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    Wednesday, July 4, 2018

    Office computer. Clicked on, "Shutdown and install updates." I expected updates to be ready next time I use the computer. 48 hours later, I come to turn on my computer; windows is *only now* starting to install the updates. This took 2 hours. Was this to be expected? Windows Help

    Office computer. Clicked on, "Shutdown and install updates." I expected updates to be ready next time I use the computer. 48 hours later, I come to turn on my computer; windows is *only now* starting to install the updates. This took 2 hours. Was this to be expected? Windows Help

    Office computer. Clicked on, "Shutdown and install updates." I expected updates to be ready next time I use the computer. 48 hours later, I come to turn on my computer; windows is *only now* starting to install the updates. This took 2 hours. Was this to be expected?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:10 PM PDT


    Was I naive for thinking that, "Shut down and install updates" meant the updates would be ready the next time I started the computer? In the future, should I be sure to attempt to power on the computer immediately after shutting down to ensure that it begins the installation process?

    It was very frustrating to not have my machine available for two hours.

    Sorry if this is a dumb question.


    submitted by /u/GradStud22
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    How to setup wireless internet on laptop for windows 7?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:42 PM PDT

    I just installed windows 7 on my friends laptop and I wanted to setup wireless connection but there is not option for connection wirelessly jusy with cable. Any solutions?

    submitted by /u/gusheme
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    Windows 10 multiple Documents in explorer navigation bar

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:06 AM PDT

    How can fix this annoying bug? I've noticed the documents start to appear when I delete some file or folder in D:\Documents and it fixes when I close the explorer. It's nothing major, but it is annoying and I would like to know if it is possible to fix it.

    submitted by /u/Giancarlo456
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    Are Full Scans needed or is quick scan fine?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:10 PM PDT

    Will a quick Scan catch all viruses and Maleware or do you need a full scan to catch them all?

    submitted by /u/Chrisbradley1
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    How do I system reset and permanently delete files?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    Im selling my laptop and want to do a system reset and delete all files permanently, as in they cant be recovered. How do I do that? Im using windows 10. any help is appreciated thanks

    submitted by /u/plottwistbax
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    Computer won’t let me click on anything

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:08 AM PDT

    I can open up task manager by doing ctrl+shift+esc but it won't let me click on anything inside. I can't even close the browser. I can open up the start menu too but it still won't let me click on anything. Any help would be great

    Edit: it's a laptop

    submitted by /u/SlinkyDicc
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    Office got deleted some how

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:34 AM PDT

    So i was playing some computer games with my friends. after a while i hit alt+tan and looked at my task bar. i was confused because i saw a blank icon. i clicked on the icon and it said the path was changed or deleted. i checked what app it would've been and i came to the conclusion that it was microsoft word. i tried everything i could to find the app but i couldn't. i then checked other office apps (powerpoint and excel) and i couldn't find those either. they all got deleted somehow. If someone could help me retrieve them back i'd truly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/_KFCManager_
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    Wireless mouse takes a while to move after being idle for 15s

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:46 PM PDT

    Windows 10, Thinkpad E480, Microsoft Mobile Mouse 1850

    I have the receiver plugged into a USB3 port (no USB2 ports to try). When the mouse has been idle for a few seconds and I go to move it, there is a 0.5s-1s delay before the cursor starts moving. This doesn't happen in Ubuntu.

    I have the original drivers that Windows installs automatically.

    submitted by /u/DaleNoPowerToolsDale
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    "whatever@email.com" Not You? Click here" - Why does the Xbox App show my old email address every time I log in?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:24 PM PDT

    I recently changed my email address on my Microsoft account and even after resetting, uninstalling and re-installing the Xbox App, it says "Lets Play!" but my old email address is in the top left corner. I changed it because I'm a streamer, and didn't want people to see my real one. Now every time my capture card captures my gaming PC, if I log into the Xbox app, it says "Not You?" and shows my email for everyone to see.

    Is there a way to turn this off? They had to remove it on the actual Xbox consoles, but the apps still show it.

    submitted by /u/sumgai632
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    PSA: Win + "." brings up an Emoji panel.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:21 PM PDT

    Microsoft, I say a lot of shit about you guys. But this deserve recognition.

    Even tho your update system is Meh,
    Microsoft Intune is still an unfriendly and bizarre mess,
    And that you tend to make Sysadmins life's hard and painful.

    You are doing some right things lately,

    Bash integration.
    Driver Download that actually work almost flawlessly for most users.
    And now.

    A FUCKING EMOJI PANEL.(I'm legit excited about this thing, it made my day.)

    This is the future we need.
    Next step.
    Motherfucking Pyramids EVERYWHERE.

