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    Saturday, February 17, 2018

    What does a high end phone get you? Android Help

    What does a high end phone get you? Android Help

    What does a high end phone get you?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 08:50 AM PST

    I have a Moto G4+ since about 1½ years. I cannot imagine what else a phone should do that it doesn't. I see people with puny older phones that require picking with fingernails and viewing with magnifying glasses and newer phones that cost many, many hundred$ more than mine, but they actually look almost indistinguishable from mine, etc.

    So, what does an expensive phone get you (that, say, my cheap Moto doesn't)?

    submitted by /u/whollybro
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    3rd party file editor unable to cut/delete files

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 08:49 PM PST

    I recently download fx file editor,but it is unable to cut or delete files in sd card ,saying read only Details : device lava z60,Android 7.0

    submitted by /u/Jayant0013
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    What's a good way to record my Galaxy S game screen (full screen gameplay) that's current? With no watermarks or time limits

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 08:35 PM PST

    I tried googling some solutions and they were all outdated (no longer supported) or really expensive and had trial versions that I could only use to record 9 seconds or less.

    Any thing that's free and/or simple to use with no time limit? doesn't necessarily have to be free I would be ok with an affordable download around $6 USD and under.

    submitted by /u/PutyouinaGrave
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    Saying no to "optional" phone number registration

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 12:28 PM PST

    Hi. Just got a new phone, a samsung galaxy a3.

    Whenn tying to access google play, it says i have to register google play. Fine. But then I get to a screen saying I may optionally regidter my phone number with google. With the options being "yes", and nothing else.

    Is it not really optional and they're just lying, or how do I avoid "opting in"?


    submitted by /u/sajberhippien
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    Why Are Developers Using Forums?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 06:32 PM PST

    Why does development discussion/questions/info take place on forums?

    A single thread seems like one of the worst possible ways to structure something like this since the same questions are asked over and over again, devs need to reserve several of the first posts, and there isn't any way to cleanly categorize things. It's hard to parse for the information you want, and it makes it way more work to try to find out anything about a ROM you're looking for.

    Honestly, a simple facebook page seems better suited than a forum. It feels like it's just inertia that's keeping us using forums.

    Am I seeing things right, or is there some benefit to forums that I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/RustySpackleford
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    Is it possible to put a ZTE Axon M onto Verizon?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 06:14 PM PST

    Like, if I go buy it from BestBuy (where it comes with Sprint) can I swap it over to Verizon?

    submitted by /u/stephenator0316
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    Is there no longer a "need" to upgrade Android versions?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 01:27 AM PST

    I'm using LineageOS on a Oneplus One. Had a fairly stable build of (unofficial) Oreo before I had to go back to Nougat because of some issues with the camera. but what I noticed is that for the first time, going back a version didn't really make me feel like I was missing out on anything. Google gimped features like PiP (doesn't work with YouTube), and nothing else really is worth upgrading for me. my question then is, has Android reached a kind of maturity where everything they add now is just "extra?" or do people on this subreddit have features in Oreo they can't live without? Or even features they want in P and beyond they've been waiting for for a while.

    submitted by /u/TheCrippledNewt
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    Security concerns with android

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 01:36 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a iPhone user that pretends in the next year maybe, change back to android. I used android (samsung) and they all just died or come to a point where they would freeze for no reason, even after a factory restore, I heard that iPhones never do that (what I can confirm, at least is my exp.), and what I really like in the iPhone is the restricted phones, and all apps just have to be built with 5 or 6 machines in mind, this way make it easy to the software be much more optimized.

    I also want the encryption equivelent to the iPhones one, no one can accessess easily to the data inside.

    And other concern of mine: do apps still only work in some devices when they come out and then are just considered outdated?

    I also have the feel that in the smartphone market we can now get much more quality for less $$, compared to 2012 for example.

    And I am also scared with the fact that the brand doesn't update the system, or can extract data from the phone, can I control that? Or there is no way to know if a phone is spying? I heard huawei was spying on costumers data and sending to a IP.

    I don't want a war iphone vs android, I want discussion in what android has become better from the past years, and what brands.

    Even though I really like the iphone, I like much more the android ideia, the open source, much more freedom to the system, but that comes to a price, normally efficience, at least was my experience.

