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    Sunday, February 6, 2022

    Is this product key still usable (it's from a dell optiplex 755.) Windows Help

    Is this product key still usable (it's from a dell optiplex 755.) Windows Help

    Is this product key still usable (it's from a dell optiplex 755.)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 11:45 PM PST

    Windows 11 Upgrade

    Posted: 05 Feb 2022 09:54 PM PST

    I just received the notification on my laptop saying that my device is ready for the Windows 11 update.

    Should I go ahead and update? Is the OS stable? I'm currently running W10.

    submitted by /u/snoopynoopy
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    Does Windows use the newer bootloader when dualbooting 2 versions (windows 10 1st install then windows 8.1 2nd install)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 02:25 AM PST

    Hello. I currently have a Windows 10 install on a harddrive and i'm considering dualbooting with Windows 8.1. If I shrink the windows 10 partition and install windows 8.1 on the newly shrink partition will the pc still use the windows 10 bootloader?

    Using mbr not uefi. I remember windows 8.1 being super fast on a harddrive but want to retain windows 10 bootloader for when support ends on 8.1 so I can nuke 8.1 without possible boot problems on 10. Upgrading to ssd is not an option on my 2011 imac. It has exposed powersupply i dont want to die.

    submitted by /u/azert113
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    Windows 98 shipped with MSVCRT 5.0 because 6.0 was not ready in time....

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 02:10 AM PST

    Of course, its own HyperTerminal breaks because of the small block heap changes in MSVCRT 6.0. I think part of the problem is that everyone was too busy with the COMDEX 1998 incident to care.

    submitted by /u/yuhong
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    Need new SSD and have no activation code - HP

    Posted: 06 Feb 2022 12:29 AM PST

    Good Afternoon. I am currently not near the "creature comforts" of home. my HP laptop (5 years old) has started to take a crap on me. It appears the HD is failing.

    Instead of buying a new laptop, I want to limp this one along until I can get back home. I planned to snag a new SSD from Amazon to install it. My computer did not come with a windows activation disk or code. Does anyone have any input on how I can get it back up and running when the SSD gets here in a few weeks without re-purchasing the license?


    submitted by /u/OneFourtyFivePilot
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