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    Monday, April 16, 2018

    Home Networking PC electrical interference causing major packet loss

    Home Networking PC electrical interference causing major packet loss

    PC electrical interference causing major packet loss

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    I am currently having what seems to be an interference issue with my PC.

    First i noticed quite a high amount of packet loss (>2%) using my PCie wireless adapter when pinging my wifi router. Router works fine, pinged it with my laptop all night and got 4 packet lost of the 33000. This lead to me thinking that my pcie card is defective. I then bought a cheap usb wifi dongle.

    Now the weird thing with this is that when i use it in the back of my pc case where the mobo usb ports are i get the same or higher amount of packet loss. But when i use it in the front usb port that is further away from my pc components i get less than 1% packet loss.

    I don't know much about electricity but i got this multimeter that has a NCV feature which stands for non contact voltage detector. It basically has two claws that you can put around a wire to see if it has current flowing trough it. It seems to also detect static electricity. If i rub the claw on synthetic clothing it starts to beep.

    So i decided to test this on my pc case and yes it starts beeping. Now i don't know if this is normal or not for pc cases to have an electrical field but this most certainly has an effect on my wifi performance. Another thing to note is that when i use the usb wifi dongle with my laptop there is almost no packet loss (4 packets lost of the 33000 let it run all night) the inbuilt wifi card of my laptop also has identical packet loss of almost zero.

    I'm using a cheap surge protector/voltage regulator at the moment. The brand is FORZA. Im thinking that this could be an electricity/psu/mobo issue.

    The Pc used to shock me a bit when it was plugged in a non grounded outlet but it's grounded now. Does that mean my mobo is touching the metal casing or something?

    any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Frs4ken
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    I should be able to use just 4 wires from an CAT5 cable shouldn't I?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 11:43 AM PDT

    I'm trying to place a wireless modem (Netgear Nighthawk R7000) in a room and only use 2 pair out of the 4 in my CAT5 cable.

    I'm using the orange, orange/white and blue, blue/white on both ends.

    Can't get a connection and I checked and rechecked the termination of the wires.

    Am I missing something? Does the router use more than 2 pair?

    submitted by /u/imafngoof
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    Cat 6 Home Network - Router Location / Switch Question

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 04:51 PM PDT

    Apologies if this is a stupid question or poorly explained, but I have very limited experience with Ethernet network setup.

    I've just moved into a new home which has Cat 6 cabling to every room. There are five ports in various rooms - one each in the three bedrooms, and two in the living room / reception. All the Cat 6 cables terminate in a cupboard in the hallway, and the previous owner had an ADSL router here which the Cat 6 cables connected to, acting as a switch.

    I don't really want to use an ADSL connection as fibre broadband is available in the area, and I'm therefore looking to get this installed. If I am able to do so, the fibre would enter the property in the living room / reception, and therefore the router would be located here as opposed to the cupboard where the Cat 6 cables terminate.

    To complicate matters, only one of the two Ethernet ports in the reception area is easily accessible, and I have a number of entertainment devices I want to connect to the network in here via a switch - but the data from this switch will then need to be transmitted to another switch where the Cat 6 cables terminate.

    Would connecting the fibre router to a switch in the reception which has other entertainment devices connected to it, and then connecting this switch to the easily accessible Ethernet port in the reception, linking it to another switch in the cupboard with the cat 6 cables from the other rooms connected work? Or would I need to connect the router to a dedicated Ethernet port in the reception, linking it directly to the main switch in the cupboard, to which the other switch connects?

    Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I'm not sure how else to explain what I'm trying to achieve. Any advice would be very much appreciated - I'd rather do this correctly the first time than through trial and error.

    submitted by /u/JLM086
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    Really weird DNS problem

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 02:35 PM PDT

    hi all,

    I'm dealing with a really weird DNS problem I hope you can help me solve, or at least shed light on.

    So a few months ago (~July 2017) I rented a self-manged backup/storage server from an ISP:

    • I set it up and got everything working perfectly, with no problems
    • about a month ago (~March 2018) some of my backup jobs start breaking
    • I jump onto the box to find that DNS is not working on the box
    • I run my own DNS servers (on other machines at other ISPs), so I quickly try these queries from elsewhere, and try some other DNS servers
    • I find out that on this particular server, at this particular ISP, all DNS servers that I tried are blocked, with the exception of Google's public DNS servers (, and
    • all other networking (ssh was the only service I was running on the box) was fine, pings etc.
    • so I figured this was the ISP doing something weird with their firewall, so I open a ticket.

