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    Monday, August 26, 2019

    Samsung Daily Tech Support / WSIB Thread - August 26, 2019

    Samsung Daily Tech Support / WSIB Thread - August 26, 2019

    Daily Tech Support / WSIB Thread - August 26, 2019

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:58 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Tech Support Thread for r/Samsung.

    Have a question you need answered or looking for advice about which Device you should purchase? Ask! Please remember to adhere to our rules which can be found in the sidebar(s) here, and find some new ones!

    Note: Comments are sorted by new for your convenience.

    If you do not get a response, try asking in the tech support or the purchase advice section of the r/Samsung Discord.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I was lucky enough for Verizon to have an extra Note 10+ on hand. In the color I wanted as well! Got it on release day too!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:22 PM PDT

    Fitted a silver back glass cover to my black Note 9. Looks pretty cool with the silver on black, even if I do say so myself

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    Completed the trio today

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    Why dosen't my s7 edge support One UI when it's clearly powerful enough to do so?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    How can the note fan edition have One UI and s7 dosen't? They literally have the exact same hardware except a smaller battery and the s pen. Do I really need to upgrade my phone every 3 f years just so it can be up to date? How can the iPhone 6s which was released in 2015,same year when Galaxy s6 came out,while the iPhone 6s still runs the latest iOS while the s6 is stuck in nougat,an operating system that was released in 2016. I'm not a iPhone fanboy,because I love the design of their Samsung phones but this update thing is so annoying.

    submitted by /u/ilovedounts
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    NOTE 10+ and S10+ side by side :)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    Samsung Email vs Gmail

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:13 AM PDT

    I have been using Gmail for ages now and wanted to try something new. I just wanted to get your opinions on Samsung Email.

    submitted by /u/officialteknos
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    Does the Note 10+ have a removable battery?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    As per the title, does the Note 10+ have a removable batter so that it can be replaced in a year or 3 when the battery life starts to degrade.

    submitted by /u/Gwarh
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    How do I delete locally stored pictures but keep them on the Samsung Cloud?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:07 AM PDT

    I am currently using a Samsung A8 (2018), but the storage is almost full. I'd like to delete pictures from my device but keep them on the cloud. How do I do this?

    submitted by /u/Canadians_come_first
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    S9/S9+ Screen Protector

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    I just got my new S9+ and was tossing up whether to get a glass screen protector. I've heard rumours that glass protectors don't work well with the curved display. Is this true or should I still get the screen protector?

    submitted by /u/Raise71
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    Post your (standby) battery time of your Note 10+

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 02:55 AM PDT

    So I've got the new Note 10+ (Exynos version), but I'm kind of disappointed with the battery. Even though it has a bigger battery than my previous Note 8, I'm seeing similar standby battery drain - 1-2% per hour.

    I have AOD ON between 7-22 hours, set on the second lowest brightness, all settings in phone set the way so it conserves battery, no FB app or other battery eating crap.

    Yet the phone loses about 8-10% overnight (23-7 hours, so no AOD). I have tried to leave the phone bone stock with almost no apps overnight and it still lost almost the same amount - just a bit less.

    I had very similar experience with my previous Note8, so I can't really wrap my head around it and it really annoys me, my GF's iPhone XS loses like 1% overnight even though it's year old.

    There's no way I'd be able to get 10 or more hours Screen-on-time like some reviews suggested. It's even more annoying that my older Samsung J5 phone loses like 3-4% for a whole day on standby, I just can't wrap my head around it. Why the hell inferior and much cheaper phone can last so long, yet the Note10+ can't?

    What is your experience with this?

    submitted by /u/Riotstarterr
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    S10e WiFi 6 indicator

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    Missing 'additional characters' icon

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Missing 'additional characters' icon

    I found a very specific yet reliable bug on my galaxy S8. I often require Chinese characters and zooming into the screen yet an update seems to have changed the ability to configure both. Some time ago I believe I could use the 'triple tap magnification' in conjunction with 'additional characters' for my keyboard layout as shown:

    (full access to additional chinese characters)

    However, now the latter never shows up if I have 'tap zoom' enabled. Using the magnifying icon on the navigation bar works just fine, yet this would not allow me to minimize the bar for fullscreen videos.

    (no way to find less frequent characters)

    submitted by /u/DubLow
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    Note 9 or S10+?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I currently have a Galaxy A7 (2017), and before that I had a Note 3. I want to get a new phone (NOT Note 10+ mainly due to price), and I can't decide between the Note 9 and the S10+! I feel like both are great phones and both their prices are reasonable so that's why it's hard to decide. I liked the S Pen on the Note 3 and used it a lot but I'm not too obsessed with it. Any help making the decision?

    submitted by /u/intangible777
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    Anyone else extremely unhappy with Samsung DeX?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    So this is my first time using DeX on the note 10+ which is supposed to simplify the experience. I was told you could drag and drop files both ways, but as far as I can tell you can only go from pc --> dex, not vice versa which is what I want.

    So I tried to exit DeX and connect to my files through My Computer. The note 10+ doesn't appear as a device anymore. I uninstall DeX, reboot my phone and pc. Still won't recognize my device. Ugh

    submitted by /u/Kingkwon83
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    Note 9 vs oneplus 6

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    Hi all! I have a oneplus 6 and got the offer to trade it for the note 9. Anyone experience with both phones? Can you remap the Bixby button? How is Samsung with updates these days?

    submitted by /u/LeTracomaster
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    On the new software of the S8, how can I pin windows like before?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    How can I change the size of the ucons on the bottom

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    Are you serious, samsung?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    Anyone else pre-order a Note 10+ through Best Buy and have a delayed order?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    I'm pissed, anyone else in the same boat? The store I'm supposed to pick up the phone from were no help, does anyone have any more information as to what the hell is going on?

    submitted by /u/DakThatAssUp
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    Can I turn off the Note 10 charging percentage on the lock screen

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    Hey guys can anyone help with this I don't want the charging percent and status always on my screen all night I'm worried about screen burn. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Brickspice
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    How do you guys have phonr next to your name ��

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 01:25 AM PDT

    Upsssi i really find it cool hah

    submitted by /u/dwfandom159
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    Recently switched from an iphone XS max to an Samsung s10 plus curious about what this phone can do!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    Hopefully this is the right place to ask but as the title says I recently switched from the iphone XS max to an s10 plus. My reasoning was for the price I paid i felt apple was ripping me off nothing jaw dropping about there phones just minor tiny changes more or less stamping out the same phones but jacking up the price. Meanwhile Samsung is dominating the battery game and there cameras are fabulous. So what can this phone do what are some neat features and what not to play with?

    submitted by /u/xx32177
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    Got A50 for my grandma today

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 10:46 AM PDT

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