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    Wednesday, January 2, 2019

    AndroidX + Dagger2 Android Dev

    AndroidX + Dagger2 Android Dev

    AndroidX + Dagger2

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 06:40 AM PST

    Gradle 5.1 Released

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Fun with LiveData (Android Dev Summit '18)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2019 11:51 PM PST

    Testing your Api calls on Android – Jérémy Denais – Medium

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Thoughts after two years as an Android Developer – Medium

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 02:10 AM PST

    Good way to convert different audio formats (mp3, aac, ogg) to wav?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 11:47 AM PST

    I've started looking into this and am unsure how to proceed as I've found several different options, and am hoping someone here has experience with this and so can point me in the right direction.

    First thing I came across was this library, which looks perfect but looking at the issues it seems it can be very slow, so I would prefer to find something better.

    Then I found this MediaCodec class, which I think I could use for what I want to do. As I'm only interested in converting to WAV I was hoping it wouldn't be that complicated, but looking at some of the code I've found has made me think otherwise.

    Then there's a bunch of other libraries I could use as mentioned in this SO post, but as this is quite old I'm wondering whether there may be something better now...

    Anyone maybe solved this problem already? :)

    submitted by /u/Nimitz14
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    Question about accessing a web page from a web view that requires a user login

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 02:45 PM PST

    I am trying to make a web app hybrid where there is only 1 displayed web page. For an easy example lets say tht there are web pages A B C D E an F, and A is the login. I ONLY want to show page C on my web app for a specific reason, can someone point me in the right direction on how store login credentials and auto-load that page on app boot?

    submitted by /u/michael0collins
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    Some advice needed

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Hey all!

    I have some question about getting back in to app dev (if this is the wrong sub, sorry please point me in the right direction).

    I used to have a company that did app dev, both Android and iOS, but that was a 4+ years ago. I have a business idea and want to get back into development, but I want to set myself up properly this time. I have a few questions/thoughts that I would love to get the communities opinion on.

    1. When I was doing my prior dev it was all Java with Android Studio. I have been reading over the years about Kotlin and various other languages/platforms. What would you recommend be the right approach. I am an experienced Java (and general) developer.
    2. My idea will be cross platform (connected via a centralized data source), what are you thoughts on the multi platform tools out there? Or would you go native?

    Any tips/advice are greatly appreciated!


    submitted by /u/Eat-Pie-Poop-Poo
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    Selling sound packs in App (Legal)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 02:23 PM PST

    Hey all,

    Not sure if the right subreddit to post in, but if you know somewhere more appropriate let me know.
    Currently working on an app and planning to sell sound packs (Cartoon noises, atmospheric sounds etc).
    I have found some websites like soundsnap.com to purchase them and have confirmed that I can re-sell after the fact, but does anyone have any understanding of the legality of making a sound pack from a movie, game or tv-series? Is it a case of making a successful app, then contacting the companies for their permission and to give them a cut of whatever profits are generated?

    I don't necessarily have to go down that route, but obviously I think they would be bigger sellers.

    submitted by /u/Seeker_of_worlds
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    Live Data Transformations and memory.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 08:56 AM PST

    Hey All,

    So after watching the Fun with LiveData video posted here, I noted one of the anti-patterns Storing big objects across Transformations, and need the find a solution to a problem I have.

    I am trying my best in my current app to adhere to clean architecture. Therefore I have 3 layers: presentation, domain, and data.

    My data layer exposes a LiveData from the room database, as I have to be informed every time this changes when the user refreshes, which then retrieves new data over the network and saves to database. I am mapping this live data between each layer using the Transformations.map function. So for example:

    Data layer (repository)

    fun getCategories(): LiveData<List<CategoryModel>> = Transformations.map(dao.getCategories()) { categories ->
    categories.map { dataToDomainMapper.map(it) }

    Presentation Layer (ViewModel)

    fun getCategories(): LiveData<List<CategoryViewModel>> =
    Transformations.map(categoryRepository.getCategories()) { categories ->
    categories.map { domainToPresentationMapper.map(it) }

    I therefore assume, I have both a list of CategoryModels, AND CategoryViewModels in memory. This is not ideal. What is the solution to fixing this, baring in mind that I have to expose LiveData from my Data layer.

    Any help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/tarshmomp
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    Suggestions for Android developer having 2 years experience

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 05:37 AM PST

    Hi, I have 2 years experience in Android using java. But now i think i should learn something new. It could be Android rx, dagger etc or i should go for kotlin.

    So what do you suggest?

    submitted by /u/droidexpress
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    Target SDK moved from 26 to 28, error: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2019 08:02 PM PST

    On our project, we have some downtime and decided to update the project target SDK version from API 26 to API 28. The project builds and works somewhat fine. The problem that we have is that we get this error when we switch back to a fragment that is in the back stack: `The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.`

    We have a class called BaseNavigationController that is a fragment and manages our nested fragments. We use the getChildFragmentManager and we set the setCustomAnimations with enter, exit, popEnter and popExit values.

    The error "disappears" when we set the duration of all the animation to the exact same length. But that it persist if we remove the setCustomAnimations from the transaction.


