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    Thursday, January 3, 2019

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    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 01:52 PM PST

    So today i was turning on my pc and as it turned on i reviced messege (windows 10) qnd said smthg about private metworks and asked to set network to private or smthg like that and i presed "yes" And this where the problem starts. I cant connect to my network. Says this "windows can't communicate with the device or resource"

    I have tried turning off and on firewall. I tried changing "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPX4)" and Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPX4) and still does not work I tried "netsh int ip reset" and it wprked but when i turned on my pc again it didnt workd neither did other commands in cmd. :(

    submitted by /u/xolastftw
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    Hard Drive Disappeared from Windows - Shows in Bios

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 01:12 AM PST

    I came home from winter break and my computer wasn't restarting so I held down the power button and upon restarting my I:\ drive is missing.

    This is what Disk Management looks like: https://i.imgur.com/zvZfx0c.png

    I have Hiren's Boot CD available and above average knowledge of computers but I'm unsure what to do here.

    This is Windows 10.


    submitted by /u/livejamie
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    Powercut - Won't boot.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2019 04:11 AM PST

    Hey, I had a powercut the other day and my computer did this thing https://gfycat.com/EnviousWealthyBeagle

    It beeps twice, then gets stuck preparing automatic repair for windows. I thought I would just leave it for a bit, but after 24 hours it still hadn't gone past a loading circle.

    I know there are beep codes but I can't figure out what these ones mean. I've tried reseating the ram but that's about it.

    Sorry about the gfycat link, it should work with sound still, it won't let me upload to YouTube on my phone.

    Windows 10 PC built myself ~1.5 years ago. Asus Z270 motherboard, i7 7700K CPU, GTX 1070.

    submitted by /u/Hackurtu
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    hard drive not showing up

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 08:18 PM PST

    I was trying to format an old hard drive from an old pc, but it wont show up in my new pc's device manager/disk management/this pc. It does however show up when I enter the bios and look at the sata connections. How can i fix this? its an older seagate barracude from ~2012 pulled from an old gateway system.

    submitted by /u/Vozae
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    xiaomi home security camera 360 1080p 2 way audio not working

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 08:36 PM PST

    hey /r/24hoursupport,

    i need your help. my newly bought xiaomi home security camera 360 1080p 2 way audio is not working. what i mean is that when you talk from the camera the person holding the smart phone can see and hear you, but when you talk to the camera audio does not go out the cameras speakers. according to the xiaomi website

    it has

    bidirrectional intercom.

    so its suppose to have 2 way audio. can someone help.


    i appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/enzwificritic
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    Need help with BSOD 01e that happens a few minutes into playing Witcher 3

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 06:24 PM PST

    I just started Witcher 3 and have consistently experienced BSOD after ten or fifteen minutes of play. This only happens with W3 and I'm unsure what could be causing it. The BSOD occurs with the following code:

    BCCode: 1e

    BCP1: 0000000000000000

    BCP2: 0000000000000000

    BCP3: 0000000000000000

    BCP4: 0000000000000000

    OS Version: 6_1_7601

    Service Pack: 1_0

    Product: 256_1

    Here's a link to the latest minidump if someone would be kind enough to provide some insight. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajwf73LUElhml3OMUHHxTObtXQb5

    EDIT: here's what WhoCrashed says about it:

    On Wed 1/2/2019 7:27:57 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported
    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\010219-23992-01.dmp
    This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x93970)
    Bugcheck code: 0x1E (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
    product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
    company: Microsoft Corporation
    description: NT Kernel & System
    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode program generated an exception which the error handler did not catch.
    This might be a case of memory corruption. This may be because of a hardware issue such as faulty RAM, overheating (thermal issue) or because of a buggy driver.
    The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

    First I reset my overclocks to default, then ran the game without mods. I have updated all drivers, cleaned out computer in case of overheating, performed a quick mem diagnostic via windows (but not memtest, yet).

    Thank you for any and all help!

    submitted by /u/Wildernaess
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