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    Thursday, August 9, 2018

    Computer Techs [Weekly Post] Triumphant Thursday - August 09, 2018

    Computer Techs [Weekly Post] Triumphant Thursday - August 09, 2018

    [Weekly Post] Triumphant Thursday - August 09, 2018

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 03:05 AM PDT

    What have you accomplished this week? What conundrum(s) have you vanquished?

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Friendly reminder to be careful guys and gals!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:37 PM PDT

    External/Portable SSD vs Internal SSD in case?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 01:48 PM PDT

    I currently have a 250 GB external Samsung T3 SSD for ISOs and other software. I'm running out of space but have spare internal SSDs laying around, is there any real pros or cons to using an internal SSD in a case to make it an easy portable external drive, vs purchasing a bigger external SSD (currently looking at 500GB or 1TB Samsung T5 SSD)?

    submitted by /u/asherwee
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    May finally move into a small office - checklist?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2018 08:43 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Someone from our local chamber tipped me on an office space that is connected to the leasor's office (but door can be locked to my side) with a shared meeting room that I can use as well.

    My biggest paranoia going from a home office to a dedicated work office is security. I've had a friend whose restaurant was robbed and they couldn't do anything about it because the thieves were wearing masks. So I'm making a checklist of things as should get, and what better place to ask than reddit?

    I'm thinking:

    - Alarm system (won't necessarily stop a burglary but at least it may scare of some potential thieves)

    - Camera system that I can monitor remotely.

    - The office is about 300-400 sq ft. I'm thinking of some kind of divider between where the customer comes in/sits and where I work? Maybe a large display case I can put some refurbished machines for sale in.

    - Of course, I'm going to need a router and a switch. I originally went with the TM-AC1900 but this time I'm thinking Ubiqitui edgerouter with 1 AP (small place so no problem with wireless here).

    - I'd also like some privacy in the back, considering the windows are just open viewing pretty much. Any recommendations on maybe a divider or something where I can have my lunch in peace ? (this sounds OCD, I know, but please go along with it)

    Hoping this all works out. They may offer month to month so I can try it out for a while first

    submitted by /u/AnimeExpoGuy
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