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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    PSA: How to download a Windows 10 ISO, directly from Microsoft Windows Help

    PSA: How to download a Windows 10 ISO, directly from Microsoft Windows Help

    PSA: How to download a Windows 10 ISO, directly from Microsoft

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:49 PM PST

    I posted this as a comment earlier, and kinda feel that it may warrant it's own PSA.

    Downloading the ISO from MS is simple.

    1. Go here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/software-download/windows10ISO
    2. Press F12 (This opens the developer options of your browser)
    3. Enable mobile device emulation (On Chrome, it's phone/tablet icon in the top-left of the dev tools pane)
    4. Refresh the page.

    What you'll see now is the option to select your Windows version and language, and it'll download the ISO.

    submitted by /u/ArgonWilde
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    Rebuilding Dell Latitude 7480 for surprise Christmas gift. Media tool or ISO for Windows key activation?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:17 PM PST

    I managed to snag a real good deal for a used 7480 Latitude from Ebay for my new wife as a surprise Christmas gift when she moves to America sometime next year.

    However, im yanking out the crap SK Hynix M.2 SATA SSD and putting a 970 EVO M.2 NVMe drive so I will need to reinstall the Windows 10 pro which I believe the MS key is embedded on the BIOS on these newer laptops? I was not given a reseller key from seller on Ebay nor will they provide one

    That being said, is the only way to make sure I can activate the Windows 10 Pro on the new SSD drive is to use the crap media creation tool from Microsofts website on the old SSD Windows installation, or can I still use a raw ISO with Windows 10 Pro on it and it will "find" the Windows key on the BIOS automatically?

    submitted by /u/_SprinklerMan_
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    Are there any legal ways to get older version of Microsoft Word for cheaper?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    Are there any legal ways to get older version of Microsoft Word for cheaper?

    I'm working on a document that require ruby text ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_character ) and Microsoft Word does it better than open source alternatives I've found. I don't like paying for subscriptions since I think part of their business model relies on people forgetting they have a subscription, which is something I'd totally do, so I'd rather avoid Office 365. I also don't need any other thing that's being offered in 365. Also I live in Japan but can't read all of the Japanese words on the Microsoft Japan site, English isn't offered, so I can't read all of what I'm buying. Google Translate can help some but Google Translate can be hit or miss as of writing.

    Since past versions can do the Ruby characters well, can someone let me know of a way to get an older version of Microsoft Word legally and cheaper? LibreOffice and OpenOffice haven't worked as well as I'd like for this task so far, which is what I normally use for things.


    submitted by /u/FormalBumblebee
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    Disc to install Windows 10 ISO on

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:56 AM PST

    I need to install an ISO onto disc and I was wondering if someone can send me a link to discs that will work with windows 10 iso's.

    submitted by /u/BoostedDrifterz
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    Upgrading from windows 7 professional to windows 10 still possible?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Building a new pc this month, my current one has windows 7 professional, I heard that you can get a free upgrade from 7 to 10 and put it on a USB to also use on another pc, is this possible?

    submitted by /u/Deftinitely_Imp
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    Win 10 to Win 8.1 Projection?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:24 PM PST

    Hello, I just joined to try and find help for a problem I have. I'm using a Windows 10 Pro PC as my main rig, and I have a old Windows 8.1 laptop that I got running. I've been trying to find out if / how I can project my main PC onto the laptop to use it as a 3rd monitor (I do have a regular second one). help?

    submitted by /u/G8M8N8
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    In the immortal words of Anthony Bourdain "You Are Beneath Whale Sh*t" - Even if you do dismiss it, it will come back ಠ__ಠ.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:25 PM PST

    Help to find the name of this program

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:02 PM PST

    Im searching whats the name of a program that you search a name and it gives you a tree of results like twitter facebook etc Like these: https://ciberpatrulla.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Nombre-Real-1.png

    submitted by /u/4F6GH7E3R
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    Windows 10 1909 is too big for a 4GB flash drive

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:11 AM PST

    I thought it was interesting of note. Windows 10 ISO is now 5GB in size and Rufus was unable to flash it to a 4GB USB I had laying around.

