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    Tuesday, November 30, 2021

    [DEV] My open-source app 'Atomic - Periodic Table' now has support for Material You & Dynamic colors. Feedback is appreciated! Android Apps

    [DEV] My open-source app 'Atomic - Periodic Table' now has support for Material You & Dynamic colors. Feedback is appreciated! Android Apps

    [DEV] My open-source app 'Atomic - Periodic Table' now has support for Material You & Dynamic colors. Feedback is appreciated!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:19 AM PST


    During my spare-time in the recent months I have implemented the new Android 12 dynamic color system in my periodic table app 'Atomic', as well as updating it to meet the material you guidelines. These design improvements makes the app more intuitive, more clean and more you. I would like any feedback that I can get on this new design direction!

    Overview of 'Atomic - Periodic Table'

    · Interactive Table: The main table has different options to not only show elements names, but also display data like electronegativity, atomic weight, element groups and much more. With Atomic 2.0, you can now zoom in this table as well.

    · Element Info: Clicking on any element in the periodic table will send you to an information page, which contains tons of data of all 118 elements, including thermodynamic properties, electromagnetic properties, nuclear properties and much more.

    · Favorite Bar: Easily mark the data of which has the most importance to you and get it displayed first and centered in the info page.

    · Isotope Page: You can also view isotopes of different elements in the isotope table page, which shows you their halftime and respective mass, as well as their protons, neutrons, and nucleons.

    · Nuclide Table: This is a feature that currently is not fully finished, but will be built complete in the following three months.

    · Formulas: To aid your studies there is a page with many formulas for solving primarily physics-based problems.

    · pH-indicators: Get an overview over which color different indicators have in different pH-values.

    · Ionization energies table: Find the ionization energies of different elements, easily in a single interactive table.

    · Solubility Table: Find out which compounds are soluble with each other.

    · Dictionary: Don't know what a certain term means, simply open the apps built in dictionary.

    Try it!

    As I mentioned before, I would really appreciate any feedback on the new design direction and how the app can become easier to use and more intuitive. Furthermore, let me know of additional features that could be implemented to help with your studies!

    Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jlindemann.science

    For GitHub and more: https://www.jlindemann.se/


    Jonatan Lindemann

    submitted by /u/JLindemann42
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    Is there any way to block internet access for a specific app?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 01:35 PM PST

    I want to try different third party keyboards but I'm a bit paranoid about the data they might be collecting. Is there a way to completely block internet access for an app, such that it can't send any data through their servers?

    I'm on Android 11, using Realme 6.

    submitted by /u/popcar2
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    [OpenSource] Accuradio & Spotify Ad blocker under 180kb

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:01 PM PST

    warm greetings for everyone,

    I present to you ad-silence, an ad-blocker for Accuradio and Spotify.

    • a minimal, lightweight non-bloat app
    • Fully Open Source

    Get it on github


    thanks for the overwhelming support. I'm really glad this is helpful for others.

    If anyone has a feature request/is facing issues, feel free to create an issue on github.

    submitted by /u/aghontpi
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    Start up

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:03 AM PST

    Does anyone know if there is a startup folder where apps start once you restart your phone. And how to remove start up apps without rooting your phone

    submitted by /u/Reader1911
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    Is there a reddit app that hides posts with a swipe without the need to refresh like Sync?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:32 AM PST

    I've found apps that hide upon refresh but none that just remove the post instantly like Sync. I guess Sync is abandoned now, looking for an alternative.

    submitted by /u/CloudsOverOrion
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    Game that simulates my life

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:39 AM PST

    I should be available to create a digital character/virtual avatar & home

    If i select exercise, character should grow little buff

    If i select snack character should jump with excitement & thank me

    It should show my rent in "Real time monthly", character should get relaxed after paying rent

    To buy groceries,furniture or pay rent for apartment i should earn money by completing irl tasks(good hobbies, To do list etc)

    Character should grow weak without food or be sad without fun

    To have fun i have to complete my irl tasks & hobbies for money

    submitted by /u/affectionate530
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    Is there any widget who is like the niagara default widget?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 02:50 PM PST

    Basically niagara launcher has a VERY good widget, it has clock, day, battery and weather, all looks clean, i wanted something similar and i found only one who is like that but i didnt like the design of it, i also dont want to make my own on kustom... i just want to yep download something

    submitted by /u/rakminiov
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    Looking for a browser with a continuous reader view

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 02:40 PM PST

    On iOS Safari used to let me go into reader view and when I was approaching the end of my current webnovel chapter, it would automatically load the next chapter without me having to exit out of reader view, load the next chapter's webpage, and then jump back into reader view. For some reason Safari doesn't do this anymore, but at least Alook Browser on iOS does.

