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    Friday, July 5, 2019

    Linux Stuck on synchronizing SCSI cache during installation of ubuntu

    Linux Stuck on synchronizing SCSI cache during installation of ubuntu

    Stuck on synchronizing SCSI cache during installation of ubuntu

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    Changing ISPs fixed Steam locking up my PC while downloading

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    This isn't really asking for help, moreso trying to figure out WTF happened.

    I went from a fiber ISP offering 300/300 to a cable ISP offering 400/50.

    While on the fiber ISP, Steam would cause my CPU load to spike while downloading, and cause my entire computer to lock up for a few seconds at a time. As soon as I switched to the cable ISP, Steam behaves as expected, with no lockups or anything of the sort happening.

    I'd like to know WTF is going on. I realize this makes absolutely no sense, but I can't wrap my mind around it.

    submitted by /u/Nestramutat-
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    Trying a full Linux installation in a different hard drive than the one in which I have Windows

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:05 AM PDT


    I'm planning on switching to a Linux distro (I'm still doubtful between Kubuntu or Debian KDE), but I'm not sure about hardware compatibility, firmware issues, and making everything ready, like some software I have to install.

    I have three hard drives on my desktop computer, one with my Windows, another one with my files and a third one which is basically sitting there without much use.

    Before completely switching to Linux I've thought of installing some distros in that hard drive (it has enough capacity), and try them like in daily activities and tasks to make sure which distro is better for me.

    But I have a question, would I need to set a new boot loader or something, like I did when I installed Ubuntu along with Windows 7 on the same hard drive?

    Could I simply choose the hard drive I want to boot from, using the boot menu from BIOS, like I do when I want to boot from a live CD or USB drive?

    That way I would have my Windows like always, booting by default, and when I feel like working with Linux I could just change the booting order and boot from Linux.

    I would have to set GRUB for the different distros in that hard drive, but that's all, no overlapping with Windows boot loader or anything.

    Is this possible and fine?


    submitted by /u/880975834
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    Im thinking of ditching DE's and only using TMUX + i3-gaps, any reason not to?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 01:00 AM PDT

    I like tmux because it makes everything nice and neat, while using the terminal. i3 gaps is very minimalistic and neat so this setup should be best of both worlds. only problem ive had in the past is setting a wallpaper. i guess id use dmenu to launch programs. is there any reason why i shouldnt use this setup? i mostly browse on firefox, play games via steam, watch movies with mpv, cmus for music, file explorer stuff, transmission, and a few other small things.

    submitted by /u/OniiLink
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    Looking for a lightweight but highly customisable DE

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:03 AM PDT

    I'm currently using cinnamon on LinuxMint 19.1 but I feel like I want something more customisable. I'm open to literally any DE as long as it's highly customisable and lightweight (uses under 1GB of memory if nothing else is running)

    submitted by /u/mimshipio
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    Installing Linux kernel to hard partition

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    I have configures the latest kernel and I don't know how to install/compile to a separate partition as a new os and make it bootable. Any help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/OGaskell
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    Has anyone had any luck with Ryzen 3500u processors with Vega 8?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    I've tried for over 7 hours just to get this thing to boot into a Linux distro so I'm giving up on forums/google searches for now. I'm asking directly :(

    I've just purchased a Dell 5585 with a Ryzen 3500u and Radeon Vega 8. If I try to boot into any Linux live USB all I get is a black screen. I can boot into the grub Menu just fine, but as soon as I try to load the live Distro, black screen. Nothing. Can't even do CTRL ALT F keys to bring up tty.

    Now the distro I want to use is Manjaro KDE. But I have tried Ubuntu, and Arch (just cause of newer kernel built into the installer by default. But still does the same).

    I've update the BIOS and have tried all sorts of recommendations found through google searches / forum searches such as modifying various modsets in the grub menu.

    I'm not sure how to go about diagnosing this issue as I get 0 feedback due to the black screen. I can get to the Grub CLI from the Grub menu but I have no idea what to do once there. I'm suspecting this is some sort of video issue.