    RIP poor little 4GB USB I've had since 2007, I really now have no use for you. Too small for anything these days.

    submitted by /u/azrael6947
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    What's with the price differences for Microsoft Word in different countries?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/word/cfq7ttc0k7c7?activetab=pivot:overviewtab USD price - $129.99

    https://www.microsoft.com/en-ph/p/word/cfq7ttc0k7c7?source=lp&activetab=pivot:overviewtab - Philippines (English language) at $161.38 USD equivalent (using xe.com exchange rates for today)

    https://www.microsoft.com/ko-kr/p/word/cfq7ttc0k7c7?source=lp&activetab=pivot:overviewtab - South Korea at $123.09 USD equivalent

    https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/p/word/cfq7ttc0k7c7?source=lp&activetab=pivot:overviewtab - Japan at $146.70 equivalent

    https://www.microsoft.com/en-zw/p/word/cfq7ttc0k7c7?source=lp&activetab=pivot:overviewtab - Zimbabwe (in English) at $139.99 USD (Why would they increase it $10 more for a place with much less per capita GDP and that has the interface in the same language).

    Does it really matter which version I buy? Like I could just buy the South Korean version, change the language to English, and save a little money.

    submitted by /u/FormalBumblebee
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    Windows 10 disable grey HDR mouse cursor pointer?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    In HDR it reduces the brightness of the mouse cursor so it appears grey. Does anyone know how to disable this functionality?

    submitted by /u/ComfortableTangerine
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    PC freezes randomly. Most of the time during gaming but micro freezes also occur when not gaming (very rarely though)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST


    I replaced most of my setup and moved away from my i5-4690K to an AMD Ryzen 7 3800X and obviously had to swap out my mainboard. I also replaced my RAM with a new pair.

    Now, when gaming the problem appears. Most of the time (playing League of Legends, in case that matters) the problem shows the following symptoms:

    1. Complete visual freeze: Screen is frozen, mouse does not move, keyboard input doesn't do anything. Cant tab out, can't open task manager... nothing.
    2. The game resumes for a fraction of a second and freezes again, as If only one frame is being refreshed every couple of seconds (this occurs 2-4 times throughout the 'error timeline')
    3. Sometimes the image refreshes and the game tells me I have 00FPS and sometimes it tells me, that it tries to reconnect (usually happens when losing internet connection)
    4. Usually the sound is still available in the background (whether I listen to music via Youtube or Spotify) and eventually this also gives out.
    5. The RGB lighting of my Corsair Hardware/peripherals stops cycling through the colors and just stands still
    6. After a while the screen turns black and my monitor shows a 'HDMI' symbol as if it tries to "reconnects itself".
    7. A little while later the PC is running normally again. Last time this happened my default sound output devices were reset to a different device.
    8. If I had a Youtube video playing (or paused) at the moment, it would turn black. I can still start/resume it and hear the sound but the image is just black. Roloading ("CTRL + R" or F5) fixes that problem.
    9. VERY rarely, when not gamig I have micro freezes that last for a second or two at most.

    This whole error lasts for about 60-120 seconds.

    I have read about problems with Ryzen and Samsung SSDs so I moved my system to a new Corsair SSD, still having issues.

    Overall the error "feels" like all services (sound, visuals, internet connection,...) are being currupted and try to fix themselves, which they eventually do.

    So this might be either A hardware problem (CPU, Mainboard) or Software issue (drivers, corrupt system?).

    My setup:

    • OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
    • Mainboard: Gigabyte X570 GAMING X
    • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
    • GPU: 8GB MSI GeForce RTX 2070 Gaming Z 8G
    • RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3200MHz C16 XMP 2.0
    • (new) Main SSD: Corsair Force MP510 480GB NVMe PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2-SSD
    • (old) Secondary SSD: I don't remember the name but it was a 'Samsung ...EVO'
    • PSU: be quiet! System Power 8 - 600W

    Maybe important facts:

    • I have no anti virus programs installed and am using the preinstalled windows software only.
    • When I moved my system to the new SSD I did NOT reinstall Windows or anything like that. I used a tool to 'copy and paste' the partitions of the old SSD to the new one. Maybe I should try to reinstall it from scratch... could that help?
    • Google chrome is always open in the background, usually with 6 - 10 tabs. I have read that some people had problems with browers.
    • While playing the GPU and CPU never exceed 60° Celsius.
    • I did a GPU stress test. 3 or 4 times, about 5 minutes 99% load on GPU with temperatures at about 70° - 80° if I recall correctly. No problems here.

    I hope somebody can help or point me into a direction that might resolve this issue.

    Any little hint might help, thanks a lot!

