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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    [Question] Anyone here use GSAM's battery monitor? having a weird issue. Samsung A10 One-Ui 1.1 Android Help

    [Question] Anyone here use GSAM's battery monitor? having a weird issue. Samsung A10 One-Ui 1.1 Android Help

    [Question] Anyone here use GSAM's battery monitor? having a weird issue. Samsung A10 One-Ui 1.1

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:33 PM PST

    Anyone here use GSAM's battery monitor? having a weird issue. Using GSAM's battery monitor to determine what is keeping my device awake. anyway, the screen "setting" for GSAM is always on, whatever the "uptime" of my device is, the "screen" time is almost identical. I have checked my in-built battery monitor and it's not the same, far off it.

    Is it my device or some setting? My device doesn't have an "always" on display setting so not sure what to do....

    I have the latest updates, October 1st security patch.

    submitted by /u/THATCHUNKyLAD89
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    I accidentally deleted my whatsapp folder

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:08 PM PST


    I've accidentally deleted my whatsapp folder from my phone but actually from my pc, i was trying to manage some folders and then i permanently deleted whatsapp folder by a mistake, is there any way to recover it??i really need help asap and sorry for my terrible english thanks!!!!

    ps:the folder was deleted from windows 10

    submitted by /u/anaconda-0
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    Gboard using over 200mb in internal storage

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:21 AM PST

    What is in that storage? I barely ever use gifs, so I don't think it's saved gifs, the mobile data usage is at 17mb which is probably the size of the 3 gifs I've used in the last 4 months, telemetry and snippets are disabled and text is pretty small in terms of file size so what does it do with that storage and how can I prevent it accumulating more than maybe 30mb in extra storage?

    submitted by /u/NeOldie
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    Help! Callout app!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:16 PM PST

    I am a member of a search and rescue team, and get callout texts with keywords in it. My phone is often on silent, and even when it isn't I often don't hear the text alert (or it doesn't wake me up).

    Does anyone know an app or Android functionality which looks for keywords in text messages and then alarms at full volume and buzz (even when on silent) until stopped?

    This is somewhat urgent; the old one has died and is no longer supported

    submitted by /u/hotfezz81
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    Dead touchscreen region. Can I trick MIUI to work only on part of the screen?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:43 AM PST

    Redmi Note 4X has a 1080x1920 display. A big portion on the right is dead, say 1/3 of it's length. Is there a way to shrink and shift the screen to the left side in order to continue using it until I buy a new one? I have tried using the adb shell wm size, density and overscan commands. Especially the last two, seem to be able to do the trick, but configuring the desired overscan makes MIUI freak out. UI displays like it would normally, so the screen is not shrunk but cut.

    submitted by /u/EquivocalDephimist
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    PC Emulator?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:57 AM PST

    I'm in need of an android emulator that I can mount a SD card to, and install an APK file onto.

    Long story short, my car's navigation got corrupt somehow so I had to buy a new SD card, and I have the files on my computer to make a new navigation SD card. Anyhow the directions are for me to install this activator APK onto an android device, and have it sign the SD card, then I copy my files onto it and plug it into my car and it works again

    Anyhow I have a full sized SD card as thats what my car uses, but I dont have any android device that uses a full sized SD card, so I need to use an emulator on PC. Anyone know of an app that I can use to do this? I currently have the SD card plugged into a USB adapter into my PC

    submitted by /u/PartWave269
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    Why VPN consumes more battery than normal?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:17 PM PST

    VPN is a good option to open blocked sites. I would love to keep it on while browsing. But it always uses lot of resources and battery. My device also heats when i use VPN.

    submitted by /u/DJparada
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    How do I make an app think I am using an HTC phone?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:53 PM PST

    I have an app I want to use, but it won't let me use it. It says that the app is for HTC devices only. How do I make it think I am using an HTC device?

    submitted by /u/my_dad_is_shrek
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    Looking for instantaneous dictionary app

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:52 PM PST

    I want a dictionary app through which I could translate words when I select them and show the translation on the same screen I'm using, so I don't need to copy paste and switch apps.

    submitted by /u/Schemer95
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    Gmail security on mobile phones

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:42 PM PST

    I recently created a Gmail account that is only being used to talk to my immediate family members but mainly, it is serving as my recovery email address in case my other Gmail accounts get hacked.

    Should I sign into this recovery Gmail account on my mobile phones (iOS and Android)? By doing that, am I increasing the odds of a security vulnerability? My logic is that phones may have third party apps, which can be compromised so if I have my recovery Gmail account on my phone, that would defeat the purpose of a recovery email, for example.

    What is your setup for your recovery email address and overall security on your phone? I try to stay safe by not downloading too many third party apps. I do use the following: transit apps for rail / metro tickets, Swiftkey, WyzeCam, Belkin Wemo, HERE Maps, WhatsApp, Outlook and that's about it. All the apps I have are developed by large companies so my impression is that I'm safer this way. No games or social.

    Backstory: A few years ago, I applied to a Master's program and the program coordinator sent an email to all to of the accepted students. We could all see each others' email addresses. Someone emailed asking me personal questions about myself. I didn't reply. A few days later, I began getting emails from India, which I still get to this day: https://i.imgur.com/CUVdqOo.png In the last 3 days, my spam folder has collected 34 of these emails, all I assume are from India. I'm always worried that an email may slip through and I may end up with malware.

    submitted by /u/RogerSmithII
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    Why is the "Unlock with Voice Match" setting greyed out?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    I was trying to enable the Ok Google feature, but when i found it, it was greyed out. How do i enable this setting? Screenshot here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EmXCBgOQmx8pAusqoVv9qFePrjB_9b0g/view?usp=drivesdk (danish sorry)

    submitted by /u/vaskguy13
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    [ Question ] PC file manager for android?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:59 PM PST

    Hello, I recently decided to do a factory data reset on my Mi 8 phone, to start clean as I have a lot of junk on it and unnecessary stuff. Now the thing is, I have a lot of pictures in a lot of folders and goine in each one of them to make sure I copied it to pc is time consuming and hard.

