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    Saturday, August 10, 2019

    I need to save a voicemail from a deceased loved one and I'm not sure how to. Tech Support

    I need to save a voicemail from a deceased loved one and I'm not sure how to. Tech Support

    I need to save a voicemail from a deceased loved one and I'm not sure how to.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    My father passed away recently and I have a everyday voicemail from him that I'd like to save and I'm wondering how I'd do that other than recording it on another device while my phone is on speaker.

    I tried that and it degrades the quality of his voice message.

    I know you can forward messages to another number but I really don't want to mess this up.

    Edit: found an app that works on my phone and I've downloaded that today for peace of mind.

    Thank you for all of the suggestions and kind thoughts, I was having a really hard time earlier trying to figure things out.

    Also apologies if mobile is making the format wonky.

    submitted by /u/MewFlames
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    I need help figuring out how to get cell signal in my room because my door blocks it all. Literally full LTE to nothing when you close one door.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Some context: I am currently living and working on a cruise ship of sorts (Mississippi River boat) and the cell signal in the hallway outside my room is perfect, full bars LTE. I don't know what my door is made of but when it's closed I get no service whatsoever, maybe 1 bar of 1x cellular if I'm lucky.

    I've looked into buying a signal booster/repeater but all the ones I can find are these house set ups meant for a whole house and over $400. I literally just need to get signal past one door. Is there anyway for me to do this efficiently

    submitted by /u/LWelly
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    A certain controller doesn't work.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 01:13 AM PDT

    I was using it earlier today, no problems. I went to grab some good, went back and it didn't work. Now, my first thought was that maybe simply unplugging the controller and plugging it back in would help, that didn't fix it.

    Next, I restarted my laptop, didn't help. After that, I changed the USB cable, that also didn't help.

    I got a second controller (PS4 DualShock) of the same type, that didn't work. I tried all of the different USB ports, none of them worked. I even tried on a second computer!

    However, an Xbox 360 controller works without any problem. Windows doesn't even recognize I've plugged something in if I try the PS4 controller.

    I'm incredibly confused about this, does anyone have a clue what the hell is going on?

    submitted by /u/my-name-got-lost
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    I bricked my Lenevo laptop by accidentally erasing my BIOS via a SPI programmer

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    Hi, first time posting on Reddit.

    So I was interested to see if I was able to remove the supervisor lock on my Lenovo Yoga 11e laptop. Long story short, I bought a CH341A Mini programmer, it's used to flash/read BIOS and EEPROM chips, and I did make sure to back up my chip, but the pins weren't connected correctly leading to a corrupted backup bin file. So I wasn't able to reflash my chip correctly, and now my laptop is bricked.

    Btw I'm sure that this wouldn't be a password issue because this is a bricked issue now. And now I want to fix my laptop. But it's up to the people with power to decide.

    Here's a photo of the chip --> http://imgur.com/gallery/rEhLzxN

    if it's not clear the chips name is W25Q64FVSIG and the manufacturer is Winbond

    But on my way trying to solve my issue I went on Lenovo's website to find the exe for updating the bios in hopes of being able to reflash the chip, so far I was able to extract the exe and find the the contents and copy it over to the erased chip, but how Lenovo updates their BIOS is wierd and the files with the BIOS content is a FL1 files, it is still readable with HxD hex editor so I just copy and pasted the contents from there to the chip via my SPI programmer. And I put my laptop back together and it was still bricked, but I'm still determined to fix it. So here I am now asking reddit for advice.

    Here's the link to the Lenovo bios update --> https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-yoga-series-laptops/thinkpad-yoga-11e/downloads/ds041529

    I know there are more solutions, but I only have a spi programmer and I'm interested if I can try to fix it. I have no means to spend any money on another chip or raspberry. This might be selfish to waste your time but I want to know if it could be possible.

    Here are the photos of the programs and files I had used. https://imgur.com/a/730DG2z

    To anyone reading this may your day be in your favor :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now the backstory for those who are interested. I'm a 15 year old guy, right now I am in high school and ever since from middle school I liked to mess around with computers. I know this is bad and is probably illegal, but I like to learn how does things worked and stuff, and doing all the research online on how to bypass securities and stuff, I learned how Microsoft active directory works, have the knowledge of how to bypass active directory restrictions, to have a local admin account and how to still have my computer connected to active directory. I know it's not much there are some more but I forgot, but all the time I spent I enjoyed it and shared it with some peers at school. But yeah the only thing that really got to me is how I can't bypass the bios supervisor password, and the only way to do it is to replace the chip, reflash the chip. And shorting the bios chip won't work, nor jumping it since there is not jumper. It is probably criminal of me to even try, but in the end I will still return my school laptop, so that the next person may be able to use it for their full educational needs. Also, I want to unbrick my laptop before the first day of school, but if I can't then my friend can let me borrow theirs and I could just copy the contents from their chip to mines. But I'm expecting that I will miss out alot on the first day since my laptop doesn't work. Anyways after reading that you don't have to help or bother with me, you can even report me because what I am doing is wrong. But if you do help please know that you might be involved if I get into trouble but I won't mention reddit if I do. But I highly doubt the chance, but I do not want you guys to get involve if I do get in trouble.

