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    Sunday, January 2, 2022

    Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the User Generated Content policy. Can anyone help they send this screenshot. Android Dev

    Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the User Generated Content policy. Can anyone help they send this screenshot. Android Dev

    Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the User Generated Content policy. Can anyone help they send this screenshot.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 11:50 PM PST

    Official support for clean architecture?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 02:55 PM PST

    I have created an API to get rid of ContentProviders when using the Contacts API

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 07:12 AM PST

    I have used the ContactsProvider far too many times and it never gets easier to use. There are far too many caveats to get things right and it is not fun at all.

    Because of this, I ended up making an open-source alternative of the contacts API in Kotlin. It utilises Coroutine's Flow to notify the developer for updates happening to the Contacts database.

    People seem to like it and the repo has almost 200 stars so far. There are some people contributing with issues and questions and the project has 2 external PRs.

    The latest version 0.9.0 was released today. I have added the last missing columns (SipAddresses and Relations).

    Here are all the original columns mapped to the ContactStore's equivalent:

    CommonDataKinds ContactColumn Contact's field(s) populated
    Phone Phones phones
    Email Mails mails
    Event Events events
    GroupMembership GroupMembership groups
    Note Note note
    StructuredPostal PostalAddresses postalAddresses
    Photo Image imageData
    StructuredName Names prefix, firstName, middleName, lastName, suffix, phoneticFirstName, phoneticMiddleName, phoneticLastName
    SipAddresses SipAddresses sipAddresses
    Relations Relations relations
    Organization Organization organization, jobTitle
    Nickname Nickname nickname
    ImAddresses ImAddresses imAddresses
    WebAddresses WebAddresses webAddresses

    More info can be found in the project's wiki.

    You can find the source code at: https://github.com/alexstyl/contactstore

    Happy 2022

    submitted by /u/alexstyl
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    What is the salary for Android development in your city?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 09:07 AM PST

    Country: China

    City: Shenzhen

    Work experience: 2 years

    Position: Android


    submitted by /u/Moist-Mountain3313
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    How much money have you made from your self-made android apps?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 05:59 PM PST

    WebRTC / VOIP / SIP what to choose for android app

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 05:01 PM PST

    Hello fellow devs,

    I have developed an Android app that enables people to keep track of their scores during a game of steeltip darts, the next feature up in line is online play where you can play each other, got that working at the moment with Firebase realtime database. Now comes the tricky part, I would really like to implement a feature where players can VOIP talk to each other in the app itself while they play. So I have researched now I think for the past 4 days and came across different options.

    WebRTC would be most cost-efficient as you'd only need to set up a signaling server to orchestrate initial connection and then you can let P2P do the rest. However documentation, example projects are extremely hard to find and implementations looks hard to me. Also if you would like this thing to work over carrier networks and to guarantee that P2P connections can actually be established you need to mess around with Stun / Turn servers to enable NAT traversal .. which already gives me a lot of headpain only thinking of it.

    So giving the fact that I need to set up some server anyway to get this working i'd figure I just set up a private VOIP server myself which my Android clients can connect to (not expecting much concurrent connections anwyay). So I did some reading and came across SIP and Asterix and all, just feels a bit bloated for my usecase, because I see all kinds of stuff concidering phonenumbers, voicemail and useraccounts.

    All I need is a 'dumb' VOIP server that relays audiostreams to my Android clients. Clients can figure theirselves out what stream to publish or listen to. Anybody has any sugestion what kind of library, server or achitecture would best fit this usecase?



    submitted by /u/Selwyn420
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    Unit test coverage, how much?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 01:12 PM PST

    How much coverage does your team/company enforce?

    1. My team enforce 100% code coverage in CI/CD. People almost never review unit test code, as long as 100%. (Personally I like it, it's an enforceable way to have at least some coverage, suggest me a better way? Maybe enforce it at code review level by human? Who has that much time to code review ton of unit test? Branch coverage tool? That maybe a bit too much)

    2. 100% code coverage does not mean much and I doubt any android app has 100% branching coverage instead. 100% code coverage is good for code review and enforcement in CI/CD process but it distract developer from doing branch testing on really complex part of code and focus on hitting that 100% code coverage instead.

