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    Tuesday, February 13, 2018

    Why are bigger batteries reserved for low-end phones? Android Help

    Why are bigger batteries reserved for low-end phones? Android Help

    Why are bigger batteries reserved for low-end phones?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 01:30 PM PST

    Just picking up on a recent trend, most 4000-5000mAh battery smartphones seem to be reserved for phones in the $100-$200 price range. For example, the Nokia 2 or the Moto E4 Plus.

    Does anyone know why this is? Why don't we get these massive batteries on mid-rangers/flagships?

    submitted by /u/donkencha
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    Note 8 seems to have gotten some problems.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 10:54 PM PST

    Hi there, looking for help. Got my Note 8 since release and it was working fine until recently.

    • Phone doesnt black out during cellular / whatsapp calls causing me to 'tap' necessarily onto the screen usually ending up in some part of the settings page.
    • Phone does not rotate correctly. Happens when im playing games or watching youtube, phone will transition into landscape mode but will not flip when rotated to the other end. My phone is usually on locked mode but i have also testing turning on auto rotate to no avail.

    All in all, the mentioned problems were none existent last week or two. Hopefully someone knows the fix/solution or update me if it is a known/existing issue. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/RegisteredID
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    Help: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge - Won't turn on and overheats when I try to charge it.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 10:54 PM PST

    So I was watching YouTube and my Galaxy S6 Edge suddenly went blank (black screen like it was off), I believe it turned itself off. It won't turn back on, I tried to restart it (holding down the power button, etc..) and my last attempt was to try and charge it hoping that would solve the problem, but after 30mins my phone is really, really, really hot. Got any fixes?

    submitted by /u/Skipper98
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    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 04:49 PM PST

    This Little Tray at he bottom of my screen is so annoying! And the Ads that pop up. Is there anyway to get rid of it? I've tried disabling the app, but it just keeps coming back.

    submitted by /u/JusUsman
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    Multicore score in geekbench slower than average

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 09:56 PM PST

    http://imgur.com/7ehjWK0 This is my score and I checked the average score and saw that the multicore score was quite higher http://imgur.com/tX4b3BN not to talk about the score I seen when searched nexus 5 http://imgur.com/GXKqSfI so what's the deal with this? Is it normal

    submitted by /u/TheWhiteEvil502
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    Alcatel Onetouch Evolve 2 keeps restarting and won't get past the start screen

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:53 PM PST

    Found an old Alcatel Onetouch Evolve 2 phone in storage so I decided to use it as a music player when I bike. I turned on the phone and it was working fine but there was a lot of apps and data on it so I went to Apps > Settings > Backup & reset > Factory data reset> Reset phone > Erase everything.

    The phone reset and showed the starting screen that says Alcatel Onetouch Evolve 2, then it reset and it just keeps reseting non stop. I then turned it on while holding the power button and holding the volume up button and I picked recovery mode but it still resets, then I did the power button + volume up button start up again and selected Normal boot and it keeps reseting. I let it die completely, then I let it charge for a few hours and it still just keeps reseting. I can't figure out how to get it to work, I've never had a phone do this before.


    submitted by /u/jhascal23
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    Google voice commands not working properly.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:45 PM PST

    I have a Samsung Galaxy S8+ (SM-G955U) running Android 7.0 and recently I've been having issues with Google(Ver. voice commands. I use voice commands typically for music through Spotify(Ver., and for control while driving using Android Auto(Ver. 2.9.574924). Everything was working fine and then about two weeks ago Google assistant starting being weird. If I tell it to play a song it will play it, okay good, after that it will not recognize the "Ok Google" command anymore. In order for Spotify to work properly each time I get in my car I have to force stop the app then let Android auto open it, but even then it only works once. I've noticed today that After using "Ok Google" The dots swirl around like it would as if the mic was still on and will not stop until I manually active and deactivate it. These issues have happened in the past with different updates to Spotify, AA, and just Firmware updates. If I'm not in my car and I use Google voice commands to play music it'll just say "Okay playing (Song on Spotify)" then just doesn't. Any ideas of what a permanent fix could be?

    submitted by /u/TheRadiation
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    Help rooting a chinese device

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:37 PM PST

    Hello,i was wondering if you guys have any good tips on hoe to root a chinese phone(vkworld s8 mtk6750t). I bought the phone one week ago, and so far it has performing good and not really much to complaint about. But i would like to root it since the last 2 phones i had were rooted, although i tried a couple of tutorials with this one and didnt really manage to get the job done.

