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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    FIXED - %STACKMGR-5-MAJOR_VERSION_MISMATCH: Major Version Mismatch (Local 1 - Received 7 with neighbor-0 Networking

    FIXED - %STACKMGR-5-MAJOR_VERSION_MISMATCH: Major Version Mismatch (Local 1 - Received 7 with neighbor-0 Networking

    FIXED - %STACKMGR-5-MAJOR_VERSION_MISMATCH: Major Version Mismatch (Local 1 - Received 7 with neighbor-0

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I am posting this here to maybe, possibly, help someone stay within their scheduled change window. I think a TAC case should be opened for it, but for an immediate fix, read below.

    I went to install an addition to my 2960x stack and did the normal stack things (power it on, upgrade code to the same revision as current stack, verify not DoA, etc). I then went to connect it up and got flooded messages on both, the current switch and the new switch, stating that there was a major version mismatch. Of course my first thought was I goofed when upgrading the IOS image on it. After I verified the IOS versions matched, I hit the googles with the error and what I was seeing. Most of the results mentioned the IOS image (that I verified) and I found a couple cisco support forum posts and the end recommendation was "RMA". Regardless, I opened a TAC case. The solution (that I can't find anywhere) was to boot into rommon and override the the SM_MAJOR_VERSION setting. So, here are the steps for doing so. As always, I am not responsible for any badness that happens.

    On both switches to be stacked together, run the command "show platform stack manager all"somewhere down the list you will see:

    Stack State Machine View ============================================================== Switch Master/ Mac Address Version Current Number Member (maj.min) State ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Master amac.addr.ess1 7.59 Ready 

    Note the Version(maj.min)

    If both switches don't match, you will have a bad day stacking them.

    To fix this boot into rommon on the switch (likely the one on the higher version, since I had never seen anything other than 1.59 until this incident).

    1. flash_init (you will need this to boot anyway)
    2. unset SM_MAJOR_VERSION
    3. boot

    Once booted run "show platform stack manager all"

    If the versions are the same now, plug them together and continue on with life.

    If they are NOT the same, boot back into rommon and follow these steps:

    1. flash_init
    2. set SM_MAJOR_VERSION 1.56
    3. boot

    Once booted, verify with the "show platform stack manager all"

    I hope this saves someone a little bit of time. I have never seen this before in the more than 200 Cisco 2960X switches I have deployed. I doubt it happens all that often. At least now there is a solution here on reddit that can be a starting point.

    ETA: I want to point out that the version running on my switches is 1.59 (not 1.56 like I used above), however it went to 1.59 on its own (guessing based on the IOS version I am using) after I booted. TAC said use 1.56, so I relayed it and it is what I used and worked.

    submitted by /u/mylittlelan
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    Trying to decide on a NAC solution. FortiNAC and Aruba Clearpass are the front runners

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    TL;DR - We need a NAC but also planning major infrastructure upgrades that may or may not play a big role in NAC decision.

    We're looking into a new NAC solution for our company (between 500~750 users, unsure of total devices on the network). We have a main HQ and about 25 branch locations, Checkpoint firewalls and every brand of switch out there so obviously looking for something OS and hardware agnostic.

    We've seen the in-person demo of Clearpass (it did what they said it would) and we have another big company in town using it as well (who I've spoken with about it) after leaving Cisco's ISE on the curb. I've talked with their IT leadership and they share the same situation we're in of, during their implementation, having legacy hardware (they were essentially 100% Cisco - hence them trying ISE first) and an existing robust internal firewall traffic routing policy already established but looking to dip our toes into NAC just by starting with port security and working our way slowly inwards to more granular control.

    Our CISSO is looking to move away from checkpoint eventually and both he and I have used fortigate FW's in the past and like them and he asked me to see what I thought of FortiNAC as a competitor to the Aruba offering.

    The main reason we are still considering Aruba is because we are interested in their SD Branch solution and would potentially be decommissioning all of our legacy switches and routers in our branches in favor of the Aruba switches and SD Branch gateway devices and possibly WAP's as well. If we went that route, one would think that Clearpass would be a no-brainer but any info to the contrary would be appreciated.

    Our Aruba rep gave us a couple WAP's and a switch to test with with but we only were able to confirm that they performed their basic jobs and were not engaged with pushing policies or anything like that.

