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    Sunday, April 22, 2018




    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 12:48 PM PDT

    Short version: I work tech support for medical practice management software. There's a built in patient ledger that also allows for the creation of e-claims and receipt of claims. Once you've sent and received a claim, entered payment, and scanned in the Explanation of Benefits, it's really hard to delete claims because you basically have to undo each step of a 5-6 step process. We explain this in our online manual and when you call on the phone. Last week, I take this call.

    Customer (C): I need you to help me delete a claim. It was misentered and it's messing up our daily production.

    AcrolloPeed/Me (AC:) I can help you with that. Remote connects

    C: See this claim here? We billed a few procedures but one of them was in the wrong format and they didn't pay us.

    AC: Let's look at the EOB you scanned in. It looks like you did get paid for the procedures that were billed correctly?

    C: That's right.

    AC: I would leave this claim alone and send a new one for the other procedure rather than delete or edit this claim. All the info is correct; you billed a bad procedure and didn't get paid, but the EOB shows that. You can send a new claim but just make sure to put the right date of procedure and it shouldn't affect your monthly production, you'll just get paid later, obviously.

    C: I don't want to do that, I want to delete this claim and start over with the right procedure!

    AC: I really don't think you should do that, we'll have to delete the EOB and the payment line item since you received payment from the check, unpay the procedures that you billed correctly, set the claim unsent, delete the bad procedure, re-enter it as the correct procedure, re-send it to the insurance company, and they'll reject the procedures you did correctly since they were already paid.

    C: I want the customer's ledger to look neat and I want the claim to look correct, so do all that!

    AC: I will walk you through that. Do you have the EOB and the check information? If I delete it all, we can't get it back from the system; it will have to be manually re-entered and scanned by you, since I'm obviously not on-site and don't have access to your paper files.

    C: Yes! Fine, delete it!

    AC: goes through process of getting claim process back to square one Okay, ma'am, now you need to delete the bad procedure, create the correct one, set it complete, and rebuild the claim.


    AC: silence, then: Pardon me?

    C: You deleted the EOB and the check and all of the procedure information!

    AC: Yes, per your instructions, I took you back to the beginning of the process.


    AC: Ma'am, are you being serious? You literally told me to do exactly that, and I told you that if I deleted all of this data it would need to be re-entered manually, which is why I suggested leaving this claim as is and submitting an additional one for the correct procedure.


    AC: Ma'am, what did you expect to have to do? Per your instructions, I have taken you back to step 1 of the claims process.


    AC: ...I am not going to do that; also, I can't do that. You have the paperwork needed to start the process.

    C: No I don't! I shredded all that weeks ago!

    From here, long story short: both the customer (a doctor, no less) and her nurse practitioner coworker spent some time verbally abusing me as I laughed into a muted mic about how I'd screwed up their entire accounting process. I reminded them both that this issue started with the fact that they billed an invalid procedure to insurance, and instead of just sending an additional claim, they tried to edit an already-finished claims process manually.

    After the 3rd explanation that yes, they would need to re-enter the claim manually since it was deleted per their repeated instructions and against my own judgment, they ended the call. I jotted down the ticket number so I could check on the account later; sure enough, they called in the next day, hoping another tech could "fix" the "mistake the other tech made." Nope.

    submitted by /u/AcrolloPeed
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    It doesn't work like that. Do it the proper way, next time.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 07:43 AM PDT

    I was a teacher's assistant for a programming class six years ago, in my senior year of high school. The class I was assisting was the last class/period of the day. So the students in that class' job was to turn off the computer before they go home.

    The bell rang, everyone rushed through the door, except me. I don't do that, except if I'm in a hurry. As I go through the door, the teacher called me, and asked me to turn off the computer, as one of the students forgot to. I obliged as it wouldn't take more than a second, or so I thought.

    $teacher: $manleynotboyley one of the students seem to forget to turn off the computer. Can you shut it down for me?

    $manleynotboyley: Sure. <taps the power button and Windows 2000 starts shutting down>

    $teacher: Uh uh, you're not supposed to shut the computer down like that.

