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    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Accidentally connected my personal PC to my college email Windows Help

    Accidentally connected my personal PC to my college email Windows Help

    Accidentally connected my personal PC to my college email

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:19 PM PST

    So I accidentally linked up my pc with my college system and I was told the IT Administrator had blocked some features on my PC. This was alarming for me that my college had control over my own pc so I found out how to disconnect from the college, which I did. I was just wondering if they would possibly have access to any data from my PC now as I was connected to their network, even though I am disconnected now? or am I completely disconnected for good?? (everything is back to normal and there are no restrictions on my pc)

    Edit: Thank you everyone for all your responses and easing my mind :)

    submitted by /u/Brodie06
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    No Hibernate Option

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:23 AM PST

    No Hibernate Option

    Hi, so I use hibernate a lot, big fan. I recently switched out my RAM sticks and all of a sudden the hibernate option doesn't exist. Already tried using command prompt powercfg.exe /hibernate on and that didn't work either. Please help. Thanks!


    submitted by /u/kurtelyell
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    I got this virus error just now and idk if I should do it

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:50 PM PST

    Some questions about switching from windows 7 to windows 10

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:37 PM PST

    Hello /r/windows !

    So I'm currently on Windows 7 (Home Premium edition) and I was thinking about making the transition to Windows 10 since W7 won't be supported soon anymore by MS and I don't want to run into issues in the future, so I imagine it's the safest choice to switch now

    Before asking/making this post, I've searched up a bit on if it was possible to do it for free, and it was told that using [this link] and downloading the tool would do it (still to this day apparently).

    Now before doing it I have 2 questions regarding this:

    First off my Windows key is an OEM one (like it was in-built in my pc when I bought it, I believe that what OEM precisely refers to).

    So if I use the downloaded tool above, would I need to re-purchase an activation key after the installation finished?

    Would I need to re-activate Windows later on (after the installation) using the same one?

    Would it just do the complete installation just fine without asking once about it?

    Second question I have, less important one but still want to ask:

    Does the installation move/remove any of your files on your system disk? Apparently it asks beforehand if you want to keep all your files, but even while chosing yes, could it still move some of the files in the system disk somewhere else or like fuse some of them? Might be a dumb question to ask for those who've already done it but then again, I still want to make sure I don't come across some bad surprises while I'm doing the transition :)

    Thx for reading !

    submitted by /u/Gy_ki
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    windows 10 1909, slow internet bug. Restore point options?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:46 PM PST

    After updating to windows 10 1909, my wireless internet has become so slow that it's unusable. Upon further research, it looks like some people have experienced the same thing. A solution for this was to have a restore to a version prior to 1909, but I never set that up.

    Do I have any options besides doing a fresh install of windows? I'm not quite sure what version of windows it'd update it to, and I 'd prefer not to have to reinstall all of my non-windows applications.

    submitted by /u/dzhou10
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    SSD seems too full, storage settings not really helping

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:15 PM PST

    I have a 240gb SSD with Windows 10 installed on it. Recently, I noticed it only had around 60gbs free and since I wanted to install some games that really benefit from SSD, I thought I would clean it up for that. So I went through the downloads folder, removed most of the files there and uninstalled all games I had there previously. Then I thought to myself "alright, should have 200gbs ready to use". Then I go into This PC section and I find out I only have 100gbs free now...

    That was weird, because there really wasn't anything I could think of that would be taking up this much space. So I went to Storage Settings and found out I had something like 100gbs of apps installed somehow. So ok, I sift through the list, uninstalling everything I didn't use and got an extra 15gb to show for it, leaving me with 115gbs free. I go back to storage settings and it shows I still have something like 80gbs of apps installed.