    Single pane of glass oversight of all our branches hardware is our ideal vision here and other than Meraki gear, the Aruba stuff is all we know of offering something like that at an enterprise level and assuming clearpass integrates tightly and easily with the Aruba hardware, it SEEMS like our best option but right now, I'm trying to collect as many opinions and evidence whether or not that's the case or if FortiNAC, Forescout or something else may be a better choice.

    Some other considerations:

    • We are a small shop so there may only be a couple of us at most to work with administrating the product

    • Our MSP that did the initial network setup and segmentation is an Aruba partner and do a lot of Clearpass implementations

    • Although not tremendously important, cost may factor into the decision. The fortinet NAC hardware is pretty pricey vs the Clearpass policy manager hardware but if the better solution for us cost more, the management will approve it.

    So yeah. Any info, thoughts, experiences with various NAC solutions would be welcomed.

    submitted by /u/FastRedPonyCar
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    Windows DHCP/DNS + Multiple VLANs

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:17 AM PDT


    I wanted to separate our VoIP traffic in our office but I'm having a hard time understand the whole concept.

    I run a Windows 2016 DHCP server with a single scope ATM ( I have a Cisco RV082 router set as DHCP relay to the Windows DHCP server.

    I have a UniFI 16-Port switch as my main switch. Other switches including the VoIP PBX is connected from here.

    I want to create a separate VLAN for the VoIP. Been reading the net and found some articles that I should create a new scope on my Windows DHCP server. So I created a new scope,

    And I'm lost.. what should I do next? Do I have to do something on the router?


    submitted by /u/xxxfrancisxxx
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    Inter-VLAN routing across IPSec VPN

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    So I have the following scenario in office 1:

    1 VPN for employees

    1 VPN for servers

    Inter-VLAN routing is allowed between those two VLANS so employees can authenticate using AD in the DC and use the DC's DNS server.

    Now in office 2 I have an employee VLAN, and I'd like the employees there to be able to reach the servers VLAN in office 1 so they use the AD and DNS server in office 1 as if they were there.

    How could I do that? I thought of making an IPSec VPN from office 2 to office 1 setting the servers VLAN subnet as the remote subnet in the tunnel configuration, and then a tunnel from office 1 to office 2 setting the remote subnet as the one for employees in the configuration. Employees VLAN in office 2 should be able to speak with servers vlan in office 1, and servers vlan in office 1 should be able to speak to employees vlan in office 2. Is that correct?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/HerbertvonDenffer
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    Pynetbox existing scripts ressources ?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT


    New to netbox and finding myself a little bit too lazy (do not blame me), so I tried to look around for pynetbox scripts that people would have shared, but could not find useful ressources.

    I found the netbox_agent but it crashes on my VM. I found the netbox_scanner which does not really scan (trying to get nmap to end one day in my infrastructure)

    Does anyone have good gist or useful suite generic scripts available which could help the discovery, initializing netbox site, etc?


    submitted by /u/strus38_fr
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    OSPF Problem

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    So we have a Cisco 9300-24P that is not behaving as we would expect it to. There is OSPF on 3 VRFs, and two of them send all the routs through to the DEFAULT VRF. The problem, is that DEFAUNT VRF doesn't show the routes in show ip route ospf. It appears to be in the DB as a type 7, but is not in use. I am not the best when it comes to OSPF and I have tried looking at a few things but I can't seem to figure out why is isn't showing up. It sees the neighbor properly and says it is synced. I'm not sure where to go from here and I am hoping you can help.

