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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Simple Questions - December 03, 2020

    Simple Questions - December 03, 2020

    Simple Questions - December 03, 2020

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:09 AM PST

    This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we strongly suggest checking the sidebar and the wiki before posting!). Please don't post involved questions that are better suited to a [Build Help], [Build Ready] or [Build Complete] post. Examples of questions:

    • Is this RAM compatible with my motherboard?
    • I'm thinking of getting a GTX 1070. Which one should I get?
    • I'm on a very tight budget and I'm looking for a case < $50

    Remember that Discord is great places to ask quick questions as well: http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/wiki/livechat

    Important: Downvotes are strongly discouraged in this thread. Sorting by new is strongly encouraged.

    Have a question about the subreddit or otherwise for /r/buildapc mods? We welcome your mod mail!

    Looking for all the Simple Questions threads? Want an easy way to locate today's thread? This link is now in the sidebar below the yellow Rules section.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Help me! Can't get 3080 to work.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:13 PM PST

    When I boot my pc all of the lights turn on but I don't get a display signal. If I switch to integrated graphics it works just fine. (Obviously I'm switching where I plug the display into.)

    Of note: when I have my card plugged in not only does the display not work but also my keyboard and mouse don't seem to be getting power. It shouldn't be a power issue tho as I have a 800 watt psu. (Cpu is 10850k)

    I've tried different monitors, mice, keyboards, cables, disabling intergrated graphics, making sure the card and all power connectors were plugged in correctly, updating the BIOS, but to no avail.

    I also tried changing in the bios so it uses intergrated graphics over my 3080 so I could hopefully post and try and download the latest drivers but no power to the mouse or keyboard and while it did detect a display, the picture itself was just a black screen.

    Again the system works perfectly fine so long as the card isn't connected to the PCI slot.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)

    submitted by /u/EveryNameWasTake
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    My local computer store has all the 3000s in stock

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:57 AM PST


    Went in yesterday. Even had the 3060ti

    submitted by /u/PartyCurious
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    What Do I Do After My PC Is Built?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:16 PM PST

    So i just finished my pc build. Everything seems to be working perfectly and i've even downloaded a few games and played. Is there anything else I should be worried about?? Can my PC just randomly break?

    submitted by /u/swebbymon
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    A rat peed on my GPU. Now it's dead.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:22 AM PST

    I posted this on r/pcmasterrace awhile ago. I thought I'd post this here to give some people a laugh, as well as looking for some advice

    I bought a Sapphire Nitro+ RX 570 2 months ago as a gift to myself for my 18th birthday. And just a little while ago, my screen started glitching out and then wouldn't turn on. I tried removing the backplate to see if something shorted, and there I see. A sticky mess of rat pee. I leave my Case closed, and I don't even know how the rat got in there. Well, I guess I'll be spending Christmas and the next few months without a PC. Kinda harsh since I need it for online class too. Lol, I'm literally crying rn aaaaaaa

    I'm currently trying a lot of stuff to try to fix it, and I'm hoping for the best

    EDIT: Thank you for all the advice! I've tried cleaning the area with pee with isoprophyl alcohol, and it boots up. But after a while, the screen goes black, and needs a system reboot to display stuff again :( Is there any way I can fix this in a few hours? I've got a video presentation to submit for school, and all my files are on my PC :(

    EDIT 2: A lot of people are getting confused from my post's title. To clarify, my GPU died, not the rat.

    EDIT 3: Still no luck. It displays now, but the screen shows a lot of glitches, even if just playing a simple YouTube video. The screen goes green after a while, and needs a system reboot to display. I don't know if this is better than the screen going dark. Either way, I'm still trying to fix this thing, while hoping for a miracle to happen

    EDIT 4: I cleaned the card by rubbing isopropyl alcohol with a cotton bud. Waiting for it to dry right now. I'm still hoping for the best aaaaa

    Btw, I decided to not RMA the card, since it's kind of a bad move to do it when it really was my fault for not securing my case properly :(

    EDIT 5: Thanks for all the awards! Though it's really sad that my GPU has really died now :( It immediately glitches to a green screen on boot :(

    EDIT 6: Yep. It's dead. Time to find a way to earn for a low end GPU. Thank you for all the help, everyone

    submitted by /u/YUK1NO
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    Just a general question. Anyone have a 3070 with a Ryzen 5 2600? Is there a bottleneck?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:30 PM PST

    Title pretty much nails it. I'm wanting to see if I'm going to need to upgrade my CPU along with the card. Currently, I'm playing at 1080p, but with the 3070 upgrade (once the world stops fucking burning down and prices get back down to earth), I'm more than likely going to grab a 1440p, 144 Hertz monitor, so I can play more competitive games with competitive settings at 144, likely 1080p, and single player games with all the bells and whistles turned up to ultra (or high because Ultra is kind of worthless in some games), at a minimum 60.