    $manleynotboyley: When you simply press the power button a computer. It tells the computer that it's time to shut down. It's basically like going to the start menu and clicking shut down.

    $teacher: No. When you do that, it's like pulling the plug, while it's still running.

    $manleynotboyley: When you press and hold the power button for five seconds. It's like what you said. But if you simply tap the power button, it's like I said. It let the computer know that it's time to shut down.

    $teacher: No, it doesn't work like that. Next time, do it the proper way.

    $manleynotboyley: Okay. Have a good day.... (not).

    I wouldn't mind doing it the "proper way" but those Windows 2000-based Dells takes about 20 seconds before the start menu even opens. Then another 30 seconds before the shut down menu shows up. With simply pressing the power button, you can bypass all that and still shut the computer down properly. Thankfully, I've heard that they retired those relics for Windows 7-based ones just after I graduated.

    submitted by /u/manleynotboyley
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    The Missing Presenter

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 04:40 PM PDT

    $me - me

    $boss - Head of IT, my boss

    $Dave - The missing representative, name is changed for anonymity

    $TopCity - Software company that Dave is respresenting.

    $organisation - current place of employment for $boss and $me

    I work for a medium to large government-funded organisation. We use a piece of software that's virtually an industry standard, produced by $TopCity Software. My boss, $boss, had organised a presentation with a representative of $TopCity to come out and show off the features of some of their addition software modules to our senior management team, in front of $BigBoss and his deputies. The following is the mostly one-sided phone conversations i had the pleasure of overhearing.

    11:30AM - 30 minutes after scheduled meeting was to start.

    $me: Shouldn't you be at a meeting now?

    $boss: Yes, but i haven't heard anything from him and he hasn't turned up at reception yet... I'll give him a ring on his mobile

    $boss rings $Daves mobile number

    $boss: Hello, This is $boss from $organisation, i believe we have a meeting arranged with you that was meant to start at 11AM, can you let me know when you intend to arrive? Thanks.

    $Boss hangs up

    $Me: Voicemail?

    $Boss: Voicemail. He phone was off. I'll ring $TopCity, maybe they'll know what's happened to him. I just hope he hasn't got into an accident at all, he's had a fair way to travel.

    $Boss rings $TopCity

    $Boss: Hello, This is $boss from $organisation, i'm ringin to enquire as to where $Dave may be, we had a presentation scheduled for 11AM and he still hasn't arrived. Could you tell me when $Dave intends to arrive?


    $Boss: Yes, $Dave


    $Boss: Oh, ok. Thanks for your help.

    $Boss hangs up

    $Boss: They weren't much help, they didn't have any record of our meeting today, or any record of a person called $Dave on their systems.

    $me: No record? That's odd, sure it's the right name?

    $Boss: Yes, he's done presentations here before, i know his friend who worked with him a few years ago at $TopCity. Maybe he'll know more about it.

    $Boss rings $Dave's friend

    $Boss: Hello there, this is $Boss, i'm rings to ask you if you know anything about $Dave? We had a meeting scheduled, but he hasn't turned up. $TopCity doesn't have him on their records either


    $Boss: Oh, right. Well i guess that might explain it.

    $Boss hangs up and rings $TopCity

    $Boss: Hello, This is $boss from $organisation, i rang earlier in regards to a meeting with $Dave that was scheduled to start 45 minutes ago.


    $Boss: Yes, i came across the same information, i phoned a mutual friend. Can you explain why there was no-one to take over the meeting?


    $boss: Deleted? ok, well can we reschedule for $date?


    $Boss: thanks

    $Boss hangs up

    $me: So what happened then?

    $Boss:Apparently $Dave left $TopCity a month ago. They were in the process of transferring the diary entries over, but their IT team deleted his account, and the diary with it.

    $me: No backups?

    $Boss: I guess not, otherwise this wouldn't happen.

    $me: Well that's going to show them in a good light to the senior management then, when they finally get a guy to turn up!