    version 16.12 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec show-timezone service timestamps log datetime msec service call-home no platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core hostname Random-Name vrf definition DISTRICT description DISTRICT rd 666:666 address-family ipv4 exit-address-family vrf definition LS-FW_BRIDGE description BRIDGE BETWEEN CONTENT FILTER AND FIREWALL rd 500:500 address-family ipv4 exit-address-family vrf definition Mgmt-vrf address-family ipv4 exit-address-family address-family ipv6 exit-address-family logging buffered 64000 logging console informational enable secret aaa new-model aaa group server radius rad1 ip vrf forwarding Mgmt-vrf ip radius source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0 aaa authentication login default group radius local aaa authentication enable default enable aaa accounting exec default aaa accounting commands 15 default aaa accounting connection default aaa session-id common clock timezone EST -5 0 switch 1 provision c9300-24ux call-home If contact email address in call-home is configured as sch-smart-licensing@cisco.com the email address configured in Cisco Smart License Portal will be used as contact email address to send SCH notifications. contact-email-addr sch-smart-licensing@cisco.com profile CiscoTAC-1 active destination transport-method http no destination transport-method email ip routing ip name-server no ip domain lookup ip domain name contoso.com login on-success log no device-tracking logging theft clns routing crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1401024416 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1401024416 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1401024416 crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint enrollment pkcs12 revocation-check crl crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1401024416 certificate self-signed 01 3 quit crypto pki certificate chain SLA-TrustPoint certificate ca 01 3 quit system mtu 9000 license boot level network-advantage addon dna-advantage diagnostic bootup level minimal spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst spanning-tree extend system-id archive log config record rc logging enable logging size 1000 notify syslog contenttype plaintext hidekeys path flash:/backed.up.configs/$h.cfg maximum 14 write-memory memory free low-watermark processor 134384 redundancy mode sso transceiver type all monitoring vlan dot1q tag native vlan 1096 name Core_Ext vlan 1400 name FW_INSIDE vlan 1500 name DISTRICT_CORE class-map match-any system-cpp-police-ewlc-control description EWLC Control class-map match-any system-cpp-police-topology-control description Topology control class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sw-forward description Sw forwarding, L2 LVX data packets, LOGGING, Transit Traffic class-map match-any system-cpp-default description EWLC Data, Inter FED Traffic class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sys-data description Openflow, Exception, EGR Exception, NFL Sampled Data, RPF Failed class-map match-any system-cpp-police-punt-webauth description Punt Webauth class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2lvx-control description L2 LVX control packets class-map match-any system-cpp-police-forus description Forus Address resolution and Forus traffic class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast-end-station description MCAST END STATION class-map match-any system-cpp-police-high-rate-app description High Rate Applications class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast description MCAST Data class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2-control description L2 control class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dot1x-auth description DOT1X Auth class-map match-any system-cpp-police-data description ICMP redirect, ICMP_GEN and BROADCAST class-map match-any system-cpp-police-stackwise-virt-control description Stackwise Virtual OOB class-map match-any non-client-nrt-class class-map match-any system-cpp-police-routing-control description Routing control and Low Latency class-map match-any system-cpp-police-protocol-snooping description Protocol snooping class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dhcp-snooping description DHCP snooping class-map match-any system-cpp-police-ios-routing description L2 control, Topology control, Routing control, Low Latency class-map match-any system-cpp-police-system-critical description System Critical and Gold Pkt class-map match-any system-cpp-police-ios-feature description ICMPGEN,BROADCAST,ICMP,L2LVXCntrl,ProtoSnoop,PuntWebauth,MCASTData,Transit,DOT1XAuth,Swfwd,LOGGING,L2LVXData,ForusTraffic,ForusARP,McastEndStn,Openflow,Exception,EGRExcption,NflSampled,RpfFailed policy-map system-cpp-policy interface Port-channel1 description DISTRICT_CORE_LACP switchport trunk allowed vlan 2307,1500 switchport mode trunk storm-control broadcast level 10.00 storm-control unicast level 10.00 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 vrf forwarding Mgmt-vrf ip address dhcp negotiation auto interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 description ISP_UPLINK switchport trunk allowed vlan 1096 switchport mode trunk interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 description DL_NETWORK shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3 description FIREWALL_OUTSIDE no switchport vrf forwarding LS-FW_BRIDGE ip address interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4 description DISTRICT_QnQ shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 description FIREWALL_INSIDE switchport trunk allowed vlan 2306,1400 switchport mode trunk interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 description DISTRICT_CORE_1 switchport trunk allowed vlan 2307,1500 switchport mode trunk storm-control broadcast level 10.00 storm-control unicast level 10.00 channel-group 1 mode active interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8 description DISTRICT_CORE_2 switchport trunk allowed vlan 2307,1500 switchport mode trunk storm-control broadcast level 10.00 storm-control unicast level 10.00 channel-group 1 mode active interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9 shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10 description FIREWALL_MGMT switchport access vlan 1096 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11 description UPS switchport access vlan 1096 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12 description RELAY_ROCKET/KVM switchport access vlan 3500 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13 description LIGHTSPEED_OUTSIDE no switchport ip address interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14 description LIGHTSPEED_MGMT switchport access vlan 3500 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15 description LIGHTPSEED_INSIDE no switchport vrf forwarding LS-FW_BRIDGE ip address interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16 description LIGHTSPEED_PROXY_MGMT switchport access vlan 0 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/17 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/19 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/21 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23 description shutdown interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24 description shutdown interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/1 description ISP_UPLINK switchport trunk allowed vlan 1096 switchport mode trunk interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/2 description DL_NETWORK shutdown interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/3 description FIREWALL_OUTSIDE no switchport vrf forwarding LS-FW_BRIDGE ip address interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/4 description DISTRICT_QnQ shutdown interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/5 description FIREWALL_INSIDE switchport trunk allowed vlan 2306,1400 switchport mode trunk interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/6 description shutdown interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/7 description DISTRICT_CORE_1 switchport trunk allowed vlan 2307,1500 switchport mode trunk storm-control broadcast level 10.00 storm-control unicast level 10.00 channel-group 1 mode active interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/8 description DISTRICT_CORE_2 switchport trunk allowed vlan 2307,1500 switchport mode trunk storm-control broadcast level 10.00 storm-control unicast level 10.00 channel-group 1 mode active interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown interface vlan1400 vrf forwarding DISTRICT ip address description FW_INSIDE interface vlan1500 vrf forwarding DISTRICT ip address description DISTRICT_CORE interface vlan1096 ip address description NEW_CORE_MGMT ip mtu 8986 interface vlan3500 ip address description Lightspeed_Management router ospf 500 vrf LS-FW_BRIDGE area 1096 nssa redistribute connected redistribute static network area 1096 network area 1096 bfd all-interfaces router ospf 666 vrf DISTRICT area 1096 nssa redistribute connected redistribute static network area 1096 bfd all-interfaces router ospf 15 router-id area 1096 nssa redistribute connected redistribute static network area 1096 network area 1096 bfd all-interfaces ip forward-protocol nd ip http server ip http authentication local ip http secure-server ip route ip route vrf LS-FW_BRIDGE ip route vrf Mgmt-vrf ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip route vrf DISTRICT ip ssh maxstartups 32 ip ssh version 2 radius server rad1 address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 non-standard key Stuff control-plane service-policy input system-cpp-policy banner login ^CC Access to this device is limited to authorized users only. WARNING: ALL unauthorized access is prohibited. ^C line con 0 stopbits 1 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 privilege level 15 logging synchronous transport input ssh transport output telnet ssh line vty 5 15 exec-timeout 0 0 privilege level 15 logging synchronous transport input ssh transport output ssh end 
    submitted by /u/williamfny
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    Cisco IOS-XE built in packet capture

