• Breaking News


    Saturday, April 21, 2018

    My Netflix account was hacked and customer support said it was due to a virus on my computer. Can't find my symptoms anywhere and I don't want to log back into important accounts until I'm sure everything's OK. Tech Support

    My Netflix account was hacked and customer support said it was due to a virus on my computer. Can't find my symptoms anywhere and I don't want to log back into important accounts until I'm sure everything's OK. Tech Support

    My Netflix account was hacked and customer support said it was due to a virus on my computer. Can't find my symptoms anywhere and I don't want to log back into important accounts until I'm sure everything's OK.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 08:44 PM PDT

    I usually watch everything on my computer (Windows 10) and I went to watch Netflix one day but couldn't log in like normal. I tried to recover my password, but the email on file was one I'd never heard of. I was still logged in through the mobile app and from there I could tell that someone had changed my language preference to Spanish and deleted one of my profiles. I contacted customer support and we changed my email and password.

    Everything was fine until the next day when my account was taken over by the same person and my settings had been changed again. I contacted customer support again and we had to delete my old account and create a new one which I created a new email address for. But the customer support personnel said she thought that my computer had been compromised since the same person had accessed my account twice; the second time through an email address I'd never even logged into on my current computer.

    None of my other services (streaming or otherwise) have shown any suspicious activity. I've checked my processes and nothing seems out of order, but I'm no expert. I've run Malwarebytes, Windows Defender, and ESET, and nothing comes up. I can't find my symptoms through a google search and I was hoping someone had seen my problem before. Any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LuciusAugustus
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    Windows Idle Bluescreen

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 07:48 PM PDT

    Timeline of Issue:

    A few months ago, my computer blue screened a few times, which I had little success in fixing, so I did a clean install of windows, after which I then blue screened again on the clean install minutes after booting it the first time. After this, I updated my bios and the issue appeared to go away. Recently, it began blue screening again, with a variety of error codes, mostly irql_not_less_or_equal, with an occasional kmode_exception_not_handled, or whea_uncorrectable_error.

    As it stands right now, on a cold boot I will generally bluescreen during load or within 30-120 seconds thereafter, until it stabilizes a bit and, and if I manage to load into a somewhat strenuous game, it will be completely stable during play, until I stop, but will generally bluescreen at desktop within 10 minutes at most afterwards. In addition, it is 100% stable in safe mode, but I have had it blue screen at the windows 10 safe-mode selection menu during windows error recovery after bluescreening on boot a few times.

    Hardware Asus Maximus X Hero Wi-fi

    Intel i7 8700k

    4x 8Gb DDR4-3000

    Nvidia GTX1080TI

    HX850i PSU

    Things I have already tried:

    I have already done memtest for 8 loops with no errors, I have swapped and reseated my ram (has blue screened with each stick in individually), I have removed all pci-e devices (video and sound), and reseated all my power connections.

    One of my earlier guesses was that my vcore was dropping too low when idling, so I manually set my vcore to 1.2v and disabled C-states. It might be a placebo but it did seem to become slightly more stable. I have tried with XMP both on and off, and the CPU is running stock clockspeed, all other options are bios default, as turning off XMP seemed to make it worse (could still be placebo). I tried setting my LLC to one of the higher settings but this (placebo) seemed to make it worse. I have updated my BIOS to the newest, and reset to optimal defaults to try, which did not work. Unfortunately, there have been no 100% predictable scenarios other than full-load gaming or safe mode, for not-crashing.

    I have looked at the minidumps in windbg, and every error seemingly comes out of a random process image, and don't seem to have been much help at all. I have ~10 of them saved as a representative sample.

