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    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Android Help Moronic Monday (Dec 30 2019) - Your weekly questions thread!

    Android Help Moronic Monday (Dec 30 2019) - Your weekly questions thread!

    Moronic Monday (Dec 30 2019) - Your weekly questions thread!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:15 AM PST

    Note 1. Join us at /r/MoronicMondayAndroid, a sub serving as a repository for our retired weekly threads. Just pick any thread and Ctrl-F your way to wisdom!

    Note 2. Join our IRC, and Telegram chat-rooms! Please see our wiki for instructions.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    5 features we want to see in Android 11

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:53 AM PST

    Google's Pixel Can't Win on Software Tricks Alone

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    Vivo patents quad punch-hole selfie camera design

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    Apps refresh whenever the charging cable is plugged in or unplugged, or battery saver activates

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    Chrome for Android tests new UI for tab groups, designed for Duet

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:13 AM PST

    43 temporarily free and 72 on-sale apps and games for Monday

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Google still needs to fix these problems with Pixel 4

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:48 PM PST

    Note 10+ T-mobile Android 10 update available.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:23 AM PST

    Just got the update and was surprised. As far as I was aware the update wouldn't be available until next month.

    Im in the Pacific North West if that matters.

    submitted by /u/DeadLeftovers
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    Forget Galaxy S11 – the Galaxy S20 Ultra may be Samsung's new flagship phone

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:42 PM PST

    Android calling/receiving call from Emergency number

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:38 AM PST

    I responded to a first-responder emergency call (this is a service run by our local Civil Defence Force), and a while later, I received a call from 995 (our fire/emergency hotline) to follow-up and ask me some info.

    It was ringing from a number called 'Emergency number', and on the screen, it had my address and location displayed. I suppose this is the screen you'll see when you call 995, but somehow it also shows when 995 calls you instead.

    The call log somehow does not appear in my call history, but I got a screenshot of my notification log, which I thought was pretty cool.

    I love how Google uses technology to help convey important information during an emergency and help the first responders.


    submitted by /u/jasaaan
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    Batteries are a perishable consumable item. Why can't we replace them ourselves?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    Why is it normal now for phones to have non replaceable batteries? Batteries die long before the electronics stop working. They can degrade slowly, or all at once if you leave them in a car on a hot day. In any case, they need to be replaced regularly. Stores these days don't even know how to perform a replacement for you, or what it would cost. They just expect you to buy a new phone. People shouldn't put up with this. Offering improved water resistance isn't worth it. We need to be able to service the phones enough to replace a battery when it dies.

    submitted by /u/onymousbosch
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    Opinion: Google isn't great at developing OSes. (Part 1/2)

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    SPOILER: this is a long reading.

    This is coming from a long time Android lover, Microsoft die hard, and yes I do use Apple devices too, so I have my fair share of knowledge on what Im talking about, and I do have some bias towards Microsoft before hand.

    Now why do I say what's addressed in the title? Well, starting with software (Android, Wear OS, and ChromeOS):


    the base for the rest of these OSes wasn't "made" per se by Google, they just bought them in 2005, bringing Google into the OS market early on. My issue with this is that despite Google having control over Android since almost the very beggining, they have been lackluster at best developing their smartphone OS. why do I say this? Because Google has control over their schedule, more resources, and money than companies like OnePlus, Samsung and Huawei, yet these example I've given will modify their systems and instegrate far better customizations (like UI Tweaks, performance managers, and quality of life changes that uneplicably Android lacks). These are all aparant in Linuses reviews of various Pixel devices.

    Now you may say this is bad because it could likely make Android bloated, and yes, it is. But that's just because manufacturers force two sides of the same coin (frameworks, heavier system files etc) to get the festures they need. I've been deepily involved in porting and modding devices since Android Honeycomb all thw way to this very day, so I know what an optimized UI is like.

    Second is the lack of streamlining. Google develops and sets the rules for their OS. Right? Well, someone explain to me why Project Treble isn't mandatory, and requires across the board to get off the uodates issue? How is it possible that devices sold in plain 2019 are allowed to have a single OS update and nevee be uodated again? It ahould be simple. Wanna offer a premium experience? You may have your UI tweaking but you're forced to uodate that handheld for min of three years. Wanna cheap out for a better price, but not commit any updates? Then use Android One.

    It is inexcusable in my perspective why that isn't the case yet. Microsoft updated Windows 10 Mobile for 4 years with a dying platform (years of software feature and two of security only) and Google can't force their partners to deliver updates on time? My biggest issue is how they allow companies to remain on troublesome paths. LG is the best at this. I currently am typing from an LG V30, who a few months ago ONLY received Pie with LG UX 8.0, but there are handhelds from LG releasing with LG UX 9.0 on Android 10, or devices updating to LG UX 9.0 on Android 9.0... Why?! They could be like samsung, and port their UI across a framework like Samsung does, and then a little tweaking afterwards. But these are guidelines Google has to specify in order to force device manufavturers to release updates in time to people.

    My last big issue is the Play Store, in my eyes, being the absolute worst thing of Android. Yes the Google Play Store, is the sole thing that makes Google have a foothole in the Smartphone market as is, and in my opinion is the worst thing ever. Why? How about we ask a few questions Why can't you pause updates/installs? Why on planet earth aren't apps cursted for different devices? (Like tablets, Smart TVs, for goodness sake ChromeOS). THEY LET YOU RUN WHATEVER IS IN THE STORE ON WHATEVER DEVICE YOU WANT WITH NO OPTIMIZATION!? For goodness sake, why isn't the Store able to search on your library? Why does the Store target you with Ads??? The Microsoft Store uses your installs, and the App Store uses your installs and search results. Google uses data from its other serviced to determine these things too (in extension to installs and search results).

    Wear OS

    Not much to say here, I think it complements well Android but I despise how Google doesn't understand that the layout they are alloweing their manufacturers to use, is killing the platform. What layout you ask? For those of you who have been fortunate enough to get to try both Apple Watch and Wear OS, how intuitive is it to use an Apple Watch? Now hoe intuitive is it to do anything even remotely similar on Wear?

    Wear OS suffers from more of the same that Android suffers in terms on being too versatile, it looses the simplicity needed for a small, and very light OS for a smarthwatch. Those are my small complainst to Wear IMO.

    .. ChromeOS.

    I don't think I need to say anything here. ChromeOS in my eyes is among the worst things Google has UPDATED in years. It started as such a nice idea. Internet powered OS built for Internet access and being super fast, is today filled with unoptimized apps, poor app performance, and blown up apps on a large screen made for screens less than half its size. Two stores, and two different versions of some apps for the same OS. How is this a thing? Why doesn't Google force developers to optomize their apps for the Chrome version? It is beyond me.

    The hardware threat will come later. These are my thoughts of Google's software, as I've got my hands on various of its services, devices, and read and viewed and bunch of articles and video reviews of various of its different things, plus its competition. Let me know on what thing's ive probably got wrong, and what do you think or agree with me.

    submitted by /u/Hzlph
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    Greenspector: What are the best web browsers to use in 2020?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:35 AM PST

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