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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Windows on SSD but files on HDD Windows Help

    Windows on SSD but files on HDD Windows Help

    Windows on SSD but files on HDD

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:44 AM PST

    Is it possible for me to be able to install Windows files on an SSD, but keep program files and stuff on my HDD?

    submitted by /u/ECLIP3S
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    How do you get a basic protection to a window 7 pc which will stop receiving updates by January 2020? Pc is still running well and used by my children for school work and some project research on the net.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:32 PM PST

    How to get rid of bar in top

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:01 PM PST

    Create hotspot from powershell

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    Hi, I would like to create hotspot from powershell or cmd for specified interface.
    My problem is, I would like use usb wifi adapter that support hosted network to create Hotspot on which can connect rasberry Pi and throught this network I connect to rasberry (throught SSH, host name).
    I found this solution https://superuser.com/questions/1167035/how-to-choose-different-adapter-using-netsh-wlan-set-hostednetworkwindows-10 but it doesnt work on my w10 build 19025

    The following command was not found: wlan set ..... 

    I tried Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias "Wi-fi" but (I assume that) this work only on profiles connected to internet.
    I know to to get adapter

    $adapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name "Wi-fi" 

    It is here some possibility how to create Hotspot from given interface?

    submitted by /u/gogotermixnator
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    Windows 10 Add Network Folder?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:25 PM PST

    So I am stupid, and forgot how to do this. It was simpler under XP.

    I have a FTP client on my PS3, and am able to connect via explorer. There was a way I remember back from XP to add this location as a shortcut so I didn't have to type it in manually. I've blanked on how to do this. Googling tells me how to setup FTP, but thats not what I need.

    Can someone jog my memory?

    submitted by /u/brokentechnologyx
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    Installing OS on new ssd

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:47 PM PST

    thinking about installing OS on my other ssd, since im getting a 1 tb new ssd next week. So if i reinstall windows and pick my D drive which is not where my OS is installed, will it automatically make it the boot drive?

    submitted by /u/aune122
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    How are Windows 10 applications performing w/ 4k screens these days? Still downscaling blurriness?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:45 PM PST

    So I owned a Dell XPs 15 (9560) laptop for a while with a 4k screen and I was appalled by how bad windows performed at 4k. Applications were either too small or too blurry, and if I wanted to play a game at 1080p (as there was no way the laptop could game at 4k), the downscaling was awful and it looked blurry. Considering that 4k is just quadruple the pixels of 1080p I don't understand why there would be any blurriness, but I digress.

    Is this still a problem with Windows? Because I'd like to get a 4k monitor for my desktop so I can do some 4K gaming, but I don't want the rest of my experience to suffer for this.

    submitted by /u/Azarias59
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    Windows key expiring

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:34 PM PST


    I bought my pc about 6 months ago on eBay. I haven't had any problems with it until now. Every time I start up I get a notification saying my windows key will expire soon, I did some googling and its apparently really bad when it expires 9constant rebooting and then the pc will stop working after a while). I also discovered that I won't be able to find the activation key as the person I bought it from won't reply to me (and was not helpful when I asked him about it one day after purchase) what do I have to do to fix this problem? buy another windows key thing? if so does that mean I have to clear my hard drive to install the new windows?

    submitted by /u/Clicksi
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    How do I set a network drive to wake and connect when I boot my PC?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    Using Windows 10. When I turn on my PC I want it to connect to my network drive automatically. I thought there was a setting for this but I can't find it. There are programs installed on the network drive that won't run until I click on the drive to wake it up and have it connect.

    Is there a way for windows to simply connect to the network drive when I boot up? I already have it set as my Z: drive.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/ima420r
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    What's the best time to call support to get help with activation?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:33 PM PST

    I've been on hold for over an hour now. Did anyone ever succeed with getting support for a Windows activation or is it just a black of hole?

    EDIT: Responded in almost 2 hours of being on hold - probably because its Saturday. The support was excellent and I got my Windows reactivated.

    submitted by /u/arogozine
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    Sound stopped working in windows and apps besides games randomly

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:05 PM PST


    i booted up my laptop out of sleep, sound was gone, randomly decided to play some games and was startled by the sound working, however, i noticed it was only in game, wont work elsewhere. All drivers are latest and so is my windows version.

    submitted by /u/Akh1112
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    Is there a way to entirely disable `C:\Users\Public\Public Desktop`?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    App installers keep putting their shortcuts and stuff there, and I'm tired of manually deleting them. I don't want other users' installers putting their shit on *my* desktop.

    Is there a way to delete/lock/disable this "feature"?

