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    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Hey can you come here to put a charger in the middle of the night? Tech Support

    Hey can you come here to put a charger in the middle of the night? Tech Support

    Hey can you come here to put a charger in the middle of the night?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    So this story happend like 4 years ago and my father is OP, sorry for my grammar english isn't my first language and yada yada yada

    Some informationMy father works as an informatic in a hospital and he sometime does this "reachable" (thanks to the comments, now i know it's "on call) thing for some days which tbh I don't know a flip about but basically everyone in the hospital can call him at every, yes EVERY hour of the day if he as a problem with a pc (even if it doesn't start). This is counted as overtime and he gets paid more and if he do this for a week he gets a day home when he wants so totally worth it (he has like 60 days in account by now so if he wants a two months break he can take it and get paid). Ok i talked way too much, now onto the story

    Ok it was 3 A.M. and my mom and dad are sleeping as well as i am in my room, right next to theirs. We all suddently wake, there's a loud noise, it was my father's phone ringing: the hospital. It pisses of but it happens less than once a month, no one calls at night, so he answers, now i'll write the conversation my dad told me.

    D= dad IN= idiot nurse

    D: hello?

    IN: hello is this surname?

    D: yes, what seems to be the issue?

    IN, i am at the end of my night shift and i need to write some report down before i go home but my the office pc doesn't start!

    D: ok it had problems in the past days? The nurse before you said something about it don't working well?

    IN: No anything! What do i do!?!? I need to sleeeeep!!

    D: ok ok calm. What does the monitor say?

    IN: No signal. What does it mean (english isn't first language here so she didn't know)

    D: ok proceeds to tell her what no signal stands for and tries to solve the problem

    This goes on for about 15 mins and the pc won't start

    Suddently my dad has a realization.

    D: wait look under the desk

    IN: ok what now?

    D: is the charger in the power point?

    IN: No? Should it?

    D: huff Yes, or else the pc has no electricity to work

    IN: Ewww but it's gross! There's too much dust! Can't you come here and put it in for me?

    D: Are you kidding me? I am here to tell you what to do, not to do it, you are a damn nurse you should have some gloves! If you're so picky use them! BYE! Hangs up

    My dad was fuming and he was super tired and went back to sleep. The they after he told us the story and we all laughet about it.

    That woman has some powers my dad never gets angry even with my EM (entitled mother) he stays calm (i should post about her on other subreddits) but this nurse was so dumb he couldn't do it anymore. Happy you reached the end! Have a good day!

    Edit: grammar. Also for everyone asking the hospital is 1 hour of car from my house so the nurse wanted my dad to get in the car in the middle of the night, drive an hour put a damn charger in and come back hom. Some people

    submitted by /u/Surtur_176
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