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    Monday, December 6, 2021

    Don't be this guy! Windows Help

    Don't be this guy! Windows Help

    Don't be this guy!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:03 PM PST

    Seriously. Just try it tho.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 12:46 AM PST

    Oh boy this is a very perfect time! (TODAY IS MONDAY!)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:15 PM PST

    does anyone know where this photo was taken?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:02 PM PST

    How do I use this feature? What keyboard shortcut is it. I forgot.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 02:55 PM PST

    disk not showing up

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 02:52 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I have recently changed back to windows from linux and I cannot find my hard drive. my boot drive is there but my hard drive is not. I have check if it was just a case of plugging it in then out but didnt work. Wondering if anyone can help with this issue.(I have done a fair amount of trouble shooting).

    submitted by /u/begatta
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    Computer not booting

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 06:25 PM PST

    These issues started a while ago, just having random BSOD's, but the computer still seemed to work so I just kind of ignored it. Today, it blue screened three times during startup, and hasn't let me boot windows whatsoever. I've tried the wiping your drive/keeping your files, and that has said, There was an issue doing this or whatever.

    First, I had BSOD MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, then KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, and then stuck in BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO Loop where I could still reach the windows startup repair tools.

    Most times I boot it up, it says Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC, with the problem being Windows/System32/Logfiles/Srt/SrtTrail.txt. Past that, whenever I try to restart my pc to boot, I ALWAYS get BSOD Bad_System_Conifg_Info, sort of stuck in a loop. I've tried the first three fixes from this link: https://www.repairwin.com/fix-automatic-repair-couldnt-repair-your-pc-srttrail-txt-solved/ . Even had to go buy another USB drive and use an old laptop to get another USB Windows media creation tool. I've run out of ideas and would like to keep some of the stuff on my PC but if I needed to I could just try reinstalling Windows completely. Anything helps. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ShadowArts8
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    Please help. When I try to open this app I get this message. How do I fix it?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 05:49 PM PST

    Photo Organizer (Xpost from Microsoft)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 04:01 PM PST


    My mom is wanting a Photostick for Christmas because she saw an add where it says it will organize your photos. She has a lot of pictures on her PC that get dropped their by her iPhone and are scattered and unorganized according to her.

    The Photostick looks sketchy to me and I'm not convinced it would even do what she wants. I went to the Microsoft store and saw a bunch a free apps that claim to organize pictures on your computer. Does anyone have any recommendation for an app or product that would do this?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Elurzz88
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    can someone please help? not sure what happened to the audio. headphone warning ig.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Huge FPS Boost in Linux Compared to Windows Minecraft

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 01:16 PM PST

    I tried Linux a few weeks ago pretty good but what I've noticed the most was Minecraft fps I had 1200fps I've seen desktop users get so much fps but I just thought my laptop with the same GPU was half of that GPU in desktop (and also CPU) but I saw my FPS goes from 350 to 1200 in Linux What? it was always a little strange why I get 350 FPS in Minecraft because I get 350 FPS in Fortnite creative mode too and Fortnite is much heavier than Minecraft isn't it? I asked about this on another post in Minecraft subReddit but I didn't get a good answer most people said that Linux controls CPU better but 3 times better???... No then why my boot time is slower in Linux? that should be 3 times faster too I'm pretty sure it's related to GPU because when I set my FPS limit to unlimited in Windows my FPS goes to 350 and my GPU temperatures go high too but in Linux, it goes to 1200 and there is noise from my GPU too I think its called Coil Whine(but temperatures is normal even lower than windows) but why? What I've done in Linux is I just get rid of Nvidia Optimus and set my Xorg setting to use Nvidia GPU only because there wasn't a simple way to change which app should use which GPU in Linux maybe that's why but how can I do this in windows too? I'm pretty sure my laptop doesn't have a Mux switch or Advanced Optimus and in windows I couldn't make all things use Nvidia GPU to test if that was why but how I could do that in Linux? Isn't that a hardware thing? Does anyone know what's the problem? Also, I've clean installed windows multiple times Windows 10 and 11 but still 350fps updating drivers doesn't change anything also I'm using the same Minecraft Launcher, mods, settings, java version, and java is 64bit version and my Linux distro was Popos my laptop model is Asus TUF Gaming F15 FX506LU, I decided to post this here instead of Minecraft subReddit maybe here people are more technical and can help me to know what's going on

    submitted by /u/MrBandiiit
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    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 01:07 PM PST

    can i run it on tpm1.2, 4gm ram, 64bit, legacy (notUEFI) but wihout secure boot?