    Any idea of a easy way ( something like a one click root kinda deal) for Mediatek processors?

    thank you guys so much

    submitted by /u/veggie271
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    My Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 is ignoring my notification ringtone and playing the default whistle tone. How do I cease this ear-bleeding devilry?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:22 PM PST

    This is driving me up the wall. I consider myself a pretty technical guy and I've Googled around, checked XDA, the Verizon forums, but no dice.

    In my sound settings, it states that it's set to the Clap Notification sound that I want but whenever I get a text on the app Kik, it plays the godawful Samsung Whistle default tone. Over in Kik, there is no option for a discrete tone for that app, just on or off.

    I've dicked around throughout the setting menus and haven't found anything relevant, my working solution has just been to turn Kik notifications off. I also have Google Hangouts installed and it does the usual Hangouts plonk that it's supposed to, FB Messenger does it's normal fwip without any problems either. It seems to be limited to just apps that use the usual notification ringtone.

    submitted by /u/DJLoudNoises
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    Android Contact Clutter

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:17 PM PST

    Is is possible to hide all the clutter in the Contacts app that comes with syncing the contacts from apps such as WhatsApp, Duo, and Signal?

    I like having these other apps detect which of my contacts also use their service so I choose to sync the contacts. But I absolutely hate opening a contact and seeing all the wasted space and redundant information like I listed below.

    • WhatsApp voice call (123) 456-7890
    • WhatsApp video call (123) 456-7890
    • WhatsApp message (123) 456-7890
    • Duo video call(123) 456-7890
    • Duo voice call(123) 456-7890
    • Signal message(123) 456-7890
    • Signal call (123) 456-7890
    • etc...etc...etc
    submitted by /u/HomeBrewCrew
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    Recommendation (OnePlus 2 Vs Nexus 6P)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:04 PM PST

    Hello there o/

    I'm on a budget and I have been given the option to choose between the OP2 and the Nexus 6P. What would be your recommendation?

    Thank you very much in advance 😸

    submitted by /u/somedudesPC
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    Phone doesn't respond to internet connection

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:00 PM PST

    My phone says it is connected to my internet and has an excellent signal but when I try to use apps the internet does not work. I might add that any other device will work fine.Phone is a ZTE Warp Elite Modem is one that Spectrum Provided Router is a NetGear Orbi If any further info is required I shall be happy to provide it. Things I have tried * Resetting the Modem and router * Forgetting the network and re-connecting * Both prior together *Restarting my phone

    submitted by /u/Lavolpeattack
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    What is the brief dialog box when updating apps via Google Play?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 07:27 PM PST

    For the past two days, updating free apps from the Google Play app has caused a very brief (0.1 sec) dialog box that appears then closes. What is it supposed to be? Next time I do an update I will video it in slow-motion to see but I'm curious if any of you know.

    submitted by /u/SimpleAct
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    Weird annoying squeaking noise from my Nexus 6 when the battery is low, usually when using apps with lots of pictures (instagram, tumblr, etc)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 06:54 PM PST

    What the heck is this? It's easily one of the most annoying sounds I've ever heard. It's a relatively quiet squeaking noise, not constant, almost like the squeak you can make with your teeth and lips, just quiet. And it ONLY happens with a lower battery!

    submitted by /u/_Atlamillia_
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    Running emui in emulator, on a pc?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 12:46 PM PST

    Is it possible to run a released rom in an emulator on a pc? I'm interested in the mate 10 pro, but since I have no experience with or access to a Huawei phone I'd like to try out the emui 8 software. Mostly I want to see if I can kill heads up notifications (them being immortal is why I got rid of my lgg5 and Sammie s8) without having to rom the phone and lose the cool ai chip...

    submitted by /u/chubbybator
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    Enable audio through USB

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 06:29 PM PST

    How can you force audio through the USB-type-C dongle that Google sells? I've got an original Pixel with a temperamental headphone jack.