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Question: Does the built in packet capture in IOS-XE 03.06.08.E on a C3850 capture packets before or after an ACL would filter them on an ingress port?


    I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue where certain devices are failing to reach the internet. The traffic enters our network from a VPLS hits a route map which routes it to a Cisco 3850 which has an insanely messy PBR config, which should then pass to our firewall.

    I've ran packet captures on the tunnel interface of the router and verified that traffic from the VPLS ( is reaching this end of the tunnel. I've also verified that the desired traffic is egressing the correct physical interface of the router.

    On the 3850 I have a packet capture created with monitor capture MYCAP access-list buffer-filter interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/5 both. ACL buffer-filter is

    10 permit ip any 20 permit ip any 

    I start the packet capture on the 3850 and the router, then run ping and traceroute from a host at

    The packet capture from the egress interface of the router shows all traffic to and from, including my pings to as well as DNS and other Windows stuff to the LAN subnet (

    The packet capture from the ingress interface of the 3850 shows the traffic from to, but no traffic destined to or any other non-RFC1918 address.

    Does the built in packet capture in IOS-XE capture packets before or after they would be filtered by an ACL? Gig1/0/5 is a routed port. No ACL appears to have been applied directly to the port.

    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 description DESCRIPTION no switchport ip address 

    Hardware is a Cisco WS-C3850-24T running IOS-XE 03.06.08.E

    submitted by /u/Qel_Hoth
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    Help understanding MLAG on Extreme Summit X460-10G

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Hey /Networking!

    First thing's first, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe, and thanks in advance for any responses.

    I'm a Brocade/Cisco/FortiNet guy, got tossed on a project utilizing Extreme Summit series gear and got a bit confused when it comes to stacking/MLAG configs.

    The architecture in question is simple, 2 FortiGates in HA up top, I'd like to run 10GIG down to a pair of Summit X460-10G switches below in full mesh. Normally with a Brocade or Cisco I'd just stack the suckers and spin up my MCLAG/VPC and call it a day.

