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    Thursday, April 19, 2018

    Linux How do I stop the volume slider from making a 'bloop' noise when I change volume?

    Linux How do I stop the volume slider from making a 'bloop' noise when I change volume?

    How do I stop the volume slider from making a 'bloop' noise when I change volume?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 10:58 AM PDT

    I have the volume controls mapped to my mouse. When I raise or lower the volume, each tick goes "bloop." Relatively mild annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless. Is there any way to make it silent without losing the alert sound for all events?

    submitted by /u/TheYask
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    Ubuntu: Install 18.04 now or wait until 26th?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 07:06 AM PDT

    Hello, I know that Ubuntu 18.04 LTS arrives on the 26th but if I use the nightly build will the nightly build be upgraded to the final release ?

    submitted by /u/GoatsClimbTrees
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    How can I recover deleted files?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 10:39 AM PDT

    So I actually have a rooted android phone and thought that there might be some kind of commands I could run to recover lost data. Maybe with dd?

    Anyway, I have an EXTREMELY important vcf file that has all of my contacts. Some of them I absolutely can NOT lose. I don't give a shit about all the pictures and apps I lost, but I absolutely need my contacts. This just happened last night and I haven't been using my phone yet, so hopefully it didn't get overwritten. Also, I run my phone FLOSS only, which means no google cloud backup or whatever it's called now.

    Idiotic me: I backed up my contacts to a vcf file because I was going to re flash a rom, however, I accidentally wiped the internal storage. I had no backup of the rom, or any texts. Therefore, I lost almost all of my contacts. I had a few of them saved in the sim card, but I'm missing the majority of them.

    submitted by /u/thrower65
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    GPU version of Tensorflow not working in Ubuntu 16

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 01:57 PM PDT

    from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib print(device_lib.list_local_devices()) 


    The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use FMA instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations. [name: "/cpu:0" device_type: "CPU" 

    even though the GPU version seemed to successfully install with sudo pip3 install tensorflow-gpu and under pip3 list, I see tensorflow-gpu 1.7.0

    I also noticed that under pip list, there was tensorflow. So I removed it with pip uninstall tensorflow

    When I try the python commands above, I now get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow'

    I even uninstalled the gpu version and re-installed it:

    sudo pip3 uninstall tensorflow-gpu sudo pip3 install tensorflow-gpu 

    but I still get the No module named 'tensorflow' error

    why is this?

    submitted by /u/74throwaway
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    Good lightweight distro for noob/kid?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 01:46 PM PDT

    Recently picked up an older laptop (20gb HDD, 512mg RAM) for cheap, no OS installed. Looking for a good Linux distro to put on it for my kid (9yrs old). He's interested in programming and I feel like learning Linux would be a good thing, it seems to encourage that style of thought process more than just slapping Windows on it. Unfortunately, I am also a complete Linux noob, I'm taking a class rn but don't have much more under my belt that basic file system commands, etc. Basically, what's lightweight enough to run well on an older system, and is good for beginners?

    submitted by /u/AnarchySoda
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    Arch UEFI Dualboot Windows 10

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 05:25 AM PDT

    Hey I want to install Arch on my Windows Notebook. I tried to manually install Arch on it, but couldnt get it to work. Then i tried to install antergos (based on Arch) without an DE, but got errors with cnchi. Can someone suggest me a way or a easy tutorial, how i can install Arch as a Dualboot on UEFI, but without an DE

    submitted by /u/MelK25
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    How to fix slow internet on Ubuntu 16.04 when using NetGear, Inc. WG111v3 54 Mbps Wireless [realtek RTL8187B]?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 12:19 PM PDT

    It's working really well on Windows 7 and 8 but really slow on Linux!

    submitted by /u/ASamir
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    How do you install a GTK3 theme or Gnome Shell Theme in Gnome 3.26?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 12:58 AM PDT

    I've lost a good hour trying to do it. I'm on Debian Sid and Gnome 3.26.

    I'm trying to install either


    I can't, for the life of me, get them to show up.

    I DO have enabled use themes in the extensions, and I have:

    1) Copied the files in ~/.themes
    2) Copied the files, as root, in /usr/share/thames

    Still they do not show up in gnome-tweak-tools. I've also relogged and rebooted a bunch of times.

    What else could I try?

