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    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    Linux Help needed, please.

    Linux Help needed, please.

    Help needed, please.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:49 AM PST

    Hi, My Pa has an AMD x64 500 gb hdd radeon desktop pc with Gigabyte GA a55m DS2 motherboard. I saw him struggling with the windows 8 that came with the pc so I told myself :"you know what, my pa deserves more quality time watching puppy videos and reading about his home town way in the East." So I created a Solus bootable disk for him, installed it, updated it. Alas, the problems start here. After the update, i got "acpi error ae_not_found " error right after the boot, I mean after grub did its stuff. I further tried tweaks about disabling fast boot, etc. My motherboard is shown in system32 to be "legacy bios" Then i tried Manjaro, this time, right after the main menu and towards what should have been welcome page i get " NO irq handler for vector" errors and the pc was bricked except that I got the ancient windows 8 cd that came with it from the vendor. I wanted to have him spend the time during the corona, now he is sullen and just watches his 10 channel dinasaur TV. I then saw about windows 8 being eligible for windows 10 and tried it too, but the stringy Gates TM told me he couldnt give me 10. Please help me help my Pa guys, what should i do? Boot problem? Bios? Uefi? My brain is jelly now. A week ago I've updated myself on linux (last time was linux lite years ago) and now I screwed my Pa's only source of fun. Any help is welcome. I beg of you.

    Truly yours, Miralay.

    submitted by /u/Miralaj
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    Best Tool To Record Terminal Sessions?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Github doesn't allow Asciinema embeds on its README.md page. Terminalizer's worked well for a while not but doesn't seem to be working now. Any other alternatives?

    Thanks in Advance.

    submitted by /u/isthisneeded_
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    FYI to noobs on Arch (and soon Manjaro) using anything with Python from the AUR

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:01 PM PST

    When using PKGBUILDs from the AUR you are responsible for updates and rebuilds. With python 3.9 hitting official repos you'll need to rebuild any package with a python 3.8 dependency that you made from the AUR. If you are on Manjaro you'll need to sit tight for a little while and keep and eye out for a huge python update and then do the same thing.

    You can identify these packages by looking for any that have files in the /usr/lib/python3.8/ directory using pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.8/. You'll then need to rebuild them either with an AUR helper like yay or with standard ABS makepkg.

    submitted by /u/SutekhThrowingSuckIt
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    What attracts people to Fedora?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Not trying to bash Fedora, but I've never seen a reason to go with it.

    It seems to pride itself on being cutting edge, but why not go with Tumbleweed or Arch instead if you need cutting edge? Those are rolling.

    As for packages, Debian, Debian based, Arch and Arch based distros seem to have more.

    In terms of community and support Ubuntu is far larger (Arch too I guess?).

    Etc. It seems in a bit of an awkward spot, the way I see it.

    submitted by /u/WoodpeckerNo1
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    Trouble testing new drive

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:08 AM PST

    Hello All,

    Seagate delivered the replacement 10TB Expansion drive after the DOA was returned!!! The new one powered up perfectly. I've reformatted the drive for Linux and run badblocks, no errors. However, when running the Drive utility, Smart tools is greyed out. Running smartctl from the command line gives me the following output. Is this ok? normal for exterior drives? Seagate?

    Thanks, Jay

    sudo smartctl -a -T verypermissive /dev/sdd

    smartctl 7.0 2018-12-30 r4883 [x86_64-linux-5.4.0-54-generic] (local build)

    Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

    Read Device Identity failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command


    Device Model: [No Information Found]

    Serial Number: [No Information Found]

    Firmware Version: [No Information Found]

    Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]

    ATA Version is: [No Information Found]

    Local Time is: Wed Dec 2 07:32:32 2020 PST

    SMART support is: Ambiguous - ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE words 82-83 don't show if SMART supported.

    SMART support is: Ambiguous - ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE words 85-87 don't show if SMART is enabled.

    Checking to be sure by trying SMART RETURN STATUS command.

    SMART support is: Unknown - Try option -s with argument 'on' to enable it.

    Read SMART Data failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command


    SMART Status command failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command

    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: UNKNOWN!

    SMART Status, Attributes and Thresholds cannot be read.