    On these Extreme switches, it seems you don't need to "Stack" the gear to have an MLAG, it forms peer membership over L3 and provides some sort of magic unicorn fart MLAG compatibility. My question is, should I be stacking these switches before proceeding with this architecture? Or is the multi-switch link agg peer method reliable enough to run with?

    Thanks in advance all.

    submitted by /u/Matt5639
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    [Oxidized] Specific credentials on switches when the source is LibreNMS

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Hello !

    I have many procurve switches but some have a different password.
    With the router.db file, I know how to specify the password of a switch when it differs from the default password but with LibreNMS as source I have no clue.

    Where can I tell Oxidized / LibreNMS to use a different password for one switch ?

    Thank you !
    Have a good day :)

    submitted by /u/Lilooman
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    Cisco TrustSec

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I'd like to know if anyone has hands on with trustsec. Reason I ask is because I've done some reading about how it works and it doesn't seem to me like it solves any problems. Essentially, they've moved your ACLs that would normally be applied on your distribution block into the ISE, and setup access controls within the ISE. So I'm assuming you would just add relevant subnets of new buildings into the respective tag values to apply your access policy for new sites (as opposed to add it to a VLAN SVI on site). Then it seems that the tags are only evaluated (policy enforcement) for access control at the egress point. So what they've done is made it so your denied traffic consumes bandwidth across your network, taking a path it's not permitted to take, then dropping it once it gets there. I really must be missing something here, as this is just illogical. Is anyone using it, and if so is it helping you (and in what way it is helping you)? I'd like to understand the benefits as I only see drawbacks after reading about it.

    submitted by /u/sg4rb0sss
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    Proper way of swapping carriers.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Lets say you have two edge routers, iBGP between them, each with their own eBGP ISP uplink. Edge router (A) with ISP(X) and Edge router (B) with ISP (Y) and they are taking full table. Edge router A with ISP (X) is preferred primary using LocalPref. Now lets say you want to swap out ISP (Y) with ISP (Z) for my secondary. What should be the least impactful way of doing this?

    +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | ISP (X) | | ISP (Y) | | | | | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | | | | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | | | | | Edge Router (A) |----| Edge Router (B) | | higher local LP (primary) | | | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ 1. Stop advertising on Edge Router B via ISP (Y) 2. Wait a while, check looking glass, then shut down the uplink interface on Edge router B to ISP (Y) 3. Bring up the new ISP peer (Z) on Edge Router (B) (same thing as before just different peer IP) and set lower LP as before. How impactful will that be? Anything I'm missing? any caveats? Anything I should do on Edge Router (A)? Thanks in advance. 
    submitted by /u/411011
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    Needing some advice on a network redesign with budget limitations

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:18 AM PDT


    I have a school building that is very large and long, as it has had many additions over the years. Before my time here it was setup as a daisy chain of uplinks between each IDF, which ends up being around 8 hops by the time you get to the other end of the building. This wasn't a problem till devices grew on the network, then it became very slow and other services had problems. Even with vlans and QoS profiles set, voip calls drop and intranet services are slow.

    From the MDF to each IDF is old multimode 1Ge fiber that is connected to all Extreme Networks switches, mainly x440's or x460's.

    I would like to install new fiber runs from a new MDF location to each IDF, instead of the current daisy chain to eliminate hops. That way there is just one hop to the MDF. Due to budget cuts as a result of the pandemic, we will have to do this as cheap as possible and maybe a phased approach.

    I am thinking that we could buy pre-terminated fiber and run that to the locations ourselves and cut out hiring a company to do the work. My problem is I don't know what type of fiber to install. We would like to go to 10Ge, but if I am installing new fiber I will need it to work with my existing 1Ge switches and their SFP ports. If I install single mode it won't work with my existing switches as they can only do multimode. Unless I just get the single mode cable installed and wait for the money to become available for new switches to run it.

    If money becomes available later in the year, I would like to buy new switching at each location to support 10Ge uplinks. Extreme switches run about 3k and you have to pay another $500 just to enable 10Ge on SFP+ ports. I am happy with Extreme's products but we are also in a budget crunch. Does anyone have recommendations on switching that may lower the cost but also get us to 10Ge?

    Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/JayIT
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    Looking for a terminal session manager that also shows icmp ping device status

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm trying to find software that does a few things in one package. My goal is to have one place I can visually monitor status of several types of devices, and quickly initiate ssh sessions to multiple devices at a time.

