• Breaking News


    Wednesday, April 18, 2018

    Platform version distribution dashboard has been updated after months of waiting! 84.3% of users are on 21+ Android Dev

    Platform version distribution dashboard has been updated after months of waiting! 84.3% of users are on 21+ Android Dev

    Platform version distribution dashboard has been updated after months of waiting! 84.3% of users are on 21+

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 01:35 PM PDT

    How do you implement repository pattern (e.g. how do you store/cache data from api)?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    I'm currently building data layer for my app and I've seen many ways on how to accomplish that. I especially wonder what would be the best solution for caching data and retrieving it from cache, so I wanna know how you guys are doing this. I also have few questions

    1. I think the optimal way would be downloading the data from api only when certain time passed since we cached it to reduce amount of network requests. I also think that business logic should be able to choose whether it wants fresh data (pull to refresh) or allows cached. Or maybe there are better solutions?
    2. How can I achieve the above approach with Room? Do I need to add some "updated_at" field to my entity?
    3. What do you think about Android Guide NetworkBoundResource approach to repository implementation? I think it's nifty and pretty clean.
    4. Is it worth to cache data also in memory-cache for quicker access? I heard that DB queries are fast enough that it wouldn't make a difference.
    5. What about some libs like Store or Reservoir
    6. Can you recommend some good open-sourced apps?
    submitted by /u/SpactroX
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    Object interaction in ARCore for android

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 01:29 AM PDT

    New Podcast: Inside Facebook Mobile

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 06:51 AM PDT

    Gradle 4.7 Released

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 03:20 AM PDT

    Direct Link to Review App on Google Play

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 03:42 PM PDT

    We're looking to run a review drive soon, is there a way to create a URL that directly links a user to submit a review for us in Google Play?

    submitted by /u/JoypulpSkate
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    What does your Dagger setup look like?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 03:22 PM PDT

    With so many tutorials doing different implementations, I'm still somewhat confused about how my dagger setup should look like even after having used it for quite a while.

    Would love to know how you guys are doing it in your own projects.

    submitted by /u/Odinuts
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    Can I play MP3 and MP4 on ExoPlayer for an InputStream?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 04:06 PM PDT

    I've been trying to play MP3 and MP4 from an input stream on Android, the reason is that those files are encrypted and compressed, and should be played on-the-flay rather than copied to the files system. Since I can't use a custom MediaDataSource with the current minimum target API level, I decided to give ExoPlayer a try, but I realy don't know if it's capable of doing what I've described. Decryption and decompression are already handled just fine by an AES and a LZ4 stream readers.

    submitted by /u/rraallvv
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    Question about UI Design

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 07:15 AM PDT

    Hey, guys, I got a question. I am a student in college and we have android development module and we have to develop an app for the assessment. After I got the grades back for the first part of assessment I got downgraded a lot by the design of the UI. Especially the sizes of buttons, text fields etc. Would you guys be able to give me some kind of advice on the recommended sizes for buttons,text fields etc in an android app ? would highly appreciate it

    submitted by /u/Ralinyth
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    Looking for a library/libraries that provide icons for WiFi Strength, Battery level, and Cell Signal?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 02:07 PM PDT

    TLDR; I'm creating a kiosk app. I would like to display icons that show the current WiFi strength, Battery Level, and Cell Signal using icons just like in the status bar. Anybody know of any libraries?


    submitted by /u/gz0090
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    Project complexity for a solid portfolio project?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 09:22 AM PDT

    I graduated a little while back, realised I wanted to get into android and/or mobile app development and I'm with no real world experience. That being said, I'm attempting to build up a portfolio of projects.

    Currently I'm working on a project that is a centipede clone using canvas. It also comes with a global high score board made in nodejs, and communicates via http requests.

    I have another project that is GPS based that uses background services, also with a nodejs backend for specific location areas.

    What really makes a project stand out to you?

    submitted by /u/alwaysmorelearning
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    For an Android MVP chat app using socket.io, how to maintain persistent socket connection?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 05:33 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I am writing an Android app with MVP pattern. I am using socket.io as for transporting messages. My app has multiple activities like ProfileActivity, UploadImageActivity, AllChatsActivity, ChatDetailsActivity etc.

    As per UI design, whenever there is a new event like new_message_arrived or user_online, user will be shown some UI notification. For this to happen I want a persistent socket connection which doesn't get killed if the activity is closed.

    Currently, this is the solution I feel works the best.

    a BoundService (to start the socket connection) with a method setEventListener. An EventListener interface, that with methods like onNewMessage, onUserOnline etc.

    Now, in my app's Application class, I start the BoundService. In my Activity, I implement the EventListener. In Activity's onCreate, I call boundService's setEventListener and pass the activity instance. So whenever a new event occurs, the service calls the eventListener methods and its received.

    I would like to know if anyone has a better approach to this? It would really help me in improving the app and providing a better UX.

    submitted by /u/mayuroks
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    Kotlin DSL for ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    How to test instant apps on Google Play?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 12:27 PM PDT

    Hello, a few hours ago I uploaded my instant app apk to google play developer console for alpha testing and still can't see the "Try Now" button. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/JurajKusnier
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    Large(r) companies where self-taught developers are a good fit?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 12:06 AM PDT

    I'm a self-taught developer and while I'm at the point where my resume acts as a track record, it "tints" my abilities.

    For example, I'm not particularly strong at algorithms. I've learned enough to know when to search / what to search for, but that's not enough for most interviews with a strong focus on CS-type questions.

