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    Monday, October 22, 2018

    OnePlus Moronic Monday (October 22, 2018) - Your weekly questions thread!

    OnePlus Moronic Monday (October 22, 2018) - Your weekly questions thread!

    Moronic Monday (October 22, 2018) - Your weekly questions thread!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:11 AM PDT

    This is /r/oneplus' weekly thread for simple questions. More complicated tech support requests and comments begging for codes etc. are not allowed.

    Questions will be archived in the wiki under the FAQ section.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Anyone interested in a gcam vs stock on OP6?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:38 PM PDT

    I could make it happen if people want it

    submitted by /u/Miikkuliboi
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    PSA: OnePlus has its own way of sharing files across multiple devices (think AirDroid); Its called FileDash

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:50 AM PDT

    Haven't seen people talk about this feature; I find it neat and it works every time without any additional software. You can transfer between NFC smartphones or with any other device by scanning a QR code or by connecting one or multiple devices simultaneously to a Wi-Fi private sharing network created by your phone.

    You can find it integrated in OnePlus's file manager: File-Manager app > FileDash icon (next to search) or Settings > Storage > Explore > FileDash icon.

    submitted by /u/uppermosteN
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    The OnePlus Approach to Photography

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 09:53 AM PDT

    Anyone know how I can cast my OP6 screen to my computer?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:57 PM PDT

    Is 128gb excessive?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:04 PM PDT

    Firstly I apologise for the entirely subjective based question. I understand it is completely different for everyone but I just wanted to think out loud and get your views.

    I'm coming from a 4 year old iPhone6 with 16GB capacity. The phone constantly and repeatedly through the day warns me I've got no space. I can't have more than a few messages on or it will just stop working.

    I'm going to get the OnePlus6 in about 10 days.

    The 128gb isn't that much more considering I'm going to keep the phone for at least 2 years.

    I am a heavy Spotify user. I'm just wondering if 64gb is enough - how do you gets get on with that amount?

    Are you all using cloud storage much? I'm not using it at all at the moment.

    submitted by /u/redrabbit1984
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    OnePlus CEO Pete Lau shares first OP6T camera sample

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:31 AM PDT

    Shout out to 1+ for fixing my phone's recall in 10mins

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:46 AM PDT

    So as many of you know the 3 has an issue with the camera that they fix (or replace I don't know ) for free , knowing that I decided to go to the shop to ask but I was a bit worried because it's in China and I never checked to see if the recall is covered here as well

    Anyway they had like 2 people in the shop and one said " might take 10 mins". I said "... So should I come back tomorrow or ... ?" And he was just like " nah , gimmie now " . And I gotta say it really was like 10mins , not to mention they were super polite and answered my questions about the 6T even though I can't buy it from their shop (only online for the first few weeks )

    Thank You OnePlus Dealer in Wuhan , China !

    submitted by /u/TDK_IRQ
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    Bullets Wireless in stock - October 22nd, 2018 @ 10:45 PM EST

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:50 PM PDT

    Status of AOSP ROMs on OnePlus 6?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:37 PM PDT

    I've been pouring through XDA threads, and have no idea how anyone can understand what's going on. I understand the technical processes, but as far as releases and status, it seems like nothing is clear, up to date, or in one place.

    Are there any AOSP based roms (Oreo or Pie) that fully work?

    • Fingerprint sensor?

    • NFC?

    • Camera? Does video recording break on any ROM besides LineageOS?


    Dying to remove all of the OnePlus software, but unfortunately, I do need a functionally complete device. Freezing apps and tuning AFWall+ has helped my paranoia a bit, but, I miss AOSP.

    submitted by /u/ijustwantanfingname
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    Share your experiences with OnePlus repair service.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:40 AM PDT

    6t on Metro PCS?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:35 PM PDT

    Since Metro PCS is now Metro by T-Mobile, has there been anything mentioned that the T-Mobile phone will be available at Metro?

    If not, I wonder if you could purchase the phone at T-Mobile but use it on a plan at Metro?

    submitted by /u/Subiegal28
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    Deciding between OnePlus 6T or Pixel 3XL, which would you go with?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2018 11:16 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm planning on purchasing a new phone for myself but i can't decide between these two. I currently have an iPhone 6 Plus and believe it's time for an upgrade. I have been researching both but can't decide which to get.

    I have a few things that are important to me.

    1. The ability to charge my phone quickly.
    2. A long battery life.
    3. Great performance.
    4. A good Camera, I need this phone to be good enough to be able to take pictures of my business products. I hardly do this though.
    5. Longevity

    I feel like I can get these all from the OnePlus but the camera on the Pixel 3XL is really tempting me. They also have the ability to detect what music is playing in the area the phone is at. Does the OnePlus offer this? Or is there an app i can install do this for me?

    submitted by /u/Ani10
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    New Android update fixed blutooth issues with my smartwatch

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:20 PM PDT

    Since the update to Android Wear as of yesterday I can finally connect to my phone's Bluetooth! It hasn't connected in months so my smartwatch (Misfit Vapor) was just a regular old time telling device.

