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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Linux Are manpages meant to be sufficient?

    Linux Are manpages meant to be sufficient?

    Are manpages meant to be sufficient?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    I've actually been using Linux for quite a while, but I find I always have to Google information in order to use my Linux systems. Aren't I supposed to be able to find the information I need in the manpages?

    My complaint is the opposite of what I keep seeing on Google when I search. I don't want examples and tl;dr's. I want enough information to actually successfully use a program. It seems like there is always a ton of information missing. I'll give my most recent example.

    I've been using GNU make for years, but I have to Google the syntax every time when I forget where a colon goes, or how to do substitution. I can get an *extremely* rudimentary reference by running `man make`. But this tells me nothing about how to write a `Makefile`. There is no `man Makefile` or anything equivalent that I can find. My only option seems to be Google.

    **Is it meant to be this way? I thought I'm supposed to be able to figure out how to use my system by reading the manpages.**

    submitted by /u/fburnaby
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    How to keep track of dependencies when trying to compile something?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Sometimes I want to delete make dependencies after compiling, is there some way to keep track of it?

    submitted by /u/reduxredder
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    Install a theme from another distro?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    I want to know if I hve xubuntu or any other debian based distro installed can i use the ArchLabs-Dark theme on it or that's impossible?

    Is there a way to use the ArchLabs-Dark without ArchLabs? Or there is a debian distro that looks like it?

    Sorry if what I'm asking doesn't make much sense, I'm a newbie.

    submitted by /u/tan_of_x
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    Where to start?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    TL;DR: How does a complete beginner with no IT experience begin to learn to use Linux?

    How do I even start to learn how to use Linux? I have no IT / coding experience but have an interest in this area and would like to pursue this as a hobby and not a career (which I have but is currently on hold due to CV19). My current machine has Windows 10 but I wouldn't know how to utilise powershell / cmd prompt (beyond flushing the dns). I enabled WSL and downloaded Ubuntu LTS from the windows store (as per a YouTube video I watched) but I have no idea what I am looking at. I know that Sudo is the Linux equivalent of "Run as administrator" - that is the length and breadth of my Linux knowledge m.

    Basically I would like to know:

    1. How do I start? Is there a certain course I should purchase in Udemy or are there other better resources?
    2. Should I install in a virtual machine (which I would have to figure out how to do)? Or is purchasing a raspberry pi the way to go?
    3. Should I dual boot?

    I just don't even know where to begin. I have seen some sources say that it is better not to install a distro to begin with (I could be conveying this completely wrong) but I'm not really 100% sure what this means. I assume it means that you would just be utilising the command line and not the GUI that is present on mint, Ubuntu etc.

    My main goals are:

    1. To eventually understand and be comfortable with Linux as a means to use this as an OS
    2. Use this experience to learn a language or two
    3. Set up a raspberry pi as a media centre / server for Plex (my laptop is currently my Plex server)

    This is a bit long winded but if anyone could help and point in the direction or where / how to start it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TurbopropTinker
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    Sandbox in linux?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Is there something like a sandbox where I can install an application and it stays contained in the sandbox so that the application doesn't track or whatever else stuff it does.

    submitted by /u/aaronryder773
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    I accidentally set my brightness to 0 using the F2 key, the brightness up key- F3, is busted and now my screen is all black. Is there a way I could fix it?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I'm using manjaro KDE.

    If you need anymore info, please ask.

    Thank you for your help.

    Edit: Solved. Never mind. I fixed it. I just forced shutdown it and booted the system again. For some magical reason, the brightness returned to 100. I did try to run the command by Woody27327 in terminal blind (don't know if it actually worked though).

    Still really appreciate everyone's time and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    submitted by /u/joliesleftnipple
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    What happens to apt packages in the Ubuntu Software Center?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Now in Ubuntu 20.04, all the softwares in the Software Center are snap packages which is okay to use, I guess, but what happens to .deb packages that used to be on there? Is there any way to have apt packages appear on the Software Center like how it used to be?

    submitted by /u/sack0fd3mon
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    Gpasswd GUI

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Hello. I already ask in linuxquestion reddit, but no respons. So I am trying here...

    I'm looking for desktop independent gpasswd frontend for managing user and groups in linux.

    Like lxqt-admin-user or cinnamon-settings-users for use with openbox or awesome windows manager.