    Are there any companies out there that people recognize for being a little more focused on the more "concrete" aspects of development as opposed to mathematical in their hiring processes?

    I'd gauge my Android and general development skills as solid enough to work at most places I've look at, but I keep running into places I'd love to work at that I'm intimidated away from due to people mentioning without algorithms and a CS degree you're probably not getting in the door.

    Edit: I appreciate the really supportive answers. I understand the approach of just hitting the code excercises hard, but it's a slightly ideological decision not to do so.

    I don't particularly want to work at places that would turn away or put obstacles in the way of strong developers not willing to jump through some hoops (I feel like Max Howell is a great example, his Quora explanation of what happened is great reading).

    I already have an established career as a developer. I think some of the wording I used downplayed that part, I have ~6 years of experience, not that much but "not my first rodeo", so I'm trying to avoid the "throw things at the wall" and apply everywhere approach. If there are any specific companies people have in mind I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/MustyMustelidae
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    Android Studio

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    Does anyone know why Android Studio is loading up really slow on my laptop, is it quite resource heavy? I only have a budget laptop, it does have 4GB of RAM but 1.6Ghz processor which I am assuming is not even at the level of Intel i3 processors.

    It seems to be unusable for Android Studio, which is a shame because while it did load Pycharm for Python a lot slower than my desktop, it was still useable. Everything seems to have come to a crawl with Android Studio.

    What's everyone else experience with Android Studio 3 who have used it before, is it resource heavy, what minimum specs should I have for it in a new laptop?

    submitted by /u/Keithc1990
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    I need help getting my code to communicate with a raspberry pi 3

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 10:58 AM PDT

    I need help getting my code to communicate with a raspberry pi 3. Any help is appreciate!

    submitted by /u/randy-ursery
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    Bottom sheet and ListView Question

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 10:32 AM PDT

    Hey guys I've decided to combine my questions into one. I'll keep it short. I know about custom ListView adapters and the view holder pattern but my ListView seems to be not nearly as fast as say a recycler view. I was wondering if there were any libraries or knowledge you guys may have to make the ListView incredibly quick. Also the ListView is using very little in the get view method. Almost no processing.

    This is the big one. Do you guys have any insight on how to make Google's bottom sheet faster? I want it to be super quick and smooth but it seems to shutter or lag a bit and I cannot figure out for the life of me. I do have a seekbar and a countdown timer in the app itself but they are in background threads.

    This is my first app ever and I'm making a music player and it's much harder than I ever thought possible. I would appreciate any tips or tricks or feedback anyone may have for me!

    submitted by /u/thenotoriousrog
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    AR and its adoption

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 06:15 AM PDT

    I've noticed there are very few AR apps in the play store and they all have low scores...

    Is it even worth my time to create AR games or apps at this early stage of AR? Would an AR medical imaging app be worth anything to anyone, I was thinking of porting my volumetric renderer.

    submitted by /u/warvstar
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    Are there any code review(Pull requests) guidelines that you follow for reviewing Android Code?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2018 09:51 PM PDT

    During code reviews, do you follow any sort of guidelines/checklist that you and your peers created? What are the best practices that you usually follow? Looking for some ideas here. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/siddharth-shah
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    What is the "Android Architecture Component" for running asynchronous code?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 08:15 AM PDT

    • Loaders
    • AsyncTask
    • Service
    • IntentService
    • Thread
    • Handler
    • Runnable
    • Executor
    • Scheduler
    • RxJava
    • LiveData

    This is a list of things I've found that might be necessary to run asynchronous code in Android. As a developer new to Android, I want to focus on building my app, not worry about intricacies that could probably be abstracted away. Android Architecture Components did that for me in regards to lifecycle and database persistence. What would you choose to be an Architecture Component for running asynchronous code?

    This is what I'm currently dealing with that needs to be run asynchronously:

    1. Insert, update, and delete data with Room.
    2. Request data from a web service with Retrofit and pass it to the UI layer.
    submitted by /u/gollyzila
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    Java SE 9 after 2019 - Android Looking Ahead?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2018 05:50 PM PDT


    I just saw this, and I was curious. Is Google actively looking to replace something, or deal with this licensing issue? How will it affect developers for Android Apps?

    I haven't touched Android in almost a year, but I will be looking to get back into it shortly. I saw something about OpenJDK a few years ago on a quick search. Does this mean that Google has already been actively finding a replacement of sorts?

    submitted by /u/kardall
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    How many apps are actually developed using all those fancy techniques?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 05:59 AM PDT

    This is not a serious or urgent question, but I am just curious.

    I suppose there are three types of development.

    1. Software companies developing their own apps by employees.

      1-1. Large companies: Google, Facebook, Uber, Amazon...

      1-2. Small companies.

    2. Apps developed by a contractor (freelancers, agencies) for clients.

    3. An individual or a group of friends making their own app.

    There are lots of fancy techniques that may save time and prevent bugs in the long run, but take a lot of initial investments (time and efforts) and are not absolutely required to implement the app's functionalities (that is, unless you see the code, apparently the result look almost the same). For example, CI, DI, unit test, automated UI test, MVP, etc.

    I guess (1-1) companies would use all of them, because they have the money and resources. For (2), probably the developers would not try to do those extra work, unless they are explicitly requested to, especially when they are expected to build the entire platform (Android + iOS + server + server management + design) fast (60 days) and cheaply ($10k ~ 20k). I am not sure about (1-2) and (3).

    submitted by /u/evolution2015
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