    Does anybody have any ideas? I'm at a total loss.

    Thanks for anyone that tries to help me, though at this point, I'm suspecting I'll have to wait for the kernels to be more compatible with this processor.

    submitted by /u/th1rst
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    Manjaro KDE - No internet until logged in

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    So, I have migrated my previous home server with Plex for home cinema, OpenVPN Server for tunneling to my home network, NoMachine for remote desktop and Pi-Hole + Pi-Hole-FTL running on Linux Mint Cinnamon to Manjaro KDE.
    Everything works fine, as long as I log in after a boot. If I don't login, the Ethernet connection is enabling. On the KDE network settings I checked the "make connection available for everyone" option, still no difference.
    The connection is set to automatic but the router is set to give the server the IP and this works, just after login.

    submitted by /u/Viper3120
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    So I just changed from windows 7 laptop to linux mint 19, have issues with hDMI aufio output

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    Before installing Linux i tried it running it over a USB and had no HDMI audio problems, I just connected my TV HDMI cable to the PC and just change the output and worked. But after linux on the laptop I can't make the audio go through the HDMI cable. Please I really don't want to go back to windows 7 but if this doesn't work (between a few other problems) I will.

    submitted by /u/Propotat0
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    Trying to install Ubuntu. It's either stuck on "installing the 'grub2' package" or it's really really slow.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:33 AM PDT

    Lot's of distros don't work on my laptop. The only one that actually worked perfectly out of the box is Zorin, but I wanted to give Ubuntu a try but I'm still stuck on installing

    submitted by /u/Lysiq
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    How do I install DockBarX on Fedora?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    I'm using the XFCE spin of Fedora 30, and I cannot find a way to install DockBarX. Does anyone have any clue how to do this?

    submitted by /u/AskJeevesIsBest
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    Cleaning up install

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    I've raised around with Ubuntu a little bit and now want to make a major cleanup. Is there something like a factory reset or would you recommend me to make a fresh install. Why I want to make it: I have so many background programs installed I don't even know them all and I don't mind loosing files.

    submitted by /u/TRumpelstilzchen0
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    installing linux mint on fx 8350 and AMD r9 390

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    hello guys how are you all doing , so I wanted to try linux and whenever I try to install it the screen goes blank then pc restarts and the keep happening

    cpu fx 8350

    gpu r9 390 8gb

    ram 8gb

    motherboard m5a99fx pro r2.0

    thank you <3

    submitted by /u/Leonex606
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    Horrible performance just on the desktop (Manjaro KDE 18.04)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    I have installed Manjaro KDE edition with nonfree driver selected. This means that it will install proprietary Nvidia drivers. But on my desktop I have around 40fps. If I try to resize a window it drops down to 30. I have a GTX 1060, Ryzen 1600, 16gb ram. I also updated everything and I'm on the latest Nvidia drivers (the proprietary one, not the opensource one)

    Whenever I resize a window my cpu usage also skyrockets. Why isn't it redrawing the windows with my gpu?

    I'm not the only one with this problem because I looked online a bit. But I didn't find a solution.

    My question is, how do I get the silky smooth experience like other distros (I tried pop_os and it ran amazing)

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Nova_2001
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    I guess i messed up....

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    So this all started while uninstalling Apparmor from my laptop having Ubuntu 14.04 in it. The first command i executed is : "apt-get remove apparmor".

    Everything seemed alright then i remembered reading somewhere to use purge command to completly remove any software so i searched and got this command from a tech site : " sudo apt-get --purge remove apparmor apparmor-utils libapparmor-perl libapparmor1" and i ran it.

    The output was verbose and it was something like....removing gui packages.....removing /tmp data...removing dependencies....removing network ... kinda like this. After a few seconds my wifi icon from top menu got disappeared and then i realised that shit happened so i pressed Control+C to break the process but it was too late lol.After a few moments my laptop got rebooted and somehow switched to CLI mode.