    My CPU temperatures sit at 31-36C at idle, under gaming load are around 62-64C, and under max load such as AIDA get up to low 70s.

    submitted by /u/Apze
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    Polaroid tv turns itself off

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 06:27 PM PDT

    Alright I've never posted anything like this so hopefully I'm doing it right. I have a 2013 Polaroid 19' tv that all I use it for is playing my Xbox one on. It started turning off at random intervals while I was playing Ghost Recon: Wildlands but not on any other game. Now it turns off at a high frequency on certain games (Wildlands, Sea of Theives, Smite) every so often on games like Mount and blade warband and Rainbow 6 Siege. And almost never on games like PUBG and Evolve. It makes no sense to be based off the game played as it's just the tv turning off but the frequency seems effected by it. I've tryed switching where the power is connected, removing the batteries from the tv remotes, covering the sensor, and even pulling the back off of it to check the vents are clear. This is ruining my ability to play games and I really don't have the cash to get a new tv. I really appreciate any potential help and I apologize if what I said made no sense. I can find more specifics if needed.

    submitted by /u/muntrammdryn
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    scanning laptop while sleeping

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 12:04 AM PDT

    is it ok to leave laptop plug in and scanning while i sleep or will this damage the battery

    submitted by /u/dean72135
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    Power cut out when updating BIOS. Any solutions?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 11:56 PM PDT

    Basically, I was updating my BIOS today and during the update, my foot hit the power switch on my external power outlet. When turning on the computer, I get a message stating "Boot guard verified dxe that is fail, system will shut down, press any key."

    I tried resetting my CMOS by removing the motherboard battery cell. I also tried resetting my BIOS by swapping the jumper from my password jumper to the CMOS jumper. Neither of these worked.

    Is my motherboard bricked, or is there something I or professional technicians can do to fix it? I have the Alienware Aurora R5 base motherboard.

    submitted by /u/Shayan4440
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    Does upgrading my internet actually upgrade the speed?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 08:09 PM PDT

    I apologize if I don't use any correct terminology, I will do my best.

    I currently have Frontier as my internet provider and have one of their Middle packages. They label it 100/100 which I think means 100 mb/s.

    When I Speedtest my connection it usually runs about 15-20 mb/s download and the same upload.

    My connection lags if I'm playing games online, not always but once in a while, especially if someone else in the House is streaming.

    I was thinking of paying more to upgrade to a higher speed from Frontier, but considering I'm not even maxing out what I already have, I don't know if it's worth it.

    I guess my question is, would I just be paying more to stay at the same speed since the connections are "up to" the advertised speed, or do they make sure the people paying more get a little more. Would I start averaging 25-30 or something similar?

    submitted by /u/mimiddle04
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    Opening 100 or fewer mp3 files - they open in VLC. Opening 101 or more - they open in WMP.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 09:04 PM PDT

    Windows 10.

    My default settings for mp3 files is to open in VLC. They usually do, as intended. But if I open 101 or more, my default setting is ignored and they open in Windows Media Player.

    How can I make them open in VLC, however many that may be?


    submitted by /u/shit_post_life
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    Unidentified (and very nasty) Bitcoin Miner Virus. Malwarebytes doesn't detect it even when the folder is targeted. It also seems to override my Windows security functions. Seems to spread via my Network. Not sure what to do.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 08:13 PM PDT

    I seem to have acquired a rather nasty Bitcoin miner (or I assume that's what it is). It seems to generate a random name and create a folder in Appdata/Low which I cannot access due to an access denied. It asks for administrator rights which when provided it still says access denied (these are my personal machines. I'm the only admin). I tried to take ownership via file security but I always get an access denied error and it says the current owner is unknown. It creates multiple threads using the same name as the folder it created which I cannot affect in any way. I can't kill them or restrict there priority level. I also cannot open the containing folder due to the aforementioned admin issue. It seems to constantly max out either 1 or 2 cores on and off. It drops down to no usage for 30 seconds to 2 minutes on a regular basis. I'm not sure what it's doing as I don't get a spike in network traffic. Based on how the performance hit affects my system I suspect these processes have given themselves above average priority. The virus seems to have spread to my Laptop and HTPC via my network since there isn't any download I've made that the 3 of them have in common. The processes have in common only that they identify themselves as "Windows Process Manager" in the description bar and that whenever the file name of the current process is googled it always seems to be listed on the page of a spam redirect webpage:

    I suspect that web portal acts as some sort of homing device since every filename they've taken so far has been on that webpage. The hard part is I can't find out how to remove the virus because I don't know the name or strain of the virus due to it creating randomly named folders. MalwareBytes Anti Malware (which is supposedly the best at detecting Malware) never detects it even when I specifically tell it to scan the aforementioned folders. It doesn't seem to be using my GPU. Only my CPU. So far the process names i've seen are:

    • nvbtcsi
    • weklacb
    • aurpmwc
    • nvczsrmsvc

    It's also always accompanied by a process that describes itself as "Printer Driver Host"

    • dtmcbpx

    They are always 32-bit processes. Each instance of the main mining process seems to use between 20 and 100MB of RAM depending on the age of the process.

    Do any of you recognize this behavior? If I can find out what virus I'm dealing with I can likely find instructions on its removal. I've never seen a virus that takes this degree of control over my systems.

    • Edit: Both systems are running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit
    • Edit 2: I also tried booting to Linux Live to view the folders. Under Linux the folders appeared as empty. I tried deleting them so I could boot back into Windows and create my own folders in a read only state so they couldn't re replicate themselves. By the time I was into Explorer they had already been taken over by the virus again.
    submitted by /u/The_Lone-Wanderer
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    Horizontal lines moving vertically on my TV

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:55 AM PDT

    I have a 49" TCL tv that has these horizontal lines moving up whenever I use media through the hdmi ports. It has a roku built in and when I watch Netflix on that it's fine, but it's very noticeable when playing my PS4. I've had the tv for about 6 months and it hasn't had any issues until now. Any idea what's going on?

    submitted by /u/jaylong15
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    ibuyPower owners: do the computer systems last?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:53 AM PDT

    I'm looking for reviews of ibuypower PC owners, these are sold on Amazon and Best Buy and are lower in price. When people first get their PC it works fine so they do a review on the brand new PC, which does not help me see how it lasts for a few years. I'm looking for people who have had theirs for 1-2 years to see how the quality is.

    Can someone give me some feedback on the ibuypower computers after 1-2 years of ownership? Reviews on Amazon and BestBuy are likely for brand new PCs which is not what I'm looking for.

    BestBuy has a system with 16GB ram, 1TB hard drive, 120GB SSD, and Nvidia GTX1060 graphics card for about $1200 which sounds pretty good and that is what I'm looking at.

    (I already selected and saved flair twice and it doesn't appear to be showing up for this post.)

    submitted by /u/ta1901
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    Frames get cut in half when playing games that should run perfectly fine

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:51 AM PDT

    I used to be able to play games like Overwatch and Rocket League no problem but for whatever reason, my frames are getting cut in half. What's weird is that when I use Geforce Experience's fps tracker, it shows 60 fps despite the game looking like it's 30. Battery boost is currently disabled and the rest of Experience's settings are default. What's interesting though is when I enable vsync through in game settings, everything runs at 60 fps no problem, albeit with a bit of input delay. Does anyone know what's going on? Would much rather play without vsync.

    submitted by /u/ZeroCiipheR
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    clean Windows 7 reinstall generates BSOD right into first boot after setup!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:50 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    I'm at a loss here, did hundreds of reinstalls on homebuilt machines and now I stumble upon reinstalling Windows 7 on a HP Pro 6300 machine. Stock, nothing changed took them away from the office working just fine.

    Setup finishes, and goes into a reboot. You get the standard 'video perfomance tests' again a reboot. But after that (into the working version of the install) even the System recovery option results into a BSOD "check_machine_exeption".

    Did a reset on the bios, flashed it to the newest version. But to no avail. Even turned off some security stuff in the bios. But this is so hard to troubleshoot, I cannot imagine i'm the only one who has this issue.

    The memory 2x 4GB and standard seagate 500Gb harddrive is present, but this is allready the THIRD machine what is doing this!!!

    Disks are completly blanked, re-formatted in the windows setup! Also tried two different windows install cds i have. Both do the same :(

    submitted by /u/JCD2018
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    Judt sat a nrw fridge down on my isp router

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:47 AM PDT

    Long and short of it is we're moving around some stuff the router was laying in silly place next to the kitchen door. I didn't see it sat down the fridge and well now we're without internet.