    I don't know if this was specifically a OnePlus 5 problem or not but whoever was involved in this fix, THANK YOU!!!

    submitted by /u/esahc161
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    Hey guys a little help.. I am about to buy a new phone.. Oneplus that is.. And I wanna know if i should wait for the release of one plus 6t or get one plus 6.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 05:47 PM PDT

    Also could you guys tell me where I would get high quality customised skins. Like I would like to get an image that I have on the skin.


    submitted by /u/Kahsiv11
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    I'm dumb. I purchased a used Red 6 after deciding I wanted a phone where I can have my personal line and workline on the same device. Now I see the 6T is coming out. Did I get a really bad deal?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:40 PM PDT

    I bought a 128gb 8gb ram red in mint condition. It was purchased 1 month ago. I got it for $490.

    I know the 6t will be a somewhat marginal upgrade, but I can't help but kick myself for getting a phone that is gonna drop in value in less than a week.

    submitted by /u/rotoreuter48
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    Flashing Oxygen OS over Hydrogen on an a6000

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:57 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about upgrading my Oneplus 3 to a 6 and came across a deal for $100 off the original price down to $430 (from Gearbest). The only issue is that it is an a6000 international version which means that it is missing a few LTE bands as well as coming packaged with Hydrogen OS. I am in the US using AT&T so I know the lack of certain bands will affect me somewhat, but to what extent I'm not sure.

    The main question I have before I buy it is if there is any recent walkthroughs or info on flashing the newest version of Oxygen OS over the top (replacing) of Hydrogen OS, and if there are any incompatibilities with this phone in the US market after Oxygen OS has been installed. Can the Google store be accessed and all the contacts synced and everything or should I pass on the international version being in the US?

    submitted by /u/ZenithPrime
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    How do you guys fit your oneplus bullets wireless in that pocket?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:04 PM PDT

    Do you guys actually use that? I tried but i really couldn't fit them in the red pocket thingy

    submitted by /u/timotius_10
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    Netflix zoomed in on OP6

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:53 AM PDT

    It seems the default is for 16:9 material to be zoomed in to fit the screen, cutting off the top and bottom of the picture. If I pinch the screen it displays the correct aspect ratio, but it will revert for the next episode or if playback is stopped and resumed. I can't see a way to change the default behaviour. Anyone...?

    submitted by /u/jtodat
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    Oneplus bullets wireless

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:16 PM PDT

    Why do the earphones only make sound on the 2nd lowest volume but not the 1st level of the volume bar?

    submitted by /u/alstablieft
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    Bluetooth automatically turns on in my Oneplus 3T...

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:05 PM PDT

    Anyone else having the same problem? When I turn on the screen, I can see the Bluetooth icon visible, but gone within a second.

    submitted by /u/Game_Freak98
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    Pocket mode is bad.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:11 PM PDT

    Every time I try to pull down the top shelf, pocket mode activates and stops everything, is anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/i_spot_ads
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    Oneplus 3 updated, can't use fingerprint to unlock anymore

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 08:09 AM PDT

    I'm rooted, and I recently upgraded to the latest OTA. I had to unlock my phone, get rid of my fingerprints, and put them back in, no biggie.

    But now, even though I have fingerprints stored, I cannot use them to unlock my phone. I have to use my pattern.

    How can I fix this? I tried changing the smart lock trust agents and wiping the dalvik cache, but still, I cannot unlock via fingerprint.

    EDIT: I'm not sure what the problem was, but here are some facts that might help future users:

    1. I recently updated to the OTA (after slacking for awhile), redoing the steps of rooting (TWRP, flash OTA ROM, flash Magisk.)

    2. I then took steps to make PokemonGo work - Magisk Hide, hiding Pokemon Go from Magisk, deleting all Magisk files, and then installing Island, which makes a work profile, onto which I put Pokemon Go.

    3. At this point I added fingerprints, which did not work to unlock my device!

    4. I did a number of things to troubleshoot, and what might have fixed it was this: I removed my work profile, and disabled then re-enabled all of my device administrators (besides Prey). Doing so removed the work profile, which I think fixed my fingerprint to unlock problem.

    submitted by /u/gnulynnux
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    Opinions on 3D printing a case for op6?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:59 PM PDT

    I have access to a 3D printer and I am not sure if i should 3D print a case for my op6. Anyone tried it before? Any chanve to costumize it so i have something written on the case?

    submitted by /u/tomerc10
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