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    Thursday, May 31, 2018

    Linux Why would a Linux user want to switch to another distro after some time, if he has no problems with the actual distro?

    Linux Why would a Linux user want to switch to another distro after some time, if he has no problems with the actual distro?

    Why would a Linux user want to switch to another distro after some time, if he has no problems with the actual distro?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 12:22 PM PDT

    For example, why would a Ubuntu / Mint user would want to switch to another distro if he has no problems with the actual distro?

    submitted by /u/cbndrew
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    Package managers in Linux are cool! Noobs can learn about them here.

    Posted: 30 May 2018 08:38 PM PDT

    Can somebody help me understand package managers?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 12:14 PM PDT

    I think I've understood some basic concepts behind how they work, with my understanding being they're something similar to Google Play Store or Apple's App Store. How similar are they to Windows 10's Store?

    While the graphical interface (such as Ubuntu Software Center) is simple to understand, using the "sudo apt-get" which is seen so often in tutorials and help sites is a completely different story.
    First off, I understand that it downloads the specific app with the corresponding name in the repositories you have listed. But I do not understand how you're supposed to know the name under which the particular software is listed. Unlike in the Software Center, you cannot (I guess) just search for/browse the available apps or check their publisher.
    When you want to install a particular piece of software, you go to its dev's website and download the installer. In Linux, you go to the terminal and... how exactly do you determine what to type after "sudo apt-get"?
    Also, what's the deal with the .deb, .bin, and .run files? I understand that .run files can do anything to your system, so they shouldn't be used if not trusted, but how is installing .deb worse than installing via the terminal?
    I've read that programs should have uninstallers somewhere in the directory where they're installed, but why couldn't there just be a Control Panel–like thing which lists all the programs and allows you to uninstall them from there?
    Lastly, are there leftovers after removing programs? I know there's no registry like in Windows, but are there files scattered around during installation or are they all contained in a single place, like in macOS?


    submitted by /u/Jamesin_theta
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    Anything I need to know about running Ubuntu/Debian on Ryzen?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 01:33 PM PDT

    I'm not certain if I'm going to buy an Intel chip or an AMD chip yet, but if I go Ryzen, is there anything I need to be informed about being a newbie Linux user looking to become more of an advanced user? I will mainly be programming, running various docker server environments, gaming, and studying InfoSec/SaaS running various VM instances.

    submitted by /u/rootaspirations
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    starting over

    Posted: 31 May 2018 09:18 AM PDT

    ok so i messed up in my installation of ubuntu. i thought i had installed it onto the usb drive i used to install it and i might have, i'm not really sure anymore. either that or i made the partition that i installed it onto to small. i went to open gparted to resize that partition (seems like an easy fix, yea?) and its straight up gone and i cant install it again cuz no space. anyway i've been dealing with this for like a month now and can't figure the shit out so i just wanna start over from the beginning and install it all over again, i don't have anything important on here so what i'm wondering is how do i wipe it all clean and start over?

    submitted by /u/frostspells
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    I need help with installing Uplay through Lutris

    Posted: 31 May 2018 09:08 AM PDT


    Dear Sirs,


    I cannot get Lutris to install Uplay under DXVK.

    Please send aid.

    Kind regards,All the best,


    I've been struggling with this problem for more than two days now, and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong, missing, or broken. Hopefully reaching out to a wider audience will help.

    Here's my issue: I want to install Uplay on Lutris using the DXVK installer provided here (https://lutris.net/games/uplay/). Every time I attempt this, or when I attempt using the script by fabi2607, the installer completes, but complains of an error and says there's a crashdump (see: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Agb7L0kWAHT9sA_Ftdr70Z_AAX_7). All I want to do is install Uplay and test out the The Crew 2 closed beta build. Here's how I got to this point:

    • Hardware: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 at stock, G.Skill DDR4-3200 memory, Gigabyte Gaming 5 X370 (latest BIOS), NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (previously a Radeon R7 265, I'm swapping in the GeForce for testing [I know I can blacklist radeon and use amdgpu and try with that but really I'm fed up as it is])

    • Ubuntu 1804 Minimal install. Kernel 4.15. I'm using Xorg. NVIDIA GeForce 390 proprietary drivers through the Software & Updates > Additional Drivers menu (Why? Because it should work out of the box, that's why)

    Here's my install process:

