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    Thursday, April 19, 2018

    Exploring the v28 Android Design Support Library Additions Android Dev

    Exploring the v28 Android Design Support Library Additions Android Dev

    Exploring the v28 Android Design Support Library Additions

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 06:26 AM PDT

    Kotlin 1.2.40 is out!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 01:33 PM PDT

    Are Udacity's Android Development courses too outdated to be useful at this point?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 08:38 AM PDT

    I just recently finished the courses making up the Android Basics nanodegree and I think they were very helpful as an intro to Android app development. My plan was to continue with the intermediate and advanced courses and maybe even pursue a certification in the form of an official nanodegree from Udacity. However, after looking over their curriculum plan and the stuff that's posted on this subreddit, I get the feeling that what I learn from Udacity will be too outdated.

    There is such a large emphasis on this subreddit about application architecture: MVP, MVC, MVVM, etc. I don't see any mention of any of those principles in the Udacity courses. Are they still worth taking, or am I better off using the knowledge I gained from the Basics courses and forging ahead with more recent tutorials? For example, building applications using Android documentation/codelabs or other tutorial sources that place a higher importance on more recent Android development best practices?

    I'm hoping to make Android development a career (switching from engineering background, though currently between jobs), if that changes the answer at all.

    Thanks in advance for the input!

    submitted by /u/yityit2000
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    Rethinking GPS: Engineering Next-Gen Location at Uber

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 11:08 AM PDT

    Is Xamarin still that bad?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 08:14 AM PDT

    My company is going to start moving away from Java. We currently have two apps in Java and we're thinking about switching to Xamarin, Kotlin or Flutter/Dart.

    Note: this is not a language/framework discussion. We like C#/.NET and we're pleasantly happy with it. We also liked how both Dart and Kotlin looks. And we will move away from Java no matter what. I only want to know about stability/bugs/workflow experience

    Xamarin would be a great option for us since we already use C# and .NET for almost all our projects. However, I'm a little afraid since I've read and heard that the Xamarin development experience is really trashy - installation bugs, cryptic errors, freezes all over, bad layout designer... the list goes on.

    Is Xamarin still this bad? Should we stay away from it? We currently have problems only with Java - the language. We're pretty comfortable with the rest of the workflow and we surely don't want to spend days just fighting with the framework/IDE.

    By the way, if Xamarin is this bad: is Flutter/Dart any better? Since it's still in Beta, we fear it may suffer from the same problems (instability, bugs, etc.).

    submitted by /u/andre_ss6
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    Yet another project structure discussion...

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 10:17 AM PDT

    I package by feature and I think it's safe to say the majority of Android devs here prefer packaging by feature as well.

    Has anybody ever split packages by access level though? As an example I've created a basic structure where the "authenticated" package contains features only accessible when a user is logged into the app.

    |-- data |-- splash |-- login |-- registration |-- authenticated |-- dashboard |-- profile |-- settings 
    submitted by /u/itsBGO
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    Coroutines and RxJava — An Asynchronicity Comparison (Part 3): Transferring stream of values

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 11:32 AM PDT

    New Firebase's Passwordless Sign-In with Email Link

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 10:49 PM PDT

    If you are about to start working on a new project right now, which architecture would you choose (MVP/MVVM/Google recommended/Anything else) and why?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 03:31 PM PDT

    I've been planning to start working on a side project (creating a Twitter client, mostly for learning and practise), but haven't been able to finalize on an architecture. MVP has been a preferred choice for a while, MVVM has been gaining interest since the data binding library was introduced, and Google also came out with their own architecture guidelines. There are also other variations (e.g Clean architecture). Which architecture do you guys think is worth investing at this point?
    I understand it depends somewhat on personal preference as well, so let's keep it as a discussion rather than a debate. Also sorry if such a thread is here already, you can help me by posting the link to that thread. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/abhishekmaity
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    Android Team developer survey

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 03:10 PM PDT

    Best *performant* HTML UI toolkit/library for android 5.0 +?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 02:19 PM PDT

    I need to create a multi-platform app with the UI on WebViews and the local backend on native code.