    This time I took a more detailed look at the list and the only stuff that even take up considerable space are MongoDB + Compass [1GB], Git [250MB] and VSCode [225MB], so basically not more than 2gbs used by these. The rest of the list are a bunch of small-ish programs that wouldn't take up 80gbs of space ever. So, what's missing?

    submitted by /u/DumbUnemployedLoser
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    My own laptop will not allow me to make admin changes

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:13 PM PST

    We all know best buy has the best black friday sales, and, you guessed it, i bought a laptop. Having the only account on it, I didn't think I would face administrator problems. For instance, I use NetBeans to compile java programs; yesterday, as I was trying to delete one of my projects, it told me that I didn't have permission to delete the file. Now today, as I was trying to download some games from the Epic Launcher, i got the same DP-06 error message over and over again, stating that I wasn't allowed to download the game. My main concern is, i have used my college's email to get free office 365. Could this have affected my laptop? How could I fix this problem?

    submitted by /u/BzdigBlig
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    GTA V on Windows Vista nowadays?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

    Before everyone explains how Vista is terrible, slow, and just upgrade, no I am not going to do that. I already have both newer and older desktops and this is mainly for fun. So please keep that in mind, Vista is not a daily driver but I do use it every now and then for fun.

    Steam has obviously not been officially supported since the beginning of 2019, but I have managed to install and download Steam on Vista 64-bit SP1. Out of curiosity I wanted to try GTA V among other games and considering the game came out when Vista was still under support, it was listed as one of the minimum OS's needed to run the game. However that isn't the case anymore since 7 is listed as the lowest OS that can run the game. However Steam installed the game and when I start to run it, it seems to work, then it says something like "Your system OS isn't supported". My question is, is there a way to bypass this message/make the game run since Vista is DX11 capable? Other than this message it seems to run but it prevents it from launching since it closes the installer to launch the game. Is there some way to go into system info within Steam files to change the value where it will run? I don't intend to play every game on Vista but if it offers decent performance/allows me to mess around with the game for fun, I appreciate any feedback to help with this!

    submitted by /u/CraftingNinja
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    Mobile Hotspot not working for my Windows 10 PC (X-posted from r/windows10)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    The college where I study allows me to access its WiFi service only through a single device at a time, thanks to the shitty Sophos Client system we have here. Wasn't much of a problem though, since most of the times, I connected the the Wifi thorugh my PC and used the Mobile Hotspot to share the internet connection with my phone.

    Now 2 weeks back, there was this big game I had put on download overnight, and had also kept my Hotspot on for the entire time. Unfortunately though, I shut down my PC with the hotspot still on, something I try not to do. The next day, when I clicked over the Mobile Hotspot icon, it was greyed out on the "Disconnecting" status. No matter how many times I tried to turn it on, through the settings option or repeatedly clicking on the greyed-out button, it didn't work.

    I looked up on the net and most of the suggestions on forums suggested me to update or uninstall each of my Network Drivers in the device manager. Some of them even said that it wasn't necessary to reinstall them back. I tried updating, but the drivers were already up to date, so I decided to uninstall them.

    Once I was done, I rebooted my PC, and, voila! My hotspot could be turned on like before. However, now whenever I try to connect with my phone, it just loads with "Obtaining IP address" then the network disappears, does not connect and again goes back to "Obtaining IP address". I've tried it with other devices too but none of them connect, so I'm pretty sure the problem is somewhere with my PC. I've tried trouble-shoot, formatting the network adapter settings to "Allow sharing" and just about every other thing I've found on the net. Still, my hotspot is unable to be connected by other devices. Any ideas as to what might be wrong? And, more importantly, any suggestions to what I can do to resolve this issue?

    TL;DR: The Mobile Hotspot on my PC was greyed out on "disconnecting" and could not be turned on, so I uninstalled and updated my network drivers. It worked, and now I can turn my hotspot on, but none of the devices are unable to connect to the network (loads with "obtaining IP address", disconnects, again tries to connect but doesn't actually connect). Troubleshoot, messing with network adapters not working. Help, please?

    submitted by /u/Percybhowal
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    What is windows temporary profile??

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:44 PM PST

    It happened one time that the windows temporary profile booted up instead of the personal one but i managed to fix it by restarting without problems, the thing is : does this windows temporary profile creates files in the hdd and reactivates all the settings/ programs i disabled in some way? Or when i restarted all the files and the profile with it got deleted? Im a bit confused here, im scared cuz i tweaked a lot of settings and it would be annoying to re check everything again because temp profile screwed up something. Recapping the situations : I'd like to know if windows temporary profile touches anything or re activates anything in the files/settings i disabled. Thanks in advance for the reply!

    submitted by /u/omegalulzlz
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    No bootmgr

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    Hey I've accidentally deleted the wrong partition and now i get boot0:done bootmgr missing

    submitted by /u/ydh652
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    Disk not working correctly?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    So today I got a laptop from a friend of my mom to try to repair it, as it didn't want to start windows and nothing worked. I'm not a professional pc fixer or something but these basic windows problems or even some hardware ones are easier than they look so I tried anyways. So I started it and had a error without a code, it wasn't a blue screen or anything, but ended up in the recovery screen and nothing worked. It looked hard and I knew it was easier reinstalling windows so I got ready to do the backups and that's where the problem is.

