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    Saturday, November 30, 2019

    App Feedback Thread - November 30, 2019 Android Dev

    App Feedback Thread - November 30, 2019 Android Dev

    App Feedback Thread - November 30, 2019

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:28 AM PST

    This thread is for getting feedback on your own apps.


    • must provide feedback for others
    • must include Play Store, GitHub, or BitBucket link
    • must make top level comment
    • must make effort to respond to questions and feedback from commenters
    • may be open or closed source


    • must give constructive feedback in replies to top level comments
    • must not include links to other apps

    To cut down on spam, accounts who are too young or do not have enough karma to post will be removed. Please make an effort to contribute to the community before asking for feedback.

    As always, the mod team is only a small group of people, and we rely on the readers to help us maintain this subreddit. Please report any rule breakers. Thank you.

    - Da Mods

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The Most Popular IDE (Top IDE index) 2004 - 2019

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Learning material for crazy UI animations?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:35 AM PST

    Before you downvote, look at this: https://www.instagram.com/p/B1fdLzwgsfY/

    Take a look at that guys profile and all the animations. I'm just curious if there's any learning material for creating UI animations and transitions like that on Android? I'd really love to learn something like that.

    Transitions in my app suck so bad that I feel like people might have seizures after looking at them.

    submitted by /u/AwkwardShake
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    Remove my account from old projects in Google Play Console

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:35 AM PST

    I have two projects I was a part of that both apps were removed from violating Google Play policies. This happened around 3 years ago and I think I did not receive any strikes on my personal account (is there a way to actually check this?). Anyway, I would very much like to clean up my account and not have any remaining connection to these projects but there are no options to remove a dev account from a project not owned and also I have no way to contact these old clients. Is there anything I could do? If an app is removed due to policy violation can it still harm me in any way in the future?

    submitted by /u/tiago7s
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    Should I make an update to my old app?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:26 AM PST

    I have an old app which was my first app uploaded to Google Play somewhere in 2014. It's a simple flashlight app. I didn't touch it since 2014.

    Now I would like to make an update to fix things but I'm afraid when I do, then Google will suspend it because of repetitive content and also maybe terminate my account because of 3 strikes then.

    This app is not popular and the risk is probably not worth it, but I would like to make my Google Play account pure without apps not working in new android versions.

    There is also option to unpublish this app. What would you do?

    submitted by /u/drunkmax00va
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    How to get the best match of multiple-resources, each with different qualifiers?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:04 PM PST

    Android has a built in algorithm to get which resource to use in case there are multiple being offered, each with a different qualifier (see table 2 here).

    I want to mimic this algorithm, or even use it directly on simple strings.

    Meaning that if I'm on a device with some specific configuration, and provide it with some strings that each is the resource with the qualifier, it will tell me which to use.

    Example of an app icon : I'm on a device with screen density of XXHDPI and on Android Q, and the input I send it is those strings : "res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png" , "res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png" , and "mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml" .

    On this case, it will tell me to use the "ic_launcher.xml" option.

    How can I do this? Should I go over the table and implement identification of each, by this order?

    The reason I ask this question is that sadly Google is planning to ruin storage permission (use SAF instead), which means I won't be able to parse APK files normally outside of the app's path, so I try to use workarounds to get app-icon and app-name, such as using an APK parser library, and even creating VectorDrawable out of a binary XML content

    submitted by /u/AD-LB
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    Open my app when QR-Code is scanned

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:42 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out a way to have a qrcode open my app to a specific activity. Is this possible? I've looked on stackoverflow and found the answers mainly answering how to create a qr-code which is less than helpful.

    submitted by /u/Stem3576
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    Christmas Libs

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:31 AM PST

    Dear Devs,

    Every year I make my SO an app around Christmas. I've done a treasure hunt, an advent calendar, a little game on Unity, and this year I'm doing a 12 days of Christmas thing.

