• Breaking News


    Friday, August 9, 2019

    Professor of my online course accused me of plagiarism, then immediately deleted an important sentence from that assignment's submission page on the website when I called her out. Is there a way to roll the site back to a few hours ago to find it? (more context in post) Tech Support

    Professor of my online course accused me of plagiarism, then immediately deleted an important sentence from that assignment's submission page on the website when I called her out. Is there a way to roll the site back to a few hours ago to find it? (more context in post) Tech Support

    Professor of my online course accused me of plagiarism, then immediately deleted an important sentence from that assignment's submission page on the website when I called her out. Is there a way to roll the site back to a few hours ago to find it? (more context in post)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    So I'm in an online college course and I got a weird, vague email from the professor a few days ago claiming that I plagiarized. She threatened to report me to the dean of academics at my university (I'm taking the online class through the school I attend full-time). When I asked her what she was talking about she told me that I had uploaded another student's assignment with her name on it.

    That was true, but it was an honest mistake on my part. The reason I even had another student's assignment on my hard drive was because we were supposed to upload our assignments to a forum, and the submission instructions included the sentence "Post your assignment here so everyone can view your ideas". The assignment was confusing, so I downloaded a PDF another girl in my class had already posted. Looking at her assignment helped me get started, and after I finished my assignment and exported it as a PDF I went to upload it to the forum. The girl's PDF had a similar name to mine so I accidentally uploaded hers instead of mine and here's where the shit show begins.

    I sent an email to the professor apologizing and explaining that it was an honest mistake. I sent her my PDF that I had intended to turn in, provided a screenshot of the file's metadata showing that it had last been modified before the assignment's deadline, and even told her how to view the metadata for herself if she didn't believe me. Then she sent me another email telling me I'd still receive a zero on the assignment because I "crossed a line" by downloading another student's assignment and "using it as a model" for my own. Pissed, I emailed her back telling her (politely) that the submission directions literally told us to do exactly what she just described, and I quoted the exact sentence that encouraged us to do that verbatim. I sent the email and began texting a friend to tell them what happened, but when I looked back at the submission page for that specific assignment, the sentence I'd quoted was removed from the page completely. This was not even 10 minutes after I sent the email.

    Anyway, I'm guessing she deleted the sentence so that she could deny the fact that it was ever included in the directions. I'm hoping I can somehow roll the site back at least a few hours so I can prove that she deleted it (rolling it back to yesterday or something would work too). I already checked, and the site was never archived on Wayback Machine. The forum in question is on my school's Moodle page, if that helps

    TL;DR professor accused me of plagiarism, I called bullshit, emailed her and quoted a sentence that was very important to my case from the course's website, she deleted it within a few minutes after I sent the email. Need to know if there's a way to look at previous versions of the site (other than Wayback Machine) or a recent archive of some sort

    UPDATE: Thankfully the professor told me that she deleted the sentence to prevent further confusion and assured me that she wasn't trying to hide something. Thanks for the help yall.

    IF YOU WANT A MUCH LONGER, FULL VERSION OF THE STORY... check my profile! I explained it all in much more detail on r/TIFU

    submitted by /u/HSBrendan
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    Every day at roughly the same time Windows 10 resizes all my recently active windows automatically. How can I make it stop?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    I built my new pc a little over a year ago and this problem has been happening for almost as long. Every day at between 3:20am and 3:25am the action center sound plays in the background, and my display seems to change resolution for a few seconds. It returns to my preferred resolution afterward with the annoying after effect that my most recent maximized tabs have been shrunk (which means I have to maximize them all again).

    I've no idea why this happens and I would like to find out how to stop it. Anyone know what the problem is?

    Specs: Ryzen 1700x Nvidia 1070ti 64gb 2400 ram 1080p 144hz Benq display

    submitted by /u/Zodiax
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    Infected Google Chrome tried everything but it has not worked. Where are these adds coming from?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Uploaded a screenshot to imgur: https://imgur.com/gallery/BM682In?fbclid=IwAR1vFOhBkb0LHICYsD2BzngT9-lOtuks0v2E7SQnk4150Q6XEnMdQfNUegk (why can't we upload here?)

    the pop up is in the top right bottom.