    submitted by /u/RazerSharkz
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    is there a way to recover the data in the external hhd after using it as a boot drive

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 12:54 AM PDT

    i think i messed up big time thinking it would keep the files to use as a boot drive to reinstall windows

    submitted by /u/iadmittedlydontknow
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    Help figuring out why my second m.2 drive won’t show up?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 12:52 AM PDT

    I just built a new PC and I went completely m.2, with my boot drive in the first slot and my larger, 1tb drive in the second slot.


    As you can see in the imgur album, my system detects the drive and so does disk management, but it doesn't show in my file explorer so I can't save anything to it.

    I really hope I'm just being stupid and this is an easy fix. Any help?

    EDIT: Solved. Just had to create a volume. Silly me.

    submitted by /u/Silverce
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    I can't click on things or use chrome properly

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    I'll just start off saying I know nothing about tech.

    Around since late june, my laptop (Lenovo yoga 520) has been acting weird to point i can barely use it. First it was that my chrome was acting weird. If I try to go back a new tab will open, and if I click on any tab it closes. My mouse will also suddenly start dragging the screen around to whereever it is pointing. Also just randomly open tabs. And then whenever that happens (which is all the time) it will coincide with the inabillity to click on anyting on my desketop.

    I've shut down and booted up again windows explorer, and done a system file checker, but it found nothing.

    submitted by /u/Hopie32
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    Sapphire RX580 8gb Nitro+ issues (not detected but powers on)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:39 AM PDT

    I've been using my computer with just the cpu (i7 3770k, mobo is a Gigabyte ga-h77m-d3h and finally got a GPU (sapphire Rx580 Nitro+ 8gb).

    I have installed it (power supply is a gamdias kratos e1 500w) and the led turns on and fans power on but I'm not getting any output (onboard graphics have output though).

    I have booted with various BIOS UEFI/Legacy settings and have cleared old drivers with DDU but am not having any luck. The GPU isn't recognised in device manager either.

    I've read a lot of mixed information about the card working with my mobo - I would like to upgrade the mobo but I don't believe there is a current LGA 1155 MOBO so I would also have to buy a new CPU but am on a pretty tight budget atm ($250-300 AUD) so any advice or recommendations would be well appreciated! Thanks

    submitted by /u/murufus
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    Transferring and viewing HEIC files from Ipone to Windows PC

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    Hoping someone can help. I have taken lots of photos of similar objects for a work survey on my Iphone. To differentiate between all the similar objects I have had to rename the photos as I take them by moving the photos to the "Files" app on my Iphone 7 and renaming them there. I'm now trying to upload these photos to my window 10 laptop but when I attach the phone via USB I can only see and open the DCIM folder? How could I transfer these renamed photos onto my computer? They seem to have now been saved as HEIC files.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/BERGKAMP57
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    event viewer

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    I have a lot of error's and critical's in event viewer. I was wondering if someone would want to help me with this by being in a call with me, or just messaging back and forth to try and fix all of them.

    submitted by /u/fcfinn
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    Japanese IME troubles

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:31 AM PDT

    I have been trying the last few days to setup a japanese keyboard. I downloaded the japanese language pack through options>time/region/language>language and it seemed to have installed fine. I switched to the japanese keyboard through the task bar and found myself typing using the japanese version of qwerty. When I went to switch to hiragana typing using the alt+tilde hotkey I saw an error pop up. It read, Japanese Ime is not ready yet. so I waited. 1 day passes while the pc is on, nothing. 2 days pass, still nothing. I tried seeking help through microsoft forums. not much to gather there. one meekly reply asking for more information, and then nothing after even getting more information.

    I chose norwegian as setup language, thats why everything is installed there. it seems through the missing icons on the two other languages that its missing these features. Anyone know of any way to fix the IME? Somewhere where the dictionarys could be misplaced by the download? Maybe they arent downloaded? is there a way to force download them? HELP!