    After some initial test I found that the performance on Android, as expected, is sub-par in contrast with iOS (also, I have tested some apps (available on both with html) plus some demos of html toolkits).

    Unfortunally, this must be with html (so react-native can't be).

    So my only next question is what html toolkit is the best in relation to overall performance for a business application (not game), with most of the logic on native code, and only HTML for UI.

    I can deviate from the look-feel of the native OS, but need very good scrolling/list with 10.000 - 20.000 items on screen. Of course I understand that I'm asking for a goal more than something that could be guaranteed on the android platform, so I wonder which library or strategy could let me closer to my ideal.

    My android low-end target is Android 5.0 with low-mid thier android phones common in latin-america.

    submitted by /u/mamcx
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    Image/Marker Recognition for ARCore (Android) — Viro Media

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 11:58 AM PDT

    Where is the build log in Android Studio 3.1?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 06:59 AM PDT

    Instagram like Android application open source code + Firebase

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 09:58 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! While Kotlin is coming more and more popular but all my projects are comes in Java, and take my time to develop something purely using new language. For the idea I pick most famous Instagram application where everyone can share images, liked them and comment.

    So I started with Firebase (as it free plan) and define the rules for database and how the contact will be delivered using official SDK that shares data in realtime. Having not much experience with Kotlin, but only Java project it took me just 2 days to build it. Really good job Google ;)

    If someone like to use it for own project or just try Kotlin I push it as open source on github: https://github.com/bossly/photo-sharing-android

    Android in action (simulator)

    Please, feel free to try fork it, comment or make better version ;)

    submitted by /u/01egme
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    Spoofing/Bots/Cheating for Fitness Tracking apps

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 03:34 PM PDT


    I'm building an app similar that pays you anytime you play pickup sports. However after a game a user inputs his point total

    Every point is worth 1/2 a credit 200 credits = 10$ to Nike Reebok Adidas

    So therein lies the problem.

    We are launching with a few preventive cheating measure in order however I need HELP with more.

    So far here is the list of what we've come up w/ to challenge anyone trying to get a competitive edge

    Yes there are many ways we discourage cheating and such to make sure the app isn't taken advantage of. People WILL cheat that's just human nature. However we have some ways to discourage it.

    1. Spectator mode Spectator mode is a mode where the people who have downs (next game) wait on the sidelines. Usually players in this situation watch the game, or shoot at the other end of the court to warm up. They can enter what's called spectator mode on the sidelines where they are sort of a "ref" and add and subtract points.

    Now why would somebody spectate? Well a couple reasons. 1 You don't have to leave my app to post to all other social media handles 2 You actually earn credits for spectating 3 If you are over 98% accurate for a period of time you become a verified spectator which means you earn even more credits once you spectate. Also YOU HAVE THE FINAL SAY (People love the feeling of imaginary power)

    1. Validation of points scored is done by the user

    This is the #2 way of seeing who cheats and who doesn't. Most pickup games are played to 11 or 12. If you win the games say 11-10 that is a 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 matchup. Say someone lies and says he scored 10 points. That tells me a couple things

    1 Your lying 2 Your a ball hog 3 your lying

    There is almost no feasible way in a 4 on 4 game that someone has scored that many points, he wouldn't be picked up OR he's just dominate. If his totals are put into question we will review his challenge record which leads into......

    1. Challenge Mode

    If you are scoring 10 out of 11 points in the scenario I played out above....Why is your record when you challenge someone or someone challenges you 3-8 and 5-10? There is no way. BANNED for a few days and given a final warning....

    submitted by /u/taylor2121
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    MVVM and ViewState

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 08:26 AM PDT

    I'm having a hard time handling these two, mostly because I'm finding difficult to separate the ViewState from the ViewModel, not knowing what the best approach would be. Let's say I have a ViewModel to interact with a View that allows the User to create an item, or update one.

    • First: This View (it's an Activity) receives a Bundle with an id (if it's to update an item) or nothing. Then, if there's an id, the View asks the ViewModel to fetch the data related to that id. Is this correct?