    submitted by /u/Throwaway200qpp
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    Rtx 3060ti power problem?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:18 PM PST

    So I recently ordered an Rtx 3060 ti (FE) and was checking out if the psu cables are compatible with the new 12-pin input, because I heard you need a 8-pin single cable and not daisy chained one or anything similar. Is this true? Or will a daisy chain cable work just fine?

    submitted by /u/Stazole
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    Looking for recommendations on Building a gaming PC for my 13-year-old son

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:53 PM PST

    My son has been really bugging my wife and me to get him a gaming PC. He wants to be able to stream and play games such as Apex Legends, COD, Rocket league etc. I really don't have a clue on what to get him so I made him do his own research and provide me a list of equipment he would like. Hoping to have all this by Christmas if possible. Keep in mind he plays on the xbox.

    Can anyone please help me out and let me know if we are missing anything on this list and/or would recommend other hardware in place of what he thinks would work.

    Please review @


    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/iDwreck805
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    First build, question about fan placement, I have no idea what I'm doing

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Hey everyone. I'm gonna be assembling my first rig next week once my parts come in. I went with a Fractal Design Meshify C (https://www.fractal-design.com/products/cases/meshify/meshify-c-tempered-glass/white/) case and a Deepcool Castle 360EX (https://www.gamerstorm.com/product/CPULIQUIDCOOLER/2019-05/1286_11186.shtml) liquid cooler.

    My question is about fan placement. It appears as though the only place the 360mm liquid cooler fans will fit is in the front of the case. The top can only fit a 240mm and the rear will only fit a 120mm. The case also comes with 2x 120mm fans.

    How would you set up the fans in the case? My thought was to have the 360mm liquid cooler fan on the front (obviously) set up as exhaust out the front. I didn't think it makes much sense to be drawing cool air in the front as it would blow the hot air into the case. I also thought of having one of the 120mm fans in the back as intake, bringing cool air into the case, so hopefully there would be good flow coming in from the back fan and hot air blowing out the front. Lastly, should the fan on top be intake or exhaust? Hot air rises and so it would make sense to have it exhaust? But then is there too much exhaust and not enough intake into the case?

    Sorry, I'm sure this is a really dumb post, I'm just brand new and cooling should be easy and I'm probably just way overthinking it. Thanks in advanced.

    submitted by /u/OMS1
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    I accidentally bought a micro atx motherboard for my first build. Will it be fine?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:36 PM PST

    I put the whole build onto pcpartpicker and it said there were no problems.

    It arrived today and I saw it said micro atx on the box

    I feel like it'll be fine but I'm just making sure if there are things I should know about?

    I know it had like only 1 m.2 slot but that's okay I'm only getting 1 for now anyway

    I have a ryzen 5600x which I know will be fine with it because it's a b550. And I'm planning on getting a 3080

    submitted by /u/neotic_reaper
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    5800x + 3070 XC3

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:20 AM PST

    Is the Ryder 5800x paired with a 3070 any good?

    submitted by /u/TurtleT-
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    Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs can cause issues on Mobos, Make sure you are up to date!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    I made a build for a client of mines.

    Specs :

    Ryzen 7 5800x

    Asrock Taichi x570

    32gb Trident z royal 3200mhz

    RTX 3080 Asus TUF OC

    2tb samsung 970 evo m2 ssd

    nzxt kraken z73

    lian li pc 011 dynamic razer edition

    and alot of corsair ml 120 fans (cable management is horrible lol)

    The issue was for some weird reason was every time my client was streaming content (youtube, hbo max, netflix) his pc will crash and restart itself. It was the weirdest thing and i didn't believe it when he told me that.But when I did, I was surprised. After a couple minutes of watching content it will restart itself. I did all I thought i could, updated chipset drivers, gpu drivers, re installed windows, reseated all components with no results.

    Streaming content caused his PC to crash.

    The one thing i didn't do was to update the bios on the motherboard. The x570 Taichi was already updated out of the box to support 5000 series chips (which in this specific case was bios ver 3.4). They also released a 3.6 update that " Optimize system compatibility with Renoir and Ryzen™ 5000 Series processors ". I normally don't update the bios of a motherboard if everything works perfectly, motherboard manufacturers even state to not update if everything is running smoothly. But i decided to update the bios to see if it solved the issue.

    And BAM! It fixed it! Not sure if anyone was having issues like this, but even if your mobo supports ryzen 5000 out of the box, or if you did the bios update to support it, if you are having issues, definitely try to see if your motherboard has an update bios to "optimize compatibility" with it. It may just solve alot of headaches.