    TL;DR: $TopCity representative left the company and IT deleted all his appointments and couldn't restore them, leading to confusion all round.

    EDIT: Formatting

    submitted by /u/the123king-reddit
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    We have to fix Windows using what, now?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 02:49 PM PDT

    I have worked off and on at a local comic book/video game/hobby shop for about 10 years. I am good friends with all the employees and I have free reign of the store. This weekend, however, they messaged me with a problem with one of their computers. Since I ran my own PC repair shop before a crippling car accident ended my career, I decided to come by and take a look.

    I went to the office and go on the main computer, seeing that it was returning an error saying the boot device could not be detected. I followed standard procedure and ran chkdsk, bootmgr replacement, etc.

    Eventually I grabbed my Windows 7 rescue USB and stuck it in the port (on the first try, which is always a terrible omen). When I went to the BIOS to set it to boot from USB, it wasn't there. Only the HDD, CD-ROM, and the Printer(?).

    The manager at the time that was in the office with me jokingly suggested we plug the rescue USB into the Photo Printer since it was being detected as a boot device. With no other ideas, I shrugged and plugged it in. Lo and behold, it loaded up Windows Repair and we ended up being able to format the HDD.

    Turns out, the owner at attempted to 'fix' the problem with the video card by doing a destructive system restore, and turned it off mid-restore once he realized what destructive meant. It had no chance.

    tl;dr After several hours of troubleshooting and googling, we jokingly used the printer as a USB hub to reinstall windows AND IT WORKED.

    edit: the dude at work

    submitted by /u/theshaneguy
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    Failing at the first hurdle.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 09:14 PM PDT

    A quickie:

    Quite some time ago, I went round to visit my database admin friend, who happened to be suffering a baffling hardware problem. He and I have shared quite a few silly or annoying user problems over the years.

    He was busy upgrading to a 3 monitor setup and he had spent the last half-hour getting nowhere. When I arrived he had been consulting the universal panacea: Google.

    Him: "It won't recognise the new monitors! There's no signal, just black screens."

    Suddenly, years of customer-facing IT support kicked in.

    "Okay. First things first. Are they plugged in to the power, turned on, and connected to the PC correctly?"


    "I'm sorry, but I didn't ask if you *think" they're plugged in. Could you physically check the cables please?"

    He stared at me for a moment, before shrugging and looking behind the desk. After some fumbling, he quietly went "....oh."

    He hadn't connected the power cords to the back of either screen.

    I've taken the calls which non-IT people think are industry humor: the ones who haven't plugged in their equipment because it's wireless, and the people who can't troubleshoot the problem because there's a power outage. I've even had someone with a cupholder problem. But I've never been simultaneously as amused or disappointed as I was at that moment...

    TL;DR don't assume.

    submitted by /u/ZathuraRay
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    It's never fun job hunting: Pt 2

    Posted: 21 Apr 2018 10:29 PM PDT

    This is the continuation of this post which was inspired by this story

    Promising lead #3 $Recruiter ($R) calls me up and says he wants to have a chat etc etc.
    So I head over to his office and we talk about my skill set. He has followup questions that basically tells me he's not full of s#!t when he says he used to work in IT.

    $R: Well, this is a level 1 helpdesk role doing X, Y and Z but...

    Basically he's trying to say, it doesn't look good being unemployed for too long and you should take this job I'm putting you forward for.

    $R: It's for $company, you'll be interviewing with the IT Manager who was actually guy I put forward for that role.

    Tooting own horn. Sure.

    Me: Sure, do you have a copy of the job description I can take home and read over?
    $R (Sounding a little defensive): Well we have a pretty casual relationship, I don't have anything on hand but it'll be the standard kind of stuff they'll have something.

    I'm wary of this kind of thing because what really made my life suck at my old job was that my job description never got updated to include the extra responsibilities I took on and it came back to bite me.

    I see no real reason to say no, it's all practice being interviewed at the end of the day.
    2 days later, I get a text from $R. Interview with $ITMgr on Thursday 11.30am (Address).
    I reply, "Sounds good."