    Thus begins a maddening 2 week descent into hysteria.

    • the support staff had only dealt with customers who were completely incompetent apparently, their reply to me several times in the ticket was, "DNS on the box is not running, only ssh"
    • I tried several times to explain to them it was outbound DNS queries that were blocked, but I'm pretty sure they didn't read anything I wrote
    • in the meantime, I supplied tcpdump output, and I narrowed down the problem a bit further:
    • DNS queries over TCP worked, UDP did not
    • sniffing the network, I saw that a UDP DNS query packet went out from the box, a DNS server elsewhere would get it, and return the reply, but the reply UDP packet never made it back to the server
    • I tried this from multiple hosts on multiple different networks/ISPs, and got the same thing

    • in the meantime, some support staff who replied to the ticket, suspected that DDOS filtering was the cause, so they did some changes and asked me to check again

    • I find that this time, some public DNS servers worked, but others did not, and none of my own DNS servers worked

    • so at some point, one engineer got onto the ticket, and said that the firewall on the box I had setup was the culprit. I told them that while I did have a firewall running on the box, I turned it off as soon as I started diagnosing the problem

    • he insisted that was the cause and asked if they could get login credentials on to the box

    • so I went and formatted the whole machine (not an easy thing, since it was a storage server and had a few Terabtyes of data on it) and installed a completely new (and different) OS

    • behold, same problem with the new OS

    At this point, I knew that the problem had nothing to do with the OS, but either the hardware (unlikely, since everything else was working), or some networking issue at the ISP. I ask them to check again

    • the engineers log into my box, and tell me again that port 53 on my server is closed

    I kind of lose it at this point (it was 2 weeks since I had first opened the ticket) and told them that no one had apparently read anything I had posted, since they apparently kept saying the same thing to me

    The engineer did try queries to one of my DNS servers from other hosts at the ISP, and those did work. That was new info. That meant that whatever was happening was happening only on my machine at the ISP.

    But eventually, they weren't able to help me. I reformatted the machine, and this time set Google's public DNS servers as the name servers of this host and closed out the ticket.

    So that's where I am at this point. The machine is not broken, it's quite usable, but there's a bit of an itch in my brain about what the cause of this problem is.

    Can anyone suggest anything?

    tl;dr: From a machine, UDP DNS queries go out, but their replies are blocked. TCP DNS queries work fine. All other networking is fine on the box. ISP says they are not blocking anything.

    submitted by /u/NetLyfe
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    Tplink VR600 VDSL Router Back doors are open

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 11:23 AM PDT

    Hello reddit,yesterday i got brand new tplink vr600 for my vdsl isp the router working fine max out my vdsl sync, after i setup i start to search if there any back doors on the router i scan whit nmap and what you know there is a telnel running whit default port 23 and also ssh on port 22,how the hell i can close this services ??

    In gui there is no option for ssh or telnel

    I can connect on telnel whit password i setup during first setup but on ssh i cannot connect getting error password incorrent and after tree attemps got error public key

    The last thig i want is running ssh and telnel on my router and worst is that i cannot swich of ssh and telnel

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/oOMrYairOo
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    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 01:11 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I am trying understand the difference/need between SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO. I guess my question is does it really make a difference. For example, if I am running an xbox and two people are streaming (sling and hulu) does one or the other make a difference as far as connectivity? I am asking because I currently have Google WiFi and my xbox keeps getting kicked off and the internet itself is fine.

    submitted by /u/armymatt
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    Will this be too outdated

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 03:21 PM PDT

    So, I am In the process of re-doing my parents entire home network, I was planning to install a Poe WiFi system that will work fine without me there ( the current system needs me nearly ever week)

    I was going from use these inwall routers https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01MY3YI6Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Das1AbZ3SAV0M

    But I got told by some people in this sub that it was a bad idea

    They seem a little outdated tech wise but I think they will be perfect for my parent's. Their connection speed is only ever going to be 76Mb/s down /20Mb/s up + the system has an inbuilt mesh feature, aurolink I think it's called

    Anyways, I am going to be finished school soon and moving out which is my reason for wanting a system that requires little to no micromanagement.

    submitted by /u/FalsePhoenix
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    Looking to upgrade my PC's WiFi adapter

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 10:03 AM PDT

    Currently in the market to upgrade my wireless adapter since I just upgraded to 5G internet with a router that supports 802.11ac (I don't believe my current adapter runs ac as mousing over the connection says it is 802.11n, although I think it does support 5G).

