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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Linux Take it from a veteran: dont start with arch

    Linux Take it from a veteran: dont start with arch

    Take it from a veteran: dont start with arch

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    tl;dr Dont recommend arch to new people comers, pretty please? People who like the arch way, will find their way there eventually for sure. Arch people, Why do you hate linux? Why dont you want it to become more wide-spread?

    Arch approach is 'you either learn to swim or you die' is fucking stupid FOR NOOBS

    When you learn math, you first learn addition, then subtraction, then multiplication, then division, then the harder stuff

    You learn to walk, then to run

    Thats how you learn everything else. Why cant you see this is not a good way to learn linux either?

    I used to think linux was hard and failed to make the switch a few times. Just because i thought linux was too hard and time consuming for me... :(

    Now that i know a lot about linux, i think thats really not true at all. I managed to have everybody around me using ubuntu and, most difficult, to like it. (Disclaimer: i dont use ubuntu myself)

    95% of all distros are made of the same stuff. Starting with something hard is fucking retarded and we have here only stories of the people who survived instead of the stories of the people going back to windows because they thought linux was hard

    Arch is survivor bias at its peak of stupidity. I swear to god that new comers that overcome the barrier reach peak stupidity and tries to infect others with their disease like they have become enlightened

    I like to fiddle a lot in linux. Its great compared with windows. But I like to do this with a few packages i care about. The rest, i just want them to work. This is true for the vast majority. Specially new people starting

    You can have everything working and learn one package the same in any distro, all while having the rest of you distro working. Arch is not special in that way at all. You learn in small bits at your own pace and you are not REQUIRED to learn something

    You can even use the arch wiki to learn while in other distro

    Why arch is not good for new comers:

    • By design, they touch upstream the least amount. A good distro will remove things from upstream that are bad for the user. The user is the priority, not the developer
    • This also implies that things are not standarized either. A good distro will try to make everything homogeneous and work in a similar fashion even if they come from different sources. Again by design. It creates expectations on the users. In Arch you will have to learn upstream of every package
    • AUR is not fucking curated. Yes, malware is found there from time to time
    • New comers come from windows, not to from other linux distro. If they fail to make the switch, they come back to windows
    • They are memeing arch to make it appealing to people that dont know better. In a way, it feels they are being tricked. And i dont really like when people is taken advantage of

    Please, instead of installing arch because you are memed into it, read their principles to see if they appeal to you


    I acknowledge that people that uses arch linux like to learn about linux and that as a whole is great, but i wont sacrifice a potential new linux user that just uses it and chill just in the off case they might enjoy more the 'swim or die' arch way

    I also acknowledge that this particular style is good for a few people, but not for the majority of people

    submitted by /u/albertowtf
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    A month-long challenge for anyone wanting to build Linux sysadmin skills

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    The http://linuxupskillchallenge.com Linux commandline/sysadmin "challenge" course starts again on Monday.

    Daily lessons will appear in the sub-reddit r/linuxupskillchallenge from this coming Monday - which will also be used for support/discussion. This is a "rolling" course, restarted each month.

    Does require some commitment - but if gaining/growing these skills is important to you, then you now have no excuse!

    Requires a (free or cheap) remote server, so it's nice to get that sorted before Monday if you - or some of your staff or friends - are keen.

    submitted by /u/snori74
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    Screen turns pink randomly?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    After testing it a bit it seems that once the screen has turned pink i can change the screen resolution and it changes back to normal and the colors are fine in screenshots as well as when i use Windows 10

    submitted by /u/sauntheninja
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    Scripting help

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    im writing a script to toggle my audio output the example online is a little different it gives this command

    pactl list sinks |& grep -E "Sink|Port|analog-ou" 

    and when i use this it gives me two active ports instead of one, i recognize both one is my headphones and one is my gpu they dont play simultaneously so i dont know why it says theyre both active also in the example there is only one sink so im not sure if the command to change the port will be different