    Also posted to r/Windows10 with an attached picture https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/cogdl9/japanese_ime_troubles/

    submitted by /u/Nut-Darkroam
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    Steam Lags -- Running out of ideas.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:22 AM PDT

    Hi, sorry if this post comes across as somewhat angry or annoyed, but I hope you can understand some frustration due to almost two and a half months of running inconclusive tests and diagnostics¹.

    Quick rundown of the problem:

    • I boot up steam
    • I launch a game
    • Game does fine for a couple of seconds (~10 seconds)
    • Game freezes up as if it's loading something heavy or if my computer isn't powerful enough
    • After a set period of time (which I think being 4 seconds) the game unfreezes and run smoothly again for a few seconds again

    This problem will continue until I close the game, and a noticeable thing is that whenever I check on task manager's performances tab, I can see the GPU's 3D tab being a rollercoaster. as seen here (this was taken from Doom 4 \ Doom 2016). Please note that I can play other games just fine, such as Forza 7 or Battlefield 4 (a post-game screenshot showing temps and gpu\cpu usages being normal)

    Some games (so far 1: dusk's singleplayer, because duskworld also has this hiccup problem) aren't affected by this issue.

    The problem arose late may\early june, I've installed the current GPU the first week of may, and for a while it was doing good (I was even able to stream doom 1080p60fps while now I can't play it due to all the hiccups), then as summer approached and temps rised it felt as if I changed pc and went to a crappier one.

    Specs (all of the components, except the GPU, were installed December 2019):

    Motherboard: Asus Prime 470-X Pro; CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x; GPU(current): MSI NVidia RTX 2060; RAM: Corsair Vengeance 2666MHz\2300MHz (Bios reads 2300, the stick reads 2666); PSU: Seasonic Focus+ ATX 750W OS(current): win10 ltsc note: I've installed LTSC out of desperation hoping it would fix the problem, but it didn't solved anything. also I've installed it wiping C:\ (with the win10's installer, you can delete everything or so from a disk,leaving almost nothing. or so I was told, anyway I formatted C:\ before reinstalling W10). But I don't know if the latest windows 10 creators update screwed everything up or not, but reinstalling win10 should've at least in theory reverted it. The old GPU was a 2009 Ati Sapphire which DXDiag kept reading as "ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series". quite the bottleneck. 

    C:\ is currently an SSD, my games are installed in an external hard drive which is a WD Passport (HDD 4TBs), the issue arose recently, and I've been using this hard drive for almost a year and never gave me problems. besides, I've also tried moving all the steam games to C:\ and they kept lagging.

    I've already tried a number of things, also issued a replacing order to amazon, but the problem is still here even with the replacement GPU.

    Temps are also usually fine-ish (it's summer, ofc it's hot. but not hot as "not even source games will load" hot)

    I've also asked this in a number of places, such as the steam forums, r/steam's support megathread, the geforce forums, various discord servers and forums.

    DxDiag:https://pastebin.com/zixMAXxS ,A recurring error (in the diagnostics part) is RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64

    Here is a video with the problem in action. The game is in background to show how whenever there's a low spike the game hangs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45kbgXXi02c

    Also, I've installed something from the AMD site, it monitors stuff from the CPU, and for some reason the EDC is always from 80 to 99% usage, i don't know if that's normal.

    I tried giving as many info as I could, please let me know if there's anything you need to know.

    ¹: Apparently RAM, hard drivers (hdd and ssd), gpu and cpu are fine. I've also updated the motherboard's bios and firmware, and i'm on the latest available gpu's driver. I've also tried switching gpu driver branch, from "game" to "studio", but it lags with either. I've also done the DDU uninstall and then reinstall everything with geforce experience, but it still lags. otherwise I wouldn't be here bitching.

    submitted by /u/Lingfox
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    Usb Keyboard malfunctioning

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    Hi, my keyboard and pc dont seem to be getting along all of a sudden. It has started to triple type and not register key strikes on my pc. I initially thought i broke it and went to a repair shop where upon getting plugged in to another pc, it worked fine. I tried uninstalling the driver (HID keyboard) and then restarting my pc but nothing. updating drivers using driver easy and still nothing changed. Im tempted to reset windows but im somewhat unwilling to go that far over a trippy keyboard. Mouse works fine. Prior to all this trouble i had removed a harddrive i had been using on the same pc which belonged to my laptop (laptop harddrive had its on windows on it) and changed the psu adapter cable since i lost it when moving house recently. Any and all help will be appreciated

    submitted by /u/XhakaToTheRescue
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    Support me

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:16 AM PDT

    I have done a project (link: https://assistant.google.com/services/a/uid/0000000fbea9ae6f?hl=en&source=web) assistant.google.com/services/a/uid… please kindly check and rate it🙏🙏

    submitted by /u/Madcreation
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    For some reason I get my i5-6600 to 100% really easily

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    I get it to 100% cpu usage in PUBG and Forza Horizon 4 really easily, while i've seen people with the same processor play those games while recording and having it at around 80%. I've also played PUBG in other pc with also the same processor and a GTX 1060 (don't remember if it was 3 or 6GB) and the game ran much smoother than mine.