    My PC sits approximately 11.3m from the router and is separated by 1 floor and 2-3 walls.

    I understand that WiFi will always be inferior to a wired connection and sometimes to a powerline but I'd still prefer to stick with it.

    If it matters at all my motherboard is a GA-Z77-D3H. The router is a Hitron CODA-4582. Our channel is 160 or 161.

    My PC runs on Windows 7 Ultimate.

    I have a 1 Gb download speed package although I share the bandwidth with 1 or 2 other housemates.

    I am currently averaging ~35-40 download and ~ 20-30 upload from my desktop.

    I have been eyeing a few wireless adapters but I'm not sure if they will not be enough/more than I could possibly use. I am looking to game and stream videos with the lowest loading times and least latency possible (While staying within a budget of 100 CAN. Although if going over will vastly improve my experience then I am open to considering it.)

    The three adapters I have been looking at are the ASUS AC56 and 68, the TPLINK Archer T6E and T9E, and the Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I.

    I understand that the Gigabyte one is the cheapest, but will it perform the same as the TPLINK and ASUS one's? Would there be a significant difference? Do the extra antennas matter? Am I simply falling prey to marketing? (ASUS and TPLINK have heatsinks although I'm not sure if they are essential. ASUS also says they have increased range and adaptive power).

    Ideally I want an affordable adapter that can use the available bandwidth well while also maintaining a strong signal.

    Any and all help is much appreciated, thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/WlOoLgVaEnRhIeNaEs
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    Trying to route specific device to specific ISP with load balance router.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 06:20 PM PDT

    I'm using the TL-r470t+ and have DSL and a hotspot connected to it. What I was trying to do before was route certain internet traffic to a certain ISP (DIRECTV now) but I don't think that's possible. Instead I'm just trying to route my Apple TVs to use dsl only, otherwise if I'm streaming live t and they try to use the hotspot, the stream will buffer a bit since the hotspot speeds vary. Unfortunately when i trying to configure this, I got the message "destination network conflicts with the subnet of the interface". I'm not really great with this type of networking so I'm not sure what to do to fix it. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/alpacapoop
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    Can two wifi signals with same SSID cause interference?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 06:13 PM PDT

    I have a router and I needed signal in a hallway with lots of rooms, so I bought a nanostation loco m2 to repeat that signal, I configured that nano as AP and everything was working fine but these rooms got icodis projectors and now I have heard that none of them are getting wifi because they are trying to get connected to both the signal of my original router and the signal of the AP, I didn't even know that was possible because since I named the AP as the router on my other devices the signal appears as one.


    sorry for my bad grammar. (edit: grammar)

    submitted by /u/iamfeelings
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    Upgrading to Comcast Gigabit, looking for advice on potential upgrades

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 04:51 PM PDT

    Upgrading to Comcast Gigabit. Thinking I should upgrade my home network a bit and also would like to take advantage down the line of some home automation. Living in a 1000sq ft apartment. Is this too much? Somewhat future proof? Can I still use the Asus Router in bridge mode or is it no longer necessary?

    Current Setup

    • 1x CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD PFC Sinewave UPS System 1500VA/900W, 10 Outlets, AVR, Mini-Tower

    • 1x Asus RT87U (Merlin Firmware)


    • 1x Motorola DOCSIS 3.1 Cable Modem, Model MB8600

    • 1x Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro (USG-PRO-4)

    • 1x Ubiquiti UniFi Switch - 24 Ports Managed (US-24-250W)

    • 1x Ubiquiti Networks UVC-G3-MICRO WiFi 1080p Camera

    • 2x Ubiquiti UAP-AC-HD Unifi Access Point

    • Need cables, might as well get Cat7?

    submitted by /u/derpmanchu
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    4Mbps internet, can anything be done?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 12:23 AM PDT

    Hey r/HomeNetworking,

    So in Australia we have mediocre internet at the best of times, my parents live in a suburban area but their phone line sucks so they can only get ADSL1 at about 4Mbps down and .5 up.