    1. apt update
    2. apt install msttcorefonts
    3. dpkg --add-architecture i386
    4. wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/Release.key
    5. apt-key add Release.key
    6. apt-add-repository https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/
    7. apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ xenial main' (had an issue here, needed to fiddle with the source list because 1804 is technically bleeding edge)
    8. apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable
    9. Followed this Vulkan SDK installer guide: https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Install-LunarG-Vulkan-SDK.aspx
    10. apt install libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386
    11. Followed the Lutris installer guide: https://lutris.net/downloads/
    12. Logged into Lutris, added my account
    13. Went to grab the Uplay DXVK installer: https://lutris.net/games/uplay/
    14. FAILURE - Uplay crashed
    15. apt install winbind (the Uplay install script complained that it wasn't present, thought it might help)
    16. FAILURE
    17. apt install libpng12-0 (the script complained that it wasn't present)
    18. FAILURE
    19. apt install winetricks
    20. winetricks allfonts
    21. FAILURE
    22. apt install libvulkan1:i386 libvulkan-dev:i386 mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 (might help, right?)
    23. FAILURE

    For a more visual approach to explaining the problem: https://youtu.be/EPqwU2UB_po

    UPDATE: I was 90% of the way there. I had done everything else right (and I figured out all the steps listed above on my own), but I needed to move to the GeForce 396 drivers and verify that Vulkan was working with vulkan-utils. I'm a games reviewer and hardware journalist, so eventually I'll be detailng this in a full write-up in an ongoing series covering Linux gaming and DXVK.

    submitted by /u/CataclysmZA
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    How to configure installed package

    Posted: 31 May 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    So I accidentally closed the "configuring tool" that sometimes pops up when installing a new package, and I cannot figure out how to get it back. What command can do this?

    submitted by /u/Znerox
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    for some reason crontab and python3 def not interacting correctly

    Posted: 31 May 2018 12:23 PM PDT

    Crontab will not call call() in the if statement. python3 visit.py runs fine on its own but fails to run in crontab. I narrowed it down by also removing the code from function def and it works fine as well, so it's leading me to believe crontab and python3's def is somehow not liking each other.

    Any one seen anything like this?

    Update: I solved it with you help. It seems like pathing becomes an issue with crontab when using def functions in python. So you must explicitly declare pathing if using def functions in python


    from selenium import webdriver import random import time import datetime randtime = 0 seed = random.randint(0,1) def call(): global randtime options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.binary_location = '/usr/bin/google-chrome' options.add_argument('headless') options.add_argument('incognito') options.add_argument('window-size=1200x600') options.add_argument('executeable_path="/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/"') driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) #driver.get('http://google.com') driver.get('http://xxx.xxx') randtime = random.randint(0,10) time.sleep(randtime) driver.quit() if(seed): call() time = datetime.datetime.today().timetuple() with open('/home/pi/visit.csv', 'a', newline='') as file: file.write(("{}-{} {}:{} visited").format(str(time[1]), str(time[2]), str(time[3]), str(time[4]))) file.write('\n') file.close() 
    submitted by /u/avyii
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    Choose a linux distribution

    Posted: 31 May 2018 12:08 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm an invaluable distrohopper, I often use distrowatch but I'm searching a forum or an useful resource where people try and make serious and advanced comparisons among distros. Is there some other milestone for a distrohopper? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/fonduta
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    Remote graphical login

    Posted: 31 May 2018 03:06 AM PDT

    Hello guys.

    Here to ask about something that could seem strange.

    I've a "server" and I use to use it through ssh. BTW sometimes, some operations could be much easier with a GUI, so I'd like to access it graphically.

    I know there is TeamViewer btw it needs to be already logged; my aim is to connect to it with username and password (like when I use ssh) and then get it graphical.

    I cannot use X via ssh because I need to access it on different OSs (MacOS and windows).

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/prockiller
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    Transferring files from Kubuntu to Arch?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 11:35 AM PDT

    Have a new computer coming in today. I plan on setting it up with Arch. There is a lot of stuff on my current computer running Kubuntu that I would like to transfer en mass to the Arch machine once it is set up. That includes some Veracrypt stuff and Steam games. What's the simplest way to do this? (I have a two way USB cable if that is useful)

    submitted by /u/vivivox
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    Can I change my 32-bit pc into 64-bit? I used to have a 64-bit architecture back when I still have my Windows 10. Originally, it was 32-bit, but I changed it into 64-bit. Is it possible to do that too?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 07:49 AM PDT

    Program downloaded from repository does not appear in program list

    Posted: 31 May 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    The program Disk Usage Analyzer downloaded from the Kubuntu 18.04 Discover repository does not appear in the program list, whereas other programs I have downloaded do. I suppose I could launch from cli but I have just been launching from Discover, although I'd like to see the program in my program list.

    submitted by /u/simorq
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    Looking for a New distro.