    I'm looking for something similar on Android. Everything I came across so far only supports single page reader view. Anyone have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Link2999
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    Looking for an OFFLINE file sharing app between windows and android (samsung)!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 04:51 AM PST

    Is there an app that's both a fully featured file manager and a fully featured text editor?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 01:52 PM PST

    I'm finding it quite annoying that I have to juggle separate file explorer and text editor apps because none of the file managers I've tried have a proper built-in text editor.

    What I need out of a text editor is:

    1. Able to open and save nonstandard text files (.sql, .xml, random custom extensions, etc.) without introducing errors.
    2. Line numbers. This is the dealbreaker so far for all the file managers' built-in editors, none of them have this very necessary feature. At a minimum I need to be able to tell newlines apart from word wrapping.
    3. Able to keep multiple files open at the same time and switch between them easily.
    4. Able to highlight all results in the file when searching, and highlight their locations on the scrollbar. Not strictly a dealbreaker.
    5. Able to detect code language and provide color-coded syntax hints. Not strictly a dealbreaker.
    6. Conveniently placed undo and redo buttons. This isn't a dealbreaker, but I would very much appreciate having those buttons directly on the main screen.

    What I need out of a file manager is:

    1. Able to create new files.
    2. Able to force open unrecognized extensions as a specific type of file and/or with a specific app.
    3. Able to explore, unpack and repack all manner of archives, including OBBs.
    4. Able to view hidden files.
    5. Able to show how large each folder and file is and what % of the current directory they take up.
    6. Able to cut and copy to clipboard. Not a dealbreaker, but highly desired.
    7. Assuming it's even possible on Android, able to move files by drag and drop. Again, not a dealbreaker.
    8. Able to send files via Bluetooth and such. Also not a dealbreaker.
    9. Not strictly necessary, but built-in music, picture and video players would be nice.

    Additionally, either the file manager or text editor should be capable of:

    1. Searching across multiple files.
    2. Comparing files, with a side-by-side view with the differences highlighted.

    So, does anyone know of any app that meets these criteria? And if not, is there at least a good combo of separate file manager and text editor apps that work well together and can do everything that I need?

    submitted by /u/Vercinger
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    Is anyone else having issues with several apps not wanting to open after the Android 12 upgrade? (Galaxy S21)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 01:20 PM PST

    After my Galaxy S21 updated to the latest Android version I keep having issues with several apps that won't open. I click on the app, the start screen pops up for a second and then it immediately goes away. I've tried restarting the phone, clear cache, reinstalling the apps, nothing works. The two main apps is the Delta Airlines app and Best Buy that are having these issues.

    Anyone experience the same thing? Any solutions?

    submitted by /u/DJSTR3AM
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    Request: any good alternative to "Puffin TV Browser" for Android TV ?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 12:36 PM PST

    I've noticed they switched to a freemium model (which reduced their rating to 2 stars on the Play Store, see graph here), so every day you have a quota of how much you can use it.

    Is there any alternative to this app?

    I remember that when I reached it, I tried various other web browsers and it was the only decent one that I could find...

    submitted by /u/AD-LB
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    Now that Catogram is discontinued, which Telegram client should I use?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:29 AM PST

    Maybe with same features as Catogram and fast updates.

    It needs to be open source, I don't really trust some sketchy clients.

    submitted by /u/Exodium11
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    Measuring of sound files' decibel?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 03:22 AM PST

    Interestingly, there are thousands of apps in play store for sound measurement. But, almost all of it made for the outside sounds measurement.

    I need to learn my MP3 and MP4 files' sound decibel. Is there any app for this? Thanks..

    submitted by /u/ThorBuzz
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    Allow Only One Notification Message

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:01 AM PST

    I am aware DND can add an exemption for specific apps, but I need to allow an exemption for only one notification of the two that the app sends.

    For context a multiplayer game I play with no specific internal notification control, sends out two types of notifications. One is often usually every 30-60min and useless to me, and another only when my 'space station is being raided'.

    I'm looking for something than can recognize that one 'raid' message, and break through my phone silencing like a fog horn on steroids.

    Keyword searches have brought up nothing.

    submitted by /u/TheVigilantWolf
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    A coloring/pixel app that allows me to import images

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 11:39 AM PST

    Hi everyone, Inwould lile to know a quality coloring/pixel art app where I can actually import my images. Thanks in advance, have a great day.

    submitted by /u/Eonched
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    Password manager fails

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 11:36 AM PST

    So, help a homie out. I just spent two hours trying to get the most recommended password managers to function properly.

    I'm not sure if I'm missing something, or the apps themselves are flawed.