    I wanted to ask here is there anything that can be done to help out? They have a basic ISP router with no QOS. My first thoughts is to upgrade this with something a bit better but obviously there speed will still suck. Is it even worth it?


    submitted by /u/Machine_17
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    Bought new home. Looking for good WiFi set-up

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Just bought a new home and want to set up my internet correctly. It's a new construction so I want to keep things new and nice.

    House is 2077sqft on a corner lot that is close to 10,000sqft and would like to have WiFi in the yard for our devices and also music in the summer time.

    In the master closet there is a panel cover that I believe is where Ethernet cables run to. The house is wired I believe with 2 Ethernet ports downstairs and one upstairs. There is conduit running right outside of the home where the closet is and I was told the conduit is there for cable company (Comcast :( ) The best they offer in my area is 250 mbps so that ms what we will be working with.

    I have been looking at Ubiquiti but I have no idea what all hardware I would need. My dad used to be in networking for banks but he lives across the country. I am pretty good with electronics so if ubiquiti is really the way to go then I am down for the project.


    Here is a link to a picture of the appraisal floor plan. I want to put my Xbox one by the fireplace in the living room. We have my Xbox, 3 phones, 3 laptops, an iPad, and will have friends over during the summer also a smart tv in the master bedroom downstairs for Netflix . Having WiFi in the driveway would be fantastic, I am a Deputy and being able to finish my reports and such in my patrol car before walking in and removing my whole laptop from the car would be nice. (Puck signal not that great at my home)

    Thank you so much for your time.

    submitted by /u/Mackbrown17
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    Modem/Router DNS Settings at More thatn one Location?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 04:02 PM PDT

    When setting up my modem/router, there are two places where I can add my DNS servers. One is when I set up my internet connection, most settings there have to do with ISP and there is also a field for primary and secondary DNS.

    In addition, when settings DHCP there is a field for primary and secondary DNS that can be edited.

    What is the difference between the two? So far, I only have messed with DHCP DNS servers as I run a PiHole on my home network. What about DNS on the Internet side of settings?

    Picture Regarding my Settings https://imgur.com/a/OQnvR

    submitted by /u/Achileas7
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    Help with a network course question

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 10:14 AM PDT

    Hey folks, I'm currently in the midst of studying a course and am really struggling on one of the questions.

    "A _______ record is responsible for resolving an IP to a domain name."

    there are 16 questions on this test. I've got 15 of them right (I just can't get this one - you need 100% to pass the test)

    some answers I've tried = DNS, CNAME, "A" record, NAT

    Does anyone know what record the question is referring to?


    submitted by /u/mattkeo11
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    Wireless Router Recommendation

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 10:02 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I posted recently about mesh network but I think based on the feedback this issue could be spectrum giving me a sub-par wireless router that doesn't do a good job with range.

    The wireless router they gave me: Sagemcom 5260

    I'm thinking if I get a higher-end wireless router it may solve the issue. My townhouse is 3 levels with the modems sitting on the top floor (400mbps) and the 1st floor dropping to 70-100mbps.


    submitted by /u/caligradex12
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    Is my port saturated?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 01:15 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I just ordered a new Netgear NH R7000 that came in the mail today. When eagerly thinking about how I was going to set it up, I realized that I really only have one hard-wired cable running from my current router to my bedroom. In my bedroom, I have a 12-port switch that said wire plugs into, and all my devices are plugged into that switch there.

    My question is when I set up my new router today, should I just set it up in my bedroom? My thought process here Is that I can use the switch but also the ports on the router to spread out bandwidth because no one else uses the wired connection. Or is my one cable setup to my switch fine and can I keep the router in its current spot? I have Xfinity and get about 200 down and 50 up or something iirc.

    Also, thoughts on the R7000? Just wondering as I've already purchased it. Anything I should know?

    submitted by /u/CivicWithNitrous
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    See whats going on in my network and looking to filter out ads (without PiHole)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 09:11 AM PDT

    I am looking for a way to see what requests are being made on my home network by IP. ie. Smart TV sending out random requests etc.

