times on this cable too. My tester could tell it's good, I would plug a PC in it and get 1G. I'd screw in the plate, use the PC for an hour and then it would just disconnect and i'd be back to 100mpbs.

    I've tested every single patch cable i'm using, they all test Ok. I switched the connections to different ports on my switch as well. It doesn't seem to be a problem with the switch (Meraki MS220-8P).

    I'm starting to think I'm dealing with a cheap bulk cable, what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/thumbsp0t
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    R7000 slow smb transfer between wired and wireless PCs

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:15 PM PDT

    I use this router as just an access point. The problem is that I can get 400Mb of throughout when performing a test through speed test.net through the 5Ghz network.(internet speeds support that)

    However when I try to transfer files through SMB from a wireless laptop to a wired pc (1 Gb) i cant get over 80Mb. Both source and target have SSDs that can handle well beyond that and yes I'm copying to those. Yes all quoted values are Megabits.

    I have tried disabling WMM and, enabling it. I have tried downgrading the upgrading (to the latest) the firmware and find that a 1.0.23 version performs the best. There is no Quos. I have factory reset the router after each upgrade and downgrade. No parental controls. No resource contention with only 2 wireless clients on the 5Ghz band.

    I have tried advanced tomato but performance did not change.

    Anything else to try before chucking this thing out?

    submitted by /u/applestoday
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    Ubiquity, 4x4 mu-mimo

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    All products are linked below for quick reference. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    • Is it correct to say that the ap-hd will have lower latency compare to the nanoHD? Looking over the spec, it seem to me that the ap-hd has all these hardware accelerated features, where as the nanoHD doesn't have any of these hardware accelerated features (or at least not advertised).

    • ap-hd has 2 ethernet ports. It also support link aggregation. So essentially, the AP can connect with the rest of the network at 2 Gbps. For this feature to work, does anyone know if the switch also has to support link aggregation? I currently have a 24 port gigabit un-managed switch (linked below).

    • Are there any high quality 4x4 mu-mimo network interface card in the market at all? I was going through Amazon.com, and I can only find one pcie add in card that is 4x4 mu-mimo from Asus. That's it, one! Doesn't have a great rating either.

    • nanoHD: https://unifi-nanohd.ubnt.com/

    • ap-hd:https://unifi-hd.ubnt.com/

    • netgear 24 port switch: https://amazon.com/gp/product/B01AX8XGQI


    submitted by /u/madcrypt0
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    Pfsense and Edgerouter help

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 04:20 PM PDT

    I'm looking to do this: Internet > modem > Hardware PF > ERX > Layer 3 switch(Lab, Wifi, TV, etc) but I'm not sure if it's necessary for a small home network. Will it work?

    Do I need a firewall for a home network? Am I good with a ERX with built in firewall?

    Appreciate all comments/suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Success3
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    Another Mikrotik video - specifically on how to port forward and understanding the firewall chains.

    Posted: 31 May 2018 09:39 PM PDT


    For those that are new to Mikrotik, this might help you.

    submitted by /u/djgizmo
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    I keep receiving the following error on Hulu "You appear to be using an anonymous proxy tool." I need help!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 03:49 PM PDT

    I have a Netgear N300 Router. I recently got Hulu and as soon as I started to watch it, I received the error in the title. I've tried everything they list on their website, but maybe there's something someone with more experience can help me with?

    -I don't have a VPN installed.
    - I contacted support and they told me to contact my service provider to get a different IP address. When I called my service provider (Cox) the person on the phone acted like I was crazy and said they change that once a day. That doesn't sound right since I've been having this issue for over a week now.

    What else can I do to fix this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lestermurphy34
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    Router or Network data?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:13 PM PDT

    Okay so my problem is that I don't know which to upgrade? My router or my networks data (Optimum)

    The other night I was playing an online game on my PC and my ping was nice and low (5-10) for 3 hours straight but now my sibling has obtained a brand new Ps4 and ever since he started playing it my games ping increases to 40-50 ping and sometimes jumps to the 80's but for only a few seconds and goes back to 40-50's.

    So now I'm pretty much confused as to what to buy because it could be the router since I have a large amount of stuff connected to it and before the ps4 I had no problems with it.

    Extra information: Router is Linksys EA3500 Devices connected to router roughly 20 devices.

    Edit: My PC is wired and the Ps4 is wireless.

    submitted by /u/MasterMysterious
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    Can I add mesh to current router?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:09 PM PDT

    I have a Linksys AC5400 Tri Band Wireless Router, Works with Amazon Alexa (Max Stream EA9500) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017NT8Q24/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_10?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER. On the far side of the house the wifi signal is weak. Is there a way to setup mesh with this router like on the Asus and Netgear routers? Do I need to buy a Linksys router? Can anyone suggest a setup that would use the same network name and password? I do already have an Ethernet running to the far side of the house with an unmanaged switch.

    submitted by /u/bobarski
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    Is my ISP throttling my internet ?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:22 PM PDT

    So I came to this conclusion after 3 hours of trying to fix my internet:

    • When i turn the router on and internet first connects it's perfectly good at 30ping for about 30 seconds, but after that it goes to 700-1000ping and never down again unless I restart the router(then I get 30s of good internet and then back to 700-1000ping)

    • I checked all the cables 10 times and they are all perfectly fine, even tried changing the network name and password and only have it connected to 1 device, still the same results

    • any help would be much appreciated, my modem is Technicolor TG788ivn v2

    submitted by /u/levji_kralj
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    Help me diagnose: some devices on wireless network have internet access while others don't

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:21 PM PDT

    I'm stumped. My Archer C7 wireless is super-stable for my laptop, but my phone (a Pixel 2) sometimes has internet access, and sometimes doesn't. If I reboot the router, it'll get internet for a while, but eventually it stops. My wife's Pixel 2 *never* has internet access on this wireless network. All these devices can connect to the wireless network without any trouble at all, they just show as having no internet access.