    Any advice?


    submitted by /u/Zenobith
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    Can't get jdt language server to work on coc-java extensions for coc-nvim extension

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    So I've switched over to Arch Linux and have been trying to get nvim set up with the configuration I had on Manjaro prior to switching. I've mostly set everything up but I can't seem to get coc-java extension working with the JDT language server. Every time I open a file with .java extension it says "Starting JDT Language server at /home/$user/" then I get an error: "JDT Language Server error failed to scan /home/$user/". I can't seem to find a fix anywhere online and I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm thinking it might be something to do with the java.home setting in my coc-settings but I also can't find anywhere online on how to configure the setting. Could really use some help as I have a Java class coming up this summer semester and would really like to stick with NVIM as my text editor for it.

    submitted by /u/Rechirax
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    Can I use my earbuds as a mic?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I currently dont have a mic, although I do have a pair or Apple earbuds, with a built in mic. I plugged them into the line in on the back of my pc (running Ubuntu 19.10) and they pick up some sounds like for example when I drop a coin on my table, but when i try to talk into them they dont pick it up. Any ideas as to why this could be?

    submitted by /u/oasusuhfiefuewe
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    Is my Graphics Nvidia or Amd???

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I have an Asus Tuf gaming laptop.It has a "sticker" that its GPU a Nvidia Geforce Gtx, but when I use Solus as Linux distro, it says that the graphics are AMD Raven graphics.Is a GPU and the graphics the same???Btw, I have a AMD Ryzen 5 CPU.I know that this Reddit forum isn't about hardware, but I want to try out Manjaro as a Linux distro.Also, if you know any Reddit forum about hardware, let me know.

    submitted by /u/Epic-Gamer-20
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    How do I install a program using it's Linux Repos? I downloaded the linux repos for Sublime Text and now I am stuck. Below, is the screenshot of the repo files for Sublime Text.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    zsh and ncmpcpp question

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I've been dicking around a bit with customization, and I've got things about where I want...but I've got a bit of a strange issue that I'm too inexperienced to properly troubleshoot.

    I've got cava and ncmpcpp configured to spawn new terminals with no borders or scrollbars, no problem. The issue is that when ncmpcpp is called, the color-scheme goes to just black and white in the new window. But if I call it without spawning a new window, it keeps the gradient grayscale theme that zsh has.

    So, I'm wondering how to set up whichever config file it is that's causing this behavior. Some other information that might be relevant is that in addition to using zsh I'm running pywal as well to set the console colors. I haven't had any real issues with it, except sometimes when exiting nano and the terminal seems to revert to default zsh colors. Could that be a related issue?


    submitted by /u/Hierodulos
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    Game clipping software for Manjaro

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I am wondering if there is a software sort of like Shadowplay or AMD's equivalent that will allow me to hit a key or whatever and it saves the last 30 seconds or so of gameplay as a video. Are there programs to do that on Manjaro?

    Additionally, how do I enable ACO? I have an RX 570 and a Xeon X5650. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kelvinh_27
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    Question about installing drivers on linux ( manjaro )?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    I have going through a fairly fresh install of manjaro ( I am a new dual boot linux user) making sure everything is running correctly. I ran "Dsmg"....well I ran "sudo dmsg | greb error" and the only errors I get pertain to my Wifi Adapter. https://www.asus.com/us/Networking/PCE-AX58BT/ . In the log it shows up as an intelXXXXXXXXX( sorry I did not write it all down ). I understand that is because it is actually a reskinned intel wifi adapter.

    The point is I want to update the drivers for it. To see if it gets rid of these errors. No one seems to want me to install from the website on linux. So, I typed a number of things into pacman hoping I got a hit. Nothing. I typed a number of things but this is the primary one "Linux Driver: (iwlwifi-cc-46.3cfab8da.0) ". It does have a .tgz file. How would I install it? How would I install it through pamac? would I have better luck trying to install this with yay? I have never used yay is it easy to install and is better than just pacman?

    I have other questions about other drivers...primarily my rx580. But, I think I will leave that for another post after I get this figured out. basically everyone seems to want me to just use the drivers preinstalled in linux and just do not think I can allow it psychologically....I have spent my whole making sure my GPU drivers are up to date and fresh.

    submitted by /u/Techdesciple
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    Steam 32bit

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Is there any way to run the games in Steam because i cant even access library i dont care about exploring friends i just want to run the game is there any way?

    submitted by /u/eneaboss
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    WireGuard VPN is slow on Linux

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    Hi, so i recently using WireGuard on my machine, but it feels slow on Linux, when I'm using Windows, the speed is much faster. I'm trying to download Free Download Manager my PopOS machine the speed is below 50KBps (using Firefox), and then when I'm trying to download the same file (same URL) with the same exact WireGuard config, I get around 5MBps on Windows.