    I do know not all androids are bad, android is not bad, what I believe was the mistake was buying from samsung, while there is much more and cheap options.

    Anyways, I would like to hear some opinions, specially about the security android provides now days.

    Thanks and sorry for some bad english, not my mother language

    submitted by /u/aiaminhavidafadasse
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    Hashtag tool box - can I get rid?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 12:43 PM PST

    Hi all.

    This started appearing following a recent firmware update whenever I use a hashtag on my Note 8. I cannot seem to click out of it unless I exit the app (Facebook, Twitter, SMS etc), get rid of the hashtag altogether or succumb to selecting one of the useless options.

    Is this something new or have I downloaded something sinister? Also, anyone know how to get rid?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/oURKuie.jpg

    submitted by /u/dchampx
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    Automatic updates and updates not working

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 04:19 PM PST

    Over the last few months on my Nexus 6p I have noticed that I do not get audio notifications on text messages nor do I get any notifications (audio or visual) with Allo. Another issue that I am having is that I do not get automatic updates on apps. I have my phone set to automatically update apps. How do I fix these issues?

    submitted by /u/HairlessMeatball
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    App to Chrome bookmarks?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 03:45 PM PST

    I hate how Chrome for Android handles Bookmarks. Is there an app or widget that shows your Chrome bookmarks?

    submitted by /u/H1313303
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    Want to update firmware but package disabler interrupting

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 11:46 AM PST

    I have tried enabling everything within package disabler and have removed the app completely but I have not been able to update my firmware for a year. I don't even use package disabler I thought I needed it to get something else working but it turned out being unrelated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Screen shot of what shows disabled from package disabler: https://i.imgur.com/TECKKAA.png

    enabling then doesn't seem to stick.

    Galaxy S7 edge details: https://imgur.com/a/8TLqL

    submitted by /u/Tweek-
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    Why is my S7 battery draining so fast while idle?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 11:45 AM PST

    It says Google Photos is discharging the most

    and usage is almost the same wether screen is on or off

    I've tried running malware bytes and SD maid but nothing came up. I have nova launcher on, but can't figure out how to just turn it off temporarily and I used to have the customizable wallpaper clock app, but I've disabled it.

    I was customising the phone with Nova and then the next morning I noticed the battery drained overnight. At 7AM my phone was at 90%, now it's 25% at 3PM without the phone ever being used. It's just been in my pocket.

    If anything does anyone think this is something my carrier could fix? Working so thank you for any help in advance.

    submitted by /u/Fuck_Alice
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    GMail isn't working for Yahoo. "Couldn't Sign in"

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 09:30 AM PST

    My Google-Fu has failed me, as it seems a lot of people have similar problems to what I'm having but nobody ever seems to have an answer.

    Problem: GMail displays a "Couldn't sign-in" every 5-10 minutes when attempting to Sync. Any attempts to configure the settings are met with a "Username or Password is incorrect."

    Trouble Shooting Attempted

    • I reset my Password, and tried using the new one. Same Error. I can log-in to Yahoo, and the phone says Authenticated, but when I try to set up the IMAP server settings it says it's incorrect.

    • I verified the Server Settings are correct. The server is "android.imap.mail.yahoo.com", Port 993, Security SSL/TLS.

    • I deleted, reinstalled, and cleared the storage/cache from the app. None of that did anything other than prevent me from viewing the e-mals that had syncd before.

    I'm completely at a loss here. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Sabeta
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    Alarm not coming through bluetooth even when other sound is

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 09:20 AM PST

    I am using a Nexus 5X with Project Fi. When I connect bluetooth headphones, calls and music come through fine. The alarm also used to interrupt the music to play the alarm. Now it does not do that. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

    submitted by /u/YourWelcomeOrMine
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    Pullout out old rooted LG G2 phone, it's struggling to turn on

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

    Model is D800 but I had it rooted and installed cyanogen mod a long time ago, pulled it out and turned it on and it turned on just fine, but when i turned on the flashlight the phone just turned off, since then i've yet to get it passed the boot process. Some times when I turn it on it'll get to the cyanogen mod logo and will freeze as the little pulse is going on, but mostly it doesn't get passed the "LG" boot logo before either freezing there or entering a boot loop. Funny part is, I can get int TWRP recovery no problem. When trying to flash something I'll get half way through and the phone will turn off and try to reboot again, I recently got it to get through the whole flashing process of cyanogen mod again but still can't get passed the logo, would this be a battery problem then from the old battery not being able to provide the voltage required to boot up?

    submitted by /u/noahlam_lam
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    How do I get google voice to work on s8 when asleep

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 03:04 PM PST

    So my Samsung s8 locks and goes dark after the lock screen comes on. The only way to unlock is to push the button.