    Sink #1 Ports: hdmi-output-3: HDMI / DisplayPort 4 (priority: 5600, available) Active Port: hdmi-output-3 Sink #5 Ports: Active Port: iec958-stereo-output 

    running mint 19.3 cinnamon 4.4.8 kernel 5.3.0-53-generic rx580 gpu and generic off brand headphones

    im happy to provide anything i forgot

    submitted by /u/Willy-the-kid
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    Question about Installing Control panels on a VPS after installing other programs manually.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    So, as an educational experiment I bought access to a VPS with Ubuntu 18.04 on it and tried my hand at installing a LAMP stack and wordpress on it using various tutorials. I did it all via the command line and learned a lot researching all the problems I came across and now have a secure working Wordpress server with SSL certs and Postfix relaying email to my gmail account etc. It's pretty much functional and I feel good about it. The issue is that I want to install a control panel like Vesta CP on it to facilitate some tasks (Like installing Siberian CMS) but I'm worried I'm going to screw up everything I've done or that installing the control panel won't work right or detect automatically my MySQL DB or other things I've already installed or won't even install right. I know now that I should have installed a control panel as the first thing on the server and when I do it again I'll do it that way. If my hosting provider allowed me to make snapshots without a fee and long wait time I'd just try installing and see what happens but it's a no frills company and the support isn't quick since I'm paying so little. So the question is, if I just run the install script for Vesta CP or a different CP will I be ok or is there anything I should look out for or change in .conf files etc, or am I boned and I just have to do everything on this server manually now?

    submitted by /u/Kaitaloipa
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    Manjaro packages ?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    Is manjaro with AUR packages more supported then Ubuntu?

    submitted by /u/GafiQ
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    ELK to display command history

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I've deployed ELK on a test CentOS 7 machine. The challenge is to monitor every command any user runs and display it on Kibana so that it would be human-readable and easy to go through later (easily view command history). I assume auditbeat is best for the job, so I installed it and added these rules to auditbeat.yml:

    -a exit,always -F arch=b64 -F euid=0 -S execve -k rootact -a exit,always -F arch=b32 -F euid=0 -S execve -k rootact -a exit,always -F arch=b64 -F euid>=1000 -S execve -k useract -a exit,always -F arch=b32 -F euid>=1000 -S execve -k useract 

    I then:

     systemctl restart auditbeat 

    But when I check for the list of rules:

     auditctl -l 

    I get no rules. This is a snippet of the auditbeat.yml rules

    The question is:

    1. Am I setting the rules wrong? (Should I set different rules / in a different location)
    2. Once the rules are applied and can be viewed in Kibana, how to format it so it would be easy to read?

    I know these are pretty basic questions, so far I've done everything using the documentation. However I'm not entirely sure about the approach and whether I'm doing things in the right places.

    Thanks ahead!

    submitted by /u/HeadTea
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    Please help! Booting from USB

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:19 AM PDT


    I am an absolute beginner regarding Linux and PC so please forgive me and go easy on me.

    I have a Pinebook Pro (it uses RK3399 chip) with Manjaro KDE. I am trying to boot a different OS (PureOS) using USB. I burned the iso with Multi Writer. Fairly easy.

    However, when I try to boot the OS, using Function keys (I tried all of them) during startup to open BIOS, nothing happens. It opens the Manjaro login window as normal.

    Btw, I don't know how to use the terminal. I am aware of the fact that I probably should not have bought a Linux laptop without that knowledge, but I did it because of privacy and security issues of Windows and Mac.

    Thank for your time and help!

    submitted by /u/petersynam
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    Just switched from LM Cinnamon to Manjaro KDE and it boots quite slower: any chance of making it boot faster?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I was annoyed with Linux Mint Cinnamon because of a couple of quirks it has so i did a clean install of Manjaro KDE and im currently very satisfied with it except one thing: it is much slower on boot (26s vs LM Cinnamon 15s from power button press to login screen). Is there any chance of reaching again ~15 s or is KDE simply heavier than cinnamon? Or is it Manjaro? If i installed KDE on Arch instead could i get better boot times?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Basileus_ITA
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    Follow up weird visual glitches

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Web based question

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about taking the plunge but I need to make sure I can run/ use: canvas lms, zoom, a web based POS/ inventory management system before I do. I apologize if these are "dumb" questions.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/macts
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    [HELP] I broke dual-boot setup by changing the language on Linux

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    I am typing this from Windows, because I am currently unable to access Linux

    my main OS. I have been learning Japanese, and to immerse myself and go beast-mode I have decided

    to change the language pretty much system-wide, which also changed the name of the directories.