    EDIT: This seems to work https://github.com/tliron/install-gnome-themes

    submitted by /u/Murlocs_Gangbang
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    Is there any way to get over the lower limit on KDE's lock screen timeout?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 11:10 AM PDT

    My laptop is playing music at the moment, and isn't to be tampered with (i'm at a party). Because I always forget to lock the screen, I'd like to lower the timeout to like 5 seconds, but KDE's settings only allow 1 minute at most, ~/.config/kscreenlockerrc doesn't parse 0.x apparently, so I'm out of options. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/kepfle
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    Disable backups from Acronis

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 10:39 AM PDT

    I have a Ubuntu Mini USB that my friend wants to copy with Acronis. Is there a way to disable, from within the OS, backups from external software like Acronis. Say, maybe encrypting it or something?

    submitted by /u/Shadowychaos
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    Even though my AntergOS box has GNOME by default, can I still install something like i3 or Enlightenment?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 02:55 AM PDT

    Upgrade or Reinstall?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 09:01 PM PDT

    I am currently running Ubuntu 17.10. However, on 18.04, they mention not just version updates, but also changes to many things, particularly,

    "ifupdown has been deprecated in favor of netplan.io and is no longer present on new installs. The installer will generate a configuration file for netplan.io in the /etc/netplan directory. This netplan.io configuration in turn renders backend-specific configuration via either systemd-networkd or NetworkManager. Desktop users will see their system fully managed via NetworkManager as it has been the case in previous releases. Server users will now see their network devices managed via systemd-networkd. This only applies to new installations."

    I want to get all the changes made to 18.04, so I was thinking that some changes will only be available if I reinstall from scratch instead of upgrading. However, I'd like to just upgrade since I would rather not lose my current installation.

    What do you think? Should I just upgrade from 17.10 or reinstall 18.04 when it comes out?

    submitted by /u/OrthographicCube
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    Git remote repo for pass.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 02:10 AM PDT


    I am trying to set up a remote repo for pass (the password manager) and atm I seem to be failing badly.

    Followng the manual I did pass git init and got the usual

    Initialized empty Git repository in /home/$USER/.password-store/.git [master (root-commit) 998c8fd] Added current contents of password store. etc... 

    ok looks good so next step in the manual would be pass git remote add origin git@github.com:username/reponame.git, ok so up to this point everything looks to be ok?

    Now if I do pass git remote -v I can clearly see

    origin git@github.com:username/reponame (fetch) origin git@github.com:username/reponame (push) 

    Again, this also looks correct right?

    The problems start when I try to push anything. What I get is

    ERROR: Repository not found. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 

    Now I am not sure what to do here. Every other repo on my machine works. I have a bare repo for my dotfiles that works great. SSH key also works with other repos.

    I did google a lot about it but didn't have much luck fixing anything. One of the suggestions i found was to set the url with git remote set-url origin but it did nothing.

    I'm probably missing something very simple and easy to fix and I just can't see it.



    Ok I don't know what I was thinking there. My brain just stopped workinig for a moment.

    submitted by /u/gaabrysz
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    Pulling my hair out trying to install mint.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2018 12:38 AM PDT

    Installed mint first time from USB using default options. Didn't boot.

    Booted from USB and installed again, using custom options. Installed, booted fine, but wifi not working and cannot find secondary HDD.

    Rebooted with USB again, wifi works.

    Reboot using installation on computer, wifi still doesn't work, HDD still not visible. HDD is visible when I'm at the partition screen of install, but not anywhere else.

    Sudo fdisk -l

    doesn't show it the secondary HDD

    Gparted isn't installed and I can't install it because no internet.

    Can connect to multiple working wifi networks, all show as connected, can ping the routers, but no internet.

    I suspect that the reason the default didn't work was that my laptop has 2 HDDs, a normal one, and an SSD, sda is set as the HDD and sdb is set to the SSD when I go to install.

    I also cannot remove dev/mapper, and am not sure where it is putting it.

    What do?

    submitted by /u/mattizie
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    Linux Mint = Ubuntu?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 08:47 PM PDT

    I'm a big fan of the look and feel of mint but I had the understanding that it's basically a desktop theme for Ubuntu. Especially cinnamon (mate is based on gnome? debian?)

    Anyway mint 19 is supposed to have a significant performance gains. Does this mean that credit goes to Mint or to Ubuntu? How much is specific to mint?

    I hope I'm not conflating the cinnamon desktop (which I know can be activated in Ubuntu) with significant development done by the mint team on their distro. I've even themed antegros with cinnamon, but paddled back to my safe space when I needed my machine to just work for homework.

    Edit: See here

    All Linux Mint releases are now based entirely on the latest Ubuntu release, guaranteeing full compatibility between the two. All Ubuntu-compatible computers are listed on Ubuntu.com

    But. But.