    My end goal is to filter out ads on my entire network (preferably without the use of a PiHole since I do not have a Pi). Can this be done somehow via DNS settings at the router?

    submitted by /u/Bilfflip2112
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    Can ping between to 2 VLANs but not out of them.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 08:58 AM PDT

    I have a 3 separate VLANs, all of size /24.

    VLAN A:

    VLAN B:

    VLAN C:

    I can ping between VLANs A and B, and from VLAN C to A or B, but not from A or B to C. I feel like it has to be something basic I'm missing. The only firewall rules I have set up in pfSense are the basic allow all outbound rules on each VLAN.

    Any and all help is appreciated, and I'm very sorry if anything is confusing or more information is required.

    Edit: after some more testing I've discovered that it's only this one computer that I can't ping.

    submitted by /u/dsmiles
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    Asus RT-AC66U B1, RT-AC66U, or RT-AC56U

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 09:23 AM PDT

    Hello, I want to get an higher end, used Wifi router for my apartment (just about 70m²). As my internet will be pretty fast with up to 500Mbit/s (probably 400Mbit/s effectively) with about 3 smartphones, 3 laptops, 1 smart TV and 5-10 smaller linux devices (RPi and such) that could probably be connected to some cloud services, I am concerned about choosing the right router for the money. I intent to run the router with the Merlin firmware for the vast monitoring, management features (what device used how much traffic, bandwith limits for each device...) nice GUI and and ease of use. I am techsavy and a software developer, but networks are not my area of expertise. So I don't know how much those features and the number of devices would strain the CPU of the router. Compared to cheaper wifi routers, the 3 mentioned devices have huge amount of ram and speedy CPUs, will they make noticeable difference serving data to all those devices silmultaneously? Can you please give me an advice which router to choose? I am also open for other models and brands as long as they are reliable and offer good performance for the money. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/PigRider
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    Best modem for comcast internet 100 down

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    I'm looking at the Arris SB6183, is this overkill or even should I go DOCSIS 3.1?

    submitted by /u/TheInvention
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    2.4GHz WiFi drops out at random because the servers produce electromagnetic interference. Solution: Move the WiFi AP away from the servers.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 08:50 AM PDT

    I hope this pops up as a possible solution to someone in the future with a similar issue.

    Took me a week to isolate this problem since it was so intermittent, and had no way to reproduce the problem. Just had to try to fix it and wait.

    I have several 1U servers (wired only), and on top, the modem, router, and AP in my home. We use the WiFi for gaming and streaming services since the business internet is much faster than the residential and the residential has a data cap.

    I was talking with my wife about, pulling my hair out, chugging a few beers. We're trying to think of anything at this point. I've decreased packet sizes, gone through every channel, changed polarity, you name it. Then she mentions how we had the AP further away from the servers at the old house.

    We moved the AP to about 3ft away and now everything works perfectly.

    I got so buried in 2.4GHz radio settings that I didn't stop and think about the fact that the servers are simply electronics and electronics produce electromagnetic interference sometimes.

    Unimportant note: 5GHz was always unaffected.

    submitted by /u/Hotrod_Greaser
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    Fixing wlan connectivity

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 07:16 AM PDT

    Hello, My parents are plagued with bad wlan connectivity, due to the size of their house(2 stories and basement, about 300m2 ) and the amount of concrete walls and steel beams in the house.

    I have tried powerline solutions(meh) and repeaters (also meh).

    The parents don't want to do cabeling so I did a lot of research and found that people in my situation like to use stuff like the ubiquity UAP AC LITE or PRO. Since they are still affordable but outperform the usual enduser Hardware by a lot in terms of power.

    Any feedback on my findings? Do you guys have other hardware recommendations? Ty

    submitted by /u/PUNK_FEELING_LUCKY
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    Broke antenna for network card

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 07:15 AM PDT

    I broke the antenna for my network card. It sat on the desktop I am looking for a comparable antenna that sits on the desktop so i can get better reception

    submitted by /u/nirrtix
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    Cannot factory reset router

    Posted: 16 Apr 2018 05:51 AM PDT

    I have the TG1682G Xfinity router.

    I have done every method suggested to reset this thing, 30-30-30, 15 while on, off then on while holding reset, taking out the battery and doing all 3, etc.

    Nothing I do seems to have any effect other than cycling the power. Hoping someone can help me out here, sorry if this sub isn't really meant for this stuff.

    submitted by /u/Phenioxx22
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