• Breaking News


    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    OnePlus Oxygen OS 10.3.0 out on OnePlus 6/6T

    OnePlus Oxygen OS 10.3.0 out on OnePlus 6/6T

    Oxygen OS 10.3.0 out on OnePlus 6/6T

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST


    Hopefully this makes it smoother.

    submitted by /u/Joshua1017
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    OnePlus 7 Pro Open Beta 7 available

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST


    EDIT: Captured the zip and uploading it now - standby for link...

    EDIT2: Here's the incremental ZIP: https://mega.nz/#!0B8ADSza!FIUuhbXLuxZSzy7AGXPcKIBx14kFZm5ZnEVLQfRGKxg

    submitted by /u/Slappy_G
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    Dear OnePlus, is the new notch hider on 6/6t a fucking joke?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:35 PM PST

    What was the problem with the old way of hiding the notch? The black status bar hid the notch and with the time, icons and notifications being up there and monochromatic everything looked really nice. So we could hide it and not loose space.

    The new way pushes the status bar under the notch and makes the areas besides the notch COMPLETELY USELESS. WHY?!

    submitted by /u/Dopamine63
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    OnePlus7Pro Update 10.3.0 out

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:54 AM PST

    I checked on OnePlus Updater and it was right there! Check it out. Fixes ram issues.

    submitted by /u/RockWafflez
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    OnePlus7Pro 10.3.0 New things.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    So far things I've discovered and people discovered.

    • Nav Bar Stays black, white, Or Transparent instead of just plain white depending on the app.

    • Album art when playing music isn't blurred anymore on the Lock screen.

    • Keyboard now has a put away arrow on the bottom left if you're using Gestures.

    All I know for now. Keep adding to this tab to let others know.

    submitted by /u/RockWafflez
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    Just updated to 10.3.0 on my 6t and I'm saddened to see that they haven't brought back the ambient display digital clocks they removed

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:45 PM PST

    It never said anything about it in the notes so I had no reason to expect it, but still, it's pretty disappointing. They call it customisation yet they removed options.

    submitted by /u/TroutGrub
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    Purpose of Oxygen Updater

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:09 PM PST

    So i noticed that i did not have Oxygen Updater on my OP 7 T Pro 5G Mclaren... Do i need this?

    I downloaded it and i don't this phone listed as compatiable.

    So Why now just go to Settings and check to see if your phone is ready to update... why use this APP?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Drunkmrhat
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    7T Pro Battery... Should I be concerned?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:38 PM PST

    Hi there.

    After much deliberation, I did decide to get the 7T Pro McLaren Edition a few days ago. Everything about it is great! The screen, the speed, the looks...

    The only thing I am mostly worried about is the battery. I can only get about 5 hours or so of SOT. The settings are pretty much still the default since I haven't played around much with it (90 Hz, adaptive resolution).

    Should I be concerned? I feel like it's draining a bit too fast for a phone with 4085 mAh battery.

    submitted by /u/thebaffledtruffle
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    OnePlus 7T fingerprint unlock question

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:19 AM PST

    I've been watching a few videos, and I'm trying to get a sense of what this phone is like because I'm thinking of getting one.

    From the videos I've watched, it seems like you have to activate the screen first by tapping it before you can use the fingerprint scanner. Is this true?

    Also it seemed like the screen wakes from a single tap. Is that the case?

    If both these observations are correct, it seems like it's pretty inconvenient. What are your experiences with the fingerprint unlock?

    I'm coming from a OnePlus 3T and I never got used to a rear fingerprint scanner either.

    submitted by /u/briskt
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    I just noticed the order of the volume controls is different in settings vs the slide out option.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:57 AM PST

    When pressing the volume buttons the order is Media, Ring, Alarm.
    When going into settings the order is Ring, Media, Alarm.

    Nothing shattering, just a bit annoying.

    7 Pro, Android 10.0.2


    submitted by /u/uu23
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    Did OnePlus gave on with always on displays ?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:58 PM PST

    I remember there were talks about a potential upcoming always on display on the one plus 7 pro. Do we have any news on this or will we not see one at all? Kinds bummed, I love always on display

    submitted by /u/Wizorz
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    Are Play Store security patches same as Android security patches?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:52 AM PST

    My 6T has two different security patches shown under the settings menu. Under security update, it shows October 1 patch, wheres if I tap on Google Play system updates, it shows the security patch level as December 1. It's running A10 OOS 10.0.1 stable version.

    submitted by /u/abachhd
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    My Repair Experience with OnePlus

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:13 AM PST

    So just wanted to share my experience and review with OnePlus. Had a OP7 Pro Repair completed today received the phone back from the repair company CTDI Poland.

    I'm from the UK the phone sustained a drop and damage to the front screen and scuffs to the rear glass cover and around the frame of the phone.

    Still in working condition though.

    So I put a request in via the form online on the website what was required with photos. Request was accepted, ups sent out a label, came to pick up, within 2 days the repairers received the phone.

    No problems they checked it out, sent an invoice to pay for the replacement costs. 2 days passed. It's sent out again.

    Wasn't sure what to expect but have to say I'm super impressed with the quality and workmanship of the repair.

    £170 cost me to replace screen and rear glass and new battery.

    I wasn't expecting the frame surrounding the phone to be replaced but it is. Must be a part of the integrity of the handset. Comes back like a brand new phone.