    Linux Mint is lighter and faster than Ubuntu, although Ubuntu has improved its speed since 12.04. Mint is arguably a better choice than Ubuntu for older or under-powered hardware.

    Now mint 19 is improving its speed but not Ubuntu?

    submitted by /u/DrumpfsterFryer
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    Need help with piping commands using Xterm -e or Konsole -e

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 07:40 PM PDT

    Hi anyone here who can please help, I am trying to execute a shell script from an python application and want to pipe my variable to the shell script.

    • using ("xterm -hold -e echo 'MyVar' | MyScript.sh") - output: echo's the whole string instead of piping and executing,

    • using ('xterm -hold -e script -c "echo 'MyVar' | MyScript.sh"') output: runs the script without the echo being piped.

    I have also tried the above with konsole --hold -e and the issue is the same. Also is there an alternative way I could pass a variable to a shell script in a single command ?

    submitted by /u/nogzSurgy
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    Ubuntu 16.04 is not booting from the USB

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 04:26 PM PDT

    So I have this Windows 10 machine, and I am trying to do a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04 on it. I downloaded the ISO from Ubuntu and then I used Rufus to burn it onto the USB. Then I switched the BIOS startup priority to USB-HDD instead of the local hard drive.

    After saving the priorities, the computer attempted to restart, but then it gets stuck on the Windows logo and does nothing, rather than launches Ubuntu.

    Any ideas on what could be going on?

    submitted by /u/aguilarmg
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    [ArchLinux] nvidia 940mx does't seem to work

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 10:21 PM PDT

    Hi. I am new to Linux and I chose Arch as my first distro on purpose; I don't mind spending hours learning.

    I installed the closed nvidia drivers (I want the best performance) using: pacman -Sy nvidia lib32-nvidia-libgl

    But when I open Blender for example I don't see the GPU option at all, and when I open a video file it doesn't work properly. So I just want to make sure whether I installed it correctly and if not, how do I do that?

    I read the wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA but it's a bit complicated for me, so please go easy on me.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/GrayPsyche
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    Desktop environment error

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 08:37 PM PDT

    I'm using arch and I was using gnome because I know only gnome as a desktop environment therefore I have installed gnome. But I was trying to learn Arch linux for love of open source world. So, I have seen the KDE. It was very new and fascinating thing for me because I'm a newbie :). Therefore I have wanted to switch to KDE. I installed the plasma and the kde-applications packages and I did, I installed the KDE and I was using it but there is a thing that I didn't know. I was still using gnome menu for login(I was Changing gnome to kde from a little gear thing left side of the login screen). Therefore I was searching how to do that but finally I have found a thing that will help me(or I supposed to this) then I removed the gnome and gnome-extra packages or whatever. So I rebooted my computer then I got simple Arch screen(black terminal thing e.i login and password). So I saw, I didn't handle it :(. But I find a new thing that will help me :(. I was trying to type "systemctl enable sddm.service(probably you know but It's plasma desktop environment thing)" but It was syslinked to gnm.service(probably you know too but it's gnome desktop environment thing) So I saw a new command from BBC.Arch that was "systemctl enable sddm.service -f" in "sudo su" mode. After that I rebooted my computer, everything was fine but after boot screen my plasma wasn't show itself. There is a black screen and that's it :(. I want to fix it but I can't access the part which is writeble part. Therefore I need to help from you guys I'm trying to fix it almost 3 hours. Thanks for interesting and helping already now.(I probably need to access writeble or codeble part)

    submitted by /u/BedirhanYalta
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    Trying to install Linux on clean macbook pro

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 03:39 PM PDT

    I have an old mid-2009 macbookpro which I'm trying to get linux onto but keep running into issues with the uefi problems when booting, it's making it so that the boot times are much longer than they should be. Is there something I can do or any particular distribution I can use to avoid issues?

    submitted by /u/oonis
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    Need help with SHVC Encoding

    Posted: 18 Apr 2018 06:13 PM PDT

    This is probably not the right sub, but I couldn't find any other more relevant ones. So I apologize in advance.

    I need help with encoding a 20 sec video using SHVC (scalable extension of HEVC). I know that I need to use the SHM Reference Software but I don't know how to use it. I downloaded the source code on my Ubuntu 64 bit machine. However the documentation is not very thorough.

    I have 2 questions: (1) How do I use the encoder? (2) What is the configuration for encoding with 1 base layer and 3 enhancement layer?

    submitted by /u/DwightUC
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