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    Tuesday, April 26, 2022

    How ViewModels survive configuration changes Android Dev

    How ViewModels survive configuration changes Android Dev

    How ViewModels survive configuration changes

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 01:07 AM PDT

    Pagination with Paging 3 in Android Example - Howtodoandroid

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 10:34 PM PDT

    Fragments in Compose

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 04:33 AM PDT

    I know it's possible to use Compose in fragments, is it possible to have it the other way around?

    More specifically, I want to know if it's possible to integrate the MiniControllerFragment into Compose.

    <fragment android:id="@+id/cast_mini_controller" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:visibility="gone" class="com.google.android.gms.cast.framework.media.widget.MiniControllerFragment"> 

    Can this be put into Compose using AndroidView or something? Or is this a 'wait until Compose-support' thing?

    submitted by /u/deathssoul
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    Do indie app developers make enough money to make it worth it?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 02:33 AM PDT

    It is worth it to develop and publish applications on your own, but does it make money like the job of an app developer?

    I'm ready to give my time and efforts if the time and quality im giving is worth or should i do a job

    submitted by /u/Player91sagar
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    Automatically Checking in to Foursquare/Yelp/Facebook

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 12:20 AM PDT

    While I can detect location and checkin through a web service to all services, the decision of "when" to issue the call is a mystery.

    I'd like the device to post the request when I've not moved for 10 minutes. This will necessitate building a geofence (of what radius?), and it should checkin once there is an event of Geofence.TransitionType leaving -- where is the list of Geofence.TransitionType values?

    I'll then need to parse the result of the geofence.getTriggeringLocation() and call my web service to check me in.

    Finally, I'll need to notify the user that they have checked.

    It can't be that simple, can it? I'm fully aware that the devil lies in the details, but is my high-level user flow missing anything critical?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/RiseOfTheNorth415
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    NTIA Seeks Input on Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 06:37 PM PDT

    Need some help with MvvM, and Firebase.Firestore

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 01:48 AM PDT

    Hello I am a newbie. I am trying to learn programming and android app development.

    I am using kotlin, and jetpack compose.

    I want to learn how to make a very simple app using mvvm pattern and also firebasefirestore to interact with some data I have in a database collection on firestore

    I have made a screen (view) that observe some states in my viewModel.

    I want to use some data i have in a database collection from Firebase.firestore.

    It all kinda works, so far so good. But I am unsure how it should be done proberly

    My question is, where in the MvvM pattern should I implement the interaction with the firebasefirestore collection ?

    Should I create a repository for this, and have some methods to read, and update the firestore collection in the repository, and then call these methods in the viewModel ?

    Or how exactly would the android package structure look for this ?

    Also I often feel like I am kinda stuck in my development, since I am only doing it for a hobby and I dont know anyone who can program at all. I try to read here, and also made a user on AndroidDev discord channel. Are there any other great resources for newbie's to get help when stuck ?

    submitted by /u/Klondike_DK
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    Is code supposted to be all in main activity?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 08:41 AM PDT

    I mean it all works in kotlin, just its messy spaghetti code. How do programmers structure their code? I heard something about MVVM and separation of concerns but its pretty hard to grasp for a newbie.

    Any resources where I could learn this "architecture?" thing?

    submitted by /u/Opposite_Thick
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    Should we improve ourselves in compose to get a job or in the old view system?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 03:32 PM PDT

    How is jetpack compose doing in the industry? Are componies switching to compose already or is it too soon? In the long run should we improve ourselves in compose to get a job or in the old view system?

    submitted by /u/arifemrebulut
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    Best practice to manage unused App bundles

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 11:26 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how to remove an unpublished app from the play console? Never been published but I can't seem to be able to delete it. Can I rename a package name?

    submitted by /u/ActNaturally
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    AdMob CTR over 200%

    Posted: 26 Apr 2022 12:15 AM PDT

    Does anyone happen to sometime have a CTR way over 100% in specific country/placement/date?I can observe it if setting up the report by Country and Placement and showing just 1 day.Usually it happens to be just 1 impression with multiple clicks, which bring the CTR for that country/placement/day to 200-1000%Does AdMob charge the advertisers for multiple clicks on the same Ad?

    In the above report, sometime can also see a placement with 0 impressions and multiple clicks (but I guess this has to be a bug in the report)

    submitted by /u/AndroidThemes
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    Is there still a way to remove the white background on app icons?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 12:04 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I'm not a developer myself but noticed few apps on my phone still have their app icons inside white circles. Is there a way to decompile the app and adjust the icon myself?

    submitted by /u/Jeskid14
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    Afraid of working on an advanced source code.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 09:09 AM PDT

    Today my project manager shared source code of 2 apps developed by some other company (I think for 2 different types of users) & has asked to update base URL publish the apps to Play Store. It is not confirmed that I have to work further on the project. I find the project a bit advanced for my level of experience (4 years). If the project needs to be worked on, I am afraid it will be difficult for me. Also it seems so many developers have worked on it which seems that this project required that much manpower. But here I'm the only android developer. I have recently joined the company & on my probationary period.

    submitted by /u/jaroos_
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    Can I ask users to share my app website in exchange for free paid content?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2022 06:28 AM PDT

    My app is a content based app. There's a free and a paid section. Am I allowed to offer users paid content for free if they share my app's website on their social media?

    submitted by /u/selflessrebel
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