    I arrive, talk to receptionists and say I'm here to meet $ITMgr.
    I them sit and wait for a good half an hour. Eventually 2 men show up, one of who is the IT Manager $R knows. The other is the Support Staff Manager ($SupMan).

    We go into a meeting room and have a chat. $SupMan seems like someone I can get along with where $ITMgr on the other hand is more business.
    He asks about the 3 month gap since I stopped working and I said I'd almost finished CCNA and that I'd just completed ITIL.

    $ITMgr (Scoffs): Sounds like a pretty good holiday.
    Me: Well I'm trying to up skill to get a better job.

    He seems uninterested and the rest is going through the motions and then the $ITMgr asks the question asked in every interview since the beginning of job interviews.

    $ITMgr: Why do you want to work here?

    I have my stock standard answer about working at a smaller company and not having any room to advance which is why I'm looking to get my foot in the door and be part of a larger team with the potential to advance.

    Skip forward to the end where they ask my if I had any questions. Based on the conversation I figure the previous person had left.

    Me: What happened to the previous person in the role?

    I was really hoping the answer was going to be that he moved up to a better role.

    $ITMgr: Oh, he left because he wasn't given the opportunity to advance here.

    not word for word but it was the gist of it - I've made up my mind at this point
    So the interview concludes and $SupMan offers to show me around.
    We get back down to reception to see me off.

    $SupMan: Sorry for the long wait earlier, nobody ever confirmed you were coming.
    Me: I responded to $R within about 5 minutes of him giving me where and when.
    $SupMan: Well no harm done I suppose. Any last questions?
    Me: Yeah, I was hoping for a copy of a job description.
    $SupMan: I would have expected $R would have given you one?

    The following day $R rings me and says they're offering me the position etc etc. I've made up my mind already but I ask 1 last time.

    Me: Did you ever get a copy of that job description?
    $R: Well, no. I think you should have gotten all you needed from the interview.
    Me: From what I heard in the interview, it feels like a step down from where I previously was and what I'm looking for.

    He has another go at the it's not good to be unemployed for too long spiel, same as when I spoke to him originally. He's trying to just push me to accept the job so he gets paid.
    I pass and I haven't heard from him since.

    Seemingly Amazing Opportunity
    I got this interview through another recruiter and I'd actually recommend the woman I dealt with. She gave me some more information then normal about the interview, specifically that I wasn't the first person to be put forward. One apparently showed up and was unshaven, another didn't even bother to wear a suit. Another didn't seem to have quite the right skill set.

    I look at the job description - I know I actually got one!
    It sounds a lot like my old role. Mostly helpdesk but some day to day stuff that'll basically be SysAdmin work.
    This interview was for a well known Not For Profit, having volunteered in the IT Dept of another NFP a few years back I felt that put me in a positive light from the get go.
    I roll up to the interview in a suit and all, they make me sign in and then after a short wait I'm in a meeting room with 3 other people. I was told it'd be a panel interview and they all seemed nice enough. There's the IT Manager, Network Admin and someone from HR.

    Just before we start, one of them says:

    Just so you know if you see us typing, we're just taking notes and you shouldn't worry about it.

    All 3 of them have laptops, and I think nothing of it really.
    Usual questions, I make sure to get in the fact I volunteered at $OtherNFP in the past and enjoyed the atmosphere.
    They ask for an example of a time I was unable to do something and how I over came it.
    I had the perfect story for this which I had posted in TFTS 2nd story here when the company renovating a building next to ours built a wall in front of one of our wireless links.

    Network Admin: And what did you do to over come that problem?
    Me: I called up the company who supplied and maintained the wireless equipment and had them move it 2m to the left.

    Chuckles all around, and I'm feeling good about my chances.
    Interview continues and the only real issue that I felt caught me out was when they asked about PowerShell, which at the time I hadn't done anything beyond basic queries for Exchange.
    So I had used it which is better than "Whats powershell?" but not what he was looking for. Then one of other two stifles a laugh.