    What's the best solution here?

    submitted by /u/Ashleigh2247
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    Problems with Iphone earphones with microphone/

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:41 AM PDT

    So I recently bought a pre-build computer and I want to continue using my earbuds as a microphone aswell as providing audio. My old laptop had a joined combo aux port for the microphone aswell as the audio. The microphone and the audio have always worked properly. However my new computer has a seperate aux port for the microphone and the audio. To counter this I bought a cable similair to this one. The problem however is that only the audio is working and not the microphone. The packaging also didn't insist anywhere to install any drivers or software or somesort. Tried google but couldn't find a solution. Any help is appreciated. :)

    submitted by /u/Ziekrs
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    Reinstalling Windows queries

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:26 AM PDT

    Hi, guys. I'm currently planning to re-install Windows. I have 2 internal drives attached (one is used for storage). Can I back-up all the stuff (docs, vids, media etc.) into my storage drive, disconnect it. Reconnect after re-installing Windows and will it work as normal afterwards?

    submitted by /u/WaffleBrewer
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    Can't copy files to or from external drive because of some kind of filepath paradox.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:22 AM PDT

    I have an external HDD (Toshiba, I think 2TB) that generally performs fine. I use it to backup files every now and then - I know it's not an ideal backup solution (because of this exact issue, for one), but it's still better than 0 backups.

    I can see files on the drive just fine. However, I can't copy or open files from the drive. When I try to, Windows tells me the file no longer exists in <file_path>. Similarly, when I try to copy files to the drive, Windows tells me that the drive no longer exists in F:\. Many folders appear empty.

    I've checked, the drive is still there under My Computer, it's still visible in devicemanager.

    Other USB ports give me the same issue. This problem only exists on my PC - the computer from which these files originated. Another computer can copy files to and from the drive properly. Folders that appear empty on my computer are populated correctly on this other computer. I thought this was because I'd switched my PC region to Japan to play a Japanese game; switching back to UK has not solved my issue.

    I've found guides on how to delete files affected by this, but I don't want to delete. In some cases, I want to over-write, but generally I just want this drive to function as intended.

    I'm currently considering dumping the drive's contents to the co-operative PC, reformatting it, and hoping that solves it, but I'd like to avoid it because the other PC is very slow and it would, without exaggeration, take a full day to copy the drive's contents to it.

    submitted by /u/Dogs-best-friend
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    How to make sure I exported all my files before a factory reset [Windows 7 Laptop]

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:19 AM PDT


    I just got a new laptop so I will probably be doing a factory reset of my old laptop [Sony VAIO Windows 7] before giving it to a family member.

    I want to transfer all my files (documents, photos, music, etc) to an external hard drive however since I've been using this laptop for almost a decade I'm afraid I might leave something behind (e.g. A file that I might have saved in an unusual place).

    Basically, I want to know if there is a way (e.g. Software, online support, tool, etc) to make sure I don't miss any file that might be in the old laptop before resetting it.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/PsychicNeuron
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    My “f@&$-“ router won’t allow 5ghz connections

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 05:30 PM PDT

    Just moved into a new place with 1 Gbps fiber, I have a 1.3 GBPS dual band router. The speed tests are great, but I can only connect to the 2.4hz connection. I have tried everything from changing band width to changing channel, eliminating password, changing passwords. I STILL CANNOT CONNECT!!! any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/soyPETE
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    Why is this happening? "Ghost" image, inverted/outlined prints - Canon on a Mac

    Posted: 20 Apr 2018 07:34 PM PDT

    Canon Imageclass MF8580 - Recently updated firmware

    Mac OS 10.11 - Recently updated drivers

    Will print like this from any software. One image is fine, then the next is lonly outlines around where the black should be, then one with a gray outline around the black, then fine, then not fine. No way to predict, seems totally random. "Acts up" every once in a while even with all the same settings.