    I really need some advice as before I had smoother gameplay but I haven't changed anything as far as I know but upgrading my ram.

    My components:

    Motherboard: MSI B250M Mortar Arctic
    CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 (4 cores / 4 threads @ 3,3Ghz)
    Graphics Card: Gigabyte Radeon RX 570 4GB
    RAM: 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance PRO RGB 3200Mhz CL16 (currently 2133Mhz CL11)
    CPU Cooler: Nox Hummer H-212
    Power Supply: Corsair VS650
    Case: NZXT S340
    Drives: 120GB Kingston A400 SSD
    2TB Seagate Barracuda HDD

    submitted by /u/LinkFullAD
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    I can't change NB frequency in BIOS

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    For some reason I can't find a way to change NB frequency in my PC with MSI TOMAHAWK B450 BIOS.
    I don't know why my NB frequency is very low.
    CPU Z:
    My PC:

    submitted by /u/Pochmannn
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    Japanese textfiles gibberish after extracting

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    Hello, I have the problem that when I want to play a Japanese Game the game doesn't open and an error is shown with many questions marks or the text in the game is incomprehensible. I tried everything out which was suggested on the webstore faq but nothing worked so far. My region is set to Japan, I turned off my antivirus and I tried different extracting software. I noticed that the textfiles contain strange letters after extracting. Please help me. Thank you for your help.

    submitted by /u/Korawaki
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    Laptop gives 2 kinds of BSODs and I can't use it for more than 10 minutes

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    Hi! So my 9 months old laptop has become almost unusable. It started a few days ago where it would give this quick BSOD I couldn't even read when moving photos from an SD card to the laptop. Now it goes on BSODs randomly every 10 minutes, sometimes it's "critical process died", others it's "unexpected store exception". I can't even run the windows or GPU driver updates because the BSOD will stop them. Here are the specs Intel i7-7500U 8 GB ram NVIDIA MX130 512GB SSD

    After the BSOD, it asks what boot I want to use.

    How can I solve this please?

    Let me know if you need more info. I'm pretty desperate to solve this as I need my laptop to study for my exams. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Keralyze
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    2080 TI Bend Power Connector - PROBLEMS

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 02:56 AM PDT

    I have been having problems with my 2080 ti. Not posting after every boot, can't pick 1080p and general weirdness. I think its due to the power connector on the right side coming loose. https://imgur.com/a/DvBXBMp Do you guys think I could just replace the power connector and get it to work again? How hard would something like that be?

    submitted by /u/dum1515
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    Power surge on sub port.pc

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 02:48 AM PDT

    Hi I'm having issues getting my usb ports to work, I've been running an oculos rift without problems for a month now. I purchased a playstation gold wireless headset today for it. Everything worked fine until I plugged the headset into the computer to charge and then immediately the usb port experienced power surge. I looked up that I must uninstall and reinstall my drivers which I did and everything will work fine for a little bit but it's becoming a recurring thing. Not really sure what to do at this point and dont want to have to reinstall everything everytime I turn on the oculos. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thank you In advance.

    submitted by /u/whodat330
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    Took ram out and once i put it back in i wouldnt get a display from monitor.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 02:46 AM PDT

    I noticed i had 8 gigs of ram instead of the usual 16 so i decided to put both back in. Well now my pc will boot with lights and fans, but i wont get a display. Monitor works fine. Hdmi works fine. Im almost certain its the ram.

    submitted by /u/RS6Teemohitr
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    How do i enable TPM 2.0, secure boot, UEFI MAT, DEP in BIOS (ASUS Motherboard) ?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 02:37 AM PDT

    Also is it needed ?

    submitted by /u/z6v79vn
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    Simultaneously tapping and releasing a key causes the released key to activate

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 02:34 AM PDT

    The released key always activates after the tapped key. So if I hold z, then tap x and release z, xz sometimes comes out. Happens on mouse as well. Tapping one key never activates another. I couldn't reproduce this problem on a different PC with the same keyboard

    submitted by /u/newacccc4c
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    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 02:32 AM PDT

    I have a rtx 2060 and ryzen 5 2600 and a 60hz monitor so I turned v-sync on and it drops 2 frames for a second sometimes - is it normal ? _ I am new in pc

    submitted by /u/ahmedsameh7
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