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    Saturday, August 28, 2021

    Samsung Daily Support Thread

    Samsung Daily Support Thread

    Daily Support Thread

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Support thread for r/Samsung. You can use this thread to ask questions about your device, troubleshoot tech problems or ask buying/selling advice.

    Have a question you need answered? Ask away! Please remember to adhere to our rules, which can be found here: Detailed Rules

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    Note: Comments are sorted by /new for your convenience.

    The new Daily Support Thread is posted each day at 06:00 AM EST (Click HERE for other timezones) and then the old one is archived. If this time is near when you want to post your question, it is advised to wait for the new thread to be posted.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Samsung says they can disable their TVs remotely using 'Serial Code'

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 12:14 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Fold 3 order just got "missorted" by FedEx.

    TLDR: fedex missorted/lost my order and now am being a crybaby online

    Was supposed to arrive yesterday, then delayed to today, then delayed to Monday. Talking to a rep now and she said it is across the country in another state now and has no idea when I will receive it.

    She suggested I just "go into a store and buy one" but I had to explain the promos and everything to her, that its literally impossible to get the discount lol..

    I've always hated FedDx, they always screw up my packages or lose them or mess them up, and i just knew something would happen when I saw Samsung was using them.. again. Lol

    submitted by /u/ErenBlack
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    Samsung Is the Latest SSD Manufacturer Caught Cheating Its Customers

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    The Galaxy z fold 3 has an ability to set a charging limit!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    Have Samsung devices Always had this? I never noticed but I thought I would post about it because I think it is very awesome and a direction that I hope more companies go in 🙂

    submitted by /u/shaiknbaik1
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    Fold 3 first impressions s21 ultra comparison

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Tldr: congratulations Samsung, job well done. Looking forward to what the fold 4 will be bringing

    Been using the fold 3 for 2 days now. This is the 512 gb matte black version. Upgraded from the s21 ultra 128gb.


    Out of the box this thing feels like the future. My s21 ultra feels like a brick phone from 1990 compared to this thing. At first the bigger screen feels daunting, but I'm easily getting used to all the extra screen RealEstate. Imagine getting a bigger car and having all that extra leg room to stretch out now vs a small compact.


    Used smart switch to transfer everything over (used a physical cable). To switch over everything it took less than 30 minutes. Smart switch gets easier with each new phone I get. I still had to put in all the info again for my third party apps but it seemed alot easier this time. The way it transferred all my calls and texts, Bluetooth stuff etc was awesome. I'm truly amazed at how good smart switch has gotten when helping people switch to newer devices.

    Multi tasking:

    It seems sharper/better than the s21 ultra in terms of switching between apps and how quickly it understands what I'm doing. Both phones are beasts at this but the fold 3 seems snappier.

    As 7.6 inch display, it's not all there yet where I want it to be, but I see the potential. I honestly don't think they'll have the multi tasking set up the way I would imagine it until fold 4 or even fold 5. Sadly you still can't have a youtube video playing on one side while having two or three other apps open. At least for third party stuff. I don't use many Samsung apps so that doesn't matter to me. I'd like to have clash royale on one side of the screen while having a youtube video play on the other without it being a floating video. Their new labs addition in the settings seems to be a good step/start.

    But so far most third party apps just take up the entire screen which is something I hope they fix sooner than later. Don't miss out on this opportunity Samsung. Make all our multi tasking fantasies come true.


    Feels the same as the s21 ultra. The battery on my s21 ultra has gotten worse in the 6 months I've had it. It will still last me an entire day but when I first got it I'd still have over 60 percent left after one day of heavy use. Now it's around 30 percent left if I don't have a charger around. I imagine the fold 3 will be in the same boat after a few months of mileage. I'm usually around a charger so these phones are never in a position to fully drain.

    I play a shit ton of games like contra returns, boom Beach, hay day, pub g mobile. I also mine pi crypto on my phones and can still get by on a full day with my s21 ultra. Pub g is the only game where after 3 rounds of playing I need to monitor my battery because it will drain. No phone will last long playing pub g mobile. Contra and hay day and clash royale seem to not be as battery heavy.

    Smaller screen:

    I do hope the fold 4 makes it larger but in terms of being able to use it, it's not bad. Gets the job done when I don't want to or have the time to open up the large screen.

    Larger screen:

    it's nice, everything I imagined. Stunning, vibrant. I don't even recognize the crease. The screen feels like glass. Both screens are fast and seamless when going from one to another.


    they work fine. Not cutting edge but the hate on reddit these cameras have been getting is exaggerated. I get that people want the best if they're paying top dollar but I if you're buying this phone it's mainly for the folding technology. They're s20 hardware and everyone loved those cameras when they came out.

    The main screen 4 mega pixel camera is dog shit, pretty useless. By next year Samsung better make sure that camera is top notch because they're missing out on people who want to use this large display for zoom meetings.