    On top of all the standard things most terminal software does, I'm looking for...

    • batch import of CSV device/session list (preferably into folders)
    • tabbed or windowed terminal sessions
    • visual overview of device status in the connections tree (icmp ping status)
    • terminal keyword highlighting
    • command storage and execution with hotkeys and/or customizable buttons
    • scripting support (a bonus but not necessary)

    So far I've briefly tried

    • Remote Desktop Manager (really nice interface, having issues with batch import)
    • RoyalTS
    • mRemoteNG (only shows device status in details, not in overview/tree)
    • SecureCRT (this one seems to be the most powerful, but still missing the status as far as I can tell)

    Anyone ever looked for something similar?

    Am I asking too much?

    Am I approaching this from the wrong angle?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BrilliantMoose0
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    Unifi Switch (48 port) Not adopting

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Hello, I have an UniFi Network Switch with 2 AP coming off. The Switch is connected to a 1 GB modem/router provided by Comcast. The Switch goes to a computer lab. The Switch was working fine a few days ago and I went into the lab today and the switch was not providing internet.

    I did some troubleshooting and when opening the UniFi Network controller I noticed that the Adoption Failed on the Switch. I unplugged the switch and even did a reset and for some reason, the switch is still not adopting. There is internet from the modem router though. Any ideas? I have never encountered this before. Could the switch be faulty?

    submitted by /u/bobsigny
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    Site-To-Site Tunnel to Azure

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    We are attempting to establish a Site-To-Site tunnel from our Cisco Firepower 2110 to the Azure cloud using an IKEv2 IPSEC tunnel. Phase one of the tunnel is working without issue, but when we try to establish the IPSEC or Phase 2 part of the tunnel it fails and the Azure side says that there wasn't a matching proposal. I am almost totally sure we have the correct proposals on our side because we used the script Azure spit out for us to use in our ASA. Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated as I am stumped at this point.

    This is our config for the tunnel below

    PHASE 1: Working fine, establishes without issue.

    crypto ikev2 policy 1

    encryption aes-256

    integrity sha

    group 5 2

    prf sha

    lifetime seconds 86400

    PHASE 2: Will not establish due to a "policy mismatch".

    crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal Azure

    protocol esp encryption aes-256

    protocol esp integrity sha-256

    crypto ipsec profile Azure

    set ikev2 ipsec-proposal Azure

    crypto ipsec security-association pmtu-aging infinite

    group-policy internal

    group-policy attributes

    vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev2

    tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l

    tunnel-group general-attributes


    tunnel-group ipsec-attributes

    ikev2 remote-authentication pre-shared-key ********

    ikev2 local-authentication pre-shared-key *********

    no tunnel-group-map enable peer-ip

    tunnel-group-map default-group

    ! crypto map outside500_map 1 match address outside500_cryptomap_1

    crypto map outside500_map 1 set peer

    crypto map outside500_map 1 set ikev2 ipsec-proposal Azure

    crypto map outside500_map 1 set ikev2 pre-shared-key *****

    crypto map outside500_map interface outside500

    crypto ikev2 enable outside

    submitted by /u/FunkyBuddha73
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    Cisco Asr queue limit TR linecard

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    Having a cisco asr 9k with a tr linecard and 2 physical links in a bundle interface. Now creating subinterfaces on that be interface. How many service-policies can be applied on the subinterfaces? Cisco doc says 8 queues per port on tr cards. Already have 10 subinterfaces with 'service-policy input / service-policy output). Maybe 16 because of 2 phy ports in the be?

    submitted by /u/mr_networkrobot
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    Help with upgrading network for redundancy. Proxmox/Pfsense/Edgeswitch

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Our company has been growing and so I received the go-ahead for upgrades. I am an engineer, however not in the IT field. I have self taught myself everything IT related so I lack professional experience and so I turn to you guys for advice before going down the wrong rabbit hole.

    Some background: We have an Edgerouter er8-pro handling our routing/firewall/vpn-tunnels which went into a 48p unmanaged switch. From there we have a star pattern with additional smaller switches to pool our workstations together. In no situation is there >2 switches between Router/Wrkstn.