    I didn't understood where i made mistake and why that command resulted in this.Can you guys help me to undo all this shit and explain to me the reason behind this error as well.

    P.S - I am not completely new to linux but i don't know enough to fix this problem. Also , the reason why i tried removing apparmor so as to install SELinux as i'm studying for my Rhcsa exam and my laptop doesn't have much ram to use a VMware.I have to buy a new laptop soon and till then i'm using my base machine to do all of the work.

    I can easily reinstall ubuntu as i have all of my data backed up but i want to troubleshoot the problem and get more familier and comfortable with these kinda scenarios.

    submitted by /u/surreal6iam
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    When I Try To Mount An ISO I Just Get Loads Of Empty Windows

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    On Debian Stretch I wanted to burn an ISO file to a CD so I double clicked it but that just caused lots of file manager windows to open with nothing in them. Probably more than 50 of them. Right click and open with Xfburn works so that's not a problem.

    Unfortunately "sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/isotemp" also just opens multiple empty windows. Any idea what's going wrong here or how can I mount an ISO properly?

    submitted by /u/Spire-Al
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    Trouble installing new software on Ubuntu

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    I just installed Linux Ubuntu a few days ago as a guest host using virtual box. I came across a software called Ubuntu After Install 3.0 beta to install a lot of useful applications. The software keeps crashing after installing like one or two of the applications, so I have to keep restarting the software to install the rest of the things. Is there something wrong with my distribution? Please let me know what information I need to give :(

    submitted by /u/loco_locro
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    Battlefield one on solus

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 12:21 AM PDT

    Hey, someone could please, help me, i wanna play BF1 on solus, i saw videos of people doing that, but idk how to do this :<, someone could give me some tips where to start and what to do to get bf1 working on a linux distro?

    submitted by /u/SolusSolaris
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    resetting a password

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    hello so i have a chromebook with linux enabled it runs debian ive googled my question but nothing has helped so i forgot my root password the articles i read say to run grub i tried the given method nothing works so my 2 questions is this 1: how do i open grub in my linux terminal and 2: how do i reset my root password for debian on linux for chromebook

    submitted by /u/daemontie
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    Eject button does not work Manjaro i3 edition.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    So i'm on the above mentioned distro() and the eject button in pcmanfm does nothing for me. I have to manully power my connected drives (udisksctl power-off -b /dev/drivename) using the command line every time I want to safely remove an attatched drive. I thought it;s a pcmanfm issue so i installed the thunar file manger instead but it does not solve the issue. Even booting the os from a live usb replicates the issue. Other versions of manjaro such as xfce or kde do not give me this issue. Unmount does work incase that is important.

    submitted by /u/rxd94
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    Remove Ubuntu/Windows 10 dual partition

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    Basically I installed Ubuntu 18 alongside Windows 10 and didn't like Ubuntu, but then tried Manjaro i3 on another computer and liked it. So, now I want to dual boot Manjaro/Windows but don't exactly know how to go about it. Do I just delete all the partitions that aren't part of windows and then install Manjaro on the available space?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/eidoriaaan
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    Is there a dark version of the default Manjaro KDE "breath" theme?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 10:11 PM PDT

    GPU Fan control (Nvidia)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Hello! even tho I've been using Linux here and there for years now it is the very first time I ditch Windows for the complete Linux experience, I've been dual botting Windows/Manjaro for about a week now, using Manjaro for most of the time.

    Something I've noticed however is that on Windows my GPU runs at about 40c

    While on Linux it averages 50-60c on idle.

    There isn't really GPU load, on windows I use programs like msi afterburner to automatically adjust the fan speed so it keeps the GPU at a certain temp

    Is there a way to do something similar on Linux?

    submitted by /u/captainjawz
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    How to shrink a root partition in Linux?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    I'm currently using Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) and it has only one root partition of 1TB. But i want to shrink it to make space for other uses like drives in Windows.

    I tried using gparted and it seems it's not possible to shrink a live running partition.

    So how do i shrink a root partition?


    submitted by /u/scaryAstronaut
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