    I have done everything in the malware removal guide and tried to uninstall any suspicious programs.

    The problem only persists on Chrome but the pop ups come over the top of any other app after I have opened the Chrome. They pop up about every 30 minutes and when they do its 3 in a row and on the last one a random page is opened by Chrome!

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/5thacex
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    I have just built a PC myself and when I try to connect the monitor to hdmi port in the graphics card, it just says "no signal". More down below.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    I have just built a PC myself (MSI B450 tomahawk; AMD ryzen 5 3600; sapphire radeon nitro+ rx 580, 8gb gddr 5; hyperx fury black 2x8gb ddr4 3200) and when I try to connect the monitor to hdmi port in the graphics card, it just says "no signal". I also tried connect the hdmi to motherboard or use a displayport, but none of these helps.
    The PC is brand new, it is without OS because I can't install it without a monitor.

    submitted by /u/divnakocka
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    Recovering data from failed HDD. Connecting it as external drive slows down / stalls explorer and/or PC

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    Hi all, my old HDD has failed and i'm trying to recover data from it. have installed a new HDD in my laptop, installed windows 10, and everything is running smoothly. I try to connect the failed HDD as an external drive, when the problems begin (well i guess they have begun before that moment).

    When connecting the failed HDD as a external drive, the moment i connect the usb to my laptop, explorer becomes extremely slow. The failed HD contains two partitions A: with windows program, and system files (RAW format, i presume this partition is f-d up the most) B: with media such as photo's etc (still NTFS format). When waiting for a long time, explorer is able to show the folders in the B: partition, but only on the first level. during this time, my laptop is extremely slow.

    when disconnecting the failed HDD as an external drive (by disconnecting the usb), everything runs smoothly again.

    When connecting the failed HDD as an external drive, i presume windows will try to either scan it for viruses or tries to index the files on the failed HDD (which it can't, because the drive has failed). I assume this causes the slowing down.

    I have tried recuva to access the files. Recuva is able to access the B: partition, but when trying to recover files from the B: partition it says it wil take 11+ days.

    Is there any way i can connect the failed HDD somehow in such a way it does not slow down the rest of my laptop and still be able to recover files from it?

    submitted by /u/tom4to_rebel
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    Samsung NVME m2 drive write protected - how to secure erase?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 03:34 AM PDT


    One day I turned on my monitor from standby and the desktop was frozen so I did a forced shutdown.

    On bootup, the BIOS POST screen displayed the SMART detected HDD/SSD failure. Windows would not boot.

    I could access the command prompt using Windows installation disk recovery mode. All the files were accessible and could be copied/backed up, but the drive was write-protected.

    Deleting the partitions in the Windows 10 installation screen fails. Formatting via command prompt fails. Diskpart clear readonly attributes also failed.

    I have since replaced the drive with another m2 NVME. I have installed the failed drive into an m2 NVME external USB3 enclosure, but the drive cannot be formatted in Windows.

    I want to return it under warranty but first need to do a secure erase to make sure my data is securely deleted. How can I do this if the drive is write protected?


    Asus Z370 motherboard

    Intel 8700K CPU.

    submitted by /u/OppositeBeing
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    New pc build plagued by screen freezing and internal video scheduling error bsod... send help!!!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 03:28 AM PDT

    I just built a new computer consisting of the following parts:

    Phanteks enthoo luxe case,

    Asrock master sli 470x mobo,

    AMD ryzen 7 2700x,

    Gigabyte aorus geoforce RTX 2060 extreme,

    2 sticks Gskill tridentZ 8G RGB ram,

    Corsair vengence 750 psu,

    1Tera samsung SSD,

    Samsung optical drive,

    After getting the build up and running I installed windows 8.1 from a disk then upgraded to windows 10. I immediately started seeing my screen momentarily freezing go black and then return to normal. Happens randomly whether im doing something or not. This lead to multiple BSOD occurrences, all with the internal video scheduler error stop code. I have updated my Nvidia drivers, my chipset drivers, I updated windows 10, I have pretty much updated anything and everything with no luck in fixing the problem. I went into CMD and ran a chkdsc. The scan said it found and corrected some corrupted files. Still didnt fix the problem. At this point im not really sure where else to look. Could it be a hardware issue? Is my GPU malfunctuoning? Is it a RAM issue? I honestly dont know what else to do or where else to look. I spent $1300 (a lot of money for my broke ass) on this pc and I need it not only for gaming, but for school which starts back up in a week, so any help/ advice on what else to try would be appreciated immensely. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Alch3mic_Chaos
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    Latest Windows 10 Update broke my laptop - fix & data recovery?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm not very tech savvy and it's my first time posting here, I hope this is ok (it's going to be long bc I'm trying my best to be thorough and detailed, and I probably have a fair amount of questions too so I'm sorry in advance! - Also I didn't know wether to flair as windows or data recovery, let me know if I should change it)

    I have an Acer Aspire R5-571T

    It hasn't been the greatest since immediately after purchasing it I decided to give myself the gift of falling down the stairs ontop of it for my birthday, but it's chugged along as my mangey workhorse for digital artwork commissions for the past few years.


    Anyway, last night I got hit with another wonderful forced update from windows 10. It took 4 hours to install, and when it was done I had noticed (to my annoyance) that it had changed some of my display settings, but I let that slide. I opened up my chrome browser and restored my tabs, and proceeded to browse my regular pages for about 5 minutes until the screen suddenly went black. There was no response from the keyboard or cursor (which was not visible) so after about 10 minutes I did a hard shut down. When I powered back up it brought me to the Acer loading screen, where the white circle spun for an unusually long amount of time before bringing me to a black screen with a (responsive) enlarged white cursor. After a few restarts with the same results I was able to get into safemode and the "your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart" notification with the error code listed as


    It went through the whole diagnosing your PC & automatic repair which failed, and I proceeded to the advanced options. Here's what I tried there (with no luck)

    • Startup Repair
    • System Restore
    • Uninstall Updates (quality and feature)
    • UEFI settings (disabled quick boot or something, or reverted to original settings iirc?)

    All of these failed so I moved into the command prompt and tried:

    sfc /scannow (the scan did not find any issues)



    cd \windows\system32\config

    md backup

    copy *.* backup

    cd regback


    copy *.* ..

    - at this point, from what I've seen, it's supposed to bring up a prompt asking if you want to overwrite your SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, & SYSTEM, but instead mine read "the system cannot find the file specified 0 file(s) copied"

    I'm able to go into my directory and see that my personal files are still there under my users sub-folder, so I figured that was a good sign and that I'd be able to at the very least salvage them before resetting my laptop.

    When the regback copy didn't work I grabbed a blank external drive (64G) and installed the windows 10 64bit iso files from the windows website for a bootable usb, but before booting with the usb I got spooked and google wasn't giving me a clear answer. I read on one forum that if you reinstall windows 10 from a usb that it allegedly puts all of your old personal files into the "windows.old" folder and that you can later access them there after the clean install to get them back, but I was worried that I might lose them (because clearly I have terrible luck) and thought that it would be safer/easier to copy my dir users folder onto an external so that I could be sure that all of my personal files are backed up before proceeding with the reinstall of windows 10 via usb. Again, I'm not very tech savvy here but I'm /really/ trying.

    I deleted all of the windows info off of the 64g usb and plugged it in. I then tried the following command (with a variety of spelling changes) trying to get it to work without success. (My user profile name is "sweet beast" - I created a folder on the usb drive called "copyfileshere" for to copy me files to. Users is on the C drive on my laptop, the usb appears as E drive when I type 'fsutil fsinfo drives')

    xcopy /S c:\users\sweet beast\ e:\copyfileshere

    I heard that any folder names with spaces need quotes around the command so I then tried

    xcopy /S "c:\users\sweet beast\" e:\copyfileshere

    Then I thought hey, maybe including the parent folder (users) in the command isn't necessary and tried

    xcopy /S c:\sweet beast\ e:\copyfileshere

    (tried with and without quotes)

    THEN I thought HEY, my user is technically the only user profile on the computer, so maybe I can list just the user folder

    xcopy /S c:\users\ e:\copyfileshere

    but all of these turned up "invalid drive specification 0 file(s) copied"

    So here I am, needing advice & help. How can I copy my personal files via command prompt from users\sweet beast onto my external? Is it safer to do it this way before reinstalling windows from the boot usb? If it's 100% safe and will not destroy my files by reinstalling from the usb first, where can I find them after reinstillation? Do you have any other advice or tips that could help?