    I look over at the woman from HR.

    $HR: Sorry, we've got this internal chat program.

    I engage my best poker face but can't help thinking "are you in highschool!?". I look at the IT Manager who's trying not to smile.

    I realize what a waste of time this has been.
    I think back to how much they were nitpicking the other people they'd interviewed. Thinking about it after the fact I decide their hiring policy must require them to interview candidates externally before promoting within.
    I cool off over the drive home and I call the recruiter.

    $Recruiter: How do you think you went?
    Me: I was able to answer just about everything they asked but I don't think they'll go with me though.
    $R: Why do you say that?
    Me: Just a feeling I got while I was in there. Is it normal for interviewers to be using an internal chat program in the interview?
    $R: Internal chat program? I wouldn't have thought so.

    She came back 2 days later to tell me that I hadn't gotten the job and it was because I didn't have the experience with the size of the user base they were looking for.
    Which was pretty BS since I'd told them we had over 2500 mailboxes on the Exchange server which I was the only support person with the IT Manager acting as overflow.
    I hangup and think to myself. If they even listened the bad answer I gave about PowerShell could could have been a great reason to give but now I can't even be sure they paid attention.

    A week later I actually got a job offer through a friend of my cousin for an immediate start.
    About an hour after saying yes to that job offer. I get a call from the Someone else from the recruitment company who set me up at the NFP.

    RGuy: Hey this is $RGuy from $RecruitmentCompany. I got your details of $R. I've got a job you might be interested in.
    Me: I've actually just accepted a role but thank you for thinking of me.
    RGuy: Can I ask what the role is?
    Me: Systems Administrator at as small MSP.

    As bad as the interview with $NotForProfit was $Recruiter prepped me really well and I never felt that she was pushing me towards a job I wasn't looking for.

    I've been working for this MSP for almost 2 years now. There are more stories to come but I'm waiting a certain time before posting a juicy story once everything's settled down.

    Not all Recruiters are snakes, and always make sure your friends and family know your looking for a job.

    submitted by /u/votekick
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    You need to open port D00QI? That smells like BS! Let's find out together.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2018 02:46 AM PDT

    For several years as I was working retail ISP support, there was a major US game console manufacturer who were fond of palming off their multiplayer connectivity problems onto ISPs when they had an outage they couldn't explain. At least in our region, anyway.

    Inevitably, all our staff knew when this was going on, because we knew if we'd changed something. If there had been no firmware or hardware rollouts, but suddenly every third call was a request for help with port forwarding, someone at borked something and didn't want to admit it.

    Additionally, anyone who called us about port forwarding was inevitably too ill-informed to do it. Of the many, many users who called, not one of them could provide a recognisable protocol or port number. Just gibberish strings of letters with the occasional number thrown in for fun, to the point where I am pretty sure these poor users couldn't have all written them down wrong.

    All we could do was explain what we needed and send them back in an endless hellish loop until they gave up or the outage was over.

    One day, after another long string of numbers, I snapped, and asked the kid on the other end of the line:

    "Do you believe them?"

    "Not really. It worked without doing this before, but what can I do?"

    "Well, there's one thing we can do to prove it one way or the other... We can turn off the firewall and put it in the DMZ."

    (For civilians playing along at home, putting a machine in the DMZ is A Bad Idea. All incoming internet traffic will be autoforwarded to that machine, unless there's a rule that says otherwise. There'a good chance that machine will be compromised in hours, or even minutes. On residential-grade networking equipment, it's An Unbelievably Bad Idea, as you will end up with compromised equipment on the same switch as everything else.)

    So I explained the potential horrors, he agreed anyway, and I talked him through it.

    Surprise surprise, no connection. I arranged to call him back in 20 minutes while he rang console tech support.

    They couldn't fix it, but both of us got to enjoy that smug feeling of catching them out as we reset the DMZ settings, and he got a months gold account credit.

    submitted by /u/ZathuraRay
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