    Connected wirelessly via wifi. Changing toners doesn't help.

    submitted by /u/fecundherbals
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    BSOD Issues on Dell Latop, was going to reinstall but ran into something unfamiliar when viewing drives on Linux - A SSD that is listed as an Intel RSTe RAID Member, unable to mount. Main Windows Filesystem is on HDD

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:04 AM PDT

    As the title says, the laptop I'm working on has BSOD issues. From what I've seen it looks like it's just a simple reinstall that will fix things, but when testing the hard drives, I saw that one of the disks is a SSD that's a RAID member, can't be mounted. The main filesystem is on the HDD, it mounts fine and the files are accessible and such. I want to reinstall Windows and get the laptop working again, but I'm not sure what's going on with the settings.

    Any idea what's special here, and whether reinstalling normally will work fine?

    submitted by /u/WhimsicalTastes
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    Printer issue..

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 03:03 AM PDT

    Hi guys.

    I am having an issue with my printer and don't know which sub to go to for help. It started off with one error code which I kind of resolved (I think) but now it's flashing warning lights and has japanese on the screen. Nowhere open in town it Monday morning, and unsure if it's worth fixing anyway.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/CynnerInANightclub
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    Strange open Wifi network

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:53 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    About a week ago my mother noticed a new Wifi network on her laptop which had the common name that we use for our networks (plus some extra details to explain its purpose). None of us in the family can remember naming that network and we have no idea where it's being broadcast from. The problem is that the network is open/unsecured so we'd like to figure out what's projecting it and either turn that off or at least secure it. We've been through every device we can think of turning them on and off and checking for whether the network goes down and haven't found anything.

    So my question is - is there some way to figure out from the open network itself which device we're looking for? I would have no idea where to even begin with this.


    1. Unsecured wifi in our name on our premises.
    2. We can't figure out what's broadcasting it
    3. Is there anything we can do?


    submitted by /u/Invincible_Boy
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    No USB or PS/2 ports working, what are my options?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:50 AM PDT

    I got a new motherboard (Gigabyte GA-B75M-S) today, however none of the USB ports work, any keyboard i plug in (which work just fine with my laptop) doesn't even light up, it's like there's no power going towards it. I've also tried using the PS/2 ports with an old keyboard/mouse. No luck there.

    I also went as far as resetting the bios by removing the battery that's on the motherboard.

    Now when I start the machine, it gives me a prompt that let's me choose "enter bios" or "load optimized defaults", but because no input seems to work.. I can't select anything and I'm stuck on that screen.

    All I have connected to the motherboard is the fpanel pins, power for the cpu, usb/ps2 keyboard and display connector. This is probably as barebones I can make it.

    Does this sound like a dud motherboard? Is there something else I can try?

    I just need possible.

    submitted by /u/uneatenbreakfast
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    My regedit changes in Policies/Internet Settings and Policies/Control Panel section does not save after logging out/reboot

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:25 AM PDT


    I have a computer running windows 7. A few days ago my lan settings were greyed out and I couldn't change the proxy settings. then I learned that changing the values of

    "Policies/Internet Setttings/proxy settings per user" to 1 and

    "Policies/Microsot/IE/Control Panel/Connection Settings" to 0 , I could change the proxy settings.

    I tried and it worked but the problem is the settings keep changing back to the old ones everytime I reboot.

    Then evertime I reboot windows, I have to change the settings back to the new ones (Proxy settings per user to 1 and Connection Settings to 0) again.

    If I don't change after reboot, I can't change the proxy settings but I don't want to have to change the settings to new values after each reboot. Regedit does not save the changes. I read a lot in google search results but I couldn't come up with a solution.

    Can anybody pls help? Much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jacknigel
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    How do I print an A4 paper-sized booklet?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:25 AM PDT

    I have a 30 page Microsoft word document that I would like to print out and combine into a staple-binded booklet. Is there any settings that will enable the printer to print out the pages (on A3 paper) in the correct order, such that I can stack it up, fold it, and the booklet can have the correct pages printed? For example, one of the A3 paper would have page 1 in the back right, page 2 in the front left, page 29 in the front right, and page 30 in the back left

    submitted by /u/HewhohadtheOmnitrix
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