    Now my client can do what hes always wanted, to have an 8 core 16 thread processors with 32gb of ram and an rtx 3080 so he can catch up on The Office and on Young Justice while watching weekly funny compilation videos. What a life.

    submitted by /u/cobie620
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    1.35V ram in 1.2V dimm slot

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:36 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    I built my first pc yesterday, (minus the graphics card, it didn't deliver). When putting in my RAM, I noticed that the DIMM slot says 1.2v on it. My RAM is rated 1.35V! Will I be able to achieve the advertised 3000Mhz??

    My motherboard is a b550 pro4, RAM is teamgroup t-force vulcan 16gb 3000Mhz.

    Full specs here.

    Thank you for helping, it's really appreciated!

    submitted by /u/cuber_dan
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    Is a 1080 ti enough for 1440p?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST

    I have a Ryzen 5-2600, 16gb of 3200mhz, and am wondering if a 1080 ti can handle 1440p at high/ultra settings thanks :)

    submitted by /u/sordre
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    Used GPU

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:13 PM PST

    Hey y'all. As most of you know, covid hasn't been very kind to gpu stocks and prices. But the used community seems relatively unaffected. I can only allocate 200-300 dollars to a gpu so should I get a used 1060, 1070, or just wait till corona is over?

    submitted by /u/amai04
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    To All Owners of The AMD Wraith Prism Cooler With High Idle Temps:

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:36 PM PST

    Check whether the lever is pulled completely to the left (assuming your pc is sitting upright on its legs, you are facing the side panel towards your motherboard, and the lever is located on top of the cooler). Pull the lever to the left side as much as you can. It may take a bit of uncomfortable force but it will eventually go the other way.

    I built a system with this cooler for the first time and I was getting around 50-65c idle temps. I found out it was because the CPU cooler wasn't making the right contact with the CPU since it wasn't locked all the way down due to the lever.

    submitted by /u/JustToastingHere
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    Need help for my first build.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:32 AM PST

    I'm building a pc for my friend. What do you guys think about this build? And i need to know if bottleneck is going to be a problem? Also i need advice on PSU. Thanks for help and sorry about my English.

    (I updated motherboard with suggestion from comments.)

    CPU AMD RYZEN 5 2600X 3.6 GHz
    RAM GSKILL 16GB DDR4 3600MHz CL18
    SSD SANDISK ULTRA 3D 500GB 2400MB-1750MB NVMe M.2

    submitted by /u/dreamreaper31
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    M.2 Wont show up in bios

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:48 AM PST

    just finished building my pc, when i go into bios the m.2 drive doesnt show up. What should i do?

    submitted by /u/Buddho_
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    Playing older games on 15fps for around 10 years. Would like to get an upgrade.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:46 AM PST

    Hello all!

    As the title said, for around 10 years I'm gaming on a laptop with a 520m. To be honest, I am not really complaining because I get to play classic games which I love, like gothic, but I won't hide that I'm a bit sad when a new game comes out and I know for a fact it won't even play as a slideshow on my laptop.

    The thing is, I want to build a tower, buying the parts over the course of 4-6 months, as money's quite tight now, but I'm willing to spent around 1.000 euros (more or less the same in dollars but I'm in Europe). Also, if you know any good, cheap and reliable shops in Europe, I would appreciate it. The budget is only for the tower, no monitor or accessories.

    I would like to have some good Nvidia card, and I was always thinking that Asus is a top brand, don't know if it's still the same case these days, but my older tower is still alive after 12 years.

    Please be so kind to bring this old timer up to date.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/AstonishinKonstantin
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    Quick question about monitor and screen resolution

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Hi all, just finished building my first ever pc and am running into some issues with it.

    I have a MSI Optix G241 1920x1080 monitor and an HDMI cable came with it. Is this enough to support 144hz? The monitor has 144hz in the title of it and didn't come with a display port. I went into the display advanced options and the only option it lets me go to is 64 hz. Do I need to buy a display port and if so, is there a specific one I should be looking for?

    Also for the resolution size, how come it is greyed out for me? It's locked at 1024 X 768. If I could get some help on these things please that would be great. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/psychotio
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    Is Driver Easy a virus?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:18 AM PST

    I installed The free version of Driver Easy on my new pc but I uninstalled after like 5 minutes, is Driver Easy a virus? I can't see any changes in my computer but it's still freaks me out. So If I uninstalled it after just 5 minutes, could it harm something in my pc? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/YahavGiladi
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    Gaming PC €2.5k budget

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:15 AM PST

    I am looking at putting together a PC build spec and using a UK based custom PC website who I have used before for laptop builds. In this case I want to build a gaming PC with a €2,500 budget but I have a few questions:

    Is the below build bottlenecked, over specced in any areas, incompatible, or generally bad value in any areas? I have not kept up with what's good in the hardware scene for quite a while and that may be evident by my choices below.