    After that, my laptop died due to the battery being empty, and when I plugged my charger and turned

    it on, I was greeted with the unpleasant surprise of Windows, it skipped the grub menu and got me dir

    -ectly here. I have tried booting from Grub and through the Boot menu, which only brought me here.

    Please help, i have come to like Linux very much but I can't wipe the laptop and go full Linux, because

    there are softwares that I need that are Windows only. Plus I have stuff installed on windows, that I can't put on linux.

    Is there a way to fix the boot problem?

    submitted by /u/PlatinumHands
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    desperately needing help with tar exclude patterns

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Hey, folks. I need your help. I got the following command:
    tar -v -cz --no-wildcards-match-slash --exclude-ignore=.tarignore --exclude-vcs --exclude-backups --anchored -f ./../test.tar.gz .
    And in: .tarignore I got:
    What I am trying to achieve is an archive with everything in that folder except the .yml files found in the root folder.
    No matter what I tried all day I couldn't get tar to only exclude the files found in the root and not subfolders.
    Can you help with a pointer to what I am doing wrong? Thanks

    submitted by /u/d3nika
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    Hi, problem while isntalling Arch linux

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    So, I entered "arch-chroot / mnt" and it says: chroot: failed to run command ▪︎/bin/bash▪︎: No such file or director.

    This is my first time trying linux so please help.

    submitted by /u/Khamosi
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    publish in kde/gnome store

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Hi, how can anyone post (say cursor or theme) in KDE/gnome store

    submitted by /u/im-AMS
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    xrdp freezing at unlock screen

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Hello, I am super new to linux but been with computers a long time.

    I recently setup a Debian 9 box to mess around in. I have it sitting in the corner of my room so I setup xrdp to connect to it from my Windows machines.

    Sometimes, not every time, when I connect it will lock the session and ask for an admin password. I ignore those and click cancel then go to enter the user password. After entering the password it freezes. Only way to fix is restarting the box. It still responds to clicks but I can't do anything, all buttons are greyed out.

    I'm not sure what information you may need please let me know and I'll do my best to get it.

    Thank you for any help you can give.

    edit: i am able to login with root no problem and "unfreeze" the login by running:

    pkill -u username 

    but it freezes again when i try to login again

    another edit: after a lockout under root it then gives an error when trying to unlock. i know the password is correct but it doesn't freeze

    submitted by /u/ThePremiumBrew
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    Installing Multiple "Desktop Environments" in Ubuntu except not a second DE but i3wm

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    My current setup is Kubuntu 20.04

    I would like to see if transitioning to i3wm is a viable option for me. Yes I know I could set up a VM running i3wm but I would really like to create a situation wherein upon login I can select either KDE or i3wm. I would like this option because its really the only way to see if i3wm could be my daily driver because I will have access to my underlying OS.

    So, is this possible or am I looking at having to do the VM thing?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/RecoveringLitigator
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    Monitor placement won't stay put

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I've been running Linux entirely with 2 monitors until 2 weeks ago. I bought a new one, and for about a week, I had three before I sold the third. The setup I used with three was 34" UW on the bottom, 24" above the UW on the left side, and 19" (now sold) monitor above the UW, next to the 24". Before, I had the 24" monitor (main) on the bottom, with the 19" linked to the top right (so their right edges were aligned like I'm attempting now).

    This is how the previous setup was, and how I want it to be: The correct way

    But when my power saver settings are triggered or I reboot, the monitors reset to how I had it with the three monitors, minus the 19": The wrong way

    I messed with an xorg.conf before, but that was when I had an Nvidia and it set it up to start so I could then tweak it. But that was about half a year ago and I have no idea how to replicate that properly.