    submitted by /u/Savings-Track-493
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    Is this true? Where can I read more about it?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 04:14 AM PST

    Windows minesweeper restock

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 12:40 PM PST

    Internet connection disappears?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 12:12 PM PST

    Hey guys, I have an issue where I'll disconnect from my internet and when I go to check on it, there's not even a single connection that I can find. I don't know if this is a Windows problem or if it's my PC's. I use a usb plug to connect to internet wirelessly, but I am certain that it is not the issue. Any solutions to this problem?

    submitted by /u/ResolvedSpade
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    Anyone here run a Windows / Linux dual boot?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 12:01 PM PST

    At home on my HP SFF desktop PC I use a bog standard windows 10 and Linux Mint dual boot for general software compatibility, it's a system I mainly use for hosting software to other machines actually. I've been thinking of doing a setup like that for my main driver laptop but I haven't settled on a Linux distro yet, maybe just Linux Mint again or try Gentoo, Trisquel, Fedora or something else. Not sure.

    Anyone else doing a Windows / Linux dual boot?

    I would one day like Linux only setups but I unfortunately still need windows for some things that are either not available on Linux or are very difficult to accomplish, like networking old Windows games.

    submitted by /u/VirtualRelic
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    Will windows 11 update let me encrypt my laptop?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 11:38 AM PST

    I currently have windows 10 and I can't encrypt my laptop as bitlocker isn't available. I heard that all windows 11 systems will encrypt by default, so should this allow me to encrypt my laptop if I update?


    submitted by /u/Grouchy_Report_6492
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    Best Android emulator for Windows 10

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Hi! I've a laptopt with Ryzen 7 4700U and 16gf of RAM (8+8). Wich is the best android emulator I can use? I've read that there're some problem while using Android emulator on Ryzen cpu. Some advice?

    submitted by /u/Karallaminis
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    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 10:53 AM PST

    I'm in my sign in page and I try to press sign in and I get prompted with that message if I click yes nothing happens and same with no, what do I do to login?

    submitted by /u/CivilCartographer223
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    Whenever I press sign in it opens search for App In the store

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 10:33 AM PST

    I'm in my sign in page and I try to press sign in and I get prompted with that message if I click yes nothing happens and same with no, what do I do to login?

    submitted by /u/FaithlessnessRough61
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    Rearranging Virtial Desktops - Windows 10 Education

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 10:14 AM PST

    Hi Reddit! I've been trying to find a way to rearrange my virtual desktops and I've found that I can just drag and drop them around in the Task View... except I can't. If I right-click on a virtual desktop, the only option is to rename it. I'm wondering if this is a problem unique to Windows 10 Education. Thanks for the help Reddit!

    submitted by /u/SherlockBunny
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    Will upgrading to Windows 11 delete my files

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 08:51 AM PST

    I am about to upgrade my windows 10 computer to windows 11 and im sort of worried if it would delete my files or not!

    submitted by /u/loldotswastaken
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    Screenshot folder gone

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 08:40 AM PST

    Hey my screenshot folder on my pc is gone and i dont know what i should do. I think about reseting it. Is that the right idea?

    submitted by /u/monomiGA
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    TPM not detected

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 07:58 AM PST

    When i enable TPM from the bios and start the computer the TPM is detected until the laptop is restart after the restart tpm is not detected .

    Do anybody have the solution of the problem?

    submitted by /u/Rapid_Inspiration
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