    The website I am using to build the PC is https://www.pcspecialist.ie/ and if I can buy the parts individually and save a reasonable amount of money I will go that route, otherwise I am happy for this company to put together the PC. I cwould greatly appreciate any input into the below build.



    Processor (CPU)

    AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12 Core CPU (3.8GHz-4.6GHz/70MB CACHE/AM4)


    ASUS® PRIME B450-PLUS (DDR4, USB 3.1, 6Gb/s) - RGB Ready!

    Memory (RAM)

    64GB Corsair VENGEANCE RGB PRO DDR4 3200MHz (4 x 16GB)

    Graphics Card

    10GB NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3080 - HDMI, DP (Delivery before Xmas not guaranteed)

    1st M.2 SSD Drive

    1TB SAMSUNG 970 EVO PLUS M.2, PCIe NVMe (up to 3500MB/R, 3300MB/W)

    Memory Card Reader


    Power Supply


    Processor Cooling

    Corsair H80i V2 Hydro Series High Performance CPU Cooler

    Thermal Paste


    Extra Case Fans

    2x 120mm Black Case Fan (configured to extract from rear/roof)

    Sound Card

    Asus Xonar SE 5.1-Channel Gaming Audio Card

    Network Card


    Wireless Network Card

    WIRELESS 802.11N 300Mbps/2.4GHz PCI-E CARD

    USB/Thunderbolt Options


    Price: €2,466.00 including VAT and Delivery

    submitted by /u/Emooot
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    I can't get my RAM to run at the advertised clock speed

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:59 PM PST

    I just upgraded to an i9-10850k from an i7-4790k. I of course also had to buy new memory and picked up two 8gb DIMMS of Corsair vengeance LPX 3600mhz RAM. The motherboard swap and build went without issue but when it came to time to load the default xmp profile I ran into some issues. Each attempt to reach 3600mhz resulted in a failed boot and return to the bios in safe mode. I tried increasing the voltage up to 1.45 to no avail but eventually got it to boot successfully with the speed set to 3000mhz and a voltage of 1.425. Timings are set to 18-22-22-42. It seems I can't get it to boot past 3000mhz but I'm not sure if its something I'm doing wrong or of if the memory is just faulty. Any help to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ForsakenMC
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    Looking for help on a build for a Golf Simulator.. Need the following specs

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:57 PM PST

    I am looking to keep the budget down.. It will be running The Golf Club 2019 which is heavily GPU driven.

    I am ok with either Intel or AMD, Motherboard just needs 1 m.2 slot and 16gb.

    Thanks for your help!

    • Processor: Intel Core i7 @ 3.20GHz or equivalent
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVidia GTX 1060 (or better), for 4K NVidia GTX 1080 (or better)
    • DirectX: Version 11
    submitted by /u/themule0808
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    build question

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:00 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    Which cpu/gpu combo would be better for gaming/more future proof?

    Ryzen 5600x (300) + Geforce RTX 3080 (700)?

    Ryzen 5800x (450) + Geforce RTX 3070 (550)?

    both total $1,000

    submitted by /u/Rare-Tell1259
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    No Display Showing, No BIOS, Amber QLED

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:14 PM PST

    This is my first build so I was definitely expecting some kind of difficulty somewhere, but this one has my concern ever growing. My motherboard is an ASUS TUF Gaming Z-490 Plus (w/ WiFi) and the VGA QLED is a bright amber color (constant, no flashing) every time I turn it on. The monitor I have it connected to through Display Port does not get any signal. I have not been able to boot to BIOS a single time.

    All the fans work and the CPU looks to have been seated perfectly with no pins beneath it showing signs of damage or dirtiness. I have the PSU connected to the 20+4 and the 8 pins. I've reseated the RAM a good amount of times with no change, tried it with none, just one, and both. I've reset the CMOS twice with no difference. The one thing that's giving me some hope is that my GPU hasn't arrived yet so all I have are integrated graphics in it for now. But could the motherboard really not support integrated graphics?

    Here are the parts to my build:

    • Case: Corsair 4000D Airflow
    • PSU: Rosewill Capstone 750W
    • CPU: Intel i3-10100
    • SSD: WD SN750 500GB
    • RAM: oLOY DDR4-3600

    Some other general information about the state of the build. Motherboard doesn't have screws in some parts, screwed in place in 3 different ares just so it doesn't fall (didn't want to commit too much for situations just like this). Do not have a system warning speaker, but am looking into getting one. Don't think any cables are making contact where they shouldn't be. The DisplayPort cable is v1.2 while the motherboard supports 1.4, not sure if that could be an issue at all. Haven't tried HDMI just yet.

    That's all the info I can really give. Not familiar with how the warranty will go if I need to send something in so hopefully that won't be necessary.

    submitted by /u/tr8rm8
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