    I got a puppy Linux in a USB so I could make backups but it didn't work because mounting stuff, I tried everything to fix that but nothing worked and after some hours I found the notepad explorer trick to copy files, and when I opened the file explorer there was absolutely nothing. Just windows files and some recovery ones. I couldn't open downloads folder and images folder, nothing of that, and the only drive working was Boot(X:). The strange thing is that there was no user files or program files.

    Now im curious, are the files missing because of my fault or actually the drive failed and that's why all those data got loss and windows does not start? I followed instructions from various websites and here's what I know:

    -the computer is a Positivo BGH with 4 gb RAM -BCD is missing or broken, using Cmd to rebuild it or any bcd command does not work. -Diskpart shows a single disk, them nothing else (no volumes, no partitions) -the OS is windows 10 64 bits -Linux shows the disk with no partitions, no file system or psrtitin table, 500 gb max and 0 bits used or something -the pc is supposed to have sand inside for some r reason.

    submitted by /u/Sr_Jarr
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    The windows font from hell

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:52 PM PST

    The windows font from hell

    Hi guys/gals,

    I've been trying to figure this out for weeks now but I'm out of ideas. This PC has a messed up font and I can't fix it for the life of me. I'd rather not do a fresh install of windows, so I'm open to ideas before doing so.

    Any help is appreciated. Cheers.



    submitted by /u/steve_simpson
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    No drive letter for hard drive, option to add letter is blurred out (windows 7)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:28 PM PST

    I found an old hard drive that's healthy and working well and obviously has stuff on it. It isn't showing up so I went to disk management and it's there, functioning, and I tried to add a drive letter and it's blurred out. The only reason this might be is because it's possibly a Linux partition. Any way to access its contents on windows, or assign a drive letter without wiping?

    submitted by /u/IveMalfunctioned
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    What's your preferred firewall?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    Windows 10 has its own firewall. But I do like the independence of a 3rd party. Particularly the ability to easily block some apps from calling home.

    I've a lot of pdf apps and they are constantly wanting to update or offer new products (ads) so I just block them and it all works.

    Similarly I want to keep folks out of my laptop. I've a VPN which is one thing but I'd like to keep a firewall that actively blocks open ports too.

    In the past I've tried zone alarm but blue screen did my head in.

    Do you have a favorite firewall?

    submitted by /u/dtheme
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    Drive pooling WITHOUT striping?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:34 AM PST

    I can't seem to find an answer to this. I want to pool my drives WITHOUT parity OR mirroring OR striping. In other words, put all the drives under one drive letter. In theory, this is crazy simple to do. There is paid software which will do this. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out a way to do it with Windows natively. The closest I can find is Storage Spaces, but even the "simple" option will stripe data across multiple drives. If one drive fails, all data is lost across all drives. I back up off-site, so I don't need/want parity or mirroring.

    Any advice much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Gareth321
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    Multi-monitored snapping

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:48 AM PST

    Hi r/windows,

    I recently got myself a new monitor, which I've now started using as my main monitor and I haven't had any issues the first few days. However, today as I was multi-tasking and wanting to use a tab on my other monitor, Windows kept stopping me from dragging it over, unless I either completely turned off Snap or simply dragged it faster, which felt really unusual and uncomfortable to have to do.
    Therefore I'm hoping someone has any (free) replacement/solution to Snap, as I after disabling it completely, am now unable to manually drag a tab, as in holding down my mouse on the name of the tab e.g. in Google Chrome, will not resize the tab and snap it out of the perhaps other tabs that it may be connected with. That means I'm currently forced to manually resizing it in the top right corner, which is rather annoying, but it allows me to drag any window to my other monitor without the slightest issues!