    I have to say you should have no worries about sending this off.

    submitted by /u/borse2008
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    Great alternative to oneplus protective case

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    Just picked this up on amazon and it's similar to the oneplus protective case but covers more of the edges and a 1/3rd of the cost. I like it.


    submitted by /u/riotburn
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    Is the OnePlus 7T Pro McLaren Edition still available?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:52 PM PST

    It is out of stock everywhere, will we be able to buy it any time soon?

    submitted by /u/cactus_ritter
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    OnePlus 7 Pro doesn't encrypt user data?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:37 PM PST

    I just set up my new OnePlus 7 Pro, and I'm trying to ensure the whole phone is encrypted. In Settings > Security & Lock Screen > Encryption & Credentials, there's an "Encrypt Phone" option, under which it says, "Encrypted." When I tap on it, nothing happens, like it's not actually a setting, just information.

    The thing is, on my old 3T, when I reboot the phone I'm asked for my pin early in the booting process. It's an ugly screen that says, "To start android, enter your PIN" - I guess it's displayed by the bootloader, which can't actually boot the phone until decrypting the user data partition.

    But my new phone doesn't do that. It fully boots, and doesn't ask for my pin until the lock screen is loaded. The lock screen displays my custom background image, proving that user data is available to the OS (and hence is unencrypted) before I've authenticated.

    What's going on? This looks like a huge security hole.

    submitted by /u/praxiq
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    Asphalt 9 on 7T Pro?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    I normally don't play mobile games but was intrigued by the graphics of Asphalt 9, has anyone played it on a 6 or newer? A year old forum post from GameLoft shows up to the 5T for support, but I don't see any of the 6 or newer models, it's not available for download in the play store either as it shows my device is unsupported.

    Alternatively I could download the apk, but would like some feedback from others if they've got it working on theirs.

    I also tried downloading Asphalt 8 which is supported, but as soon as I open the app the screen just stays black and it doesn't load anything forcing a soft reboot to get out of it.

    submitted by /u/G-wow
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    Adding Language Pack to One Plus 7 PRO

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:21 PM PST


    I just bought for my father a One Plus 7 PRO and he wants to use it in Vietnamese language. Unfortunately, it is not an option. I have not received the phone yet (still in shipping status), but based on the official online manual, Vietnamese is not supported. I thought it would be easy to add Vietnamese language pack since it runs on Android, yet I cannot find a solution for this.

    Please let me know if there is any way to add Vietnamese language to the One Plus 7 PRO, supposed I will get it in Oxygen 10. Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/Wonnie2610
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    10.3 update mms issues

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:07 PM PST

    Just updated my OP7 pro to 10.3.0 and it seems that my apn setting is all messed up now. Can't send photos or recieve them anymore through messaging app. Tried to configure the APN myself but it just won't let me select the right apn for some reason. This never happened to me before. My service provider is h2o

    submitted by /u/darkside55566
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    Locked TMo 7T Pro McLaren users. What has been your experience with the device so far?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:54 PM PST

    Just a bit of reasoning for the question. I have a 7 Pro 8/256 unlocked that I'm using on Google Fi. I'd consider myself a medium power user, and I rarely game on my devices. I tend to keep my devices for 3 years minimum.

    So far, I have zero problems with being confined to TMobile's network. I'm also in a major US city, so I dont have the issues that some TMo customer have. I love the 7 Pro, but I'm also pretty intrigued with the idea of jumping over to being a direct TMo customer and doing the trade in for the McLaren 5G. Free MLB.tv and not having to freak out over every single bit of data I use is an enticing idea.

    I enjoy being able to jump on to Beta updates with an unlocked phone, so I realize that would be sacrificed until the McClaren is paid off. What's been your impressions (good and bad) about both the McClaren and your service using the device? Have you received a single update since the phone went live? I'm particularly interested in feedback from people who have gone directly from 7 Pros to the 7T Pro McClaren.

    Is it really that appreciable of a difference?

    submitted by /u/Acidline303
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    7t Volume slider

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

    Is there a way to move the volume slider to the right side of the screen? It stays on the left in portrait mode but moves to the right in landscape

    submitted by /u/x0jd
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    OP3T and USB C headphone adapter

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:37 PM PST

    Has anyone used a USB-C headphone adapter with the OnePlus 3T?

    Unfortunately my 3T's headphone jack has died, cleaning out the lint didn't work. I am on 7.1.2 (PA custom rom).

    submitted by /u/kopfler
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    Anyone else feel like raise to wake ambient display isn't as responsive anymore?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PST

    I'm on a 6t and ever since I upgraded to android 10 I feel like the ambient display has taken a big hit. They've removed the two best and only horizontal digital clocks and I've noticed when I take my phone out of my pocket the ambient display often doesn't show up for a few seconds or requires me to move my phone again. Before I could lift my phone just enough to peak inside my pocket and the display would be on. Kinda wish I didn't get android 10 now, only good thing really is dark notifications.

    submitted by /u/TroutGrub
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    Bluetooth Issues

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST

    When listening to music on my 7t, using bullets 2 headphones, the audio keeps stuttering. It's not the headphones, as they work perfectly without stutters with my computer. Why is this? What can I do?

    submitted by /u/ThePseudoPotato
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