    ᴘs:ᴱᵈᵍᵉ ᶦˢ ˢʰᶦᵗ

    submitted by /u/maxi1134
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    PC infected with ransomware, and I just want to wipe everything and start fresh.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:19 PM PDT

    The particular ransomware completely takes over the computer as soon as I sign in. There's no way around it - it fills the entire screen. I don't care to try to defeat the ransomware, I just want to wipe the whole computer and start new, I don't have anything to lose. It currently has Windows 7 Pro 64 bit installed, but I don't have the windows installation/recovery disk. Do I need the recovery disk to wipe the computer?

    I have a 64 GB flash drive - can I use this to create a restore disk with a different computer? I don't have access to a DVD drive in which I can burn a recovery DVD, and I'm having a really hard time finding a helpful guide on how to create a **windows 7** recovery USB drive.

    submitted by /u/PlNKERTON
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    Windows uninstall a program by itself

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:34 PM PDT

    Earlier this week while patching our hyper-v hosts, one of them decided to uninstall the nimble tool kit. Has anyone seen this before?

    submitted by /u/dmurphy1989
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    BSOD while installing latest update.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:27 PM PDT

    While installing the latest Windows update, when it gets to the "working on updates" after a reboot, it crashes around %25 and shows a BSOD. Then my computer reboots again saying "restoring previous version of system" and when I'm on homescreen I see that the update is still in queue to be installed. It's been like that for the last couple of days and getting frustrating to receive hourly notifications about the update. Anybody had any issues if so, how can I overcome the problem?

    submitted by /u/deathforpuppets
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    Really weird issue, need advice on next step

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:25 PM PDT

    Audio Device Graph Isolation was using up a lot of CPU, so I shut down my laptop. The next day I turned it back on, but when I signed in and loaded into the desktop, I could only see the wallpaper.

    I thought it was a typical missing icon bug, but the screen started flickering black. I also could not use the taskbar, open up command prompt or the task manager. I did some research and I believe either explorer.exe or the registry has corrupted.

    Some symptoms I noticed before the issue: - Chrome was crashing whenever I downloaded something, yet Firefox was capable of doing so - Sometimes File Explorer would crash if I visited a certain path, especially "Desktop". Could this be a problem with File Explorer itself?

    I tried many things online such as checking the disk through command prompt and loading Startup Repair. None of these worked, and Startup Repair stated it could not fix the issue. This leads me to assume there is some serious corruption going on.

    I request advice on any further steps I should take before I reset my PC entirely. I don't really want to use a restore point, since I just so happened to perform very important tasks right before I shut down.

    Another thing: apparently there was a major update on July 3rd, and I didn't start experiencing these problems until afterwards. Is it possible that this update contributed to the issues?

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/pingohits
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    Is there a setting where I can get my PC to start up at a set time?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 06:22 PM PDT

    For example, I want my computer to turn on during the night at around 1am to download large files. I would just leave it on overnight but I have family members up late on the internet.

    submitted by /u/Hamon47190
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    I used shut up 10 and disabled driver updates but after a while decided to turn them on

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:31 AM PDT

    But they are not downloaded? i have that option on, i reseted pc, and i get this message in windows 10 update:

    "some policies are set by your organization"

    "exclude drivers from windows quality updates"

    "source: administrator"

    "type:group policy"

    Sorry for asking it here but couldnt find subreddit nor community for shut up 10 app

    submitted by /u/NoRiskNoRise
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    Using Windows 10 key on new computer

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:52 PM PDT

    I figured I'd ask before I install Windows 10. Will it let me use my product code to activate if it's already used on a different computer? If it automatically deactivates the original one that's fine. It was on an old computer that's motherboard fried out.

    submitted by /u/Danielfrindley
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    Mouse Sensitivity Keeps changing

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:42 PM PDT

    Mouse Sensitivity Keeps changing

    Ok so I am having a really strange problem and cant find any info about anyone else who's had this problem and how I should go about fixing it.

    Bit of backstory, when I started gaming on PC I saw a video that said having your pointer speed in your Windows mouse properties set to 6/11 gives you the best 1-1 movement while controlling your mouse, and this is just a fact, I've since seen it from many sources that you want your mouse speed set to 6/11 to be the best for gaming and get the best muscle memory. But when I first set this up I counted up 6 notches from the bottom in the mouse properties assuming the bottom was zero but in this case the bottom value is equal to 1 so I mistakenly set it to 7/11. I had it like the for a while and only changed my dpi in my mouse software when I felt my mouse sensitivity needed to be changed. A while later I came across another video that was on how to optimize your PC for gaming, The video had a really good like ratio so I though ok I'll follow this guide (great in depth guide btw for any gamers out there. Here is the latest version of the guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkJBDEDDS5o) I really like his video so I also decided to watch his mouse optimization guide and saw that he suggested the same 6/11 setting and counted up from the bottom just like I did, among some other things to optimize your mouse. But I saw that the top comment on the video was telling him if he counted up from the bottom like that then he ends up on 7/11 and everyone was agreeing with this comment. I was like oh crap I've had my mouse wrong this whole time, I went into my setting and made the switch to 6/11 the right way by counting up 5 from the bottom and adjusted my dpi until the overall sensitivity felt the same. After just a few hours to adjust I immediately noticed that everything felt smoother and my muscle memory felt more natural with my settings like this and I was playing noticeably better. Now we get to my problem. After playing like this for a whole day and adjusting and seeing the improvement I got up the next day exited to keep playing with my new settings and keep adjusting/improving but immediately I noticed something felt off after I turned on my PC so I decided to look at my mouse settings and lo and behold the setting had changed back to 7/11. I was like ok that's a little weird but I didn't really think anything of it and switched it back to 6 and kept playing, but this same thing happened the next day also and I had a similar that weird but whatever reaction. The day after that I went on a vacation for 2 weeks and then came back and had forgotten all about these mouse issues. I was also away for so long that I didn't notice that my mouse had sped up back to the 7/11 setting and I put my lackluster performance down to my being rusty. I kept playing like that for probably a month, I adjusted to the new setting subconsciously a bit of course, but then when I saw a random post on a subreddit for some game about the mouse settings being 6/11 I remembered it all and went to go check again and was furious at myself for not remembering this when I had first gotten back.