    The command i use to get my WireGuard up and running is as below:
    wg-quick up ./config.conf

    It's pretty much the same config as in Windows machine, but I just don't understand why my PopOS tremendously slow speed compared to Windows.

    submitted by /u/NotArchBTW
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    Mount basics

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    I'm trying to understand storage from a practice certification exam and there's a task to temporarily mount A to B (/dev/xvdf2 to /mnt/backup) to then interact with the files in it.

    1. After doing 'mount A B'

      mount /dev/xvdf2 /mnt/backup 

      Do I have to add a filesystem to interact with the newly mounted path?

      mkfs -t ext4 </mnt/backup> 
    2. If I was asked to make the mount permanent, would I have would I have to add the following to /etc/fstab? Is it the only way to make it permanent? (e.g ain't it possible to make mount permanent through the 'mount' command?)

      echo '/dev/xvdf2 /mnt/backup ext4 defaults 0 2' >> /etc/fstab 

    These two questions don't quite sit right on me since I can't really test it.

    Huge thanks ahaed!

    submitted by /u/HeadTea
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    Bitcoin rate in Conky

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:22 AM PDT


    I tried all the possibilities I found with google, but I am still blocked.

    How could I have the bitcoin rate on my desktop ? I was thinking that conky is the best way to, but I don't have any good result :/


    submitted by /u/poapoapoaslo
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    Solus/Linux undervolting for laptop

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Is there a guide that's simple enough to understand undervolting in linux specifically for noobs?

    From what ive been able to look it up, its completely different than a simple throttlestop or intel xtu download, im not the best with how the terminal works and prefer not to mess up my laptop but these temps are way to high for simple task etc.

    submitted by /u/nightmarevk
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    Should I switch to Manjaro(KDE) from KDE Neon?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys so I was wondering if it was a good Idea for me to switch from KDE Neon (Ubuntu) to Manjaro (Arch). I heard that Manjaro has a better package manager, release status, etc than ubuntu, and that it being rolling-release means that I dont have to reinstall my os every few years. Should I do it?

    submitted by /u/TitanBP
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    Rootkit or Ghost in the machine?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    EVOO Gaming 15.6" MODEL#EG-LP5-BK NIVIDA GeForce GTX 1660Ti 6 GB GDDR6 Intel 17-9750H 16GB DDR4 RAM 2666 MHz 512 GB SSD 1 Terabyte added after market.

    All jokes aside, I'm concerned that my family has been infected by a rootkit or virus of some sort. I found this community while researching the symptoms.

    About 2 months ago we 1st noticed something wasn't right with our Samsung phones, by the time we caught on we lost 2 tablets, several online accounts had to be overhauled and it didn't stop there. We change all passwords, go through the ID theft routine and it always comes back. So we take my crashed laptop, wipe it a few times for good measure, Linux Mint was looking like our answer- then it was back. I did the dumbest thing I could. I started really digging and while I'm catching on, I'm in a little over my head. I killed Linux Mint trying to purge this thing. Sooo, I'm sucking up my pride - I don't know what to do.

    Loaded the new Zorin OS 15, twice. Same files, same behavior and I don't have the knowledge or skills to keep this up alone. Screenshots available.

    GRUB was loaded by SYSLINUX From 4.2 GB /dev/loop0/ (read only) File: /cdrom/casper/filesystem/sqaush.fs

    I used a bootable usb, iso from ZorinOS.com. Complete wipe with each installation- originally a Windows 10 OS.

    submitted by /u/SafeAsHouses23
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    Is "Install alongside" option a good idea?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I want to dual boot Win 10 with Manjaro with "Install alongside" option. Is it a good idea? I am asking because in every tutorial video they are partitioning manually.

    submitted by /u/shadowmaker_88
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    Setting correct umask

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I'm attempting to finish a Redhat lab but I'm having issue setting the umask correctly.

    The instructions are to modify the global login scripts so that normal users have a umask setting that prevents others from viewing or modifying new files and directories. I have tried umask 077 and 007. Neither are working. I am appending to the ~/.bashrc file to do this.

    I feel like I am missing something obvious. Both umasks make sense in a way but I am also having a hard time understanding the concept well.

    If it helps, I am also working from root.

    submitted by /u/cornflakecolony
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    How to change default terminal when on VNC ?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    I'm on RHEL 7, and the default terminal is gnome. However when accessing the system via VNC the default terminal gets changed to xterm. Is there a way to change it?

    Note: I do not have root access.

    submitted by /u/just_nand_gate
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