    Posted: 31 May 2018 02:19 AM PDT

    I am using ubuntu for a year and i want to try something new please suggest some new distro.

    submitted by /u/atom9006
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    Which Linux distro is better for installing/using on a USB drive?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 02:19 AM PDT

    Stuck at installing LinuxMint

    Posted: 31 May 2018 04:26 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm new to Linux, trying for the first time actually.

    -OS: Window 10 64-bit -Hardware: Asus ROG-GL552VX -Linux installing: Mint 1.8.3 I believe, just download it from the webpage yesterday.

    So, I created a bootable USB via UUI. No problem here. Booted into BIOS to boot the USB.

    After the automatic boot in ... (s) screen, I got stuck, where only black screen with LinuxMint logo and some loading dots below. I only noticed that my screen freeze thanks to those little dot.

    Could someone give me some guidline on what to do? I will try to put an image link showing my screen right now.


    submitted by /u/vo_th
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    How to verify my downloaded ISO isn't corrupted?

    Posted: 30 May 2018 09:33 PM PDT

    qBittorrent won't launch (archlinux)

    Posted: 30 May 2018 05:12 PM PDT

    So I downloaded qBittorrent from the respository. When I run the program, I am greeted with the "Legal Notice". After responding with "I Agree", the program closes. The error output from the command line reads
    Gdk-Message: (time-stamp here) qbittorrent: Fatal IO error 2 (No such file or directory) on X server :0.0
    No results from researching and not sure where to go. qBittorrent does work in an Arch VM on the same host machine.

    submitted by /u/ablevictor
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    Linux noob looking for improvement

    Posted: 30 May 2018 08:25 PM PDT

    So I've been working with linux a couple of years, but I still feel my skills could be better. Does anyone have suggestions on some good practicing? Like some sort of Linux Challenges on the internet? Or just some ideas on projects I could try my hand at?

    Or even better, someone to take me under their wing, and show me some advanced ropes.

    Anyways, any thought or idea is welcome.


    submitted by /u/skolnickm
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    OpenGL doesn't work on emulators of games

    Posted: 30 May 2018 08:22 PM PDT

    On both PCSXR and Mednafen I can't use the OpenGL to play my PS1 games. I have to use SDL, and the graphic sucks.

    I have googled this shit a lot. Follow all that steps to delete the emulator files, modify some parameters and this kind of think. I have libgl1-mesa-dev instaled.

    Here are the log of Mednafen:

    Starting Mednaffe 0.8.4
    Mednafen 09x configuration file found.

    Version detected: Mednafen 0.9.41

    Executing mednafen with command line:
    "/usr/games/mednafen -psx.dbg_level 0 -video.driver opengl -video.fs 0 -cheats 1 /home/john/Downloads/ROMs/resident evil 3.cue "
    ERROR: Couldn't find matching GLX visual
    End of execution caught.

    My video card is some Intel HD.

    submitted by /u/Torcedor_do_America
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    Can an ethernet card work with mac address?

    Posted: 30 May 2018 11:57 PM PDT


    In case that manufacturer didn't save the mac address in the ethernet card what would happen? I guess the ethernet would be useless and the dchp server couldn't assign any ip to our computer?


    submitted by /u/jccall80
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    How did you started systems programming/ kernel hacking ?

    Posted: 30 May 2018 11:53 PM PDT

    I'm interested to know from the veterans how was their baby penguin time, their struggle and their guideline for n00bs.
    [assume the kiddo has some C, asm and scripting experience along with a bit idea of how kernel/os interacts with system]

    submitted by /u/puzzlehead_sink
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    What effects would swap partition have on a pendrive?

    Posted: 30 May 2018 11:49 PM PDT

    Like how longer can it last with normal usage? I have 28gb pendrive, so if i create swap partition at the end cylinders of that pendrive of about 200MB and i use that partition heavily, now what would happen? Would my whole pendrive will stop functioning or just those sectors that my swap partition was located on?

    submitted by /u/jripper7
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    Bootable Linux using only RAM

    Posted: 30 May 2018 07:57 PM PDT

    I am interested in browsing the web using a bootable Linux USB (using only RAM) as a safeguard against any malware or infection.

    I have used Tails but would prefer not to use TOR at this time.

    I am using a 2013 IMac with High Sierra.

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/endlessbackyard
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