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    Thursday, August 8, 2019

    Android Studio 3.5 Release Candidate 3 available Android Dev

    Android Studio 3.5 Release Candidate 3 available Android Dev

    Android Studio 3.5 Release Candidate 3 available

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    MVI - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    Room supports coroutines flow 2.2.0-alpha02

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    App-ads.txt mail from AdMob

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 01:02 AM PDT

    So I just received email from AdMob about something called App-ads.txt.

    Without any knowledge about this, this is completely unknown to me. So my question is: What is it? Is there something we should do? Will this change something? Performance wise.

    The email was received today, and today is 08.08.2019, the date this enforcement starts. So what's happening?

    submitted by /u/SabroanX
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    UI Testing in Android - The Robot Pattern

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Open Sourced one of my apps recently

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Recently open sourced one of my old projects "FaceLyt". It was a webview based client app for facebook and came with key features like:

    1. Theme support
    2. Chat head support
    3. Night Mode
    4. Data Saver mode
    5. Hotlinks
    6. Long press images or posts to share
    7. All this in ~800kb of app size

    The app had 1,00,000+ users while it was there on the play store. It was taken down few years back by Google because apparently according to them the "capital F" in FaceLyt resembled Facebook's logo and Facebook wasn't happy with it.

    Nevertheless here's the Github link & the APK link for those interested in seeing the app/source code. Open to any sort of recommendations. :)




    submitted by /u/aditya_gurjar
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    Are developers allowed to supply an in-app link to their Patreon page, so that their users can support the continued work needed to maintain and update the app?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I assume like many, I have not been paid for my app. It has come to the point where I either abandon it completely or put up a link to my Patreon page so that I can validate spending more time on it. I have many users, and those users have data in the app, but I can't seem to put my fingers to the keyboard to work on it anymore without being compensated monetarily for the massive amount of time it takes to continue maintaining and updating the app, not to mention all the time put into making it.

    I will not put ads on it. I can see where other apps are good for this, but mine is not.

    Are other developers dealing with this issue as well?

    submitted by /u/ringingbells
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    Help with override ambiguity error in Kotlin?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Help with override ambiguity error in Kotlin?

    I'm running into this weird error with ArrayLists in Kotlin that seemingly came out of nowhere for me. Pictures below. Running version 1.3.41 of Kotlin and Android Studio 3.4.2, and this code was running fine like a day ago. Any help would be appreciated.


    Culprit code

    submitted by /u/OwtSihtTaKcusI
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    App keeps getting rejected from play store - permissions error

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    App keeps getting rejected from play store - permissions error

    I made an app that uses text messaging to communicate with a Twilio server to get offline google maps directions, translations, and other internet information offline. Now when I try to publish it, I realize that none of these fit the reason why I need access to SMS messaging read/write.

    List of options available for justifying SMS permissions

    I submitted a new reason for needing the permissions, and they rejected it for some reason. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/bigDATAbig
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    Neutral Age Screen??

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    I'm trying upload my app on google play and I'm in the "App Content" area where you choose your target audience and i'm trying to target all ages, but google is saying that developers have to have some type of "Neutral Age Screen" for users to enter their age to able to set the target audience for all ages. What do they mean by this? If I don't do this and set my app to age 13 and up, then I have to allow a "Not designed for children" icon on my game's page, which wouldn't make sense because my game is for everyone.

    submitted by /u/mitchellboi1
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    Should I try Flutter or stick to native code for a complex project?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I'm having a dilemma in this new project that I'm going to work on.
    Our team is considering using Flutter to be able to deliver both Android and iOS apps in less time (theoretically) with both me and the iOS dev working on the same codebase . Supposedly this is meant to be only for our MVP, than we would divide in native code for both platforms.
    The app is going to have some advanced stuff like background services, media player, subscription, and so on, which I'm very familiar to in native.
    I really wanted some thoughts on it, cause I don't know flutter that much and don't know how much we can achieve with it, and even if the learning curve is big or not, I'm not very confident even with two experts in native code trying something so new for both.
    And searching for some apps and thoughts about flutter, I couldn't find people advocate for it for complex projects, and I noticed a big increase of RAM used, even for iOS, so I wanted to know what you guys think about this particular case, take notice that our future flutter code will probably be lost or transfered to native after the MVP is released.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/shidokarasu
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    Problem with sharing a file via Intent with another app as a FileProvider

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    I just spent a really long time trying to transplant the post that I wrote here, on AndroidForums, over to here, and I can't get the formatting to stick properly when I cut 'n paste the code or XML blocks at all. I hope it's okay, but rather than spend an hour trying to make sure that the code formatting isn't destroyed and reformatting each bit of it line by line, I'm hoping that some of you may take the time to follow that link and help me troubleshoot this problem a little bit.

    A synopsis of what's going on is that I'm trying, for the first time (virgin territory for me here) to share a JSON file via Intent by becoming a FileProvider. I've only used Intents previously to open new activities within the same app, and I've not really touched the AndroidManifest or other XML at all before, so that's all new territory for me.

    I'm getting a NullPointerException about something in the following block, where getUriForFile() is utilized.

    public void shareJSON(View v) { File filesDirPath = new File(getFilesDir(), "files"); filesDirPath.mkdirs(); File usagesFile = new File(filesDirPath, usagesFN); File substancesFile = new File(this.getFilesDir(), substancesFN); Uri usagesUri = getUriForFile(this, "com.example.sprite.fileprovider", usagesFile); /*Uri substancesUri = getUriForFile(this, "com.example.sprite.half_lifetimer.fileprovider", substancesFile);*/ Intent intentShareJSON = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); //intentShareJSON.setType(URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(usagesFN)); intentShareJSON.setType("text/plain"); /*intentShareJSON.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("content://" + this.getFilesDir() + "/" + usagesFN));*/ //intentShareJSON.setData(usagesUri); intentShareJSON.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, usagesUri); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intentShareJSON, "Share JSON")); } 

    I'm sure that there probably isn't enough information there to be able to troubleshoot this, but I do have the rest of the XML and other parts of the ExportDatabase object (which the above code resides in) posted at the link above, where I've been able to get it to format correctly. I would be greatly appreciative for any tips or pointers in the right direction, and I'm very sorry for the trouble in having bits of the relevant information spread out across two different sites like this. I don't know what's going on with the editor not working for me formatting certain blocks of things in this instance.