    I'm not concerned with losing anything else, I can always reinstall programs and apps and re-personalize my settings, but my main goal is to save my personal files from users\sweet beast. There's absolutely no way I could afford even a cheap computer at this point, so salvaging what I can and getting this one back in working order if at all possible would be really incredible. Y'all honestly would not believe my awful luck this past year, so I'm really hanging on to hope that I can do this. Thanks in advance and sorry for my excessive wall of text & details and also for being a dumb baby!

    submitted by /u/PredominantlyNervous
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    Is there a low effort way to make my windows 10 HP laptop faster? It freezes running simple programs

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    Like cheome, discord, and pycharm. For some reason, there's 100% disk spaced used on chrome, on task manager. There's not really that much space taken on my pc, either

    submitted by /u/what_r_u_suggesting
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    Help with Windows and new Laptop

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I own a Lenovo LEGION Y530(have been about 6 months maybe), and yesterday I decided to disassemble it to clean it from dust. I removed the M.2 SSD to clean under it, and accidentally dropped it , not that bad of a fall, but still. I reassembled it, and forgot to tighten the screw enough for it to be completely seated and turned it on. This gave me the regular ("No bootable device") error, no biggie, I retighten the screw and it boots up normally. But today, it gave me a BSOD. TWICE in less than 3 hours, I freaked out because I am nowhere near home, at an AI bootcamp. Could it be that it got reloosened? OR maybe windows fucked up and I need to reinstall it?(I have been meaning to move to Linux as soon as my summer semester ended). Should I just move to Linux as a CS student? What is the best distro for software engineering?

    Thank you guys in advance...

    submitted by /u/Fredz161099
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    Restaurant needs a new computer system

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    The place I work at has a 20 year old computer system running Windows XP. It's been having issues with its touchscreens, printing orders, scanning credit cards... the whole system seems to be on its last legs but the owner doesn't want to spring for a new/modern system because it only affects his staff and not him. Nobody really knows how (or wants to fix it, or how to install and transfer everything to a new system and it's a giant pain in the ass for all the waitstaff.

    My question is: How much does a new restaurant computer system cost? And is it possible to transfer all the info (food dishes and prices, employee numbers, etc) from the old system to the new one? Or would everything have to be set up again from scratch?

    As far as I know we have one keyboard, three touchscreen monitors, and seven Epson receipt printers and I think we use the restaurant application POSiTerm (POSiTouch?)

    Really want this place to keep going so any help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/annoyedserver86
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    I can't connect to SSH using key pairs

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    I have recently reinstalled raspbian buster on my rpi. I pulled all the important files to my windows pc. After reinstallation I created the .ssh directory in ~, set the permissions to 700, created the authorized_keys file, set the permissions to 600 and added the old keys.

    But whenever I try to connect, it fails and falls to password. I have already tried removing all the keys and leaving one only for my PC, regenerating the keys and updating the system. Nothing helped.

    submitted by /u/adamski234
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    How to get access to blocked sites from all devices?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    Hi I moved to Turkey and sadly Wikipedia, imgur and loads of other sites are blocked here but recently I realized that when my phone connects to my gym's wifi all sites are accessible without using a VPN. So I was wondering if I can do that to my house wifi. How can I do this?

    submitted by /u/knbyzt
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    This error code 0xc0000001

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 05:08 AM PDT

    For the past 5 days I've been trying every solution I could find and it doesn't work. I'm also pretty stupid when it comes to computers.