    Overall impressions:

    Yes this tech is overkill. It's just flexing right now because the s21 ultra does everything this phone does for cheaper. But it doesn't have folding tech. My only fear is wondering if I'm never going to be able to go back to a non folding phone. I hope the s22 ultra can get me to trade this in. But it's gonna be hard not having the screen RealEstate from this phone. I may just have to have two devices at all times, which I don't need.

    This fold 3 seems like the one stop shop for multi-tasking and media consumption. After using this device I don't want to get back to single screen phone. Sending my s21 ultra back to Samsung by Monday.

    How I bought it:

    Pre ordered from the Samsung store. Rsvp'd before the announcement and got 100 bucks where they gave us the 512 gig version for the price of the 256gig version. After pre order discounts and deals I paid around 1400.00 total (including taxes) for the fold 3 and Galaxy watch 4 classic (Samsung is giving me 750.00 bucks for my s21 ultra).

    With these deals I never pay full price. Apple doesn't do deals like this.

    Haven't had time to setup the watch 4 classic, will probably do that later today.

    Final summary: this phone feels like the future. Coolest technology out there hands down. Well done Samsung. Keep up the amazing work. Looking forward to the fold 4 and all its newer specs.

    Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask

    submitted by /u/Jonlife
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    Shot this on my drone last month. Complements the crease, makes a good Fold wallpaper!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Just got a Note 20 Ultra. Absolutely love it

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    Yes, it is last year flagship. But it is still most impressive phone on the market and not to mention it is my first flagship phone, bring back memories those good old Samsung UI from my old samsung phone (J5 Prime). The Camera? Absolutely fantastic. I just fell in love every bit of it. But i should mention my minor complain though. Why 60fps UHD video automatically saved on internal memory?. I think it's enough for me to express a bit fondness to note 20 ultra. Have a good day gentleman!

    submitted by /u/welliamaguy
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    Z flip does not magnetically close

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    I just got my z flip 3 and it seems it doesn't close as satisfying as I imagined, there is no magnetic clapping together when I shut the phone. I believe this may be a faulty unit but I'm not sure

    submitted by /u/qwertteal
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    Can't cancel a delayed package? Thanks Samsung!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    Ordered the galaxy watch 4 on announcement day with pre order, was told it would be here August 27th ( today) . I see no shipping labels generated or anything over the past few days so I continue to check on the site and today it updates to September 15th. I will no longer be living at the shipping address on the 15th. No worries, it is what it is. I try to cancel the order and it just canceled the watch band. So I contact support who tells me their only option is to refuse the package from the shipping address I wont be at. I explain to them the situation and they tell me theres nothing that can be done till the order is shipped and refused. and If I want I can try to contact support again when it ships to try to have them just not deliver it but theres no assurance there. Its crazy that an item with 19 days left in the eta for shipping can not be cancelled or have the shipping address changed. Rant done wasn't sure what flair to use

    submitted by /u/ghoulishghastly
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    Watch 4 day 1 impressions. Battery life disappointing thus far.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    Got my 44mm Watch 4 gps today and opened it up around 2:30pm and set it up. The battery was sitting at 56% out of the box. I installed an update, downloaded some apps, loaded some spotify songs, and messed around with the heart monitor and body composition features. Always on display was off and brightness was set to auto.

    Around 5pm, I went for a run while using the Nike app and playing spotify to my Bluetooth headphones. The battery was above 25% at this point and I figured I had enough juice to complete a 3 mile run no problem. Before I hit 1 mile, the low battery message came up and I declined to activate the battery saver, assuming I would have enough to finish. I was wrong.

    A minute or two after passing 2 miles, which was around 18:40ish, my music stops playing and I look down at the watch and it's dead. I was pretty amazed that the battery had drained that quickly and I missed tracking the remaining 30% of my workout.

    This is my first smart watch. Is this normal for the battery to drain so fast while using Bluetooth and GPS? I was hoping this watch would be able to last almost 2 days on a single charge, but if this behavior holds true I will be extremely disappointed.

    The main reasons for purchasing the thing in the first place was to have it tracking workouts and my sleep routine. The ability to play downloaded spotify songs to my Bluetooth headphones without needing to carry my phone was an added benefit. It's going to be really annoying if I'm going to have to charge the watch overnight to start the day at 100% just to make it through a day.

    Also, the watch charges extremely slow. Almost 2 hours to get the thing to 100% from zero. Faster charging would definitely be appreciated in future products, Samsung.

    Anyway, that's my day 1 experience. Hope yours is better.

    submitted by /u/Squizgarr
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    Flip 3 Clear Ring Case Issue

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Anyone else having an issue with the Ring Clear Case?

    When installing the bottom part, its very loose and just slides out?

    submitted by /u/II541NTZII
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    Fedex is so slow, they went back in time and changed their name back to Federal Express.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    Samsung fucked up. Worst phone launch I can remember. Do I need to say more?

    submitted by /u/Ellas-Baap
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