    TIA for the time and the trouble!

    submitted by /u/transcending_pork
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    Building Android App for China Market

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    We have built an Android app which is available in various countries. Now we are planning to make it available in the Chinese market (through various play stores since Google play store isn't available there).

    What Google, Facebook, etc API's are blocked there (by GFW) and how do we replace them(for example replacement for Location API, Crashlytics, etc)?

    submitted by /u/sulavtims
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    Are architecture components really worth it?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    Are you confident using the google architecture components? With my previous experience of Volley, Asynctasks, Loaders and a few other Google libraries, I am not really that confident in using the architecture components. Also they do a lot of things under the hood and are difficult to control in certain cases like dagger and viewmodel.


    submitted by /u/royabh
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    I'm considering porting my PWA with Trusted Web Activities and had some questions. Feedback on user exposure?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    I have a PWA that I want to port to the android app store.

    It runs FINE as a PWA and I think the main advantage to being in the app store right now is discoverability.

    I want to eventually be able to add features like sending to my app right from the 'share' button but first things first.

    My main goal here is to get more users. I had a hypothesis that I could get some decent user installs on the chrome extension store but I received almost nothing. Maybe a few hits a day.

    I think it's very much chicken and egg here. Without any users you don't show up high enough and without showing up high enough you never get any users.

    So what I'm considering doing is just focusing on the web for now but the Android app store is a plan B that I'm trying to quantify.

    Any feedback here?

    I think even if I got 20-100 users per day it would be a big win.

    submitted by /u/brainhack3r
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    How to get anonymous feedback

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    We're releasing our beta soon and we want to have a submit feedback form in our app. We don't require the user to login or anything, and anyone can use the app anonymously. So we're trying to figure out how we can send the user's feedback anonymously. Is there an easy way to do this? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Lafcadio-TheLion
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    Dagger Multibindings saved my time

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 05:06 AM PDT

    Can I combine Fragment and FragmentActivity ?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    I created navigation menu with drawers and for every drawer I created fragments (also their java activities and xml) in MainActivity using

     import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment; 

    After that I found code about checkable listview and I want to use it in first drawer fragmentActivity. But, that code use

    import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity 

    After I used that code I found, in fragmentActivity file everything is ok, but in my mainAcitvity file Fragment is underlined and I get error: incompatible types: fragmentActivity cannot be converted to Fragment. If I change FragmentActivity to Fragment in my fragmentActivity java file some methods are underlined like setContentView, findViewById etc.

    Any solution ?

    submitted by /u/tommyldo
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    Starting Service from non-Activity??

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Hey there :)

    I need a foreground Service that is sending GPS Data to my Sql-Server for my Unity Running App to make it work when it is out of focus. Currently my plan is to create a .jar and add it as a plugin to my project. This is how it should work:

    UnityApp ---> BasicJavaClass ---> Service

    Unity calls a method StartService() in the BasicJavaClass as soon as the app is out of focus, then it should start the service.

    As soon as Unity is back in focus it calls another method EndService() in the class to stop the service.

    My current problem is that it seems that I cant use "Intent" without "BasicJavaClass" being an Activity or Service as I have no "Context". Are there any solutions/workarounds for my problem?

    Ty for help :)

    submitted by /u/SmittyWerbenXD
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    Navigation component add instead of replace

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 01:26 AM PDT

    I thought it was an issue but looking into the fragment navigator the deprecated now method, navigate (replaced with instantiate) has a function that clearly shows the navigation replaces the fragments, is there some way to just add the fragments and it shifts without replacing them on each click (like hide and show once added) ?

    Previously i've managed this by myself but thought to give navigation component a try, is there something i'm missing

    submitted by /u/CraZy_LegenD
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    Notificatin question.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    I made a chat app using firebase and i want someone to get a notification with the message and user name when he gets it, its working okay but the thing is that the sender device gets the notification too, so if i send a message to another user on another phone, he gets the not but it shows in my phone too, how to fix it? I tried to negate like ! sender.equals(current user id) but ik this wont work, so i need to give more explanations? Im usingba recyer view with adapter to show messages on screen and setaddvalue with datasnapshot to add it in the real time databaae, for notifications i used channels and FirebaseMessagingService. I heard about tokens too. Those are the solution?

    Edit : sorry for title misspelling, its Notifications

    submitted by /u/hehepwnd39
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    Can Google access my unpublished app?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 01:24 AM PDT

    I have an app developed in Unity that hasn't been published yet, but it's published as an "internal test".

    Only two gmail accounts can download this app and no one else.

    I have implemented Playfab and for testing I can create guest accounts by pressing buttons.

    This morning I woke up and found various accounts created in the United States (I'm not in the US), these are the IPs:

    With WHOIS I discovered that they belong to Google and I was wondering if Google employees could access unpublished applications and test them by pressing buttons etc.

    Have you ever found access with Google IPs in your unpublished applications?

    Because if they can't access the unpublished apps I have to start worrying about the security of my accounts. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Sonounuomoebasta
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    Does anyone have the same problem when tries to download Q Emulator with AS 3.4.2

    Posted: 08 Aug 2019 06:02 AM PDT

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