    • Tried disabling auto repair and reenable it
    • Deleting the corrupted file through command prompt -I can't system restore or use image recovery because I don't have one(I know this is my fault) -Tried startup repair as well -It won't let me reset from both options( keep my files or remove everything ) -Use the windows media creation tool on another computer to download windows on a usb flash drive and it will boot up from there. Even when I changed Bios UEFI settings they way I'm supposed to.

    I have an ASUS tower

    submitted by /u/JoshThompson212
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    When playing a fullscreen video in Chrome, the screen flickers and becomes darker within a few seconds

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    I am using Win10. Chrome version 76.0.3809.100 (latest one), everything was fine yesterday but today it fucked up. I recorded how it looks like https://imgur.com/a/IWy7Rjr

    I use 3 monitors, with resolutions 1920x1200, 1280x1024 and 1920x1080 (the last one is a 4k TV screen), the problem started to happen on the first two. It doesn't matter if the video is playing or not, just that it's in fullscreen mode.

    Screen lightning goes normal when I click on the other screen thus making the screen with fullscreen video inactive (but not if there's desktop opened on the other screen, it needs to be a browser tab for example). This problem doesn't happen in other browsers, I checked in Opera and all was fine. 2 of my monitors have black lines at top and bottom of the fullscreen video cause they are not of the typical fullscreen resolution and when I move my mouse to that area screen goes back to normal. The problem also doesn't occur if I turn on OBS, it doesn't even need to be recording anything. It also doesn't happen if I turn off hardware acceleration in Chrome settings, but I had it on forever and it was never the problem.

    I feel like it has issues with everything fullscreen and not only videos - I tried loading aiming practice on this website https://www.3daimtrainer.com and screens go darker the instance I enter fullscreen.

    Flickering looks very much like the thing I had with game AC: Odyssey which I loaded on the TV screen from PC - When I had this game turned on while also watching Twitch or YouTube at fullscreen whenever I paused the game and clicked on the screen with video the TV screen flickered like on the video from imgur, turned completely black for a few seconds and then got back to normal. Sometimes it made game colors a lot lighter and I had to redo this clicking to get it back to normal. But this happened a lot of times and never anything like this happened to the other screens the very next day.

    I know that you might think, why is he asking for help if he found ways to solve the problem. Well, the reason is, cause all of them are not ideal. It all used to be fine, I didn't change any setting yesterday and I wish there was a way to get things back as they used to be.

    submitted by /u/Skankbart52
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    Lexmark MC2425 reset - no admin user

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    Good morning,

    a few month ago i bougt a pretty nice & cheap lexmark all in one solution printer MC2425 ADW.
    After a little messing arround with the menue i realised, i just have locked 90% of the functions, because i set some security rules, without setting up a propper superuser before.

    So i cant reconfigure or reset the printer, because I DONT HAVE ANY superuser configured.

    I decided to go with basic printing options and no network scan functionality. But as time goes by i want this stuff - because u need it, some times... (exspecialy if it should be possible) ...

    So i wrote a nice email to lexmark, asking for further reset instructions or some guidance, geting my lost functions back.
    They offered me sending an engineer, i got to pay for.

    Well, after days in the forums, google, and what ever. After 1000 reboots, pressing diferent combinations of keys, opening up the backside, searching for any reset pin i surrender.

    Does anybody got instructions for me how to reset this specifig type of printer?! im not willing to pay this company some more money, for a mistake i did offcourse did, but which shouldnt be possible(atleast without a warning)...

    thanks in advance....

    submitted by /u/punkratz0815
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    HokuApps Rapid Application Development Platform for Technology Solutions 10X Faster - Reuters

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    The HokuApps Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform develops custom cross-platform applications for any business ten times faster than any traditional app development methodologies.

    submitted by /u/Hoku_Apps
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    error 1702

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    Hi trying to install AMD new chipset driver but get problem when installing it. It seems to be a windows installer problem. Gives me error code 1702.

    "Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contant your support personnel or package vendor. Custom action GetDeviceId script error -2147024894, WshShell.RegRead: cant open register key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\AMD\AMD_Chipset_IODrivers\DeployedFeatures" for read."