    Read SMART Error Log failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command

    Read SMART Self-test Log failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command

    Selective Self-tests/Logging not supported

    submitted by /u/JaySwen
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    Getting below issue on running latest lxc 4.5 on CentOS 8.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    lxc-start: a: lxccontainer.c: wait_on_daemonized_start: 851 Received container state "ABORTING" instead of "RUNNING" lxc-start: a: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 329 The container failed to start lxc-start: a: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 332 To get more details, run the container in foreground mode lxc-start: a: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 335 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options

    submitted by /u/heythisisvivek
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    Arch + i3wm for productivity + daily use, recommended partition size?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I have a laptop currently in repairs, and once it comes back, I want to install Arch and i3 Window Manager on it (did it in a VM before). Dual booting with Windows 10. On top of those, I'll be installing, primarily:

    - A web browser or two (Vivaldi + Tor)

    - Anaconda (for Spyder mainly)

    - a desktop WhatsApp client

    - LibreOffice

    - regular productivity tools, e.g. text editors and document viewers

    As for storage, I'll mostly be storing images off the internet, textbook files (PDFs), and so on. I have an external HDD I can use in a pinch.

    Space is at a premium, as this laptop currently only has a 256GB SSD. Can I get away with a 20GB Arch installation, or should I spare more space/ go for a new drive (in a spare slot) entirely, though I might be unable to buy one for a long while?

    submitted by /u/aleph-nihil
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    Create Linux VM in Windows to access files on my other drive with Linux installed

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:42 PM PST

    So I have one SSD with windows 10, and another with Fedora 33. Linux is installed with all default options, I did not change the partitioning in the settings. I was wondering if there was any way I could also create a VM in windows to access the files and applications in my linux drive. I sometimes have small tasks in linux for which I do not wish to reboot the computer. One option I realize is I could use WSL2 and get rid of Linux completely, but I would prefer Linux full-time, I only use Windows for gaming and for my college online exams(the application is Windows only).

    submitted by /u/null_otter
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    Need some help with expanding a hard drive

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I have a VM that originally only had a 20GB partition (my own fault). I'm trying to update a service that runs on this serve (ubiquiti UNMS) and I don't have enough space for the upgrade. I don't know much about linux, other than to install following a guide and then manage the server via web GUI.

    I ran the command 'df -H' and based on the file size, the main drive/partition appears to be:

    /dev/mapper/servername--vg-root (size) 20G (used) 18G (avail) 761M (use%) 96% (mounted on) /

    Anything in () is a column header.

    I've increased the storage of the VM another 20G, bringing the total to 40G, but I need help with expanding the drive to take the additional 20G, in linux.

    Server is Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS, I thought about upgrading the entire server, but I'd rather try to expand the current drive since all I am running is UNMS.


    submitted by /u/tdhuck
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    Image into text for neofetch

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:33 AM PST


    I am not sure if this is the right subreddit for this kind of stuff. Anyway, is there any kind of programs that transfers images into text made of a variety of different letters so that you can see the images even in a terminal? I know that it is possible to view images in a terminal and it is possible to replace OS icon with an image in neofetch but I think it will look more beautiful if it is an image made of letters.


    submitted by /u/SalastroG
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    How do i fix this error im trying to make a file sharring server with fedora server and samba (basically a home nas) but when i try to give my usr on the server ownership of the file (i belive this to be why i caint access it over the net even though ive managed to share it)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:53 AM PST

    replace android with ubuntu for arm

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Hi! I would like to replace android with ubuntu for arm, and NOT ubuntu touch. How can I do that?

    I have a Redmi Note 5 to do that on (my old phone).


    submitted by /u/GafiQ
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    Partitioning for multi-boot

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:22 AM PST

    I've decided to switch to Linux and wanted to get some advice on how best to partition a hard-drive to allow for multi-boot options (I'm thinking two Linux distros (Manjaro Gnome and pop OS, and Windows10 for some gaming).


    1) /EFI/boot partition - are 500MB enough, or should I go for 1GB just to be on the safe side?

    2) Linux / partitions - are 60GB enough? I'll be making a separate /home partition.

    3) Same for Windows10 - would 60GB be enough, if I'll be installing games on a separate partition and/or external SSD? I'll also debloat Win.