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Rainlow
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    Is there a way to make start icons smaller?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST


    Recently i've been experimenting with a small taskbar. I wasn't convinced at first but i've grown to love it. Now i want to make the start icons smaller than the default small, so that it matches the small taskbar. Is this possible?

    I'm using the start screen and already have all of the icons set to small. They're the same size as the taskbar program icons when the taskbar is not set to small.


    submitted by /u/artificial_neuron
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    Win 10 Reset this pc feature

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    Hey, i have had my pc for like 3 years for now and it's starting to get really slow. I heard about this feature in windows called "Reset this pc" https://gyazo.com/9a42f8a6a890d38eba556d0a7b40cb59 . If i select "Remove everything" will it also delete the windows it self? Will i have to install windows again then :/?

    submitted by /u/myzttik
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    Are all Windows 7 keys no longer valid or what?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    I work in a shop and keep a beater laptop there for various uses ('looking up technical stuff' and 'jukebox' mainly). I have no need for the latest software. I could be running XP for all it matters (although some website applets won't support it anymore).

    So when my HDD died, I figured it should be no big deal to download an ISO and use the key on the bottom of the laptop.

    Alternatively, I have FOUR other Win7 laptops with valid installs and genuine keys stamped on the bottom. So I have five keys that have never seen a single reinstall.

    ...Microsoft says they're all bad. Like two are 'invalid,' two just generate random errors, and one, it has the gall to tell me is an OEM key and I can't use that...like, bitch, I'm literally ON THE WEBPAGE FOR REDEEMING OEM KEYS FOR A DOWNLOAD. What the hell?

    What's the likelihood this is just their download page being shitty and my keys will work fine with an ISO obtained from somewhere else?

    If this is their way of trying to get me to buy a new copy of Windows...LOL. All they're doing is ensuring I will never bother paying for a valid copy again...

    What's the deal?

    submitted by /u/phuchmileif
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    Two Windows 10 installations - need help removing one

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST

    Hi everyone -- I'm really not bright with PC issues, so I'm sorry if I'm not clear enough here.

    I bought a 240gb SSD so I could install Windows there and boot faster. I couldn't clone from the HDD to SSD due to space issues, and I also didn't have a bootable flash drive or USB -- so I copied the Windows.iso files to one of my HDs and made a fresh Windows install on the SSD by running the setup through the command prompt (not sure if this is relevant).

    Although I had to download every driver manually, it's working great - but the old Windows is still installed on the HDD, and everytime I boot, it makes me choose which version I should load. I'm afraid of doing anything silly, so in short, how do I remove the old Windows version so that it stops asking me every time I boot? I could also use the disk space..

    Appreciate any answers in advance.

    submitted by /u/SunTzuManyPuppies
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    aux acting up, windows 10.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:46 AM PST

    ever since the update before last my aux has been acting up. windows now asks what I plugged into the port before working, before that it just worked when I plugged my earphones in. A lot of the times it just doesn't ask what I plugged in and just ignores it. This is not a hardware issue, before the update everything worked fine.

    submitted by /u/Gamwize16
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    How To See When A Device Was Installed?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Is there any way of listing the date/times when the devices in "Device Manager" were first "installed" on your machine?

    Clicking on the device's Properties->Drivers tab will only give you the date that the driver file was written, not when you installed the device on your machine.

    I recently installed some software on my PC that embedded components into my system as new "devices". It was just software; no new hardware has been installed.

    I want to get rid of this software and everything it embedded in my PC. I want to remove all the "devices" it installed onto my Device Manager Panel. But I need to be able to see the dates that those devices were installed; firstly to make sure I don't accidentally uninstall something that is meant to be on my PC, and secondly to make sure that I don't miss any of the new "devices".

    Win7 Pro, 64bit.

    submitted by /u/arscanyi
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    WindowsApps (Not installed) taking up 30GB of disk space. Can't remove?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:11 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Just checking out why I've got so little disk space remaining, and I've found that I've got 32 GB of WindowsApps games I've never installed. DisneyMagicKingdoms seems to be the worst culprit, but Hidden City Mystery of Shadows is also there in numerous iterations, along with CandyCrush.

    I've never installed any of these. They're not listed in my programs. Windows won't let me just delete the folders, windows won't even let me access the folder. Running Win 10 Pro.

    Does anyone know how I can nuke this all from orbit please?


    submitted by /u/specofdust
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