    Can anyone find a moment to offer me some troubleshooting steps to check out?

    submitted by /u/bms42
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    New router, some connection issues

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 11:57 AM PDT

    I had a TPLink Archer router previously where some device's had DCHP mappings, one of those being my server.

    Today I installed a new router, a Netgear D7000. I've setup the WiFi with the same SSID and password, and also put the same DCHP mapping for my server.

    Most devices have connected seamlessly, however a couple of devices are having some problems.

    My Nest cam won't connect automatically for some reason, the other Nest devices are fine. I don't really want to go and reset it as I'll lose my history, not to mention I'll need to get a ladder to get up to it.

    The other device is my server that is cabled. I can't rdp to it, or remotely access it via Plex, but I know it's running as it's showing as online in the router and I can connect to Plex successfully locally. Again not something I really want to go and hook a monitor up to since it's in a comms cabinet and I have no spare monitor

    Any suggestions?

    Edit: Nest cam now back online without doing anything

    submitted by /u/Evostance
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    Very weird issue; Internet when unplugged from telephone pole and nmap telling me I have a parallel DNS of another ISP

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    Just to preface, this has already been fixed. The tech came out this morning to replace a line that looks like it got snipped by tree trimmers, causing our phone and internet(!) to go out. Therefore I cannot test anything on this so this is just more of a general "has anyone else experienced/know what this is" question.

    Yesterday, the phone line and internet went out for all my desktops and laptops. My phone stayed online however, I verified that with airplane mode on and watching the network drop when I unplugged the router. And I mean online in the sense of loading webpages and streaming music (also verified because my data did not go down). The LAN wifi is still up, and I can connect devices to it, just not have any internet activity. If thats not weird enough, doing a nmap scan from my laptop does not show my phone at all, and from my phone does not return any local devices, or even a local IP. It wasn't a phishing attack as pulling the plug on my router caused the connected wifi to drop.

    If that wasn't weird enough, not only is my phone the only internet accessible device, an nmap scan on that not only return no local devices or a local IP, but shows a parallel DNS (?) through an IP that forums from Google tell me that it is owned by Frontier, while we own Spectrum.

    I talked to the onsite tech, who pulled to plug on the router to verify that I was infact connected to it (I was), and told me he hadn't a clue. So I'm curious if anyone here does. Let me know if I can post any other information from memory. Thanks.

    Edit: A Screenshot

    submitted by /u/YuriIsLove
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    Should I return my Asus 1750 for Asus1900P for the same price?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 10:29 AM PDT

    Looking thru Newegg's website. There's a 3 day sale on the Refurbished Asus1900P for $75.... I just got Asus 1750 yesterday and haven't even installed it. From my understanding, it has upgraded internals and better power amplifiers compared to the Asus 1750 I got for the same exact price. Should I return the 1750 for the 1900P even though I probably will hardly tell a difference?

    It'll be replacing my Linksys WRT54GS I got like 15 years ago lol

    It's a 2200sq ft 2-Story home with only 3 people living in it.

    We have Fiber Optics 100Mbps

    All we do is stream Live news from Asia and watch football on Sundays

    • (2) Ipads

    -(2) phones

    -(2) Desktops

    The router is located on the bottom floor of the house and all the devices are located in the living room (literally directly above the room that has the router)


    submitted by /u/lilkhmerkid4u
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    Need help with Asus AICloud

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:47 AM PDT

    I've managed to start setting it up, but when I want to access my laptop, it pops up a box to login with a username and password. I've tried every possible combination from Windows account to Router account but it won't login. Any help?

    submitted by /u/SinYang13
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    Blocking App at router level

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:29 AM PDT

    I am wondering how to block musical.ly website and mobile app at router level?

    submitted by /u/Stevie1978
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    Subnetting for security?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 08:59 PM PDT

    I am trying to decide if it is worth subnetting for improved security and performance. I currently have my routers LAN-WAN mode and am already seeing some communication issues between the subnets. I'm assuming that keeping all my UPnP devices in the first level network will keep the second level network more secure.

    I, also, don't really trust the AT&T hardware. I have already disabled the Wifi on it and would like to use the Asus for as many options as possible. Is there a benefit to having more security from being double NATed? I will need to have ports open to access the NVR Camera System, NAS, and ideally Raspberry Pi.


    • Modem/Router -- AT&T's Pace 5268 AC
    • Wifi Router -- ASUS RT-AC68p
    • Switch -- TP-LINK TL-SG1005D


    • Home PC
    • Streaming PC; Twitch servers
    • Raspberry Pi 3; running HomeAssistant and security
    • *NAS, Storage and Plex Server
    • Philips Hue Hub: Lighting
    • Insteon Hub: Smart Switches
    • Switch Devices
      • Tivo Roamio
      • Roku Premiere+
      • Playstation 4
      • PoE NVR Camera System
    • Wi-Fi Devices
      • Logitech Harmony Hub
      • Amazon Alexa's
      • Google Chromecast Audio
      • Ecobee3 Thermostat
      • MyQ Garage Door
      • Laptops, Phones, etc.

    * I have not bought yet

    submitted by /u/rosticles
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    Improve WiFi signal at a distance

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:27 AM PDT

    Would love some advice

    I moved offices to the building adjacent. We are still using the same WiFi but obviously the signal is poorer. Is there any bit of kit we can use on the receiving end to improve the signal?


    submitted by /u/pcgamez
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