    I've been looking for any quick win libraries that I can chuck in to make the thing feel a bit more fun and tacky and overall Christmassy, but I've not been able to find anything.

    Does anyone know of any libs that have snow effects, or Santa swipes, or.... well... anything really. The more I throw at it the better.

    Thanks for your help and kind regards (I'll hold off wishing y'all Merry Xmas for now as it' still November),


    submitted by /u/onion_dude
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    How To Create Menu Attachment Popup Like WhatsApp on Android

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Well, I think the popup menu on WhatsApp is creative. My inner curiosity kicks in and voila https://medium.com/@rifqi416/how-to-create-menu-attachment-popup-like-whatsapp-on-android-d4d45a38e1c4. It's not 100% the same but I would say it's close enough with the real one.

    repo: https://github.com/rifqimfahmi/Attachment-Menu-Like-WhatsApp

    submitted by /u/rifqimfahmi
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    Load Video from listview to VideoView programmatically

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:07 PM PST

    How would you programmatically load a chosen video from a listview into a videoview without using exoplayer library?

    submitted by /u/Televurr
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    remove apps from store

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:20 AM PST

    I need to remove or delete apps with violation and I can't fix them because I lost the key store.and the google support team only looks to requests after publishing an update or fixing issue

    the apps was created long years ago.

    any Ideas?

    submitted by /u/SaryElGmal
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    Google’s Plan for Dagger 2 for 2020 and Beyond

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:41 PM PST

    Channel closing + testing advise

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    Could use some help getting my head around. Some channel vs flow basics and how to test them. The general pattern is a single stream for UI data, kinda like mvi. The fragment subscribes* to a viewStateStream* from the Viewmodel* on init it returns a default state and as the screen needs to be redrawn this stream will push updates. (1. This is done on a using a lifecycle scope. 2. This contains all the data need to render the screen, 3. Android Viewmodels if that helps). To get updates to the Viewmodels the fragment just invokes a method on the Viewmodels. So I'll start with a usecase. I have an app that as you scroll around the screen, it detects changes the screens bounds get a set of images of small images that will fill up the screen.

    To do this the following steps are taken:
    Scollview -> Fragment <-> VM <-> "Procssing Delegate"

    1. Scrollview inform Activity about bounds changed
    2. Activity Informs a viewModel about bounds changed
    3. The Viewmodel invokes a method of a class that returns channel
    4. That methods returns data as it is full processed to the Viewmodel
    5. The Viewmodel pushes this to the UI

    example stubbed out gist:

    1) I'm not sure about how the channel is returning data I don't like the sealed class the type erasure seem like to much of a hassle and potential cause of problems to use.

    2) I'm fairly new to use channels so I'm not sure about how to close them or rather if I'm doing that correctly. Plus how it works with embedded jobs.

    3) Testing this right now I'm using a mix of runBlocking and CountDownLatch mixed with a method that clears the ConflatedBroadcastChannel and other variables to give a seem clean start to the next test. What are other ways to approach stream based unit tests.

    4) Any other advise/feedback I know the examples is a little silly as the api could just return this data and there are better ways to draw, but it similar enough to some real world use cases I've had that I felt it was a good middle ground.

    submitted by /u/CubanAzcuy
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    Using a firebase database with Android studio

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:32 AM PST

    Does anyone have any good resources to learn how to add and remove data from a firebase database in Android sudio?

    submitted by /u/Darksoul989
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    Important Consideration to Keep in Mind! How to Reduce the Cost of Mobile App Development?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:24 AM PST

    Learn the basic via tutorials or learn the basics while making your final product?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:20 PM PST

    I've been following a bunch of tutorials on how to create android apps. I feel like while I can do individual things I have a hard time connecting how everything works together. Is this something that comes with experience? I feel like if I started working on what I want to make right now it will be more of a mess then if I get the experience with other apps first and work on it in a couple months(I've only been at this for a week)? Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/byteToGo
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