    • WAN - local isp with 400/400mbps SFP. We purchased a 2nd isp (GPON) with 200/200mbps. The 2nd one had issues with the SFP/GPON module so we have a converter to rj45.
    • New Dell Epyc server - This was added recently for upgrade purposes. Runs Proxmox and currently is only our sstp-VPN server (thanks covid) until i get pfSense setup. Details: 16c, 64gb, intel quad-gig nic, SSDs.
    • Switches - We got 2 Edgeswitch 48-Lite to replace the unmanged. 1 is currently in use and it only has a VLAN to route the WANs instead of plugging directly to router.
    • Synology - we use a DS3617xs and will soon be buying a 2nd for HA.
    • Ubiquiti for WiFi - For convenience not production.
    • Misc - A few devices like raspberryPi USB server and others which shouldn't be relevant here.
    • Roughly 150 workstations and growing. Building capacity is limited to around 200 so we won't grow beyond that without remote workers.

    Current Goal: My idea is to get rid of the Edgerouter and start building up the redundancy. I am in the process of setting up the pfSense VM for the switch over. Redundancy plan is to have the server connected to both switches. Each switch will have one of the WANs. All of the star-switches will also have a 2nd cable going to 2nd switch. The 2 switches will be connected with a 10g SFP+ fiber as a Trunk. Since the Synology has 4 NICs, I can split that between the 2 switches in a LAGG. I will also build a secondary system for Proxmox HA.

    Now for some questions:

    Does any of this seem cringe worthy? From my perspective there won't be a single point of failure that brings down the whole network.

    pfSense LAN - My assumption is that I will setup a LAGG so that it can be connected to both switches. Question is, should this be done on pfSense side, or should i setup bonding on the Proxmox linux bridge?

    Any issues with having the switches setup this way or will they explode :D ?

    Any advice or comments will be greatly appreciated. I do have the option to purchase extra equipment, but please refrain from suggesting a $10k expense and turning everything upside down.


    submitted by /u/Ziomalski
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    Unifi USG Pro 4 - L2TP Client VPN Issue

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:44 PM PDT


    I am at the end of my rope with this one. I know I'm missing something silly. Here's what's going on.

    I have a unifi USG pro 4, it has a public address (no double NAT) running a client VPN server. Whenever I try to connect from Mac OS or Windows I get the same error message when looking at swanctl --log

    03[ENC] invalid ID_V1 payload length, decryption failed?

    03[ENC] could not decrypt payloads

    03[IKE] message parsing failed

    I've verified bi-directional communication between the client and USG, and checked the shared secret on both sides to make sure they match. This problem occurs regardless of whether the built in USG radius server is being used or a windows NPS server we have configured. In fact, it fails before it even gets to user authentication. I've checked client settings and they appear to match Ubiquiti's documentation. Here is ubiquiti's documentation on the setup.

    Everything I have found on that error message listed above has said it's either a shared secret mismatch or firmware/software issue. My USG was running the latest, 4.51 and I rolled it back to 4.50 for kicks, same result.

    I could use some creative ideas :) Thanks in advance


    submitted by /u/christianmscott
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    Feedback on Frontier Communications SIP Trunk and DIA products

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I have a customer that is considering using Frontier Communications for their Enterprise SIP provider, and for DIA connections at two Datacenters. The primary datacenter is in Southern California, and the Secondary is in Texas. The DIA connection is 1gbps fiber. The SIP Trunk would support roughly 800-1000 phones that are heavily used. The business deals with medical claim intakes, so their workforce spends a vast majority of their time taking phone calls. For that reason, they require rock solid connectivity, and reliable technical support.

    I've never used Frontier for Business class service. But I'm sure there are plenty of engineers on this sub who have. Can I get some feedback on your opinions of them as a provider?

    submitted by /u/Huth_S0lo
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    Cisco Expressway dual NIC setup Jabber

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    We have Cisco Jabber deployed with MRA via Expressway E and C with the E using dual NIC deployment with each interface in a separate DMZ zone. We are experiencing some weird issues where certain calls intitiated from an external Jabber client via MRA fail. The dual NIC deployment on the Expressway E has one NIC in one DMZ facing the internet with an IP NATd on our firewall and the other NIC facing the internal network in another DMZ zone. The internal NIC I understand is only supposed to communicate with the Expressway C (the secure traversal zone?) which has IP on the same network as our Call Manager servers. When troubleshooting we check our firewall logs to look for traffic from the Expressway E internal IP to the Expressway C IP we see nothing. We see some traffic in the opposite direction, Expressway C to E. When running ping/traceroute from the Expressway E internal IP to the Expressway C IP we see traffic takes the correct route and is logged on our firewall but we don't actually see call traffic logged ever. Somehow majority of calls placed from Jabber client over MRA still work so not sure how this traffic is getting through our firewall without being logged?

    submitted by /u/humongouscrab
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    Use Duplex fiber cable in Simplex installation

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    I'm discussing the following with a colleague and we haven't been able to find our answer through Google.