    Well, technically three apps, with two being the main keepass variants, dx and 2android. The other was bitwarden.

    Now both keepass worked great with autofill! Yay! But neither would back up and sync smoothly. Dx, as far as I can tell, doesn't sync to cloud at all, so that's okay enough if I only used one device, but I don't; I use five different ones and I'm not messing around with manually syncing when I can't even access a cloud service.

    2android sort of worked, but the file format made it not recognized when exported anywhere other than the default folder in android/data. It also wouldn't populate the export menu with any title at all, so you have to enter the name every time. That's no better than dx.

    Now, both of those autofilled relatively well, if laggy as hell.

    Bitwarden synced fine, great actually. But it failed on five different browsers to recognize and pull up the call for the vault to fill with unless I set it up to have the uri as the browser (and even that didn't work with firefox for me). Which means you have to have entries for each browser for each site, and that's not useful.

    So that's the three foss apps that get recommended most as far as I could find. None of them were any better than keeping a damn list in standard notes.

    Am I missing something, or are people just willing to put up with glaring flaws like that?

    Is there a foss app out there that syncs properly, can auto fill with reasonable promptness, and isn't another subscription based thing?

    submitted by /u/southsamurai
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    Best way to manage call muting?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Anyone know of an app that makes managing call muting easier?

    I'm a Samsung user and I'm on conference calls all day. I prefer to keep my phone muted until I need to talk.

    2 problems

    1. It takes too long to fumble around and then get my phone unmuted
    2. There's no fast way to confirm that my phone is muted. (visual edge lighting would be nice!)


    submitted by /u/justwondering2021
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    Encryption for Android phone?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:23 AM PST

    Hello, I come from an authoritarian country where I could get jailed for basic rights stuff. Are there any ways to encrypt my android phone in order for authorities to not be able to crack it or open it without my consent (password)?

    submitted by /u/Orbanusia
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    [HELP] Persistent notification from Hangouts

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:39 AM PST

    Apologies in advance if this is posted in the wrong sub.

    For several weeks, Hangouts has been giving me a notification saying "SMS is no longer supported", asking me to download Android Messages. When I click the notification, it takes me to the Play Store. The notification is impossible to swipe away.

    Thing is, I've never used Hangouts for SMS and I'm not interested in downloading Android Messages - I'm on a OnePlus and am using their own SMS app.

    Does anyone know how to get rid of this notification? I've cleared cache and data several times, and restarted the phone several times to no avail. In the settings, the OnePlus messaging app is the default SMS app, as it should be. I can't think of anything else to look for and I'm getting sick of the notification as it's just in the way of the stuff I actually want to be notified about.

    Edit: I use Hangouts almost daily to keep in touch with family who don't use Facebook or Discord and want to keep the app.

    submitted by /u/maghtin
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    Looking for notification reminder with ability to launch apps

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:08 AM PST

    Just came back to andrroid from iOS. Remember using a custom notification app during the Note 3 era. Has the ability to set any app/activity to launch on clicking the notification. I think the app icon was red. Or what are some apps that you guys recommend that has that custom app selection launch feature? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Ill-Entrepreneur-746
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    Is there a way to clone an app to another phone (including settings)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:49 AM PST

    I have a car app (ismart) that only allows one phone to be binded to our car. This is of course nonsense as i also want my wife to have access to the car.

    How can i fool an app that it can also be used on another phone? and how to clone it?

    submitted by /u/borgqueenx
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    Text editor like Notepad++ for Android phone that syncs with Notepad++

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:48 AM PST

    Am I dreaming or is this possible? I do not code but I like to keep my notes on the go and at home as well organised as possible.

    I only use Notepad++ on my Windows 10 PC and pen and paper when out.

    Any advice/recommendation, please?

    Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/silworld
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    First time android user and I can’t figure out how to delete preinstalled apps

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:31 PM PST

    I just got my first android tablet (a small, relatively inexpensive Lenovo). I only want to use the tablet for one thing - reading. Because of this limited use case and because I haven't used any Google services in years due to privacy concerns, I want to delete apps like Google search, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, etc.

    I can't figure out how to delete these preinstalled apps though. Can they not be uninstalled? And does this mean I can't unlink the Google account I signed in to the Google Play store with either? (It's an old college email). I just want to declutter the tablet as much as possible and limit Google Tracking. I know eliminating Google entirely isn't possible because of the Android OS, but I was hoping to limit it at least somewhat.

    submitted by /u/win_linx
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    Suggest me a good app to read my downloaded ebooks

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 05:57 AM PST

    I need a good app to read the ebooks I have downloaded. It should be able to read epubs if not anything else.

    submitted by /u/kindamortal
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