    So i googled this and tried the most things i could find..still doesnt work.

    submitted by /u/ingelrii1
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    Razer Blade 2017 emitted a white smoke around the charging port

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:51 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    2 months ago I bought a display set Razer Blade 14 (2017) RZ09-0195. It came with a third party power adapter that looks quite sketchy. This laptop charger looks the same as what I'm using right now: https://www.amazon.com/Asus-Rog-Gaming-Laptop-Charger-Adapter-Compatible/dp/B06XQ4JZ2S

    Here are the specs of the laptop charger:


    Input:100-240VAC, 50-60Hz


    I didn't use the laptop for any kind of heavy gaming (except for Nox) and only used it for coding. Earlier today, I was doing my project and when I plugged in the charger, it started emitting a white smoke accompanied with a burning smell of plastic near the charging port of the laptop. I quickly took off the charger and power off the laptop. I thought the motherboard was fried but when I turned it on, it actually worked and I'm typing on it right now. I tried to charge it again for about 10s just to test if the charging port was damaged but it seems to be charging just fine.

    Its still under warranty and I'll take it to the shop as soon as possible. However, they won't be opened till the end of the long weekend here in Singapore and I need my laptop urgently due to project deadlines. I'm not sure about my next course of action as I won't have enough battery to last till I'm able to take it to the shop.

    Here are my concerns:

    • What caused my laptop to emit smoke? Is it the laptop charger or a power surge?
    • If I took it to the shop, what kind of repair I'd expect to them do?
    • Should I avoid charging my laptop with the current laptop charger I have and buy a new one?
    • Can I assume that the mobo was partially damaged in some way or?
    submitted by /u/ANBL01
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    ‘android filöverföring’

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    So on my sisters mac book there randomly appeared an application called 'android filöverföring. ' I looked it up online and it was talking about like file transfers and stuff but no one knew about this. Should I be worried and what should I do? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Kaneatron
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    My dad blocks my internet connection to my PS4

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    Ok lads my dad restricts my internet usage on my PS4 by blocking the specific Mac address. I normally use connectify when he's not around but sometimes it's a bit slow. Is there any way to tether my android phone to act as a wifi repeater to my PS4. If you guys don't know you can't change the Mac address of a PS4.

    Please don't say negotiate with my dad or pay for some of the WiFi bill because I don't work and my dad will never agree to my needs.

    And no I don't play 24/7 I can only play for one hour when he's around.

    submitted by /u/infinitenotch
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    I do a set a certain application to be the default app for loading up pdfs?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    I accidentally set my default app as a video player and now I can't open pdfs without it being a non existent video

    submitted by /u/NerdGuyLol
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    PC switched off.No signal

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    PC specs Core i5 7400 Rx 570 4gb 8gb gskill RAM

    I had the pc built yesterday and it was turned today for about 7 hours or so.I was playing some GTA V.Temps were normal.Fps was high when the PC suddenly switched off?I think.Im not sure.There was a no signal sign on the monitor so I switched the power of from the back and tried again.Still no signal.I tried connecting to the onboard hdmi and the pc booted up.Do you think the GPU fried?I'm panicking a bit since I just had this built yesterday and I need it for some work tommorow.

    submitted by /u/TryM3Br0
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    My schools goguardian installed itself on my personal computer

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    I was opening chrome and logging into my school email when i see a notification pop up saying "Goguardian will now start on startup", is there anyway i can remove this from my pc?

    submitted by /u/bandito-yeet-dorito
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    My lt and rt Buttons are messed up please help

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    So i recently got a Samsung galaxy j3 orbit and i found out it was compatible with otg so i bought some otg cables and i use my aplay xbox 360 controller all the buttons work just fine except the lt and rt buttons i tried using a gamepad tester and it shows that the triggers are being used as analog movements and when i press rt it goes up constantly then if you press and hold rt it goes back down until you let go then it goes back up and its the same for lt except it goes left and right i really need some help fixing it it stops when i unplug then replug the controller in but if i press one of the triggers it starts again and it gets really annoying

    submitted by /u/Bry4n1126
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