    If we have an installation that has two BiDi Singlemode SFP modules in each end (different wavelength), but we only have a Duplex Singlemode fiber cable (2 strands of fiber together) at our disposal. Is it possible to use just one of these fibers (temporarily) and let the other strand of fiber be left unused, or is a Simplex Singlemode fiber cable required?

    To simplify the question: Is a duplex singlemode fiber cable simply two simplex singlemode fiber cables stuck together?

    submitted by /u/itpsych0
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    Propagating session information between two firewalls to control access

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Suppose I have a simple network like this:

    Supplicant - FW1 - Server

    Upon authenticating to the network, FW1 uses some magic to apply an ACL to the supplicant's IP, and access to Server is permitted and everything's good in the neighborhood.

    Now suppose I need to throw in another firewall for whatever reason, so now we have:

    Supplicant - FW1 - FW2 - Server

    Provided everyone's talking Cisco and there's ISE or whatever, the authenticator can inject SGT into the supp's frame and I think everything would Just Work.

    However, suppose not everyone's talking Cisco. Is there some way to inject SGT tags into a frame (or something equivalent) with RADIUS? Some other vendor-agnostic way to pass session information around for this purpose?

    (ORRRRR is this unnecessary and should we just control access using FW1, which is closest to the source of the traffic?)

    submitted by /u/pine_appeal
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    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT


    Encountered this SSCM link failed issue and would like to verify what could be the root cause of this issue? We have 1 parent and 2 child servers and this issue is only encountered between parent1 and child2 while connection from parent to child1 is stable. Each servers (parent,child) is located in different site and using different transport medium (mpls, tunnel).

    Diagram: https://ibb.co/4ZQY9pW

    Now the issue here is we don't manage the Server and I not that familiar in troubleshooting this type of application/setup.

    During the issue we can able to validated that ping is working fine and other protocols like RDP from parent1 to child2 while we still see this link failed from SCCM status. Checked also that there no network issue and this is the only issue reported between the site. No link error, congestion, routing issue between parent1 and child2. Also no filtering is being applied that may affect the communication as this issue happens in sometime.

    With that, I would like to ask what could be the issue here? Anyone here can shed some light in how this sccm syncronization works?

    1, What protocol is being use to check the link status from SCCM parent and child2?

    1. Is it purely SMB being use between SCCM parent - child2?

    2. What other this need to be check on network and the physcal server?

    Please share on input and idea how to troubleshoot this.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/1searching
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    Budget router question for coffee shop

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Hello guys, my friend is working at a webshop which has a small coffee shop too. They asked me to help them out. They want 2 wifies - one for the webshop and one for the coffee shop for guests. I told theme they should keep the modem at the webshop part and that they should buy a router to connect it with the modem and have a guest wi-fi for the coffee shop. My question would be : what budget router do you guys think would be the best fit ( the coffee shop's capacity is around 10-20 ppl). They didn't say how much they want to spend on it, i guess they want the less expensive thing.

    submitted by /u/nohuska
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    DNS reverse zone management after ISP change

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I tried to google to answer my question, but since I am not sure if my theory is correct, I would appreciate to get a second opinion from the seasoned DNS masters of Reddit.

    We are changing our ISP soon and the new ISP is only able to manage the reverse zone. The contract with our current ISP (who also managed our DNS) is valid until September, so our plan is to leave the forward zones with the current ISP until after the major change. We will get new public IPs assigned and the new ISP will take care of the PTR records. We will inform our current ISP of the new IPs so they can update the A records.

    Now, I am not sure if I have to inform the current ISP that they have to remove (if that is the correct term) the reverse zones from their management since the new ISP will take this over or if we can just let them know which changes they have to implement for the forward zone and thats it.

    I checked our domains in Google dig and couldn't find any PTR records there, so I guess we don't have to specifically tell them to stop managing the reverse zone? I kinda inherited all the infrastructure from a guy who was recently retired and unfortunately neither he nor anyone else could tell me what the current ISP was exactly managing for us in terms of DNS.

    What is the best path forward here, so that the change will complete smoothly?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/krambamboulli
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