    At this point I was determined to know what was going on so I looked around online about sensitivity settings changing o their own and saw that most of the suggestions where around updating or deleting and reinstalling your drivers, I tried this but saw no success kept looking around but didn't find anything that was an answer to my problem. I resorted to leaving a note to always remind my self to check my sensitivity when I turn on my computer. This led me to notice that my sensitivity wasn't changing when I turned my computer off or resetting while it was off as I believed, it was actually changing just after I turned my computer on. The times when I would turn my computer on and login and check my sensitivity setting immediately I would notice that it is still on 6/11 right where I left it. I would close my settings thinking everything is okay but then at some point while the computer is finishing its full startup routine in the background the sensitivity will change back to 7/11 and I'll immediately notice the mouse get faster. So I'll go right back into the mouse settings not one minute after I had just checked and confirmed it was 6/11 and find it back to 7/11. I have just dealt with this for a while now constantly changing my sensitivity also leading me to notice that sometimes when I am doing multiple restarts for updates on my computer the sensitivity actually stays at 6/11 after I fully reboot and other times it seems like it will also just randomly decide to stay at 6/11 and that particular turn on but still 9 out of 10 times after turning the system on or restarting the mouse setting changes back to 7/11. Please help I think that some part of my computers startup routine, be it in windows, or one of my 3rd party startup programs is the cause of the problem but I am not certain.

    Here are my startup programs


    TL;DR: my pointer speed in my windows mouse properties keeps changing from 6/11 to 7/11 every time i turn my computer on or restart it, It doesn't happen immediately on the restart it happens some time within the first 90 seconds of booting my PC, I believe it is being caused by either one of my startup programs or by some part of windows background startup routine but I'm not 100% sure. If I log in and look at my mouse setting immediately after I turn on my PC it will be at 6/11 but then if i look again 30 sec- 1 min later it will have changed back to 7/11. Updating/uninstalling the mouse drivers didn't work

    submitted by /u/GonBlade
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    Useful Command to Delete Folders Faster

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:09 PM PDT

    Does this extentions keep you safe on internet?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:01 PM PDT

    adblock,malwarebytes(free version i scan once a month) and windows defender browser protection?

    Is it something else i need or is this good? Couse i usally stream movies meaning i end up on fishy sites

    submitted by /u/mirgu02
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    In short answers, what's your opinion on each Windows release?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:43 PM PDT

    Here's mine:

    1 - never tried it

    2 - never tried it

    3 - Not bad

    NT 3 - Not bad, but kinda pointless

    95 - Good, but there's no reason to use it if you have hardware that can run 98

    NT 4 - never tried it

    98 - Good

    2000 - Amazing!!!

    ME - Good if you have a use for the new features, otherwise it's just 98 with bloat.

    XP - Great, but it's a shame this boomed instead of 2000

    Vista - Great on modern hardware, but there's no reason to use it when 7 exists

    7 - Great

    8 - Good, but 8.1 made it great

    10 - Great

    submitted by /u/tasisbasbas
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    Help needed for dell wifi drivers

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:48 AM PDT

    Anyone anywhere please help me out with this problem. I reinstalled Windows embedded 8.1 industry pro recently and I didn't got the wifi drivers, as aspected . Last time also I got the same problem so I checked on YouTube and solved it but this time I am unable to solve it, so I contacted Dell and Microsoft technical support staff and they weren't able to help me. If anyone can help me out I would really be thankful to him .

    submitted by /u/gandhirg
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    Looking for a tablet/phone with Windows, any suggestions?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:04 AM PDT

    There's some old field resarch equipment, that needs Windows software to receive the data, and using a laptop in the field is very inconvinient. It needs to be able to run classic Bluetooth for a couple of hours, so battery is important. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/hahsmilefjes
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    windows10 disable num lock/ caps lock notifications from appearing?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:24 AM PDT

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