    • Second: There's a button on this View that submits data to the ViewModel. My idea is that the ViewModel should be responsible to choose between create or update this data to injected repository. Now, how can the ViewModel decide this? Should it know that there's (or there's not) an item associated with it, or should the View made the explicit request?

    • Third: the identification of this item is made according to an id. Should the view be aware of this id, although it doesn't need it (because there's no intention to show it to the user)?

    Let me just say in advance that I'm very sorry if this is just a total mess, I'm having some troubles finding proper documentation for a "clean" MVVM implementation and acknowledge that this might be confusing.

    submitted by /u/JoeDeSouza
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    Need some help with integrating revmob or mediation

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 02:01 PM PDT

    Hey all, sorry if this is wrong spot or a silly question.

    a year ago a friend and I bought a portfolio of 600 app source codes however i am banned from using adsense as I made an account when I was 13 and got banned for breaking age requirements on tos when i requested payment.

    long story short I am not a coder but can fart around and do tutorials. I have a few that I paid people to integrate revmob but this is costly.

    is there a way to mediate revmob on the admob code that exists in these apps. the problem is i know it is there, however i dont have an admob account and I feel like I need one for mediation.

    otherwise is there a plugin or something I can use to integrate revmob? i always have issues getting it up on the apps.

    submitted by /u/joshh71390
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    Is there any kind of "more apps by us" library out there?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 01:18 PM PDT

    Or are you all just making this type of activity manually? I have a working one I made but it doesn't look super (just s lustview with icons) and its going to be kind of a pain to put it into all 38 of my apps.

    submitted by /u/TheDevilishAdvocate
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    First-class support for 2D-Arrays in Kotlin

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 11:45 AM PDT

    Testing complicated android fragments

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 05:10 AM PDT

    I have never written unit/implementation/ui tests for Android and I am a bit lost of what to do.

    Here is my issue: I have one fragment. That fragment inside takes data from SQL lite, creates new adapter, sends data to adapter. Then, I have edittext change listener. When IME_ACTION_DONE occurs, specific sum calculation logic method is being called. This is the method that I want to test.

    My main issues are:

    1. How to mock adapter? Adapter is being created inside fragment onViewCreated and fragment does not have setter for it.

    2. I need that adapter mock since my method that I want to test depends on it heavily.

    I can't seem to understand how are you able to test fragment with, for example Mockito, when you have elements like Adapter inside your Fragment. How is it possible to mock objects that are created inside Fragment if they don't have setters for them?

    UI testing is not an option since it requires for you to have emulator running.

    submitted by /u/Mar11us
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    Version of com.android.tools.build:gradle drastically changing performance

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 11:21 PM PDT

    A few people who have used a library I wrote encountered this problem when after upgrading 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3' to any newer version causes performance to drop. From 30 fps to 1 fps. It's a computer vision library written in 100% java. I'm in the process of upgrading the library and decided to upgrade the build process. I'm still encountering this problem on 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.1'. Any ideas? Searching online this doesn't appear to be common. Downgrading isn't an (easy) option any more since too much Java 1.8 code is being used now.


    The question below looks related. I think the slowdown is caused by a change in the behavior of debug mode. It runs much faster by setting debuggable to false in buildTypes. Need to revert to an older version of the application to verify that this is the "fix".


    The suggested solutions there don't help. A major disadvantage of setting debuggable to false is that it turns off all Log and stdout.

    submitted by /u/lessthanoptimal
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    What are the equivalents from iOS/Swift in Android/Java?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 07:29 AM PDT

    Hi All, I joined an Android/Java development team not long ago and need to quickly get up to speed. I have 2 years of experience in iOS/Swift. What are the equivalents from iOS/Swift in Android/Java?

    1. How do I pass data between Activities? In iOS, I use prepareForSegue.

    2. What is the equivalent of Closures in Android?

    3. What is the equivalent of protocols/delegates in Android?

    submitted by /u/Beaglers
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