    (EDIT: Wording and slight formatting)

    submitted by /u/Glacial_Phoenix
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    First PC build Windows 10 issue [problem, please help]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:58 PM PST

    After installing Windows 10, I downloaded and installed Realtak drivers (audio and Lan from Asrock). After restarting Pc it never reaches the Windows logo, I just get colorful noise/snow.

    I've tried Cmos battery reset, but didn't work.

    I am able to enter into BIOS.

    submitted by /u/NETFLIX-ad
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    Help with partitions

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST


    My laptop got a virus a few years ago, I managed to make a new partition, download drivers, antivirus etc to clean the original partition. After doing all that I was left with 2 partitions and 2 windows, today I tried to clean this mess up a little and I think I managed to delete all the stuff from the extra partition but now I cant put it all together somehow. Any help please? This is how everything looks: https://imgur.com/MSkLIae

    submitted by /u/Dany383
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    Upgraded 7 to 10, installed update package - found an issue and can't "Go back to Windows 7"

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:12 AM PST

    I've done tons of upgrades to Windows 10 but never had an issue. Now I'm running into an issue on a computer that I don't want to spend time troubleshooting since there may not be a resolution. The documentation online says I have 10 days to downgrade back to 7. I've seen the option before. It's day 6.

    Problem is, I ran all updates to bring it to 1903 or 1909. Now the option isn't there anymore. It has an option to revert to previous Windows 10 build but not revert to 7. If I revert to previous Win 10 build, will the revert to 7 option appear? I am backing up the Windows.old folder but am starting to get worried I'm stuck on 10. This isn't my computer and I really didn't expect a simple upgrade to 10 to have any issues at all. Need advice on if I can get back to 7.

    submitted by /u/SlipStreams7
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    Drawing problem

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    So I bought a notebook recently (Lenovo Ideapad S145 15AST) and I installed everything originally. I am going to use this for keeping school notes, making presentations, writing thesis etc. Today I was trying to configure all the office apps for my use and I noticed that whenever I try to draw something (in OneNotes or Microsoft Edge's screen drawings), the notebook's screen goes pitch black (except for the cursor, I can still see it) and recovers after few seconds. I'm not sure whether 4 gigs of ram not enough to draw anything or because of a setting that I don't know causes to do such blinks.

    submitted by /u/Weatherman66
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    Noob question: How do you update your drivers?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:10 PM PST


    I just upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 today and I wondered what was the "best" way of installing and updating the drivers.

    Do you go yourselves on each of the manufacturers' sites and select drivers individually, do you use a tool like Driverscloud to detect the appropriate drivers, or do you use another method?

    submitted by /u/Strelokk88
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    I have mic and line in, how can i combine them

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    I have a headset micropohone, nothing fancy wich uses a mini jack to the back of my pc and i also have a line in andio device(my phone for meme soundboard) but i can only choose one at a time voice or sounds from device,

    anything i can do to be able to play sounds and speak in mic at the same time?

    submitted by /u/EldurArni_27
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    Is it possible to increase Windows 10 Graphics score?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Stuck at "Starting Windows" screen?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Windows 7. Started up the computer today. It couldn't get past the "Starting Windows" screen. When I hit F8, I'm taken to a "Please Select Boot Device" screen, which is very different to what I expected from what guides I've found on this problem. Right now I can't get onto my computer.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/determinedSkeleton
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    Run .msi file as adminitstrator and at the same time in compatibility mode?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST

    Hi! So I am running Windows 10 1909 and I have an .msi file that works only when it has administrative privileges and I got the run as admin option for msi files once I installed a registry key that allows it but now the program says that it only works on Windows 7... *sigh* So now I'm stuck here and I want to know if I can run an .msi file as admin and at the same time in compatibility mode...

    submitted by /u/Macuway04
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    If I have a bunch of txt files in a folder in Windows how can I search for a text string across all of these files?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:42 PM PST

    I was wondering how to search for a word/phrase across all the text files in a folder.

    submitted by /u/Historical_Plantain
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    How do I SMB Share folder on External HDD??

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:18 PM PST

    When I try to Share folder on external HDD it does not save the Share with Specific Setting. In my example "Guest". It will not share. What permissions do I have to change?

    submitted by /u/SolidIcecube
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    HDMI port doesn't work

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:49 AM PST

    I connected a third screen to my system but it does not get shown. I updated the drivers, used different cables etc, it's as if the system wasn't aware of the HDMI port that the screen is connected to. How can I fix this?

    submitted by /u/furgair
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