    I booted over to Mint, which I hadn't booted to since I got rid of the 3rd monitor. It had the two overlaying each other, so I set up how I wanted it. Then I rebooted back to Mint and it held the settings. Then I booted to Arch and it still kept the correct settings. I let it 'idle out' so the monitors shut off, and when I came back, it's back to the wrong setting, and it has the xfce-display-settings --minimal up.

    Additionally, I've never had issues using the Display setting before. Things always stayed put. I know that xrandr doesn't persist through boot unless a script is ran, and this seems like that is the issue... but I've never had issues with Display!

    Any idea what is going on?

    submitted by /u/asinine17
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    Kubuntu 20.04 cursor glitches when used with multiple displays

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Kubuntu 20.04 running on an Asus Vivobook E403SA 1.0 constantly has cursor glitches whenever I connect it to a dual monitor through HDMI (there is no port for another type of cable). This didn't happen when I ran Ubuntu 20.04 and connected it on a different machine, but it did happen when I ran Xubuntu 20.04 on this same machine though not Lubuntu 20.04. As far as I know there's no issue with cables etc. - this cable is brand new and the monitor is in good condition. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the machine itself but I don't know for sure.

    It gets better when I tried a suggestion and ran xrandr --output eDP-1 --scale 0.9999x0.9999. Before this, it would completely glitch out to where it was unusable. However, even with this it continues to flicker heavily.

    What information would I need to diagnose this problem? I will give any information needed but atm I don't know what to do at all.

    submitted by /u/December_Stars
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    Should I turn on secure boot again after installing Pop!_OS?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    So, one of the prerequisites for installing Pop!_OS is to turn off secure boot from my BIOS, which I did. I'm about to install the OS, and this may sound like a dumb question, but, after installing the OS, should I go back and re-enable secure boot or should I keep it off? I'm wondering if turning secure boot back on again will somehow tamper with my installed Pop!_OS. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Mofumoku
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    GNOME'S extensions on Ubuntu

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I've finally switched to Linux on Ubuntu distro, and I want to change my Interface to make it similar to this one. I searched in internet and I can't find any useful instructions, so I ask you guys for help.

    submitted by /u/PandaSovietico
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    ROS installation on Ubuntu not working

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I believe I am on Ubuntu 20.04 which I am running on virtual box as a vm. I followed the instructions on the ROS website for melodic however when entering the line: sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-fullI get an error: Unable to locate package ros-melodic-desktop-full

    Any solutions to this problem?

    submitted by /u/perfes
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    New User from WIN 10 to Linux: Advice on Formatting HDD and Partitions

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    Hello Linux Community, I've decided to move to Linux Mint(19.3) from my Windows 10 permanently.

    I've few queries and seek your advice on few things before installing Linux:

    1. I've 500 GB HDD with two partition (C and D) along with Recovery for Windows. I wish to use 300 GB for my personnel data and remaining 200 for Linux OS. Can I make these partition during OS installation and will I be able to use these partition if I decide to use VM for running windows later?
    2. I read online that Linux have 3 partition swap,root(/) and \home. I wish to keep root and home separately so that I can easily reinstall Linux if something goes wrong or just to try different versions. What should be the size of these and how to make these partition?
    3. And I've my Windows recovery in CD. In future, if I decide to come back to window, will that recovery again format my HDD again completely and what are some precautions or information I should save currently,if any, to make comeback?
    4. System: HP Laptop,4 GB RAM, intel i5, AMD Raedon along with Intel GPU.

    Any suggestion or advice apart from this for a noob is welcomed. TIA

    submitted by /u/cinematicguy
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    Clementine - Add a song to a not-opened playlist

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Hi all, I have a question regarding Clementine music player (or Strawberry for that matter).

    On the left side pane there are starred playlists. Let's say that on the right side pane an album is opened and I want to add a song to one of the starred playlists. On my installation right clicking on the song > Add to another playlist seems the only relevant option. The thing is that this option allows to add it only on 'opened' playlists.

    Is it really the case that I have to open a starred playlist first if I want to add a song to it? I find that utterly stupid.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/TsirixtoVatraxi
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