    3. Android as a enormously complex system is none trivial to test. Different android versions, manufacturers, devices, screen size, phone settings, test every single screen on every different lifecycles, system initiated process death, rotation, threading, deadlock, livelock, race conditions, WorkManager, foreground/background service, broadcast receiver, fire base remote config, AB testing, foldables, multi-window, dose mode, offline mode, permissions, server errors, exceptions, persistence, DB migrations, background execution limits, animations, snack bars, FCM messages/data messages, notifications, cross app interactions, navigation, hardware/software back button, tasks, task stacks, different processes, accessibility, different language, smallest to largest system font sizes, In memory cache, disk cache, network layer cache, dependency injection and scoping, RX………….I wonder how much does the top mobile app companies test? And how do they enforce test coverage?

    4. From my experience writing unit test to exhaustively test everything with as much branching coverage as possible on the entire app is just impractical for most apps unless the company has ton of money to throw around. Typically the amount of unit test code written is 2-10x more than the actual code. Imagine resolving merge conflicts, AB testing everything, feature change request the next day you finished writing all the tests.

    submitted by /u/ynkm1692
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    What Should A Junior Focus On !

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 11:33 AM PST

    There's a meme that arrives through this sub every now and then saying all you need to be a successful Android Dev is Google and therapy, which seems to hold more truth than I first gave it credit for. That being said, I'd really love some guidance on what is useful for a Junior building apps while looking for work. I'm at a point where I recognize the code I'm looking at, but God forbid I actually try to implement anything in a project I didn't build from scratch myself (like with Google's AAD Certification, hoo boy). I know the holy trifecta (or so I'm told) is OkHTTP, Dagger+Hilt, and RetroFit but I ⠀suppose any input would be great. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/pleasedZebra7
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    Is fragmentation still an issue?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 02:42 PM PST

    Haven't developed in native android in awhile. If it's still an issue, which api version are you all using to capture most of your users?

    submitted by /u/choledocholithiasis_
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    On-device development of APKs

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 05:46 AM PST

    You probabaly though something along the lines of 'noooope' when you read the title. I understand, who wants to develop on a small screen low power device?


    Well, 'want to' isn't the right wording. It's more that I'm limited to. I'm a full-time traveler, traveling by bicycle and sleeping outdoors. I used to do some programming for personal use and work, so I'm not a stranger to the actual typing. I can use some practice, that's for sure though.

    I use my phone as my only computer, and use it for anything from gps to building and maintaining websites. Whether you see HTML as programming or not, it shows that development on a small device is possible. Those cheap Bluetooth keyboards really help a lot.

    Android has the beautiful app Termux, a Linux terminal, available to it. Very powerful by itself, and it allows the installation of numerous ARM Linux distros. Many compilers are available either directly through Termux or through the various distros. But between coding/compiling and the actual building of APK's there seems to be some information missing. Google isn't helpful here; all the searches just get flooded with popular sites parroting each other's unverified answers, which are most often very generic.

    There are some apps available through the Play store that can do the build process, but most are old and abandoned, expensive or terribly slow.

    I don't use IDEs; I always stuck with simple editors like Vim (which is available in Termux). So it's really just the actual build process I need some help with. Hopefully someone here can point me in some directions.

    One way would be to do the actual build process on a remote machine, but most of my time I spend in places without a good connection. So what I'm looking for is to do the build process on the Android itself. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/vcdylldarh
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    I need help on this question

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 02:02 PM PST

    I know I will not get an answer on stackoverflow, but can anyone please give me some answer about that


    submitted by /u/outofthisworld420
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    Emulate an ISO 14443-3A RFID Chip?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 11:41 AM PST

    Specifically an NXP - Mifare Classic 1k. Is it possible to do? I've tried popular apps like NFC Tools, which can scan the chip and display its info. But it won't let me write the chip's contents. Is it possible to write the contents using my phone's NFC reader?

    I found this article on Host-Based Card Emulation, which maybe suggests that it's possible, but I also found this old StackOverflow post that suggests it might not be, although that user was running a much older version of Android than me. I'm running a Samsung S21 Ultra 5G on Android 12 fwiw.

    If it's even feasible, can I use existing technology, or is there some amount of custom hand coding I'd need to do? I'm willing to put in the research and effort, I just want to know if I'm stepping into a rats nest or not.

    submitted by /u/DynaBeast
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    Casting to smart TV app for own use

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 07:34 AM PST

    what would an app like xcast need?
    I was thinking of making my own one as an apk purely my own use for browser casting kind of like the app I linked and allcast and a few others do.
    The reason I'd like it to be my own is because you need to give storage permissions to these apps even if you just use the browser casting and I don't want anyone to possibly store and steal anything

    submitted by /u/Jergguz
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