    4) Should I make a separate /swap partition? If yes, would 4GB or 8 GB be enough? My laptop has 16GB of RAM.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ReinisI
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    graphical glitches with chromium

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:05 AM PST


    can anyone tell me why is chromium glitching like this . tried 3 distros all the same. disabled hardware accel. all the same.

    vmware workstation. 16gb ram. 3gb video memory(accellerated). 50gb hdd. 8 cpu cores/threads.

    submitted by /u/tomashen
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    Idm (internet download manager) alternative with features. Also, brave browser question

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:46 AM PST

    I have two questions

    I have been idm for years in windows and love it... It has a nice feature of a download in progress where you can set a speed limit thereby not hog all the bandwidth. This is nice to have if an alternative program exists for Linux.

    Second question. I am a fan of brave browser and plan to use popos which is obviously based on Ubuntu. Question here is: will it support gnome extensions? Brave browser.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/aalmosawi
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    what is a wayland compositor in layman's terms?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Error whilst trying to use sudo command

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Whenever I use the sudo command, I get the following error:

    sudo: unable to resolve host josphh-pop-os: Name or service not known

    Usually with things like sudo apt install it shows the error and then runs, but with other commands it just produces that error and nothing more. This has been a recent problem and has worked properly before now. I'm currently running Pop_OS. Thankyou.

    submitted by /u/josphhh0181
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    Looking for window tiling manager recommendation and WHY?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 04:22 AM PST

    I do not know how to ask properly for help, sorry for that.

    I used Linux for 3 years tried all major distributions. Started with Linux mint, went to CentOS, Debian, Fedora, UbutUbuntuu, POP os, finally landed on the Arch. I like it AUR and rolling release nice features. Currently, I am using KDE plasma and I do not think any DE can surpass it and kdKDEe applications that work with it. I like the integration between DE and strong applications. But I want to try something different so no DE's.

    I know how to program and I love it, so that side about editing files and so on is not an obstacle at all, even writing some scripts from scratch (but not the whole manager, maybe one day).

    I am looking for something that is highly customizable speed is not a concern but faster is a better system as a whole will be faster when Your not is replace KDE.

    Thank you all for your help.

    submitted by /u/Doffy13
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    Every time I put my Pc in sleep mode and go back,I have to re-select my output device to hear sound?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:34 PM PST

    That only happens for my monitor speakers,not my headphones.

    I use Pulseaudio with Pavucontrol.

    submitted by /u/FreskoReddit
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    Dual Boot Partition Sizes - Primary Linux // Occasional Windows

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    I'm building a new desktop PC and will primarily being using Ubuntu for everything -- except for the dreaded Adobe ecosystem that a lot of use can't escape, so I need to install Windows on a partition.

    Anyone else in a similar situation? Any advice on partition sizes?

    I've got 1TB SSD to work with, but can grab other drives if necessary.

    submitted by /u/planet_oregon
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    Syncing across desktops on same pc

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Is there a good way to keep the gui menu up to date on installs across all installed desktops on a single pc (KDE, Unity, etc.)? I must not be using the right search terms on google, b/c I keep getting programs that sync files across multiple pc's.

    submitted by /u/AKL_Ferris
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    when you run `man` on a command, what program is being used to read the text? `less`?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    i'm just wondering if it is possible to know this. the interface seems similar to less but there are some differences in the shortcuts.

    i know linux is all open source, is it possible for me to answer this question myself somehow? I don't really know where the find the definition of "man" since the source code isn't easily viewable on some github repo

    submitted by /u/modustollensiscool
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    su vs sudo and root account

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Hey all,

    Debian 11 testing here o/

    From my understading, when you're using su to log as root then do somehing, or when you're doing sudo <command> it's kind of the same thing : either way, it's executed as root. So, why is "reboot" not available as root, but "sudo reboot" is ok ? Why do I need to sudo something as root ?

    More than that, what is considered a "good manner" : creating and using root account, or using sudo to perform actions as root please ?

    EDIT : fixed debian version

    submitted by /u/Aurion13000
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    What does it mean that i'm adding a repo or a ppa? what power am i giving it to my computer?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:10 PM PST

    hey guys, so i'm thinking about installing keybase, and i found this article https://keybase.io/docs/the_app/install_linux

    and in that article it's telling me to run these commands in the terminal,

    and someone mentioned to me that if i run those commands, i will be adding the keybase repo "Note: Installing Keybase will add our package repository, so that your system updates will update the Keybase package too. If you want to prevent that, run

    sudo touch /etc/default/keybase 

    before installing."

    and so i wanted to ask, what does it mean that i'm adding a repo? what power am i giving it to my computer when i do? thanks

    submitted by /u/how-to-ubuntu
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