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    Sunday, December 5, 2021

    IT Career I want to start my education in IT but I don’t know where I should start.

    IT Career I want to start my education in IT but I don’t know where I should start.

    I want to start my education in IT but I don’t know where I should start.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Hey everyone! I work at a sales desk and I live in NYC (Brooklyn). I've been wanting a career change since there is no way for me to grow anymore in my current position and I've always been so fascinated by coding etc. I really want to dedicate myself to go get an associates degree in something so I can get into an IT job but I have no clue even after reading charts and looking at YouTube videos. I'm interested in becoming a software engineer or developer, working on back end software but I'm open to ideas etc. I just don't want to make a commitment to something that is going to be a huge pain to get a job in, or go into something that doesn't pay very well. Thank you in advance for any replies :)

    submitted by /u/Brandonicz
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    Career options in IT other than coding which don't requires learning computer languages ?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:22 AM PST

    I have a background in computer applications but i don't like coding and computer languages, i am more interested in Internet, design and hardware technologies

    submitted by /u/lokeshkumarr
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    Good team and manager, leadership not so. Should I move on?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Been working for 1 yr as data scientist for a global company as a W2 contractor with no PTO. Pay is $40/hr with health & dental insurance. My division is based out of a southeastern state that is not Florida.

    I'm a US citizen and have no issue with being hired as full time employee. By now I have 2 years work experience (this and a previous company), aside from a 6 month bootcamp and an RA position at the university where I got a graduate business analytics degree.

    1. I was hired as a data scientist, yet I'm working on an unrelated project that I don't want. My manager knows and was nice enough to give me DS tasks to work on to help me establish myself as a data scientist, and I highly appreciate his consideration.

    2. I was then told there may be a possibility of being hired full time only if I prove myself further, but there are no current job openings. I was also told to expect less $$ if hired as full time since there will be other benefits.

    3. Company announces mandatory 3 weeks off for contractors (unpaid) to lower costs, on the same call (where a VP mentioned the word "frugal" more than 10 times) they discuss bonuses for full time employees.

    Matters can get worse, and if it happens then contractors will be the first to be let go, I also have a newborn baby.

    If you were in my shoes, what would you do?

    submitted by /u/ejbed00100
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    What's the actual difference between a network engineer and a senior network engineer?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:05 AM PST

    The lines seem blurry depending on what the organization itself want them to stand for but how do you define the difference between the 2? I'm just generally curious as I continue the CCNP journey and the IT career path.

    submitted by /u/onequestion1168
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    Anyone have any experience in IT at a movie studio?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:48 AM PST

    I'm starting on Tuesday and I'd appreciate all the help and tips! My first IT gig btw

    submitted by /u/chaos-chaos-chaos
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    Need career advice. Trying to figure out what my next move could be. Want to go into a technical job that involves a lot more of everything.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:14 AM PST

    So i have been working hard these past two years on moving to the IT position i want. I have multiple certications with comptia including the A+, Network+, Security+, Server+, Project+, & currently working on my CYSA+ and Pentest+. Hoping to pass my CySA before may next year and finish with my pentest+ next december.

    I've currently been working mostly in help desk and computer repair. Been working on computers for 4 years and have done help desk for the past 3 years. Moved from multiple positions. So a total amount of experience is 4 years professionally. I have an associates degree in Help Desk. I am currently working on my bachelors.

    I am interested in moving into a position such as a system administrator or network engineer or technical support engineer. Also thinking about Soc Analyst. Eventually my end goal is Cyber Security Engineer. I am just wondering what would be the next best course of action right now because i feel like i have a good bit of experience and credentials to move to something new but i want to go into a technical job where i can gain a little bit more experience technically. I feel like with help desk jobs i am not getting the experience i would like technically.

    Wanted to ask if anyone had any advice on anything

    submitted by /u/MrRobot68
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    I am currently working help desk in the military and was wondering what certs and jobs I should pursue next for my IT career?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:29 AM PST

    I am currently working as an IT technician in the military. I have Security +, A +, and am halfway done with my Masters Degree in Cybersecurity Technology. I definitely want to pursue more security certifications and someday get an IT security position. I plan to get out of the military within the next couple of years but wasn't too sure on what jobs and certs to specifically go after. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/jdpgh6
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    DHS Cybersecurity test & network study podcast/app recommendations

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:38 AM PST

    Hello humble patient IT practioners .

    I am taking the DHS Cybersecurity test on Saturday to become of Progam Manager within CISA. I have three years of network operations in multiple hotels under my belt with no formal education or certifications.

    I am doing a Cybersecurity/network ops review with a textbook in cybersecurity I got from the library and I wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions as to what to study. I chose my parameters as Network Operations;and I don't have code experience (which is fine for the program manager track, and I have a decade of experience in tech/production support of that).

    Does anyone have any suggestions of podcasts/ apps/ "audio flashcards" or something to suggest where I could review terms and operations stuff? Any insight or suggestions you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you so so much!

    submitted by /u/SkywardJordan
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    Moving to the Suburbs - Worried about Job Prospects

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:08 AM PST

    I currently work as a lvl 2 support in NYC. It's high-paid. I am currently tasked with coordinating the office to One Drive. It's a good resume point, but besides for that I have done very little beyond deskside support. Company's HQ is not in US, so although there is a small infra team in NY there are no direct lines to the majority of the company's tech infrastructure.

    My wife desperately wants to leave NYC for a rural area - the only homes we can afford are in an area where the equivalent desktop support roles are ~16-22 an hour. There are competitive rates for MSP roles, but they're listing prior experience at an Msp as requirements.

    I'm kind of shitting myself rn, I think its in our financial interest and my career interest to stay for a little longer. Daily commute to NYC from the new potential home is not sustainable for more than a few months.

    Has anyone else been in a smiliar situation before? Did you land better than you thought you would? Any advice is helpful, thanks

    submitted by /u/PropertyOk7509
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    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 10:21 AM PST


    I want to start a career in Cyber Security.

    I am based in London, England.

    What is the training and courses I should be doing.

    I am a novice, as I am a career changer.

    If there are free courses PM me please?

    Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RebLearns
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    Trying to get into helpdesk. I've been working on my resume and I hope I finally got it right. Feedback appreciated!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:52 AM PST


    I don't feel confident with what I have on my resume but I guess confidence will come over time. Right now though I'm just applying for Tier 1 Helpdesk and I hope my resume reflects that.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/GorillaS0up
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    I start a new help desk job tomorrow and will be working from home. Any last minute tips for my first day?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:38 AM PST

    So most of my day tomorrow will just be an orientation of sorts. The company sent me a laptop and charger to work from and the day will start with them getting me set up, getting access to their network via whatever remote software, then talking with HR, then going over benefits, IT training, and on and on.

    I won't lie: I'm nervous. I'm nervous I'll f something up, that they'll be stuck-up/mean to me, etc. Stuff that I know I shouldn't be worried about but still am.

    submitted by /u/Mad_Season_1994
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    Freelance front-end developer job for tution fees i know html5, css3, JavaScript

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 06:38 AM PST

    Is there any way i can fi nd a source of income as a front-end web developer i know html5 css3 JavaScript. I really need to find a source of income to continue my higher studies.

    submitted by /u/Catalyst184
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    What are peoples experience with studying for the A+

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:47 AM PST

    I always see people commenting that the exam was easy and they didn't even study for either part while I see other people commenting they studied for months and didn't pass. Can people share their experience and stories? What resources they used and any tips to prepare?

    submitted by /u/Tuuuuuurow
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