    My question here is, is there any program for Xiaomi (or android in general) that when I plug in my pc, I can copy all my pictures, music and videos with it to my pc instead of going the old way of usb file transfer method?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/HansJaeger
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    what is this mysterious "-5" app which is draining my battery? looked up online but I couldn't find anything about it

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:58 PM PST


    (I am using a OnePlus 6T and I have recently updated to 10.0.1, if this helps. )

    submitted by /u/yashindeed
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    Trying to backup my phone but my screen is not usable

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST

    I tried "adb backup –all", but it needs to be confirmed on the phone so that is not useful (my phone is not encrypted).

    Also, Using the file explorer in Windows or Linux shows no files.

    Any idea how I can get my files back? My pictures are on the SD card so they aren't lost but my app settings/content are on the internal memory.

    submitted by /u/smudof
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    Strange notification

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:49 AM PST

    Hey, I don't know if this is the correct place to post it but need some advice. This morning I downloaded an app off the google and I was prompted to allow VPN? Some key notification appeared? It was early morning so I screwed up and just clicked yes.

    Anyways, since than now there is kind of a circle with an X in it that won't disappear and since that has appeared I get intrusive adds that block the screen and sometimes force me to go to chrome. I have attached an imgur link with screenshots.


    I have tired to do some malware check with AVG antivirus but it didn't get removed.

    Does anyone have an idea of how to remove it? Or what it is in general?

    Thank you very much! FYI sorry for formatting this was posted on reddit mobile.

    submitted by /u/ralphrus1998
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    Is there a way to change the text color of the time/weather/battery level at the top of the homepage?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    My wallpaper is white at the top and I can't find a way to change the color of the text so I can read it. It's a Galaxy 10se. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Pure_Marvel
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    Please, a site where I can get a fabric Pixel 4 case that delivers in Europe?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    Official one doesn't deliver where I live, Greece. Can't find any other sellers.

    submitted by /u/rayQuGR
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    Android update for an u locked and carrier swapped lg g8.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    I have a sprint lg g8 that's unlocked and now on AT&T network. Will I get android security patch updates and os updates automatically, or will I need to do something to make sure my phone is up to date?

    submitted by /u/justified81167
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    How to lock my bootloader

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    I unlocked the bootloader but I now want to lock it again. I tried using the fastboot method but I always get the "waiting for device" error. I tried re-installing drivers and everything, but nothing worked.
    Are there other ways to lock it?

    submitted by /u/LogDotAlpha
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    System UI has stopped

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 10:41 AM PST

    My phone is Xiaomi redmi s2 after updating to miui 10 I think, once or twice every day it freezes and don't work until I restart it, also music apps sometimes don't work if I start another app but after restarting it, it runs normally. Now I'm on MIUI 11 and still have this problem, I tried some solutions on YouTube but no result...

    submitted by /u/soliyahya
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    Does the Galaxy S9 have any possible Bluetooth log showing when devices connected and disconnected

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    I want to cross reference my Google Maps location history and when I lost my earbuds to know where they might be last found. I would need a lot of when they disconnected so I can have an idea of when I lost them.

    submitted by /u/Lurker_Heroes
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    Old Android UIs

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST

    So, I was bored one day, and was looking around the internet at some old android versions from around 2011-2012.

    I noticed that versions like android 4.0-4.1's UIs looked like Honeycomb's on ASUS' own tablets, but not on the Nexus 7, which they made.

    Is this something that Google or ASUS did? I'm confused why the UI didn't look like 4.0's on non-Nexus devices.

    submitted by /u/GoldenDonutzGaming
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    Android UI has stopped

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST

    about a hour ago, i had started receiving messages that told me that android UI had stopped, with one option to restart it. So I clicked it. My phone didn't turn on so I long pressed on the lock button. Only then it opened my screen and I was able to unlock it. This thing had become more and more frequent until it happened every time I unlocked my phone. Eventually, It stopped happening but my screen was blurry, so I tried long pressing the lock button in order to reboot it, but it just turned the screen on and off, even after I stopped pressing it.

    Up until now, it keeps turning on and off.

    submitted by /u/Ex_Eye
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    In search of a tablet launcher

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    I already own Nova, but when creating a grid layout, it doesn't stick when you go from portrait to landscape.

    Is there ANY launcher that will keep a layout on both portrait and landscape mode?

    submitted by /u/tweetybird57
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    Back up phones

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:19 AM PST

    For those of you that got new phones while your current phone still works, how have you repurposed your old phone and how often have you actually had to use it as a back up phone? ive always used my phones until they no longer work and then i get a new phone. i see all these good deals on phone and sometime i have the itch to buy one then i always tell myself if my current phone still works(be it the battery does not last all day and it lags sometimes, its a 3-4 year old phone), no point buying it.

    obviously you can sell your old phone and this is a non-issue. otherwise in what scenario have you used your back up phone(besides the obvious i broke the new phone) ?

    submitted by /u/itscool83
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