    This means I can't have it auto lock and use voice commands while driving both, becuase google voice seems to not be listening when screen is black.

    Didn't have this problem with the 6 or 7

    Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/YukonMay
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    Oneplus one slow google play downloads

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 01:52 PM PST

    I'm experiencing this odd problem with my oneplus one, when I download an app from Google play it takes forever, I get a download of 500kbs max where I should be getting between 4-6mbs. If I download from the browser I get 4-6mbs. On my Nexus 7 I get 4-6mbs on the play store aswell though and all my other devices in the house do not suffer from this problem. I've tried resetting the phone and all that but no fix.

    submitted by /u/ArtistKS
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    Does Smart Switch backup hidden folders?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 01:29 PM PST

    Samsung Galaxy S6 touchscreen unresponsive

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 01:25 PM PST

    So I bought an S6 from Indonesia around June 2017 and it worked normally for the first few months. Then I moved to India and I started noticing that my screen would experience ghost touches when charging. After a while my touch screen would occasionaly stop responding to touch for like 10-20 seconds. This began increasing from seconds to days to a full month.

    I noticed that this happens a few days after i start using the samsung charger that came with the box. Like this doesn't usually happen when I use my brother's Moto G4 charger. (Also this phone is second hand, so there is a slight possibility the charger is fake).

    After a while the problem fixed itself until I went back to Indonesia and within 2 or days of using my samsung charger, the problem occured and the touch screen wouldn't respond for a month. Everything else worked, (buttons, camera, etc.) I even used an OTG cable to use the phone. Well as usual after a month the problem stopped and my phone was working again. Now fast forward 3 weeks, and the problem is back. Samsung service centres haven't really been any help. I have already done all the troubleshooting methods (soft reset, factory reset, safe mode, etc.)

    I've noticed a few things: The touch screen starts responding slightly to touch when i'm in an electronics repair shop or when I'm at the samsung service centre (weird?). Also, I placed the phone under the sun for quite a while and it responded very slightly to touch.

    I was originally going to write a much longer post, but so that this is still readable, I shortened it haha. I have lots more information if that helps solve this problem.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/sidchak
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    How to disable "sign in to wifi network"?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 11:55 AM PST


    I will never want to sign into a public network. How can I make my phone stop prompting this? It dings, pops up, is a nuisance. Makes me want to stop going to tim hortons if I have to deal with this sh1t every damn time.

    submitted by /u/themayker
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    Anything like Paranoid Browser for mobile?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 11:28 AM PST


    I want to set my phone down but also have a compulsion to continue browsing. It's tiresome to browse after so long but I feel like I've given up when I finally darken the display for a nap or whathaveyou.

    submitted by /u/NowHowCow
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    My keyboard shortcuts don't work.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 10:57 AM PST

    The keyboard shortcuts I set on gboard worked for a few days and then they stopped working. There was a update and it started working again and now it's dead again. This cycle had repeated a few times. Device: OnePlus 3 on the lastest oxygenos beta

    submitted by /u/baanish
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    Can I use OpenGapps 80 On android 8.1?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 10:52 AM PST

    Opengapps only has android 8.0 and not Android 8.1 but the rom i want to download uses Android 8.1, would it still use or do i have to find a gapps that uses 8.1 or can I use it? From here http://opengapps.org

    submitted by /u/RandomCheeseCake
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    Samsung galaxy was charging, tried to power on now won't do anything?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2018 06:56 AM PST

    Like the title says my galaxy tab (I think it's a three?) was charging from a depleted battery, went past the "empty battery with a wired clock thing" to the blue battery fill up screen. After a while of that I tried to power it on and now there's nothing. No empty battery screen, no charging screen.

    I've tried every combination of button holding (power +volume, power plus home etc) nothing is coming up. There's no indicator light so I don't even know if it's charging at this point.

    Anyone have any idea or hints? Should I just leave it alone for a couple hours?

    submitted by /u/lizzardx
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