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    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    Cisco SmartNet Options Networking

    Cisco SmartNet Options Networking

    Cisco SmartNet Options

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 12:14 PM PST

    I have two 9300E - Can somebody kindly in brief explain me what the difference is between
    SOLN Supp,

    I know how to Google and RTFM -- but I can't find anything clear explaining this. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Brisker1
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    Configuring a Legacy Router using MiniEdit from Mininet

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:41 AM PST

    Hello all.

    I have successfully created an SDN network and connected to ONOS controller. Everything runs perfectly. Now I want to add a legacy router (they are provided with MiniEdit) but I can't seem to configure it correctly. The network is simple and can be found here it consists of two hosts and 3 SDN switches, a legacy router between two SDN switches and the controller.

    I'd appreciate any help from any mininet/MiniEdit expert.


    Host1 IP address is Host2 IP address is

    I don't usually assign IPs to the switches since ONOS takes care of identifying all openflow devices.

    The terminal of the legacy router can load zebra, bgp and the configurations will be with the "configure terminal" command using >bgp >vtysh

    submitted by /u/v78
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    Any lightweight Windows tool for ad-hoc monitoring of switch-interface throughput?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:16 AM PST


    Is anybody aware of a light-weight tool for Windows or MacOS, to monitor switch interface throughput?

    Use case - This will be used ad-hoc, whilst on different customer sites (or at home), which I'd periodically point to a switch with SNMP, and it'll give me a graph showing throughput of an interface.

    Note, I'm not looking for a full-blown NMS.



    Thanks everyone - I found SolarWinds Real-Time Bandwidth Monitor will do the job on Windows. Also, SoftPerfect Bandwidth Monitor is similar, and available for Mac and Windows..

    submitted by /u/Fluffer_Wuffer
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    cisco nexus 2148T power supply slots

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:02 AM PST

    i have two power supplies and both are lighting green but on cli i can find that the slot 2 in shut ,

    i cannot determine which one is lot 2 since there is no label beside them

    is it from left to right always

    submitted by /u/Madridista1993
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    cisco prefix-list ge vs. le

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:35 PM PST

    We're a Juniper shop but have a few quagga instances here and there. Our prefix-lists are pretty straight forward and simple:

    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 5 permit
    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 10 permit
    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 15 permit
    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 20 permit
    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 25 permit
    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 30 permit
    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 35 permit
    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 40 permit

    But the prefix-list can get very long, quick!

    I need to add a /18 soon, that's 64 Class C's . Yikes!

    Does the below prefix-list example match my prefix-list above?

    ip prefix-list CustomerA seq 5 permit le 24

    Thank you in advance, your input is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Seekandgo
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    Commands Deprecated on Cisco Switches

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:12 AM PST

    Hello, I am trying to implement ISE with cisco Switches, the current version of the switches is 15.2.7(E3). when I enable ''aaa new-model'' no the switches, I will not be able to use any "Authentication Command".

    On the port level, and when I use the command "authentication open " for example, I will get the error saying "Command deprecated" use access-session.

    How can I bypass this issue?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/zakneter
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