    .setCustomAnimations(enter, exit, popEnter, popExit)


    .replace(R.id.main_container, controller, tag)


    I haven't found any proper solution to this problem. One hack is to remove the view in the onDestroyView method in the base fragment. But then we get an empty screen on the enter animation from the back stack. The other one is that we use the getFragmentManager method but then the fragment nesting doesn`t work correctly.

    submitted by /u/AaBoy90
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    How to convert iOS point to android DP?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 03:57 AM PST

    I am making an app that's for both android and iOS and am trying to find a good way to convert the points in iOS and use it as DP in android how ever when I do the conversion the numbers are too different and the margins are more in the android than in iOS what's the best way for me to convert PT to DP without any problem?!!!

    submitted by /u/medusaadeveloper
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    Is Kotlin the go to for a new app or does Java still has its benefits?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 12:45 AM PST


    I'm an iOS dev looking to port my app on Android. Being "relatively" new, I'm wondering if Kotlin is a 100% safe choice? And what should I know before launching this project?


    submitted by /u/frouge
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    Why are my changes to code not being reflected in the app?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2019 11:07 PM PST

    I have two packages with one that is the primary package with the MainActivity. The other package gets imported into the MainActivity. The other package deals with drawing on a canvas. However, any changes that I am making to the imported package are not showing up on the actual app. For example, when i change the size of the rectangle being drawn, nothing is actually changing. Does anyone know why this is?

    Sorry if this is a trivial question, I just started learning android dev. Also, I got the code off of github, and i'm trying to learn from it. If there is any information that I left out that is crucial please ask. Thank you.

    EDIT: The code is from: https://github.com/husaynhakeem/android-face-detector

    The specific part that I had tried to change is the ANCHOR_RADIUS, ID_OFFSET, as well as the xOffset, yOffset values in the FaceBoundsOverlay. Each variable affects some boundary that is supposed to be used to draw the rectangle and center dot. I pasted the drawAnchor method down below. In that method, when I changed the ANCHOR_RADIUS to 50f, i expected the dot to become larger but nothing was changed.

    The FaceBoundsOverlay is in the package called facedetector while the MainActivity is in the package called facedetectorapp

    class FaceBoundsOverlay @JvmOverloads constructor( ctx: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : View(ctx, attrs, defStyleAttr) { ..... private fun drawAnchor(canvas: Canvas, centerX: Float, centerY: Float) { private fun drawAnchor(canvas: Canvas, centerX: Float, centerY: Float) { canvas.drawCircle( centerX, centerY, ANCHOR_RADIUS, anchorPaint) } companion object { private const val ANCHOR_RADIUS = 10f // private const val ANCHOR_RADIUS = 50f private const val ID_OFFSET = 50f } } 
    submitted by /u/greterness
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    Stats for Wearable

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 07:32 AM PST

    Recently deployed a Wearable that is dependent for my current application in the Play Store. But when trying to see stats for it in the Google Play Console I am not able to see how many of my users are actually using this feature. Is there any way to see its stats?

    submitted by /u/ayySMH
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    Query data from app

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 06:17 AM PST

    I'd like to have 2 apps. App 1 downloads data from the internet and provides it to every app that asks for it. App 2 uses app 1 to query those data.

    What mechanism is suitable to implement such a system?

    submitted by /u/Oh-Sea-Only
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    AVD Manager: Collection of Hardware Profiles?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 06:04 AM PST

    I'm wondering if there's a collection of hardware profiles that I could import into Android Virtual Device Manager to create as close as possibly emulations of actual devices?

    If there's no such project, am I missing an obvious reason for this situation? Seems strange to me that no one started something like this yet.

    submitted by /u/andropologist
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    Anyone know where to find food calorie database or API service?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2019 10:04 PM PST

    Android time clock and developer options/apk installation

    Posted: 01 Jan 2019 10:07 PM PST

    Long post ahead. Apologies if this isn't where this goes, I'm not really sure where to ask about this.

    I have a time clock -- a Xenio 200 -- that runs some version of Android. I can't tell which, kinda looks like 4.0 or similar. The time clock has a touch screen, RFID card reader, usb port, microUSB port, ethernet port, some weird serial port, etc.

    The actual software/app on this thing is something called SekureID App 2.8.11. It sucks. I'd like to be able to install some other app to use with the time clock, or to generally just tinker around with the thing a bit. When the time clock boots up, it boots directly into this app. I do not have access to the home button, android settings, or anything else.

    I did find a way to access a developer options screen by tapping some buttons on the main menu, but it asks for a code that I don't have. I've tried some generic passwords and PINs but it just says 'Failed!' afterwards. I can't see an android version or build number anywhere.

    When I plug it up via the microUSB port to a PC, I can see some media card slots, but it says they don't contain any actual media cards or storage space. When plugging a flash drive into the USB port, I can import and export files related to the time clock itself (basic excel files, etc. containing time records). Haven't been able to do much else so far.

    tl;dr I would like to be able to tinker with the software on this thing. Any idea how I could get the developer options code, or somehow access system settings/change the launcher/do anything else?

    submitted by /u/RhynoCTR
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    Anyone facing app crashes when targetting to pie?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2019 02:47 AM PST

    Is the app crashing when you move to new api 28?

    submitted by /u/aninnocentguy1
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