    I've got this headphone adapter: https://store.google.com/product/usb_c_headphone_adapter

    When I first used it, audio came through the USB adapter, but when I switched apps, audio started coming out of the phone speakers. I was using Spotify and switched to Instagram.

    submitted by /u/rpi2
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    How to save pictures to SD card with the Google Camera

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 02:39 PM PST

    Have the Lineage OS and got the .apk file for the Google Camera on Aptoide. Is there any way to save my photos directly to my SD card? I have the version of Google Camera.

    submitted by /u/pricelessgaming
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    Imei change results

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 06:23 PM PST

    Curious if anyone has successfully had their android's imei changed? Does it work fine? Any problems arise from the change?

    submitted by /u/hotboxchick
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    App to mount a (samba) network share to an internal Android folder?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 06:21 PM PST

    Hi does an app to mount a (samba) network share to an internal Android folder exist? I want to mount my music folder on my NAS to my phone so that I can access all my music from my preferred music app (GMMP).

    Note: solutions like Samba Music Player are not preferable because I can't edit ratings using that app.

    I've found some stuff on CIFS but I don't think my device's kernal supports it - not sure though.

    submitted by /u/Tiffiter
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    My WiFi stays connected at work, but I get an x on there. What is this?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:51 AM PST

    The internet speed in the office is pretty great (by New York standards), but the internet seems ineffective at times when this x appears. I have zero issues at home. Is there anything I can do on my end to fix this without bothering IT?

    submitted by /u/Skvli
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    OK Google Turns Itself Off?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 07:05 AM PST

    Is it normal for OK Google to turn itself off from time to time?

    submitted by /u/interdad
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    Gboard's autocorrect is so bad it feels like I'm having a stroke when it spazzes out. WTF is its problem?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:09 PM PST

    Sample text: "Can confirm, the years where I wwswaswwswawas waitingwas wwwWconf"

    Everything after "I" was literally just me pressing backspace trying to correct a typo.


    submitted by /u/PlasticTurd
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    I have a pair of knock off Airpods which I found on the ground and cleaned up. Whenever I try to pair them with my Oppo A57, I can only pair one at a time. How can I pair my phone to two separate earpods?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:05 PM PST

    Apparently they're Moolecole (according to Walmart.com) but there's no support or even logo. They have buttons on the back for pairing and a case which also doubles as a charger. I've tried multiple times to pair them via Bluetooth. I'm able to pair them both separately, but not simultaneously. I can provide a picture if necessary.

    submitted by /u/IveGotABluePandaIdea
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    Why does my music volume fluctuate on my android phones, when I use the auxiliary port?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 11:06 AM PST

    So on my old Sony Xperia, and now on my Huawei Honor 9 when I'm using my headphones or plugged into my speaker, I get get volume fluctuations, especially on the rap songs. It's running android 7.0 I have tried different headphones, and it's the same with both phones, and when I use my portable speaker. I have watched the screen while it happens, and the actual volume bar does not move. The loud volume warning comes on when I powered cycle, and I accept and it doesn't appear until the next power cycle. I can only think it's some other ear protection scheme in the android OS, can it be the method I use to download music? You are all intelligent and beautiful people, please help me, you're my only hope!

    submitted by /u/grizzythekid
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    Netflix on Android, better for phone longevity to download instead of stream? Since download wears out replaceable SD card while stream wears out irreplaceable internal memory.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 12:31 PM PST

    SSD slowdowns can occur when read errors happen over worn out cells and corrective algorithm needs to be applied. Phone internal memory probably also works in that fashion. So to hinder the inevitable slowdown, downloading to SD card be better? Is this logic correct? Is this benefit worth the trouble?

    submitted by /u/dontthinkaboutit42
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