    Running W10 Pro, with an Admin account.

    submitted by /u/XAleXOwnZX
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    Need help with an issue with BIOS

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    How do I delete Windows from my OS drive but save the files on the drive?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:41 PM PST

    My files are horribly organized (I'm trying to fix it) and I'm going to be reinstalling Windows in a couple weeks. How do I remove Windows 10 from my drive without affecting the non-OS files saved there as well? If it isn't possible, do I just have to sacrifice my files?

    submitted by /u/AppalachianGaming
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    Help! USB device not recognized. (While on a Mac, it works perfectly!)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    I have a question. I have a usb flash drive, that when I connect it on my mac computer it works instantly, without any problem at all. When I try to connect it with on a windows PC though, most of the times it doesn't recognize it (some times it does). Does anyone know why that happens? Will a format on the usb fix this?

    submitted by /u/MyWriterSide
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    Windows 10 start menu problem

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:47 AM PST

    whats up,

    so today I started using my computer as usual and suddenly I realized that I can't open my start menu nor the search menu.

    can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Not_Dudidude
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    Unable to Connect to Sites

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:41 AM PST

    Hey, I'm trying to do things like open steam and other wifi programs, go on the internet, and such. I can go to google, gmail. bing and the such, but other sites tell me that they can't find the site when loading it, and steam just says it can't connect. Any help?

    Windows 10, with Wifi connection.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Renames
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    search as i am typing in file explorer ?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:26 AM PST

    is there an option to select which allows me to search the file explorer as soon as i start typing ? Right now i have to press enter everytime i type something. This restricts me from seeing partially matched search results.

    submitted by /u/dante69007
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    A Better Way To Search?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:08 PM PST

    Does anyone know of any programs I could use that would serve as a search service for my PC? I get terrible results with the built in search and really want something better. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Edit: I found a program called "Everything". It seems to do the job. Does anyone have experience with it and know any negatives it might have?

    submitted by /u/ChaosLoco
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    exclude subfolder search like in Windows 7 ?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:09 AM PST

    in windows 7 there was a search option to exclude searching the subfolders too. In windows 10 i cant see any. Now every time i want to search for a file, my computer searches the folder and all its subfolders for that file and shows all results which have that name. I only want to see the file in that particular folder.... not in its subfolders.

    [please note that i have thousands of folders and each folder has its own subfolders and at least 1000 files. So it takes a long time to search]

    and selecting the "current folder" option in the drop down search ribbon does nothing. it keeps on searching the folder and all its subfolders.

    isnt there any way we can make "current folder" the default every time we search. Its always on "all subfolders" by default.

    submitted by /u/dante69007
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    High-Pitched Buzz or Ringing coming from my speakers and headphones.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:20 AM PST

    It started when I was playing Destiny 2 and I noticed it except I thought is was just my headphones for a while however once I hooked up my speakers they began to do the same thing. I have tried updating my audio drivers I have tried uninstalling all of ASUS' audio programs and reinstalling however the sound still persists It is Only on for certain applications and is not picked up by audacity, obs, or shadowplay. and I don't believe it's my hardware as my speakers are on my monitor and my headphones are in the front i/o. If anyone has any info or is willing to help please leave a comment.

    submitted by /u/acesmike
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    Microphone not working since Win 10 install

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:37 PM PST

    Upgraded to Win 10 a week ago, can't get my headset microphone to work.

    My HyperX Cloud headphones have been working flawlessly for over a year. I have since upgraded to Windows 10 (clean install) and since then, the microphone doesn't work. I've upgraded the USB driver firmware, but it still doesn't respond. People catch audible static when the microphone is plugged in, but nothing else besides.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/InfTotality
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    Installing Windows on laptop that had Windows (How to re-activate it)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    I want to install Linux on my laptop that have Windows 8.1 but in case I change my mind and I want to switch back to Windows I what to have the possibility. My question is if it's possible to reactivate Windows using the same key. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Nokse22
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    Changing brightness setting of 1, only one, color

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:42 PM PST

    Hi, I just have a small problem with the chrome's "about:blank" page. Is there any setting or a program which can change the white (#ffffff - rgb(255, 255, 255) ) color's brightness or completely changing that color? I just want to change that, not all of the screen. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/kneiboi
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    Today I'm going from 7 to 10 (not exactly by choice), how do I go about setting it up properly?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:03 AM PST

    Things like getting rid of all the personal data harvesting, stopping the forced updates, disabling the built in Halo branded Bonzi Buddy, and just generally making it as close to 7 as possible, visually and functionally. Also, getting older games and programs to work properly, I've heard thats an issue with 10.

    The only benefit (ish) I'm personally getting out of it is DX12, I guess it's good to have even though there's no games I want (or could even run) using it.

    And if anyone knows how, would it be possible to run a dual boot between the two? For those future times when I'll get nostalgic for good old 7.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/JakTheRipp
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