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    Saturday, November 25, 2017

    Apps not fitting properly due to gap on the bottom right part of the window Windows Help

    Apps not fitting properly due to gap on the bottom right part of the window Windows Help

    Apps not fitting properly due to gap on the bottom right part of the window

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:14 AM PST

    I updated my PC from Windows 8.1 to 10 recently. Unfortunately, I am facing some issues regarding the fitting of the apps in my screen. A big gap appears on the bottom right part of the window.

    Here an example:


    This only applies to MS apps (like Mail, videos, edge) or apps installed from the store (like Cover or Netflix). Desktop works properly as well as desktop-based apps (like Chrome).

    The behavior with Edge is for example interesting. The window starts without gap (but not maximized), and as soon as I try to resize it or maximize it, the gaps suddenly appears.

    Any hints on how to resolve this problem? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jecht15
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    Lost screen resolution in Windows 10

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:25 PM PST

    Hello. I have a quite old computer, but wasn't facing any problems until a couple of days ago. I left the computer for a while and when I returned, my resolution (usually 1366x768) was reduced to 1024x768 without any chance to set it back to 1366. Tried reinstalling drivers, changing screen, updating, resetting, nothing is working.

    Looking for options to solve this I tried to enter in safe mode - except I couldn't. I got stuck at the login screen because the user/pass box didn't show up at all, I tried to enter my pass blind and didn't work, and resetting would return me to the same. After hours of browsing and trying useless key combinations I managed to enter the system restore menu (by smashing randomly the keys between F8 and F12 on start up, to be honest). I went back to the last restoration point a couple of weeks earlier, and after that everything worked.

    Now the screen thing happened again and you can imagine I don't really want to keep performing system restores every other day, so after finding nothing useful I come here to see if someone can help me.

    It's an Athlon II X2 250, 4GB RAM, with an integrated video card AMD ATI® Radeon 3000 760G. (I'm aware the hardware is quite old and the video card is no longer supported, but if it has worked fine for so long there must be a more definitive way to make it work now)

    Thanks a lot!

    P.S. The common sense solution is moving to newer hardware, but it's not a viable option until after the holidays.

    UPDATE: I had tried uninstalling the driver completely, and it didn't work. In a desperate move, I installed this legacy Catalyst version despite it's for Windows 8. The software itself doesn't seem to work, however I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver one more time and it worked! However it seems to be the Windows 8 driver this time and I wouldn't bet on its stability, so I'm reluctant to mark this thread as Solved. If someone can provide additional info I'd be still grateful.

    submitted by /u/jugol
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    Keep getting BSOD "Memory Management"

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:19 PM PST

    Every time I boot my PC up and I mean EVERY TIME. As soon as it boots, i'll get a BSOD telling me to run a memory check (I have and nothing is ever a problem)

    Is there any way to fix this? It's kind of annoying. I just built this PC a few months ago and haven't had this problem until last week.

    submitted by /u/Syphox
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    How to disable "On battery" and "Plugged in" notifications on ASUS laptop running windows 10?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:42 PM PST

    So, the original charger was lost for my ASUS laptop I am temporarily using an HP charger that has, until now, worked perfectly fine. I have an original on order. Yesterday, the laptop died because the battery ran to 0 and i plugged it in to charge. It is charging fine but now it keeps flasing this which is making me crazy. I realize I should not be using a non original power cord but its what I have for right now. IS there any way to disable this display? The laptop has worked perfectly for the last 2 weeks with no issues at all on this charger. Charged fine.

    submitted by /u/_____FLAT_____
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    Windows won't boot after signing in, screen goes black with just the pointer showing.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:23 PM PST

    Fixing this for a friend. After I log on, the screen goes black with just the pointer showing. When I try to boot from a USB or disc, it just restarts over. I've fixed some complicated problems before but this is a head scratcher. The customer said he had recently upgraded from 7 to 10 and tried to install drivers to it's present condition. Any ideas? Did he blow out the a bunch of drivers?

    submitted by /u/oneytlr
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    How do I keep Windows 10 updates from reversing my touchpad scroll direction?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 11:11 AM PST

    Windows seems hell-bent on forcing me to scroll downwards to scroll down a page like some kind of upside-down typewriter. It's like having someone sneak into my house twice a year to turn my toilet paper backwards. Every time Windows updates, it reverses my touchpad scroll and I have to go into the registry and edit FlipFlopWheel to 1 to unfuck it. Is there any possible way I can prevent updates from doing this? It's a hassle every time.

    submitted by /u/AuthorSAHunt
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    email app recommendations?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 03:03 AM PST

    I'm on Windows 8.1 Pro and have Outlook 2016, but I don't see the need for outlook to use my 3 gmail and 1 outlook account. Any recommendations on a simpler app? Would it even be worth the money (BF, Cyber Mon) in 2017/18?

    submitted by /u/nightcrawler99
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    FCU breaks DX8 exclusive fullscreen mode

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 12:48 PM PST

    Yes I've tried disabling fullscreen optimizations for each game, it doesn't matter. It's like Windows completely ignores this option for DX8 games. I am still getting borderless windowed functionality with it disabled. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/ThisPlaceisHell
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    I used to be able to drag windows to the top or sides of the screen and then they would go full screen or fill the side I dragged it to but it doesn't work anymore.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 01:27 AM PST

    Is there a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/Lerpzz
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    Redirect/sorting files

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:23 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I work for a small company. Every workstation is running windows 8.1 or 10 Pro joining Windows Server 2003's AD with a 128GB SSD and a 500GB/1T HDD. Since most of my co-workers don't practice good storage sorting by throwing everything onto desktop or my documents. I am thinking of the possibility to redirect all files coming into users My Documents and My Pictures to the larger HDD. And create a symbolic link from, for example, My Documents to destination folder, So whenever they navigate to My Documents, it automatically takes them to another pre-defined folder in file explorer. The only solution I can come up with is to write a background agent constantly move files from these folders to another. But that waste performance. And all of my co-workers will get confused by having two folders not syncing in real time. Plus there's a lot of software storing files or reading templates to/from My Documents by default. Is my concept possible without messing around all locally installed programs? Advices are welcome. Thx.

    submitted by /u/GhostHitWall
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    Dual Monitor Problems

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:52 AM PST

    So suddenly the other day windows has started sending the same picture to both monitors, I've tried updating my drivers, Trying different monitors, Changing VGA Splitter. It also says it doesn't detect any other monitors when I'm in display settings. Please help

    Windows 10 Video Card : ATI Radeon 4450

    submitted by /u/Xharry07X
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    I randomly keep getting alt-tabbed out of games, or chrome goes out of focus.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:23 AM PST

    I searched around for this issue, and the most I could find was an issue about 7 months ago with command prompt, which isn't my issue.

    submitted by /u/Ragnarok9x
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    Is this possible? Getting Windows 8.1 pro via upgrade Win 7 -> 10 -> downgrade right to 8.1

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 05:41 AM PST

    Could you "legally" do this?


    Install 10 pro, activate with win7 pro key then downgrade to 8.1


    I've got a used laptop that came with 7 pro key but want 8.1(longer life cycle than 7)

    reason: I hate w10

    submitted by /u/pinkunicornsftw69
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    Can I stop windows updates from downloading once started?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2017 09:22 AM PST

    I tried to run updates on an old hp laptop and got smacked with 870 of them. My internet is slow and there's no way I'm going to be able to download all of them. The computer will not boot up until the updates are installed, so is there anyway I can halt the process? (Windows XP btw)

    submitted by /u/xGH0STF4CEx
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